nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE ) { $startNode = $node; $nodeText = ''; while ( $node ) { $nodeText .= $node->nodeValue; // In Parsoid HTML, entities are represented as a 'mw:Entity' node, rather than normal HTML // entities. On Arabic Wikipedia, the "UTC" timezone name contains some non-breaking spaces, // which apparently are often turned into   entities by buggy editing tools. To handle // this, we must piece together the text, so that our regexp can match those timestamps. if ( $node->nextSibling && $node->nextSibling->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->nextSibling->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) === 'mw:Entity' ) { $nodeText .= $node->nextSibling->firstChild->nodeValue; // If the entity is followed by more text, do this again if ( $node->nextSibling->nextSibling && $node->nextSibling->nextSibling->nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE ) { $node = $node->nextSibling->nextSibling; } else { $node = null; } } else { $node = null; } } $str = substr( $nodeText, 0, $nodeOffset ); // Count characters that require two code units to encode in UTF-16 $count = preg_match_all( '/[\x{010000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', $str ); $nodeOffset = mb_strlen( $str ) + $count; $node = $startNode; } $path = [ $nodeOffset ]; while ( $node !== $ancestor ) { if ( !$node->parentNode ) { throw new Error( 'Not a descendant' ); } array_unshift( $path, CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $node ) ); $node = $node->parentNode; } return implode( '/', $path ); } private static function serializeComments( stdClass &$parent, DOMElement $root ) : void { unset( $parent->parent ); // Can't serialize the DOM nodes involved in the range, // instead use their offsets within their parent nodes $parent->range = [ self::getOffsetPath( $root, $parent->range->startContainer, $parent->range->startOffset ), self::getOffsetPath( $root, $parent->range->endContainer, $parent->range->endOffset ) ]; if ( isset( $parent->signatureRanges ) ) { $parent->signatureRanges = array_map( function ( $range ) use ( $root ) { return [ self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->startContainer, $range->startOffset ), self::getOffsetPath( $root, $range->endContainer, $range->endOffset ) ]; }, $parent->signatureRanges ); } foreach ( $parent->replies as $reply ) { self::serializeComments( $reply, $root ); } } /** * @dataProvider provideTimestampRegexps * @covers ::getTimestampRegexp */ public function testGetTimestampRegexp( string $format, string $expected, string $message ) : void { $parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( CommentParser::newFromGlobalState() ); // HACK: Fix differences between JS & PHP regexes // TODO: We may just have to have two version in the test data $expected = preg_replace( '/\\\\u([0-9A-F]+)/', '\\\\x{$1}', $expected ); $expected = str_replace( ':', '\:', $expected ); $expected = '/' . $expected . '/u'; $result = $parser->getTimestampRegexp( $format, '\\d', [ 'UTC' => 'UTC' ] ); self::assertSame( $expected, $result, $message ); } public function provideTimestampRegexps() : array { return self::getJson( './cases/timestamp-regex.json' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideTimestampParser * @covers ::getTimestampParser */ public function testGetTimestampParser( string $format, array $data, string $expected, string $message ) : void { $parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( CommentParser::newFromGlobalState() ); $expected = new DateTimeImmutable( $expected ); $tsParser = $parser->getTimestampParser( $format, null, 'UTC', [ 'UTC' => 'UTC' ] ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $tsParser( $data ), $message ); } public function provideTimestampParser() : array { return self::getJson( './cases/timestamp-parser.json' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideTimestampParserDST * @covers ::getTimestampParser */ public function testGetTimestampParserDST( string $sample, string $expected, string $expectedUtc, string $format, string $timezone, array $timezoneAbbrs, string $message ) : void { $parser = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( CommentParser::newFromGlobalState() ); $regexp = $parser->getTimestampRegexp( $format, '\\d', $timezoneAbbrs ); $tsParser = $parser->getTimestampParser( $format, null, $timezone, $timezoneAbbrs ); $expected = new DateTimeImmutable( $expected ); $expectedUtc = new DateTimeImmutable( $expectedUtc ); preg_match( $regexp, $sample, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE ); $date = $tsParser( $match ); self::assertEquals( $expected, $date, $message ); self::assertEquals( $expectedUtc, $date, $message ); } public function provideTimestampParserDST() : array { return self::getJson( './cases/timestamp-parser-dst.json' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideAuthors * @covers ::getAuthors */ public function testGetAuthors( stdClass $thread, array $expected ) : void { $parser = CommentParser::newFromGlobalState(); self::assertEquals( $expected, $parser->getAuthors( $thread ) ); } public function provideAuthors() : array { return [ [ 'thread' => (object)[ 'replies' => [ (object)[ 'author' => 'Eve', 'replies' => [] ], (object)[ 'author' => 'Bob', 'replies' => [ (object)[ 'author' => 'Alice', 'replies' => [] ] ] ] ] ], 'expected' => [ 'Alice', 'Bob', 'Eve' ] ] ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideComments * @covers ::getComments * @covers ::groupThreads */ public function testGetComments( string $name, string $dom, string $expected, string $config, string $data ) : void { $dom = self::getHtml( $dom ); $expected = self::getJson( $expected ); $config = self::getJson( $config ); $data = self::getJson( $data ); $this->setupEnv( $config, $data ); $parser = self::createParser( $data ); $doc = self::createDocument( $dom ); $container = $doc->documentElement->childNodes[0]; $comments = $parser->getComments( $container ); $threads = $parser->groupThreads( $comments ); $processedThreads = []; foreach ( $threads as $i => $thread ) { self::serializeComments( $thread, $container ); $thread = json_decode( json_encode( $thread ), true ); $processedThreads[] = $thread; self::assertEquals( $expected[$i], $processedThreads[$i], $name . ' section ' . $i ); } } public function provideComments() : array { return self::getJson( './cases/comments.json' ); } /** * @dataProvider provideTranscludedFrom * @covers ::getComments * @covers ::groupThreads */ public function testGetTranscludedFrom( string $name, string $dom, string $expected, string $config, string $data ) : void { $dom = self::getHtml( $dom ); $expected = self::getJson( $expected ); $config = self::getJson( $config ); $data = self::getJson( $data ); $this->setupEnv( $config, $data ); $parser = self::createParser( $data ); $doc = self::createDocument( $dom ); $container = $doc->documentElement->childNodes[0]; CommentUtils::unwrapParsoidSections( $doc->documentElement ); $comments = $parser->getComments( $container ); $threads = $parser->groupThreads( $comments ); $transcludedFrom = []; foreach ( $comments as $comment ) { if ( $comment->id ) { $transcludedFrom[ $comment->id ] = $parser->getTranscludedFrom( $comment ); } } self::assertEquals( $expected, $transcludedFrom, $name ); } public function provideTranscludedFrom() : array { return self::getJson( './cases/transcluded.json' ); } }