setupEnv( $config, $data ); $title = Title::newFromText( $title ); MockCommentFormatter::$parser = TestUtils::createParser( $data ); $commentFormatter = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromClass( MockCommentFormatter::class ); $actual = $commentFormatter->addDiscussionToolsInternal( $dom, $title ); $mockSubStore = new MockSubscriptionStore(); $qqxLang = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getLanguageFactory()->getLanguage( 'qqx' ); \OutputPage::setupOOUI(); $actual = MockCommentFormatter::postprocessTopicSubscription( $actual, $qqxLang, $mockSubStore, static::getTestUser()->getUser(), false ); // TODO: Assert mobile output as well $actual = MockCommentFormatter::postprocessVisualEnhancements( $actual, $qqxLang, static::getTestUser()->getUser() ); $actual = MockCommentFormatter::postprocessReplyTool( $actual, $qqxLang ); // OOUI ID's are non-deterministic, so strip them from test output $actual = preg_replace( '/ id=[\'"]ooui-php-[0-9]+[\'"]/', '', $actual ); // Optionally write updated content to the "reply HTML" files if ( getenv( 'DISCUSSIONTOOLS_OVERWRITE_TESTS' ) ) { static::overwriteTextFile( $expectedPath, $actual ); } static::assertEquals( $expected, $actual, $name ); } public function provideAddDiscussionToolsInternal(): array { return static::getJson( '../cases/formattedreply.json' ); } }