'use strict'; /* global $:off */ var utils = require( './utils.js' ), charAt = require( 'mediawiki.String' ).charAt, codePointLength = require( 'mediawiki.String' ).codePointLength, trimByteLength = require( 'mediawiki.String' ).trimByteLength, CommentItem = require( './CommentItem.js' ), HeadingItem = require( './HeadingItem.js' ), ThreadItem = require( './ThreadItem.js' ), ThreadItemSet = require( './ThreadItemSet.js' ), moment = require( './lib/moment-timezone/moment-timezone-with-data-1970-2030.js' ); /** * Utilities for detecting and parsing components of discussion pages: signatures, timestamps, * comments and threads. * * @class mw.dt.Parser * @param {Array} data Language-specific data to be used for parsing * @constructor */ function Parser( data ) { this.data = data; } /** * How far backwards we look for a signature associated with a timestamp before giving up. * Note that this is not a hard limit on the length of signatures we detect. * * @constant {number} */ var SIGNATURE_SCAN_LIMIT = 100; /** * Parse a discussion page. * * @param {HTMLElement} rootNode Root node of content to parse * @param {mw.Title} title Title of the page being parsed * @chainable * @return {Parser} */ Parser.prototype.parse = function ( rootNode, title ) { this.rootNode = rootNode; this.title = title; var result = this.buildThreadItems(); this.buildThreads( result ); this.computeIdsAndNames( result ); return result; }; OO.initClass( Parser ); /** * Get text of localisation messages in content language. * * @private * @param {string} contLangVariant Content language variant * @param {string[]} messages Message keys * @return {string[]} Message values */ Parser.prototype.getMessages = function ( contLangVariant, messages ) { var parser = this; return messages.map( function ( code ) { return parser.data.contLangMessages[ contLangVariant ][ code ]; } ); }; /** * Get a regexp that matches timestamps generated using the given date format. * * This only supports format characters that are used by the default date format in any of * MediaWiki's languages, namely: D, d, F, G, H, i, j, l, M, n, Y, xg, xkY (and escape characters), * and only dates when MediaWiki existed, let's say 2000 onwards (Thai dates before 1941 are * complicated). * * @private * @param {string} contLangVariant Content language variant * @param {string} format Date format, as used by MediaWiki * @param {string} digitsRegexp Regular expression matching a single localised digit, e.g. `[0-9]` * @param {Object.<string,string>} tzAbbrs Map of localised timezone abbreviations to IANA abbreviations * for the local timezone, e.g. `{EDT: "EDT", EST: "EST"}` * @return {string} Regular expression */ Parser.prototype.getTimestampRegexp = function ( contLangVariant, format, digitsRegexp, tzAbbrs ) { function regexpGroup( r ) { return '(' + r + ')'; } function regexpAlternateGroup( array ) { return '(' + array.map( mw.util.escapeRegExp ).join( '|' ) + ')'; } var parser = this; var s = ''; var raw = false; // Adapted from Language::sprintfDate() for ( var p = 0; p < format.length; p++ ) { var num = false; var code = format[ p ]; if ( code === 'x' && p < format.length - 1 ) { code += format[ ++p ]; } if ( code === 'xk' && p < format.length - 1 ) { code += format[ ++p ]; } switch ( code ) { case 'xx': s += 'x'; break; case 'xg': s += regexpAlternateGroup( parser.getMessages( contLangVariant, [ 'january-gen', 'february-gen', 'march-gen', 'april-gen', 'may-gen', 'june-gen', 'july-gen', 'august-gen', 'september-gen', 'october-gen', 'november-gen', 'december-gen' ] ) ); break; case 'xn': raw = true; break; case 'd': num = '2'; break; case 'D': s += regexpAlternateGroup( parser.getMessages( contLangVariant, [ 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat' ] ) ); break; case 'j': num = '1,2'; break; case 'l': s += regexpAlternateGroup( parser.getMessages( contLangVariant, [ 'sunday', 'monday', 'tuesday', 'wednesday', 'thursday', 'friday', 'saturday' ] ) ); break; case 'F': s += regexpAlternateGroup( parser.getMessages( contLangVariant, [ 'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may_long', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december' ] ) ); break; case 