signatureRanges = $signatureRanges; $this->timestampRanges = $timestampRanges; $this->timestamp = $timestamp; $this->author = $author; $this->displayName = $displayName; } /** * @inheritDoc CommentItemTrait::jsonSerialize */ public function jsonSerialize( bool $deep = false, ?callable $callback = null ): array { $data = $this->traitJsonSerialize( $deep, $callback ); if ( $this->displayName ) { $data['displayName'] = $this->displayName; } return $data; } /** * Get the HTML of this comment's body * * @param bool $stripTrailingSeparator Strip a trailing separator between the body and * the signature which consists of whitespace and hyphens e.g. ' --' * @return DocumentFragment Cloned fragment of the body content */ private function getBodyFragment( bool $stripTrailingSeparator = false ): DocumentFragment { $fragment = $this->getBodyRange()->cloneContents(); CommentModifier::unwrapFragment( $fragment ); if ( $stripTrailingSeparator ) { // Find a trailing text node $lastChild = $fragment->lastChild; while ( $lastChild && !( $lastChild instanceof Text ) ) { $lastChild = $lastChild->lastChild; } if ( $lastChild instanceof Text && preg_match( '/[\s\-~\x{2010}-\x{2015}\x{2043}\x{2060}]+$/u', $lastChild->nodeValue ?? '', $matches ) ) { $lastChild->nodeValue = substr( $lastChild->nodeValue ?? '', 0, -strlen( $matches[0] ) ); } } return $fragment; } /** * Get the HTML of this comment's body * * * @param bool $stripTrailingSeparator See getBodyFragment * @return string HTML */ public function getBodyHTML( bool $stripTrailingSeparator = false ): string { $fragment = $this->getBodyFragment( $stripTrailingSeparator ); return DOMUtils::getFragmentInnerHTML( $fragment ); } /** * Get the text of this comment's body * * @param bool $stripTrailingSeparator See getBodyFragment * @return string Text */ public function getBodyText( bool $stripTrailingSeparator = false ): string { $html = $this->getBodyHTML( $stripTrailingSeparator ); return Sanitizer::stripAllTags( $html ); } /** * Get a list of all users mentioned * * @return Title[] Title objects for mentioned user pages */ public function getMentions(): array { $fragment = $this->getBodyRange()->cloneContents(); // Note: DOMCompat::getElementsByTagName() doesn't take a DocumentFragment argument $links = DOMCompat::querySelectorAll( $fragment, 'a' ); $users = []; foreach ( $links as $link ) { $href = $link->getAttribute( 'href' ); if ( $href ) { $siteConfig = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainConfig(); $title = Title::newFromText( CommentUtils::getTitleFromUrl( $href, $siteConfig ) ); if ( $title && $title->inNamespace( NS_USER ) ) { // TODO: Consider returning User objects $users[] = $title; } } } return array_unique( $users ); } /** * @return ImmutableRange[] Comment signature ranges */ public function getSignatureRanges(): array { return $this->signatureRanges; } /** * @return ImmutableRange[] Comment timestamp ranges */ public function getTimestampRanges(): array { return $this->timestampRanges; } /** * @return ImmutableRange Range of the thread item's "body" */ public function getBodyRange(): ImmutableRange { // Exclude last signature from body $signatureRanges = $this->getSignatureRanges(); $lastSignature = end( $signatureRanges ); return $this->getRange()->setEnd( $lastSignature->startContainer, $lastSignature->startOffset ); } /** * @return DateTimeImmutable Comment timestamp */ public function getTimestamp(): DateTimeImmutable { return $this->timestamp; } /** * @return string Comment author */ public function getAuthor(): string { return $this->author; } /** * @return ?string Comment display name */ public function getDisplayName(): ?string { return $this->displayName; } /** * @inheritDoc CommentItemTrait::getHeading * @suppress PhanTypeMismatchReturnSuperType */ public function getHeading(): ContentHeadingItem { return $this->traitGetHeading(); } /** * @inheritDoc CommentItemTrait::getSubscribableHeading */ public function getSubscribableHeading(): ?ContentHeadingItem { return $this->traitGetSubscribableHeading(); } /** * @param ImmutableRange $signatureRange Comment signature range to add */ public function addSignatureRange( ImmutableRange $signatureRange ): void { $this->signatureRanges[] = $signatureRange; } /** * @param ImmutableRange[] $signatureRanges Comment signature ranges */ public function setSignatureRanges( array $signatureRanges ): void { $this->signatureRanges = $signatureRanges; } /** * @param DateTimeImmutable $timestamp Comment timestamp */ public function setTimestamp( DateTimeImmutable $timestamp ): void { $this->timestamp = $timestamp; } /** * @param string $author Comment author */ public function setAuthor( string $author ): void { $this->author = $author; } }