let newTopicButton, ledeSectionDialog; let viewportScrollContainer = null; let wasKeyboardOpen = null; let initialClientHeight = null; // Copied from ve.init.Platform.static.isIos const isIos = /ipad|iphone|ipod/i.test( navigator.userAgent ); $( document.body ).toggleClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-ios', isIos ); function onViewportChange() { let isKeyboardOpen; if ( isIos ) { isKeyboardOpen = visualViewport.height < viewportScrollContainer.clientHeight; } else { // TODO: Support orientation changes? isKeyboardOpen = viewportScrollContainer.clientHeight < initialClientHeight; } if ( isKeyboardOpen !== wasKeyboardOpen ) { $( document.body ).toggleClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-virtual-keyboard-open', isKeyboardOpen ); } wasKeyboardOpen = isKeyboardOpen; } function init( $container ) { // For compatibility with MobileWebUIActionsTracking logging (T295490) $container.find( '.section-heading' ).attr( 'data-event-name', 'talkpage.section' ); // Keyboard body classes if ( !viewportScrollContainer && window.visualViewport ) { viewportScrollContainer = OO.ui.Element.static.getClosestScrollableContainer( document.body ); initialClientHeight = viewportScrollContainer.clientHeight; const onViewportChangeThrottled = OO.ui.throttle( onViewportChange, 100 ); $( visualViewport ).on( 'resize', onViewportChangeThrottled ); } // Lede section button // mf-section-0: Legacy parser // data-mw-section-id: Parsoid const $ledeContent = $container.find( '.mf-section-0, [data-mw-section-id="0"]' ).children( ':not( .ext-discussiontools-emptystate )' ) // On non-existent pages MobileFrontend wrapping isn't there .add( $container.find( '.mw-talkpageheader' ) ); const $ledeButton = $container.find( '.ext-discussiontools-init-lede-button' ); if ( $ledeButton.length ) { const windowManager = OO.ui.getWindowManager(); if ( !ledeSectionDialog ) { const LedeSectionDialog = require( './LedeSectionDialog.js' ); ledeSectionDialog = new LedeSectionDialog(); windowManager.addWindows( [ ledeSectionDialog ] ); } OO.ui.infuse( $ledeButton ).on( 'click', () => { mw.loader.using( 'oojs-ui-windows' ).then( () => { windowManager.openWindow( 'ledeSection', { $content: $ledeContent } ); mw.track( 'webuiactions_log.click', 'lede-button' ); } ); } ); mw.track( 'webuiactions_log.show', 'lede-button' ); } // New topic button // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector const $newTopicWrapper = $( '.ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic' ); if ( !newTopicButton && // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector $( '.ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-button' ).length ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector newTopicButton = OO.ui.infuse( $( '.ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-button' ) ); // For compatibility with MobileWebUIActionsTracking logging (T295490) newTopicButton.$element.attr( 'data-event-name', 'talkpage.add-topic' ); const $scrollContainer = $( OO.ui.Element.static.getClosestScrollableContainer( document.body ) ); const $scrollListener = $scrollContainer.is( 'html, body' ) ? $( OO.ui.Element.static.getWindow( $scrollContainer[ 0 ] ) ) : $scrollContainer; let lastScrollTop = $scrollContainer.scrollTop(); let wasScrollDown = null; const $body = $( document.body ); // This block of code is only run once, so we don't need to remove this listener ever $scrollListener[ 0 ].addEventListener( 'scroll', OO.ui.throttle( () => { // Round negative values up to 0 to ignore iOS scroll bouncing (T323400) const scrollTop = Math.max( $scrollContainer.scrollTop(), 0 ); const isScrollDown = scrollTop > lastScrollTop; if ( isScrollDown !== wasScrollDown ) { if ( !isScrollDown ) { $newTopicWrapper.css( 'transition', 'none' ); } $body.removeClass( [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-closed', 'ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-opened' ] ); requestAnimationFrame( () => { $newTopicWrapper.css( 'transition', '' ); $body.addClass( isScrollDown ? 'ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-close' : 'ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-open' ); setTimeout( () => { $body.removeClass( [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-close', 'ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-open' ] ); $body.addClass( isScrollDown ? 'ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-closed' : 'ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-opened' ); }, 250 ); } ); } const observer = new IntersectionObserver( ( ( entries ) => { $newTopicWrapper.toggleClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-new-topic-pinned', entries[ 0 ].intersectionRatio === 1 ); } ), { threshold: [ 1 ] } ); observer.observe( $newTopicWrapper[ 0 ] ); lastScrollTop = scrollTop; wasScrollDown = isScrollDown; }, 200 ), { passive: true } ); } // Tweak to prevent our footer buttons from overlapping Minerva skin elements (T328452). // TODO: It would be more elegant to do this in just CSS somehow. // BEWARE: I have wasted 4 hours here trying to make that happen. The elements are not nested in a // helpful way, and moving them around tends to break the stickiness of the "Add topic" button. /* eslint-disable no-jquery/no-global-selector */ if ( $( '.catlinks' ).filter( '[data-mw="interface"]' ).length || $( '#page-secondary-actions' ).children().length || $( '.return-link' ).length ) { $newTopicWrapper.addClass( 'ext-discussiontools-init-button-notFlush' ); } /* eslint-enable no-jquery/no-global-selector */ } // Handler for "edit" link in overflow menu, only setup once as the hook is global mw.hook( 'discussionToolsOverflowMenuOnChoose' ).add( ( id, menuItem, threadItem ) => { if ( id === 'edit' ) { // Click the hidden section-edit link $( threadItem.getRange().commonAncestorContainer ) .closest( '.ext-discussiontools-init-section' ).find( '.mw-editsection > a' ).trigger( 'click' ); } } ); /** * Close the lede section dialog if it is open. * * @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when the dialog is closed (or if it wasn't open) */ function closeLedeSectionDialog() { if ( ledeSectionDialog && ledeSectionDialog.isOpened() ) { return ledeSectionDialog.close().closed; } return $.Deferred().resolve(); } module.exports = { init: init, closeLedeSectionDialog: closeLedeSectionDialog };