'M': s += regexpAlternateGroup( parser.getMessages( contLangVariant, [ 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec' ] ) ); break; case 'm': num = '2'; break; case 'n': num = '1,2'; break; case 'Y': num = '4'; break; case 'xkY': num = '4'; break; case 'G': num = '1,2'; break; case 'H': num = '2'; break; case 'i': num = '2'; break; case 's': num = '2'; break; case '\\': // Backslash escaping if ( p < format.length - 1 ) { s += mw.util.escapeRegExp( format[ ++p ] ); } else { s += mw.util.escapeRegExp( '\\' ); } break; case '"': // Quoted literal if ( p < format.length - 1 ) { var endQuote = format.indexOf( '"', p + 1 ); if ( endQuote === -1 ) { // No terminating quote, assume literal " s += '"'; } else { s += mw.util.escapeRegExp( format.slice( p + 1, endQuote ) ); p = endQuote; } } else { // Quote at end of string, assume literal " s += '"'; } break; default: // Copy whole characters together, instead of single UTF-16 surrogates var char = charAt( format, p ); s += mw.util.escapeRegExp( char ); p += char.length - 1; } if ( num !== false ) { if ( raw ) { s += regexpGroup( '[0-9]{' + num + '}' ); raw = false; } else { s += regexpGroup( digitsRegexp + '{' + num + '}' ); } } // Ignore some invisible Unicode characters that often sneak into copy-pasted timestamps (T308448) s += '[\\u200E\\u200F]?'; } var tzRegexp = regexpAlternateGroup( Object.keys( tzAbbrs ) ); // Hard-coded parentheses and space like in Parser::pstPass2 // Ignore some invisible Unicode characters that often sneak into copy-pasted timestamps (T245784) var regexp = s + ' [\\u200E\\u200F]?\\(' + tzRegexp + '\\)'; return regexp; }; /** * Get a function that parses timestamps generated using the given date format, based on the result * of matching the regexp returned by #getTimestampRegexp. * * @private * @param {string} contLangVariant Content language variant * @param {string} format Date format, as used by MediaWiki * @param {string[]|null} digits Localised digits from 0 to 9, e.g. `[ '0', '1', ..., '9' ]` * @param {string} localTimezone Local timezone IANA name, e.g. `America/New_York` * @param {Object.<string,string>} tzAbbrs Map of localised timezone abbreviations to IANA abbreviations * for the local timezone, e.g. `{EDT: "EDT", EST: "EST"}` * @return {TimestampParser} Timestamp parser function */ Parser.prototype.getTimestampParser = function ( contLangVariant, format, digits, localTimezone, tzAbbrs ) { var matchingGroups = []; for ( var p = 0; p < format.length; p++ ) { var code = format[ p ]; if ( code === 'x' && p < format.length - 1 ) { code += format[ ++p ]; } if ( code === 'xk' && p < format.length - 1 ) { code += format[ ++p ]; } switch ( code ) { case 'xx': case 'xn': break; case 'xg': case 'd': case 'j': case 'D': case 'l': case 'F': case 'M': case 'm': case 'n': case 'Y': case 'xkY': case 'G': case 'H': case 'i': case 's': matchingGroups.push( code ); break; case '\\': // Backslash escaping if ( p < format.length - 1 ) { ++p; } break; case '"': // Quoted literal if ( p < format.length - 1 ) { var endQuote = format.indexOf( '"', p + 1 ); if ( endQuote !== -1 ) { p = endQuote; } } break; default: break; } } function untransformDigits( text ) { if ( !digits ) { return text; } return text.replace( new RegExp( '[' + digits.join( '' ) + ']', 'g' ), function ( m ) { return digits.indexOf( m ); } ); } var parser = this; /** * @typedef {function(Array):moment} TimestampParser */ /** * Timestamp parser * * @param {Array} match RegExp match data * @return {Object} Result, an object with the following keys: * - {moment} date Moment date object * - {string|null} warning Warning message if the input wasn't correctly formed */ return function timestampParser( match ) { var year = 0, monthIdx = 0, day = 0, hour = 0, minute = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < matchingGroups.length; i++ ) { var code2 = matchingGroups[ i ]; var text = match[ i + 1 ]; switch ( code2 ) { case 'xg': monthIdx = parser.getMessages( contLangVariant, [ 'january-gen', 'february-gen', 'march-gen', 'april-gen', 'may-gen', 'june-gen', 'july-gen', 