var controller = require( './controller.js' ), modifier = require( './modifier.js' ), parser = require( './parser.js' ), logger = require( './logger.js' ), storage =, scrollPadding = { top: 10, bottom: 10 }, config = require( './config.json' ), // TODO: Remember last editor used defaultVisual = false, enableVisual = config.enableVisual || ( new mw.Uri() ).query.dtvisual; // Start loading reply widget code if ( defaultVisual && enableVisual ) { mw.loader.using( 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetVisual' ); } else { mw.loader.using( 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetPlain' ); } function CommentController( $pageContainer, comment, thread ) { this.$pageContainer = $pageContainer; this.comment = comment; this.thread = thread; this.newListItem = null; this.replyWidgetPromise = null; this.$replyLinkButtons = $( '' ) .addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-buttons' ); // Reply this.$replyLink = $( '' ) .addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-reply' ) .text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replylink' ) ) .attr( { role: 'button', tabindex: '0' } ) .on( 'click keypress', this.onReplyLinkClick.bind( this ) ); this.$replyLinkButtons.append( this.$replyLink ); modifier.addReplyLink( comment, this.$replyLinkButtons[ 0 ] ); if ( storage.get( 'reply/' + + '/body' ) ) { this.setup(); } } OO.initClass( CommentController ); /* CommentController private utilities */ /** * Get the latest revision ID of the page. * * @param {string} pageName * @return {jQuery.Promise} */ function getLatestRevId( pageName ) { return ( new mw.Api() ).get( { action: 'query', prop: 'revisions', rvprop: 'ids', rvlimit: 1, titles: pageName, formatversion: 2 } ).then( function ( resp ) { return resp.query.pages[ 0 ].revisions[ 0 ].revid; } ); } /** * Like #getParsoidCommentData, but assumes the comment was found on the current page, * and then follows transclusions to determine the source page where it is written. * * @param {string} commentId Comment ID, from a comment parsed in the local document * @return {jQuery.Promise} */ function getParsoidTranscludedCommentData( commentId ) { var promise, pageName = mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ), oldId = mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' ); function followTransclusion( recursionLimit, code, data ) { var errorData; if ( recursionLimit > 0 && code === 'comment-is-transcluded' ) { errorData = data.errors[ 0 ].data; if ( errorData.follow && typeof errorData.transcludedFrom === 'string' ) { return getLatestRevId( errorData.transcludedFrom ).then( function ( latestRevId ) { // Fetch the transcluded page, until we cross the recursion limit return controller.getParsoidCommentData( errorData.transcludedFrom, latestRevId, commentId ) .catch( followTransclusion.bind( null, recursionLimit - 1 ) ); } ); } } return $.Deferred().reject( code, data ); } // Arbitrary limit of 10 steps, which should be more than anyone could ever need // (there are reasonable use cases for at least 2) promise = controller.getParsoidCommentData( pageName, oldId, commentId ) .catch( followTransclusion.bind( null, 10 ) ); return promise; } /* Methods */ CommentController.prototype.onReplyLinkClick = function ( e ) { if ( e.type === 'keypress' && e.which !== OO.ui.Keys.ENTER && e.which !== OO.ui.Keys.SPACE ) { // Only handle keypresses on the "Enter" or "Space" keys return; } e.preventDefault(); this.setup(); }; CommentController.prototype.setup = function () { var parsoidPromise, commentController = this; // TODO: Allow users to use multiple reply widgets simultaneously. // Currently submitting a reply from one widget would also destroy the other ones. // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-class-state if ( this.$pageContainer.hasClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' ) ) { // Support: IE 11 // On other browsers, the link is made unclickable using 'pointer-events' in CSS return; } this.$pageContainer.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector $( '.dt-init-replylink-reply' ).attr( { tabindex: '-1' } ); // Suppress page takeover behavior for VE editing so that our unload // handler can warn of data loss. // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector $( '#ca-edit, #ca-ve-edit, .mw-editsection a, #ca-addsection' ).off( '.ve-target' ); logger( { action: 'init', type: 'page', mechanism: 'click', // TODO: Use 'wikitext-2017' when config.enable2017Wikitext is set // eslint-disable-next-line camelcase editor_interface: defaultVisual ? 'visual' : 'wikitext' } ); this.$replyLinkButtons.