previousSibling ) ) { $i++; } return $i; } /** * Check whether a DOMNode contains (is an ancestor of) another DOMNode * * @param DOMNode $ancestor * @param DOMNode $descendant * @return bool */ public static function contains( DOMNode $ancestor, DOMNode $descendant ) : bool { // TODO can we use DOMNode->compareDocumentPosition() here maybe? $node = $descendant; while ( $node && $node !== $ancestor ) { $node = $node->parentNode; } return $node === $ancestor; } /** * Find closest ancestor element using one of the given tag names. * * @param DOMNode $node * @param string[] $tagNames * @return DOMElement|null */ public static function closestElement( DOMNode $node, array $tagNames ) : ?DOMElement { do { if ( $node->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && in_array( strtolower( $node->nodeName ), $tagNames ) ) { return $node; } $node = $node->parentNode; } while ( $node ); return null; } /** * Find the transclusion node which rendered the current node, if it exists. * * 1. Find the closest ancestor with an 'about' attribute * 2. Find the main node of the about-group (first sibling with the same 'about' attribute) * 3. If this is an mw:Transclusion node, return it; otherwise, go to step 1 * * @param DOMNode $node * @return DOMElement|null Translcusion node, null if not found * @suppress PhanUndeclaredMethod */ public static function getTranscludedFromElement( DOMNode $node ) : ?DOMElement { while ( $node ) { // 1. if ( $node->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->getAttribute( 'about' ) && preg_match( '/^#mwt\d+$/', $node->getAttribute( 'about' ) ) ) { $about = $node->getAttribute( 'about' ); // 2. while ( $node->previousSibling && $node->previousSibling->nodeType === XML_ELEMENT_NODE && $node->previousSibling->getAttribute( 'about' ) === $about ) { $node = $node->previousSibling; } // 3. if ( $node->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) && in_array( 'mw:Transclusion', explode( ' ', $node->getAttribute( 'typeof' ) ) ) ) { break; } } $node = $node->parentNode; } return $node; } /** * Trim ASCII whitespace, as defined in the HTML spec. * * @param string $str * @return string */ public static function htmlTrim( string $str ) : string { // return trim( $str, "\t\n\f\r " ); } /** * Get a node (if any) that contains the given comment, and nothing else. * * @param stdClass $comment Comment data returned by parser#groupThreads * @return DOMElement|null */ public static function getFullyCoveredWrapper( $comment ) { $ancestor = $comment->range->commonAncestorContainer; $isIgnored = function ( $node ) { // Ignore empty text nodes return $node->nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE && CommentUtils::htmlTrim( $node->nodeValue ) === ''; }; $firstNonemptyChild = function ( $node ) use ( $isIgnored ) { $node = $node->firstChild; while ( $node && $isIgnored( $node ) ) { $node = $node->nextSibling; } return $node; }; $lastNonemptyChild = function ( $node ) use ( $isIgnored ) { $node = $node->lastChild; while ( $node && $isIgnored( $node ) ) { $node = $node->previousSibling; } return $node; }; $startMatches = false; $node = $ancestor; while ( $node ) { if ( $comment->range->startContainer === $node && $comment->range->startOffset === 0 ) { $startMatches = true; break; } $node = $firstNonemptyChild( $node ); } $endMatches = false; $node = $ancestor; while ( $node ) { $length = ( $node->nodeType === XML_TEXT_NODE ) ? strlen( rtrim( $node->nodeValue, "\t\n\f\r " ) ) : // PHP bug: childNodes can be null for comment nodes // (it should always be a DOMNodeList, even if the node can't have children) ( $node->childNodes ? $node->childNodes->length : 0 ); if ( $comment->range->endContainer === $node && $comment->range->endOffset === $length ) { $endMatches = true; break; } $node = $lastNonemptyChild( $node ); } if ( $startMatches && $endMatches ) { // If this is the only child, go up one more level while ( $ancestor->parentNode && $firstNonemptyChild( $ancestor->parentNode ) === $lastNonemptyChild( $ancestor->parentNode ) ) { $ancestor = $ancestor->parentNode; } return $ancestor; } return null; } /** * Unwrap Parsoid sections * * @param DOMElement $element Parent element, e.g. document body * @param string|null $keepSection Section to keep */ public static function unwrapParsoidSections( DOMElement $element, string $keepSection = null ) : void { $xpath = new DOMXPath( $element->ownerDocument ); $sections = $xpath->query( '//section[@data-mw-section-id]', $element ); foreach ( $sections as $section ) { $parent = $section->parentNode; $sectionId = $section->getAttribute( 'data-mw-section-id' ); // Copy section ID to first child (should be a heading) if ( $sectionId !== '' && intval( $sectionId ) > 0 ) { $section->firstChild->setAttribute( 'data-mw-section-id', $sectionId ); } if ( $keepSection !== null && $sectionId === $keepSection ) { return; } while ( $section->firstChild ) { $parent->insertBefore( $section->firstChild, $section ); } $parent->removeChild( $section ); } } }