'august-gen', 'september-gen', 'october-gen', 'november-gen', 'december-gen' ] ).indexOf( text ); break; case 'd': case 'j': day = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ); break; case 'D': case 'l': // Day of the week - unused break; case 'F': monthIdx = parser.getMessages( contLangVariant, [ 'january', 'february', 'march', 'april', 'may_long', 'june', 'july', 'august', 'september', 'october', 'november', 'december' ] ).indexOf( text ); break; case 'M': monthIdx = parser.getMessages( contLangVariant, [ 'jan', 'feb', 'mar', 'apr', 'may', 'jun', 'jul', 'aug', 'sep', 'oct', 'nov', 'dec' ] ).indexOf( text ); break; case 'm': case 'n': monthIdx = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ) - 1; break; case 'Y': year = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ); break; case 'xkY': // Thai year year = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ) - 543; break; case 'G': case 'H': hour = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ); break; case 'i': minute = Number( untransformDigits( text ) ); break; case 's': // Seconds - unused, because most timestamp formats omit them break; default: throw new Error( 'Not implemented' ); } } // The last matching group is the timezone abbreviation var tzAbbr = tzAbbrs[ match[ match.length - 1 ] ]; // Most of the time, the timezone abbreviation is not necessary to parse the date, since we // can assume all times are in the wiki's local timezone. var date = moment.tz( [ year, monthIdx, day, hour, minute ], localTimezone ); // But during the "fall back" at the end of DST, some times will happen twice. Per the docs, // "Moment Timezone handles this by always using the earlier instance of a duplicated hour." // https://momentjs.com/timezone/docs/#/using-timezones/parsing-ambiguous-inputs/ // Since the timezone abbreviation disambiguates the DST/non-DST times, we can detect when // that behavior was incorrect... var dateWarning = null; if ( date.zoneAbbr() !== tzAbbr ) { // ...and force the correct parsing. I can't find proper documentation for this feature, // but this pull request explains it: https://github.com/moment/moment-timezone/pull/101 moment.tz.moveAmbiguousForward = true; date = moment.tz( [ year, monthIdx, day, hour, minute ], localTimezone ); moment.tz.moveAmbiguousForward = false; if ( date.zoneAbbr() !== tzAbbr ) { // This should not be possible for "genuine" timestamps generated by MediaWiki. // But bots and humans get it wrong when marking up unsigned comments… // https://pl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Kawiarenka/Artykuły&diff=prev&oldid=54772606 dateWarning = 'Timestamp has timezone abbreviation for the wrong time'; } else { dateWarning = 'Ambiguous time at DST switchover was parsed'; } } return { date: date, warning: dateWarning }; }; }; /** * Get a regexp that matches timestamps in the local date format, for each language variant. * * This calls #getTimestampRegexp with predefined data for the current wiki. * * @private * @return {string[]} Regular expressions */ Parser.prototype.getLocalTimestampRegexps = function () { var parser = this; return Object.keys( this.data.dateFormat ).map( function ( contLangVariant ) { return parser.getTimestampRegexp( contLangVariant, parser.data.dateFormat[ contLangVariant ], '[' + parser.data.digits[ contLangVariant ].join( '' ) + ']', parser.data.timezones[ contLangVariant ] ); } ); }; /** * Get a function that parses timestamps in the local date format, for each language variant, * based on the result of matching the regexps returned by #getLocalTimestampRegexps. * * This calls #getTimestampParser with predefined data for the current wiki. * * @private * @return {TimestampParser[]} Timestamp parser functions */ Parser.prototype.getLocalTimestampParsers = function () { var parser = this; return Object.keys( this.data.dateFormat ).map( function ( contLangVariant ) { return parser.getTimestampParser( contLangVariant, parser.data.dateFormat[ contLangVariant ], parser.data.digits[ contLangVariant ], parser.data.localTimezone, parser.data.timezones[ contLangVariant ] ); } ); }; /** * Callback for document.createTreeWalker