'parse', 'oldid' => $revision->getId() ], /* was posted? */ true ), /* enable write? */ true ); $api->execute(); $data = $api->getResult()->getResultData(); $doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $data['parse']['text'] ); $container = $doc->getElementsByTagName( 'body' )->item( 0 ); if ( !( $container instanceof DOMElement ) ) { throw new Error( 'Could not load revision for notifications' ); } return CommentParser::newFromGlobalState( $container ); } /** * @param array &$events * @param RevisionRecord $newRevRecord */ public static function generateEventsForRevision( array &$events, RevisionRecord $newRevRecord ) { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $dtConfig = $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'discussiontools' ); if ( $dtConfig->get( 'DiscussionTools_' . HookUtils::TOPICSUBSCRIPTION ) === 'unavailable' ) { // Feature disabled for all users return; } $revisionStore = $services->getRevisionStore(); $userFactory = $services->getUserFactory(); $oldRevRecord = $revisionStore->getPreviousRevision( $newRevRecord ); if ( $oldRevRecord === null ) { // TODO: Handle page creation (oldRevRecord = null?) return; } $title = Title::newFromLinkTarget( $newRevRecord->getPageAsLinkTarget() ); if ( !HookUtils::isAvailableForTitle( $title ) ) { // Not a talk page return; } $oldParser = self::getParsedRevision( $oldRevRecord ); $newParser = self::getParsedRevision( $newRevRecord ); $newComments = []; foreach ( $newParser->getCommentItems() as $newComment ) { if ( !$oldParser->findCommentById( $newComment->getId() ) ) { $newComments[] = $newComment; } } $mentionedUsers = []; foreach ( $events as $event ) { if ( $event['type'] === 'mention' || $event['type'] === 'mention-summary' ) { // Array is keyed by user id so we can do a simple array merge $mentionedUsers += $event['extra']['mentioned-users']; } } foreach ( $newComments as $newComment ) { $heading = $newComment->getHeading(); $events[] = [ 'type' => 'dt-subscribed-new-comment', 'title' => $title, 'extra' => [ 'subscribed-comment-name' => $heading->getName(), 'comment-id' => $newComment->getId(), 'content' => $newComment->getBodyText( true ), 'section-title' => $heading->getText(), 'revid' => $newRevRecord->getId(), 'mentioned-users' => $mentionedUsers, ], 'agent' => $userFactory->newFromName( $newComment->getAuthor(), UserFactory::RIGOR_NONE ), ]; } } /** * Return all users subscribed to a comment * * @param EchoEvent $event * @param int $batchSize * @return UserIdentity[]|Iterator */ public static function locateSubscribedUsers( EchoEvent $event, $batchSize = 500 ) { $commentName = $event->getExtraParam( 'subscribed-comment-name' ); $subscriptionStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'DiscussionTools.SubscriptionStore' ); $subscriptionItems = $subscriptionStore->getSubscriptionItemsForTopic( $commentName, 1 ); // Update notified timestamps $subscriptionStore->updateSubscriptionNotifiedTimestamp( null, $commentName ); // TODD: Have this return an Iterator instead? $users = array_map( function ( SubscriptionItem $item ) { return $item->getUserIdentity(); }, $subscriptionItems ); return $users; } }