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-active' ); if ( !this.replyWidgetPromise ) { parsoidPromise = getParsoidTranscludedCommentData( ); this.replyWidgetPromise = parsoidPromise.then( function ( parsoidData ) { return commentController.createReplyWidget( parsoidData ); }, function ( code, data ) { commentController.teardown(); OO.ui.alert( code instanceof Error ? code.toString() : ( new mw.Api() ).getErrorMessage( data ), { size: 'medium' } ); logger( { action: 'abort', type: 'preinit' } ); commentController.replyWidgetPromise = null; return $.Deferred().reject(); } ); // On first load, add a placeholder list item commentController.newListItem = modifier.addListItem( commentController.comment ); $( commentController.newListItem ).text( mw.msg( 'discussiontools-replywidget-loading' ) ); } commentController.replyWidgetPromise.then( function ( replyWidget ) { if ( !commentController.newListItem ) { // On subsequent loads, there's no list item yet, so create one now commentController.newListItem = modifier.addListItem( commentController.comment ); } $( commentController.newListItem ).empty().append( replyWidget.$element ); commentController.setupReplyWidget( replyWidget, true ); logger( { action: 'ready' } ); logger( { action: 'loaded' } ); } ); }; CommentController.prototype.getReplyWidgetClass = function ( visual ) { var moduleName; if ( visual === undefined ) { visual = defaultVisual; } moduleName = visual ? 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetVisual' : 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidgetPlain'; return mw.loader.using( moduleName ).then( function () { return require( moduleName ); } ); }; CommentController.prototype.createReplyWidget = function ( parsoidData, visual ) { var commentController = this; return this.getReplyWidgetClass( visual ).then( function ( ReplyWidget ) { return new ReplyWidget( commentController, parsoidData, { switchable: enableVisual, input: { authors: parser.getAuthors( commentController.thread ) } } ); } ); }; CommentController.prototype.setupReplyWidget = function ( replyWidget, scrollIntoView ) { replyWidget.connect( this, { teardown: 'teardown' } ); replyWidget.setup(); if ( scrollIntoView ) { replyWidget.scrollElementIntoView( { padding: scrollPadding } ); } replyWidget.focus(); this.replyWidget = replyWidget; }; CommentController.prototype.teardown = function () { this.$replyLinkButtons.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-active' ); this.$pageContainer.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' ); // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector $( '.dt-init-replylink-reply' ).attr( { tabindex: '0' } ); // We deliberately mangled edit links earlier so VE can't steal our page; // have it redo setup to fix those. if ( && ) {; } modifier.removeAddedListItem( this.newListItem ); this.newListItem = null; this.$replyLink.trigger( 'focus' ); }; CommentController.prototype.postReply = function ( parsoidData ) { var wikitext, doc, container, newParsoidItem, comment = parsoidData.comment; doc = comment.range.endContainer.ownerDocument; container = doc.createElement( 'div' ); if ( this.replyWidget.getMode() === 'source' ) { // Convert wikitext to comment DOM wikitext = this.replyWidget.getValue(); // Use autoSign to avoid double signing wikitext = controller.sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks( controller.autoSignWikitext( wikitext ) ); wikitext.split( '\n' ).forEach( function ( line ) { var p = doc.createElement( 'p' ); p.appendChild( modifier.createWikitextNode( doc, line ) ); container.appendChild( p ); } ); } else { container.innerHTML = this.replyWidget.getValue(); // If the last node isn't a paragraph (e.g. it's a list), then // add another paragraph to contain the signature. if ( container.lastChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== 'p' ) { container.appendChild( doc.createElement( 'p' ) ); } // Sign the last line // TODO: Check if the user tried to sign in visual mode by typing wikitext? // TODO: When we implement posting new topics, the leading space will create an indent-pre container.lastChild.appendChild( modifier.createWikitextNode( doc, ' ~~~~' ) ); } // Transfer comment DOM to Parsoid DOM // Wrap every root node of the document in a new list item (dd/li). // In wikitext mode every root node is a paragraph. // In visual mode the editor takes care of preventing problematic nodes // like or

