/* eslint-disable no-console */ 'use strict'; // DiscussionToolsHooks::getLocalData() var data = require( './data.json' ), moment = require( './lib/moment-timezone/moment-timezone-with-data-1970-2030.js' ); function getMessages( messages ) { return messages.map( function ( code ) { return data.contLangMessages[ code ]; } ); } // This only supports format characters that are used by the default date format in any of // MediaWiki's languages, namely: D, d, F, G, H, i, j, l, M, n, Y, xg, xkY (and escape characters), // and only dates when MediaWiki existed, let's say 2000 onwards (Thai dates before 1941 are // complicated). function getTimestampRegexp( format, digits, tzAbbrs ) { var s, p, num, code, endQuote, tzRegexp, regexp; function regexpGroup( regexp ) { return '(' + regexp + ')'; } function regexpAlternateGroup( array ) { return '(' + array.map( mw.util.escapeRegExp ).join( '|' ) + ')'; } s = ''; // Adapted from Language::sprintfDate() for ( p = 0; p < format.length; p++ ) { num = false; code = format[ p ]; if ( code === 'x' && p < format.length - 1 ) { code += format[ ++p ]; } if ( code === 'xk' && p < format.length - 1 ) { code += format[ ++p ]; } switch ( code ) { case 'xx': s += 'x'; break; case 'xg': s += regexpAlternateGroup( getMessages( [ 'january-gen', 'february-gen', 'march-gen', 'april-gen', 'may-gen', 'june-gen', 'july-gen', 'august-gen', 'september-gen', 'october-gen', 'november-gen', 'december-gen' ] ) ); break; case 'd': num = '2'; break; case 'D': s += regexpAlternateGroup( getMessages( [ 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat' ] ) ); break; case 'j': num = '1,2'; break; case 'l': s += regexpAlternateGroup( getMessages( [ 'sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday' ] ) ); break; case 'F': s += regexpAlternateGroup( getMessages( [ 'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may_long', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december' ] ) ); break; case 'M': s += regexpAlternateGroup( getMessages( [ 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec' ] ) ); break; case 'n': num = '1,2'; break; case 'Y': num = '4'; break; case 'xkY': num = '4'; break; case 'G': num = '1,2'; break; case 'H': num = '2'; break; case 'i': num = '2'; break; case '\\': // Backslash escaping if ( p < format.length - 1 ) { s += mw.util.escapeRegExp( format[ ++p ] ); } else { s += mw.util.escapeRegExp( '\\' ); } break; case '"': // Quoted literal if ( p < format.length - 1 ) { endQuote = format.indexOf( '"', p + 1 ); if ( endQuote === -1 ) { // No terminating quote, assume literal " s += '"'; } else { s += mw.util.escapeRegExp( format.substr( p + 1, endQuote - p - 1 ) ); p = endQuote; } } else { // Quote at end of string, assume literal " s += '"'; } break; default: s += mw.util.escapeRegExp( format[ p ] ); } if ( num !== false ) { s += regexpGroup( digits + '{' + num + '}' ); } } tzRegexp = regexpAlternateGroup( Object.keys( tzAbbrs ) ); // Hardcoded parentheses and space like in Parser::pstPass2 regexp = s + ' \\(' + tzRegexp + '\\)'; return regexp; } function getTimestampParser( format, digits, localTimezone, tzAbbrs ) { var p, code, endQuote, matchingGroups = []; for ( p = 0; p < format.length; p++ ) { code = format[ p ]; if ( code === 'x' && p < format.length - 1 ) { code += format[ ++p ]; } if ( code === 'xk' && p < format.length - 1 ) { code += format[ ++p ]; } switch ( code ) { case 'xx': break; case 'xg': case 'd': case 'j': case 'D': case 'l': case 'F': case 'M': case 'n': case 'Y': case 'xkY': case 'G': case 'H': case 'i': matchingGroups.push( code ); break; case '\\': // Backslash escaping if ( p < format.length - 1 ) { ++p; } break; case '"': // Quoted literal if ( p < format.length - 1 ) { endQuote = format.indexOf( '"', p + 1 ); if ( endQuote !== -1 ) { p = endQuote; } } break; default: break; } } function untransformDigits( text ) { if ( !digits ) { return text; } return text.replace( new RegExp( '[' + digits + ']', 'g' ), function ( m ) { return digits.indexOf( m ); } ); } return function timestampParser( match ) { var year = 0, monthIdx = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, minute = 0, tzAbbr, i, code, text, date; for ( i = 0; i < matchingGroups.length; i++ ) { code = matchingGroups[ i ]; text = match[ i + 1 ]; switch ( code ) { case 'xg': monthIdx = getMessages( [ 'january-gen', 'february-gen', 'march-gen', 'april-gen', 'may-gen', 'june-gen', 'july-gen', 'august-gen', 'september-gen', 'october-gen', 'november-gen', 'december-gen' ] ).indexOf( text ); break; case 'd': case 'j': day = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ); break; case 'D': case 'l': // Day of the week - unused break; case 'F': monthIdx = getMessages( [ 'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may_long', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december' ] ).indexOf( text ); break; case 'M': monthIdx = getMessages( [ 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec' ] ).indexOf( text ); break; case 'n': monthIdx = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ) - 1; break; case 'Y': year = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ); break; case 'xkY': // Thai year year = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ) - 543; break; case 'G': case 'H': hour = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ); break; case 'i': minute = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ); break; default: throw new Error( 'Not implemented' ); } } // The last matching group is the timezone abbreviation tzAbbr = tzAbbrs[ match[ i + 1 ] ]; // Most of the time, the timezone abbreviation is not necessary to parse the date, since we // can assume all times are in the wiki's local timezone. date = moment.tz( [ year, monthIdx, day, hour, minute ], localTimezone ); // But during the "fall back" at the end of DST, some times will happen twice. Per the docs, // "Moment Timezone handles this by always using the earlier instance of a duplicated hour." // https://momentjs.com/timezone/docs/#/using-timezones/parsing-ambiguous-inputs/ // Since the timezone abbreviation disambiguates the DST/non-DST times, we can detect when // that behavior was incorrect... if ( date.zoneAbbr() !== tzAbbr ) { // ...and force the correct parsing. I can't find proper documentation for this feature, // but this pull request explains it: https://github.com/moment/moment-timezone/pull/101 moment.tz.moveAmbiguousForward = true; date = moment.tz( [ year, monthIdx, day, hour, minute ], localTimezone ); moment.tz.moveAmbiguousForward = false; if ( date.zoneAbbr() !== tzAbbr ) { // This should not be possible for "genuine" timestamps generated by MediaWiki. // But bots and humans get it wrong when marking up unsigned comments… // https://pl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Kawiarenka/Artykuły&diff=prev&oldid=54772606 console.log( 'Timestamp has timezone abbreviation for the wrong time: ' + match[ 0 ] ); } else { console.log( 'Ambiguous time at DST switchover was parsed: ' + match[ 0 ] ); } } return date; }; } function getLocalTimestampRegexp() { var df = data.dateFormat, digitsRegexp = mw.config.get( 'wgTranslateNumerals' ) ? '[' + data.digits + ']' : '\\d', dfRegexp = getTimestampRegexp( df, digitsRegexp, data.timezones ); return dfRegexp; } function getLocalTimestampParser() { var df = data.dateFormat, digits = mw.config.get( 'wgTranslateNumerals' ) ? data.digits : null, parseFunction = getTimestampParser( df, digits, data.localTimezone, data.timezones ); return parseFunction; } function findTimestamps( rootNode ) { var matches = [], treeWalker = rootNode.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker( rootNode, NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false ), dateRegexp = getLocalTimestampRegexp(), node, match; while ( ( node = treeWalker.nextNode() ) ) { // Technically, there could be multiple matches in a single text node. However, the ultimate // point of this is to find the signatures which precede the timestamps, and any later // timestamps in the text node can't be directly preceded by a signature (as we require them to // have links), so we only concern ourselves with the first match. if ( ( match = node.nodeValue.match( dateRegexp ) ) ) { matches.push( [ node, match ] ); } } return matches; } function getPageTitleFromUri( uri ) { var articlePathRegexp, match; uri = new mw.Uri( uri ); articlePathRegexp = new RegExp( mw.util.escapeRegExp( mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' ) ) .replace( mw.util.escapeRegExp( '$1' ), '(.*)' ) ); if ( ( match = uri.path.match( articlePathRegexp ) ) ) { return decodeURIComponent( match[ 1 ] ); } if ( uri.query.title ) { return uri.query.title; } return null; } function findSignature( timestampNode ) { var node = timestampNode, sigNodes = [ node ], sigUsername = null, length = 0, lastLinkNode = timestampNode, links, nodes; while ( ( node = node.previousSibling ) && length < data.signatureScanLimit ) { sigNodes.push( node ); length += ( node.textContent || '' ).length; if ( !node.tagName ) { continue; } links = []; if ( node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a' ) { links.push( node ); } else { // Handle links nested in formatting elements. // Helpful accidental feature: users whose signature is not detected in full (due to // text formatting) can just wrap it in a to fix that. // "Ten Pound Hammer • (What did I screw up now?)" // "« Saper // dyskusja »" nodes = node.getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); links.push.apply( links, nodes ); } if ( !links.length ) { continue; } // Use .some() rather than .every() to permit vanity links // "TonyTheTiger (T / C / WP:FOUR / WP:CHICAGO / WP:WAWARD)" // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func if ( links.some( function ( link ) { var username, title, mwTitle; title = getPageTitleFromUri( link.href ); if ( !title ) { return false; } mwTitle = mw.Title.newFromText( title ); if ( mwTitle.getNamespaceId() === mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).user || mwTitle.getNamespaceId() === mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).user_talk ) { username = mwTitle.getMainText(); } else if ( mwTitle.getNamespaceId() === mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).special && mwTitle.getMainText().split( '/' )[ 0 ] === data.specialContributionsName ) { username = mwTitle.getMainText().split( '/' )[ 1 ]; } if ( !username ) { return false; } if ( mw.util.isIPv6Address( username ) ) { // Canonicalize links // Bot-generated links "Preceding unsigned comment added by" are wrong username = username.toUpperCase(); } // Check that every link points to the same user if ( !sigUsername ) { sigUsername = username; } return username === sigUsername; } ) ) { lastLinkNode = node; } // Keep looking if a node with links wasn't a link to a user page // "Doc James (talk · contribs · email)" } // Pop excess text nodes while ( sigNodes[ sigNodes.length - 1 ] !