var pageComments, pageThreads, parsoidPromise, parsoidComments, parsoidDoc, replyWidgetPromise = mw.loader.using( 'ext.discussionTools.ReplyWidget' ), // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector $pageContainer = $( '#mw-content-text' ); /** * @class mw.discussionTools * @singleton */ mw.dt = { init: {}, ui: {}, parser: require( 'ext.discussionTools.parser' ), modifier: require( 'ext.discussionTools.modifier' ) }; function setupComment( comment ) { var $replyLink, widgetPromise, newList, newListItem, $tsNode = $( comment.range.endContainer ); // Is it possible to have a heading nested in a thread? if ( comment.type !== 'comment' ) { return; } $replyLink = $( '' ) .addClass( 'dt-init-replylink' ) // TODO: i18n .text( 'Reply' ) .on( 'click', function () { var $link = $( this ); $link.hide(); // TODO: Allow users to use multiple reply widgets simlutaneously // Currently as all widgets share the same Parsoid doc, this could // cause problems. $pageContainer.addClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' ); if ( !widgetPromise ) { newList = mw.dt.modifier.addListAtComment( comment ); newListItem = mw.dt.modifier.addListItem( newList ); // TODO: i18n $( newListItem ).text( 'Loading...' ); widgetPromise = replyWidgetPromise.then( function () { var replyWidget = new mw.dt.ui.ReplyWidget( comment, parsoidDoc, { // TODO: Remove placeholder doc: '

Reply to ' + + '

', defaultMode: 'source' } ); replyWidget.on( 'cancel', function () { $; $pageContainer.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' ); $( newListItem ).hide(); } ); $( newListItem ).empty().append( replyWidget.$element ); return replyWidget; }, function () { $; $pageContainer.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' ); } ); } widgetPromise.then( function ( replyWidget ) { $( newListItem ).show(); replyWidget.focus(); } ); } ); $tsNode.after( $replyLink ); } function traverseNode( parent ) { parent.replies.forEach( function ( comment ) { setupComment( comment ); traverseNode( comment ); } ); } if ( new mw.Uri().query.dtdebug ) { mw.loader.load( 'ext.discussionTools.debug' ); } else { pageComments = mw.dt.parser.getComments( $pageContainer[ 0 ] ); pageThreads = mw.dt.parser.groupThreads( pageComments ); pageThreads.forEach( traverseNode ); // For debugging mw.dt.pageThreads = pageThreads; parsoidPromise = mw.loader.using( [ 'ext.visualEditor.targetLoader', // TODO: We are loading ext.visualEditor.base just for ve.createDocumentFromHTML 'ext.visualEditor.base', // TODO: Loading mw.Target class for save testing 'ext.visualEditor.mediawiki' ] ).then( function () { return 'visual', mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ), { oldId: mw.config.get( 'wgRevisionId' ) } ).then( function ( response ) { var data = response.visualeditor; // TODO: error handling parsoidDoc = ve.createDocumentFromHtml( data.content ); parsoidComments = mw.dt.parser.getComments( parsoidDoc.body ); // getThreads build the tree structure, currently only // used to set 'replies' mw.dt.parser.groupThreads( parsoidComments ); } ); } ); // Map PHP comments to Parsoid comments. // TODO: Handle when these don't align pageComments.forEach( function ( comment, i ) { comment.parsoidCommentPromise = parsoidPromise.then( function () { return parsoidComments[ i ]; } ); } ); }