from ever occurring in the comment. while ( container.children.length ) { if ( !newParsoidItem ) { newParsoidItem = modifier.addListItem( comment ); } else { newParsoidItem = modifier.addSiblingListItem( newParsoidItem ); } newParsoidItem.appendChild( container.firstChild ); } return $.Deferred().resolve().promise(); }; = function ( parsoidData ) { var root, summaryPrefix, summary, postPromise, savePromise, mode = this.replyWidget.getMode(), comment = parsoidData.comment, pageData = parsoidData.pageData, commentController = this; // Update the Parsoid DOM postPromise = this.postReply( parsoidData ); root = comment; while ( root && root.type !== 'heading' ) { root = root.parent; } if ( root.placeholderHeading ) { // This comment is in 0th section, there's no section title for the edit summary summaryPrefix = ''; } else { summaryPrefix = '/* ' + root.range.startContainer.innerText + ' */ '; } summary = summaryPrefix + mw.msg( 'discussiontools-defaultsummary-reply' ); return $.when( this.replyWidget.checkboxesPromise, postPromise ).then( function ( checkboxes ) { var captchaInput = commentController.replyWidget.captchaInput, data = { page: pageData.pageName, oldid: pageData.oldId, summary: summary, baserevid: pageData.oldId, starttimestamp: pageData.startTimeStamp, etag: pageData.etag, assert: mw.user.isAnon() ? 'anon' : 'user', assertuser: mw.user.getName() || undefined, dttags: [ 'discussiontools', 'discussiontools-reply', 'discussiontools-' + mode ].join( ',' ) }; if ( captchaInput ) { data.captchaid = captchaInput.getCaptchaId(); data.captchaword = captchaInput.getCaptchaWord(); } if ( checkboxes.checkboxesByName.wpWatchthis ) { data.watchlist = checkboxes.checkboxesByName.wpWatchthis.isSelected() ? 'watch' : 'unwatch'; } savePromise = parsoidData.doc, data, { // No timeout. Huge talk pages take a long time to save, and falsely reporting an error can // result in duplicate messages when the user retries. (T249071) api: new mw.Api( { ajax: { timeout: 0 } } ) } ).catch( function ( code, data ) { // Handle edit conflicts. Load the latest revision of the page, then try again. If the parent // comment has been deleted from the page, or if retry also fails for some other reason, the // error is handled as normal below. if ( code === 'editconflict' ) { return getLatestRevId( pageData.pageName ).then( function ( latestRevId ) { return controller.getParsoidCommentData( pageData.pageName, latestRevId, ).then( function ( parsoidData ) { return parsoidData ); } ); } ); } return $.Deferred().reject( code, data ).promise(); } ); savePromise.then( function () { var watch; // Update watch link to match 'watch checkbox' in save dialog. // User logged in if module loaded. if ( mw.loader.getState( '' ) === 'ready' ) { watch = require( '' ); watch.updateWatchLink( // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector $( '#ca-watch a, #ca-unwatch a' ), data.watchlist === 'watch' ? 'unwatch' : 'watch' ); } } ); return savePromise; } ); }; CommentController.prototype.switchToWikitext = function () { var wikitextPromise, oldWidget = this.replyWidget, pageData = oldWidget.parsoidData.pageData, target =, commentController = this; wikitextPromise = target.getWikitextFragment( target.getSurface().getModel().getDocument(), { page: pageData.pageName, baserevid: pageData.oldId, etag: pageData.etag } ); this.replyWidgetPromise = this.createReplyWidget( oldWidget.parsoidData, false ); return $.when( wikitextPromise, this.replyWidgetPromise ).then( function ( wikitext, replyWidget ) { // Swap out the DOM nodes oldWidget.$element.replaceWith( replyWidget.$element ); // Teardown the old widget oldWidget.disconnect( commentController ); oldWidget.teardown(); replyWidget.setValue( controller.sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks( wikitext ) ); commentController.setupReplyWidget( replyWidget ); } ); }; CommentController.prototype.switchToVisual = function () { var parsePromise, oldWidget = this.replyWidget, wikitext = oldWidget.getValue(), pageData = oldWidget.parsoidData.pageData, commentController = this; wikitext = controller.sanitizeWikitextLinebreaks( wikitext ).trim(); if ( wikitext ) { wikitext = wikitext.split( '\n' ).map( function ( line ) { return ':' + line; } ).join( '\n' ); // Based on parsePromise = ( new mw.Api() ).post( { action: 'visualeditor', paction: 'parsefragment', page: pageData.pageName, wikitext: wikitext } ).then( function ( response ) { return response && response.visualeditor.content; } ); } else { parsePromise = $.Deferred().resolve( '' ).promise(); } this.replyWidgetPromise = this.createReplyWidget( oldWidget.parsoidData, true ); return $.when( parsePromise, this.replyWidgetPromise ).then( function ( html, replyWidget ) { var doc; // Swap out the DOM nodes oldWidget.$element.replaceWith( replyWidget.$element ); // Teardown the old widget oldWidget.disconnect( commentController ); oldWidget.teardown(); if ( html ) { doc = html ); // Unwrap list modifier.unwrapList( doc.body.children[ 0 ] ); } replyWidget.setValue( doc ); commentController.setupReplyWidget( replyWidget ); } ); }; module.exports = CommentController;