commentParser = $commentParser; $this->setLogger( LoggerFactory::getInstance( 'DiscussionTools' ) ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function execute() { $params = $this->extractRequestParams(); $title = Title::newFromText( $params['page'] ); $result = null; $dtConfig = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'discussiontools' ); $autoSubscribe = $dtConfig->get( 'DiscussionToolsAutoTopicSubEditor' ) === 'discussiontoolsapi' && HookUtils::shouldAddAutoSubscription( $this->getUser(), $title ); $subscribableHeadingName = null; $subscribableSectionTitle = ''; if ( !$title ) { $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-invalidtitle', wfEscapeWikiText( $params['page'] ) ] ); } $this->getErrorFormatter()->setContextTitle( $title ); $session = null; $usedFormTokensKey = 'DiscussionTools:usedFormTokens'; $formToken = $params['formtoken']; if ( $formToken ) { $session = $this->getContext()->getRequest()->getSession(); $usedFormTokens = $session->get( $usedFormTokensKey ) ?? []; if ( in_array( $formToken, $usedFormTokens ) ) { $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-discussiontools-formtoken-used' ] ); } } $this->requireOnlyOneParameter( $params, 'wikitext', 'html' ); if ( $params['paction'] === 'addtopic' ) { $this->requireAtLeastOneParameter( $params, 'sectiontitle' ); } // To determine if we need to add a signature, // preview the comment without adding one and check if the result is signed properly. $previewResult = $this->previewMessage( [ 'type' => $params['paction'] === 'addtopic' ? 'topic' : 'reply', 'title' => $title, 'wikitext' => $params['wikitext'], 'html' => $params['html'], 'sectiontitle' => $params['sectiontitle'], ] ); $previewResultHtml = $previewResult->getResultData( [ 'parse', 'text' ] ); $container = DOMCompat::getBody( DOMUtils::parseHTML( $previewResultHtml ) ); $threadItemSet = $this->commentParser->parse( $container, $title ); if ( CommentUtils::isSingleCommentSignedBy( $threadItemSet, $this->getUser()->getName(), $container ) ) { $signature = null; } else { $signature = $this->msg( 'discussiontools-signature-prefix' )->inContentLanguage()->text() . '~~~~'; } switch ( $params['paction'] ) { case 'addtopic': $wikitext = $params['wikitext']; $html = $params['html']; if ( $wikitext !== null ) { $wikitext = CommentUtils::htmlTrim( $wikitext ); if ( $signature !== null ) { $wikitext .= $signature; } } else { $doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( '' ); $container = DOMUtils::parseHTMLToFragment( $doc, $html ); if ( $signature !== null ) { CommentModifier::appendSignature( $container, $signature ); } $html = DOMUtils::getFragmentInnerHTML( $container ); $wikitext = $this->transformHTML( $title, $html )[ 'body' ]; } $mobileFormatParams = []; // Boolean parameters must be omitted completely to be treated as false. // Param is added by hook in MobileFrontend, so it may be unset. if ( isset( $params['mobileformat'] ) && $params['mobileformat'] ) { $mobileFormatParams['mobileformat'] = '1'; } // As section=new this is append only so we don't need to // worry about edit-conflict params such as oldid/baserevid/etag. // Edit summary is also automatically generated when section=new $context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getContext() ); $context->setRequest( new DerivativeRequest( $context->getRequest(), [ 'action' => 'visualeditoredit', 'paction' => 'save', 'page' => $params['page'], 'token' => $params['token'], 'wikitext' => $wikitext, // A default is provided automatically by the Edit API // for new sections when the summary is empty. 'summary' => $params['summary'], 'section' => 'new', 'sectiontitle' => $params['sectiontitle'], 'starttimestamp' => wfTimestampNow(), 'useskin' => $params['useskin'], 'watchlist' => $params['watchlist'], 'captchaid' => $params['captchaid'], 'captchaword' => $params['captchaword'] ] + $mobileFormatParams, /* was posted? */ true ) ); $api = new ApiMain( $context, /* enable write? */ true ); $api->execute(); $data = $api->getResult()->getResultData(); $result = $data['visualeditoredit']; if ( $autoSubscribe && isset( $result['content'] ) ) { // Determining the added topic's name directly is hard (we'd have to ensure we have the // same timestamp, and replicate some CommentParser stuff). Just pull it out of the response. $doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $result['content'] ); $subscribeLinks = DOMCompat::querySelectorAll( DOMCompat::getBody( $doc ), '.ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe-link' ); // Iterate to get the last item. (Also works if there are none somehow.) foreach ( $subscribeLinks as $link ) { $subscribableHeadingName = $link->getAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-name' ); } $subscribableSectionTitle = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getParser()->stripSectionName( $params['sectiontitle'] ); } break; case 'addcomment': $this->requireAtLeastOneParameter( $params, 'commentid', 'commentname' ); $commentId = $params['commentid'] ?? null; $commentName = $params['commentname'] ?? null; if ( !$title->exists() ) { // The page does not exist, so the comment we're trying to reply to can't exist either. if ( $commentId ) { $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-discussiontools-commentid-notfound', $commentId ] ); } else { $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-discussiontools-commentname-notfound', $commentName ] ); } } // Fetch the latest revision $requestedRevision = $this->getLatestRevision( $title ); $response = $this->requestRestbasePageHtml( $requestedRevision ); $headers = $response['headers']; $doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $response['body'] ); // Don't trust RESTBase to always give us the revision we requested, // instead get the revision ID from the document and use that. // Ported from $docRevId = null; $aboutDoc = $doc->documentElement->getAttribute( 'about' ); if ( $aboutDoc ) { preg_match( '/revision\\/([0-9]+)$/', $aboutDoc, $docRevIdMatches ); if ( $docRevIdMatches ) { $docRevId = (int)$docRevIdMatches[ 1 ]; } } if ( !$docRevId ) { $this->dieWithError( 'apierror-visualeditor-docserver', 'docserver' ); } if ( $docRevId !