== lastLinkNode ) { sigNodes.pop(); } return [ sigNodes, sigUsername ]; } function getIndentLevel( node, rootNode ) { var indent = 0; while ( ( node = node.parentNode ) ) { if ( node === rootNode ) { break; } if ( node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'li' || node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'dl' ) { indent++; } } return indent; } function nextInterestingLeafNode( node, rootNode ) { var treeWalker = rootNode.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker( rootNode, // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, function ( n ) { // Ignore this node and its descendants if ( n === node || n.parentNode === node ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } if ( n.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && n.textContent.trim() !== '' ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } if ( n.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && !n.firstChild ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; }, false ); treeWalker.currentNode = node; treeWalker.nextNode(); return treeWalker.currentNode; } function getComments( rootNode ) { var dfParser = getLocalTimestampParser(), comments = [], timestamps, nextTimestamp, treeWalker, node, range, curComment, startNode, match, startLevel, endLevel; timestamps = findTimestamps( rootNode ); treeWalker = rootNode.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker( rootNode, // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, null, false ); nextTimestamp = 0; while ( ( node = treeWalker.nextNode() ) ) { if ( node.tagName && node.tagName.match( /^h[1-6]$/i ) ) { range = rootNode.ownerDocument.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents( node ); curComment = { type: 'heading', range: range, level: 0 }; comments.push( curComment ); } else if ( timestamps[ nextTimestamp ] && node === timestamps[ nextTimestamp ][ 0 ] ) { // Everything from last comment up to here is the next comment startNode = nextInterestingLeafNode( curComment.range.endContainer, rootNode ); range = rootNode.ownerDocument.createRange(); range.setStartBefore( startNode ); match = timestamps[ nextTimestamp ][ 1 ]; range.setEnd( node, match.index + match[ 0 ].length ); startLevel = getIndentLevel( startNode, rootNode ) + 1; endLevel = getIndentLevel( node, rootNode ) + 1; if ( startLevel !== endLevel ) { console.log( 'Comment starts and ends with different indentation', startNode, node ); } curComment = { type: 'comment', timestamp: dfParser( match ), author: findSignature( node )[ 1 ], range: range, // Should this use the indent level of `startNode` or `node`? level: Math.min( startLevel, endLevel ) }; comments.push( curComment ); nextTimestamp++; } } return comments; } function groupThreads( comments ) { var threads = [], replies = [], i, comment; for ( i = 0; i < comments.length; i++ ) { comment = comments[ i ]; // This modifies the original objects in `comments`! comment.replies = []; comment.parent = null; if ( replies.length < comment.level ) { // Someone skipped an indentation level (or several). Pretend that the previous reply // covers multiple indentation levels, so that following comments get connected to it. console.log( 'Comment skips indentation level', comment.range ); while ( replies.length < comment.level ) { replies[ replies.length ] = replies[ replies.length - 1 ]; } } if ( comment.level === 0 ) { // new root (thread) threads.push( comment ); } else if ( replies[ comment.level - 1 ] ) { // add as a reply to closest less nested comment replies[ comment.level - 1 ].replies.push( comment ); comment.parent = replies[ comment.level - 1 ]; } else { console.log( 'Comment could not be connected to a thread', comment.range ); } replies[ comment.level ] = comment; // cut off more deeply nested replies replies.length = comment.level + 1; } return threads; } function getAuthors( comment ) { var authors = {}; if ( comment.author ) { authors[ comment.author ] = true; } // Get the set of authors in the same format from each reply, and merge them all authors = comment.replies.map( getAuthors ).reduce( function ( a, b ) { return $.extend( a, b ); }, authors ); return authors; } module.exports = { findTimestamps: findTimestamps, getLocalTimestampParser: getLocalTimestampParser, getComments: getComments, groupThreads: groupThreads, findSignature: findSignature, getAuthors: getAuthors };