requireExtension( 'DiscussionTools' ); $this->addDescription( 'Persist thread item information for the given pages/revisions' ); $this->addOption( 'rev', 'Revision ID to process', false, true, false, true ); $this->addOption( 'page', 'Page title to process', false, true, false, true ); $this->addOption( 'all', 'Process the whole wiki' ); $this->addOption( 'current', 'Process current revisions only' ); $this->addOption( 'start', 'Restart from this position (as printed by the script)', false, true ); $this->setBatchSize( 100 ); } public function execute() { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $this->dbr = $this->getDB( DB_REPLICA ); $this->itemStore = $services->getService( 'DiscussionTools.ThreadItemStore' ); $this->revStore = $services->getRevisionStore(); $qb = $this->dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder(); $qb->queryInfo( $this->revStore->getQueryInfo( [ 'page' ] ) ); if ( $this->getOption( 'all' ) ) { // Do nothing } elseif ( $this->getOption( 'page' ) ) { $linkBatch = $services->getLinkBatchFactory()->newLinkBatch(); foreach ( $this->getOption( 'page' ) as $page ) { $linkBatch->addObj( Title::newFromText( $page ) ); } $pageIds = array_map( static function ( $page ) { return $page->getId(); }, $linkBatch->getPageIdentities() ); $qb->where( [ 'rev_page' => $pageIds ] ); } elseif ( $this->getOption( 'rev' ) ) { $qb->where( [ 'rev_id' => $this->getOption( 'rev' ) ] ); } else { $this->error( "One of 'all', 'page', or 'rev' required" ); $this->maybeHelp( true ); return; } if ( $this->getOption( 'current' ) ) { $qb->where( 'rev_id = page_latest' ); $index = [ 'page_id' ]; } else { // Process in order by page and time to avoid confusing results while the script is running $index = [ 'rev_page', 'rev_timestamp', 'rev_id' ]; } $this->process( $qb, $index ); } /** * @param SelectQueryBuilder $qb * @param array $index */ private function process( SelectQueryBuilder $qb, array $index ): void { $qb->caller( __METHOD__ ); // estimateRowCount() refuses to work when fields are set, so we can't just call it on $qb $countQueryInfo = $qb->getQueryInfo(); $count = $qb->newSubquery() ->rawTables( $countQueryInfo['tables'] ) ->where( $countQueryInfo['conds'] ) ->options( $countQueryInfo['options'] ) ->joinConds( $countQueryInfo['join_conds'] ) ->caller( __METHOD__ ) ->estimateRowCount(); $this->output( "Processing... (estimated $count rows)\n" ); $processed = 0; $updated = 0; $qb->orderBy( $index ); $batchSize = $this->getBatchSize(); $qb->limit( $batchSize ); $batchStart = null; if ( $this->getOption( 'start' ) ) { $batchStart = json_decode( $this->getOption( 'start' ) ); if ( !$batchStart ) { $this->error( "Invalid 'start'" ); } } while ( true ) { $qbForBatch = clone $qb; if ( $batchStart ) { $batchStartCond = $this->dbr->buildComparison( '>', array_combine( $index, $batchStart ) ); $qbForBatch->where( $batchStartCond ); $batchStartOutput = Shell::escape( json_encode( $batchStart ) ); $this->output( "--start $batchStartOutput\n" ); } $res = $qbForBatch->fetchResultSet(); foreach ( $res as $row ) { $updated += (int)$this->processRow( $row ); } $processed += $res->numRows(); $this->output( "Processed $processed (updated $updated) of $count rows\n" ); $this->waitForReplication(); if ( $res->numRows() < $batchSize || !isset( $row ) ) { // Done break; } // Update the conditions to select the next batch. $batchStart = []; foreach ( $index as $field ) { $batchStart[] = $row->$field; } } $this->output( "Finished!\n" ); } /** * @param stdClass $row Database table row * @return bool */ private function processRow( stdClass $row ): bool { $changed = false; try { $rev = $this->revStore->newRevisionFromRow( $row ); $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $rev->getPageAsLinkTarget() ); if ( HookUtils::isAvailableForTitle( $title ) ) { $threadItemSet = HookUtils::parseRevisionParsoidHtml( $rev ); // Store permalink data $changed = $this->itemStore->insertThreadItems( $rev, $threadItemSet ); } } catch ( Throwable $e ) { $this->output( "Error while processing revid=$row->rev_id, pageid=$row->rev_page\n" ); MWExceptionRenderer::output( $e, MWExceptionRenderer::AS_RAW ); } return $changed; } } $maintClass = PersistRevisionThreadItems::class; require_once RUN_MAINTENANCE_IF_MAIN;