== $requestedRevision->getId() ) { // TODO: If this never triggers, consider removing the check. $this->getLogger()->warning( "Requested revision {$requestedRevision->getId()} " . "but received {$docRevId}." ); } $container = DOMCompat::getBody( $doc ); $threadItemSet = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'DiscussionTools.CommentParser' ) ->parse( $container, $title ); if ( $commentId ) { $comment = $threadItemSet->findCommentById( $commentId ); if ( !$comment || !( $comment instanceof CommentItem ) ) { $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-discussiontools-commentid-notfound', $commentId ] ); } } else { $comments = $threadItemSet->findCommentsByName( $commentName ); $comment = $comments[ 0 ] ?? null; if ( count( $comments ) > 1 ) { $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-discussiontools-commentname-ambiguous', $commentName ] ); } elseif ( !$comment || !( $comment instanceof CommentItem ) ) { $this->dieWithError( [ 'apierror-discussiontools-commentname-notfound', $commentName ] ); } } if ( $params['wikitext'] !== null ) { CommentModifier::addWikitextReply( $comment, $params['wikitext'], $signature ); } else { CommentModifier::addHtmlReply( $comment, $params['html'], $signature ); } if ( isset( $params['summary'] ) ) { $summary = $params['summary']; } else { $sectionTitle = $comment->getHeading()->getLinkableTitle(); $summary = ( $sectionTitle ? '/* ' . $sectionTitle . ' */ ' : '' ) . $this->msg( 'discussiontools-defaultsummary-reply' )->inContentLanguage()->text(); } if ( $autoSubscribe ) { $heading = $comment->getSubscribableHeading(); if ( $heading ) { $subscribableHeadingName = $heading->getName(); $subscribableSectionTitle = $heading->getLinkableTitle(); } } $context = new DerivativeContext( $this->getContext() ); $context->setRequest( new DerivativeRequest( $context->getRequest(), [ 'action' => 'visualeditoredit', 'paction' => 'save', 'page' => $params['page'], 'token' => $params['token'], 'oldid' => $docRevId, 'html' => DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $doc->documentElement ), 'summary' => $summary, 'baserevid' => $docRevId, 'starttimestamp' => wfTimestampNow(), 'etag' => $headers['etag'], 'useskin' => $params['useskin'], 'watchlist' => $params['watchlist'], 'captchaid' => $params['captchaid'], 'captchaword' => $params['captchaword'] ], /* was posted? */ true ) ); $api = new ApiMain( $context, /* enable write? */ true ); $api->execute(); // TODO: Tags are only added by 'dttags' existing on the original request // context (see Hook::onRecentChangeSave). What tags (if any) should be // added in this API? $data = $api->getResult()->getResultData(); $result = $data['visualeditoredit']; break; } if ( !isset( $result['newrevid'] ) && isset( $result['result'] ) && $result['result'] === 'success' ) { // No new revision, so no changes were made to the page (null edit). // Comment was not actually saved, so for this API, that's an error. // This is probably because changes were inside a transclusion's HTML? $this->dieWithError( 'discussiontools-error-comment-not-saved', 'comment-comment-not-saved' ); } if ( $autoSubscribe && $subscribableHeadingName ) { $subscriptionStore = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getService( 'DiscussionTools.SubscriptionStore' ); $subsTitle = $title->createFragmentTarget( $subscribableSectionTitle ); $subscriptionStore->addAutoSubscriptionForUser( $this->getUser(), $subsTitle, $subscribableHeadingName ); } // Check the post was successful (could have been blocked by ConfirmEdit) before // marking the form token as used. if ( $formToken && isset( $result['result'] ) && $result['result'] === 'success' ) { $usedFormTokens[] = $formToken; // Set an arbitrary limit of the number of form tokens to // store to prevent session storage from becoming full. // It is unlikely that form tokens other than the few most // recently used will be needed. while ( count( $usedFormTokens ) > 50 ) { // Discard the oldest tokens first array_shift( $usedFormTokens ); } $session->set( $usedFormTokensKey, $usedFormTokens ); } $this->getResult()->addValue( null, $this->getModuleName(), $result ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function getAllowedParams() { return [ 'paction' => [ ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true, ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => [ 'addcomment', 'addtopic', ], ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-paction', ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG_PER_VALUE => [], ], 'page' => [ ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true, ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-page', ], 'token' => [ ParamValidator::PARAM_REQUIRED => true, ], 'formtoken' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => 'string', ApiBase::PARAM_MAX_CHARS => 16, ], 'commentname' => null, 'commentid' => null, 'wikitext' => [ ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'text', ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => null, ], 'html' => [ ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'text', ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => null, ], 'summary' => [ ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'string', ParamValidator::PARAM_DEFAULT => null, ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-summary', ], 'sectiontitle' => [ ParamValidator::PARAM_TYPE => 'string', ], 'useskin' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE => array_keys( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getSkinFactory()->getInstalledSkins() ), ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-parse-param-useskin', ], 'watchlist' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-edit-param-watchlist', ], 'captchaid' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-captchaid', ], 'captchaword' => [ ApiBase::PARAM_HELP_MSG => 'apihelp-visualeditoredit-param-captchaword', ], ]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function needsToken() { return 'csrf'; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function isInternal() { return true; } /** * @inheritDoc */ public function isWriteMode() { return true; } }