that will skip over nodes where we don't want to detect * comments (or section headings). * * @param {Node} node * @return {number} Appropriate NodeFilter constant */ function acceptOnlyNodesAllowingComments( node ) { if ( node instanceof HTMLElement ) { var tagName = node.tagName.toLowerCase(); // The table of contents has a heading that gets erroneously detected as a section if ( node.id === 'toc' ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } // Don't detect comments within quotes (T275881) if ( tagName === 'blockquote' || tagName === 'cite' || tagName === 'q' ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } // Don't attempt to parse blocks marked 'mw-notalk' if ( node.classList.contains( 'mw-notalk' ) ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } // Don't detect comments within references. We can't add replies to them without bungling up // the structure in some cases (T301213), and you're not supposed to do that anyway… if ( // <ol class="references"> is the only reliably consistent thing between the two parsers tagName === 'ol' && node.classList.contains( 'references' ) ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } } var parentNode = node.parentNode; // Don't detect comments within headings (but don't reject the headings themselves) if ( parentNode instanceof HTMLElement && parentNode.tagName.match( /^h([1-6])$/i ) ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } /** * Find a timestamp in a given text node * * @private * @param {Text} node Text node * @param {string[]} timestampRegexps Timestamp regexps * @return {Object|null} Object with the following keys: * - {number} offset Length of extra text preceding the node that was used for matching * - {number} parserIndex Which of the regexps matched * - {Array} matchData Regexp match data, which specifies the location of the match, * and which can be parsed using #getLocalTimestampParsers * - {Object} range Range-like object covering the timestamp */ Parser.prototype.findTimestamp = function ( node, timestampRegexps ) { var matchData, i, nodeText = '', offset = 0, // Searched nodes (reverse order) nodes = []; while ( node ) { nodeText = node.nodeValue + nodeText; nodes.push( node ); // In Parsoid HTML, entities are represented as a 'mw:Entity' node, rather than normal HTML // entities. On Arabic Wikipedia, the "UTC" timezone name contains some non-breaking spaces, // which apparently are often turned into entities by buggy editing tools. To handle // this, we must piece together the text, so that our regexp can match those timestamps. if ( node.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.previousSibling.getAttribute( 'typeof' ) === 'mw:Entity' ) { nodeText = node.previousSibling.firstChild.nodeValue + nodeText; offset += node.previousSibling.firstChild.nodeValue.length; nodes.push( node.previousSibling.firstChild ); // If the entity is followed by more text, do this again if ( node.previousSibling.previousSibling && node.previousSibling.previousSibling.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) { offset += node.previousSibling.previousSibling.nodeValue.length; node = node.previousSibling.previousSibling; } else { node = null; } } else { node = null; } } for ( i = 0; i < timestampRegexps.length; i++ ) { // Technically, there could be multiple matches in a single text node. However, the ultimate // point of this is to find the signatures which precede the timestamps, and any later // timestamps in the text node can't be directly preceded by a signature (as we require them to // have links), so we only concern ourselves with the first match. matchData = nodeText.match( timestampRegexps[ i ] ); if ( matchData ) { var timestampLength = matchData[ 0 ].length; // Bytes at the end of the last node which aren't part of the match var tailLength = nodeText.length - timestampLength - matchData.index; // We are moving right to left, but we start to the right of the end of // the timestamp if there is trailing garbage, so that is a negative offset. var count = -tailLength; var endContainer = nodes[ 0 ]; var endOffset = endContainer.nodeValue.length - tailLength; var startContainer, startOffset; // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func nodes.some( function ( n ) { count += n.nodeValue.length; // If we have counted to beyond the start of the timestamp, we are in the // start node of the timestamp if ( count >= timestampLength ) { startContainer = n; // Offset is how much we overshot the start by startOffset = count - timestampLength; return true; } return false; } ); var range = { startContainer: startContainer, startOffset: startOffset, endContainer: endContainer, endOffset: endOffset }; return { matchData: matchData, // Bytes at the start of the first node which aren't part of the match // TODO: Remove this and use 'range' instead offset: offset, range: range, parserIndex: i }; } } return null; }; /** * Given a link node (`<a>`), if it's a link to a user-related page, return their username. * * @param {HTMLElement} link * @return {Object|null} Object, or null: * - {string} username Username * - {string|null} displayName Display name (link text if link target was in the user namespace) */ Parser.prototype.getUsernameFromLink = function ( link ) { var title; // Selflink: use title of current page if ( link.classList.contains( 'mw-selflink' ) ) { title = this.title; } else { title = mw.Title.newFromText( utils.getTitleFromUrl( link.href ) || '' ); } if ( !title ) { return null; } var username; var displayName = null; var namespaceId = title.getNamespaceId(); var mainText = title.getMainText(); var namespaceIds = mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ); if ( namespaceId === namespaceIds.user || namespaceId === namespaceIds.user_talk ) { username = mainText; if ( username.indexOf( '/' ) !== -1 ) { return null; } if ( namespaceId === namespaceIds.user ) { // Use regex trim for consistency with PHP implementation var text = link.textContent.replace( /^[\s]+/, '' ).replace( /[\s]+$/, '' ); // Record the display name if it has been customised beyond changing case if ( text && text.toLowerCase() !== username.toLowerCase() ) { displayName = text; } } } else if ( namespaceId === namespaceIds.special ) { var parts = mainText.split( '/' ); if ( parts.length === 2 && parts[ 0 ] === this.data.specialContributionsName ) { // Normalize the username: users may link to their contributions with an unnormalized name var userpage = mw.Title.makeTitle( namespaceIds.user, parts[ 1 ] ); if ( !userpage ) { return null; } username = userpage.getMainText(); } } if ( !username ) { return null; } if ( mw.util.isIPv6Address( username ) ) { // Bot-generated links "Preceding unsigned comment added by" have non-standard case username = username.toUpperCase(); } return { username: username, displayName: displayName }; }; /** * Find a user signature preceding a timestamp. * * The signature includes the timestamp node. * * A signature must contain at least one link to the user's userpage, discussion page or * contributions (and may contain other links). The link may be nested in other elements. * * @private * @param {Text} timestampNode Text node * @param {Node} [until] Node to stop searching at * @return {Object} Result, an object with the following keys: * - {Node[]} nodes Sibling nodes comprising the signature, in reverse order (with * `timestampNode` or its parent node as the first element) * - {string|null} username Username, null for unsigned comments */ Parser.prototype.findSignature = function ( timestampNode, until ) { var parser = this; var sigUsername = null; var sigDisplayName = null; var length = 0; var lastLinkNode = timestampNode; utils.linearWalkBackwards( timestampNode, function ( event, node ) { if ( event === 'enter' && node === until ) { return true; } if ( length >= SIGNATURE_SCAN_LIMIT ) { return true; } if ( utils.isBlockElement( node ) ) { // Don't allow reaching into preceding paragraphs return true; } if ( event === 'leave' && node !== timestampNode ) { length += node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? codePointLength( utils.htmlTrim( node.textContent ) ) : 0; } // Find the closest link before timestamp that links to the user's user page. // // Support timestamps being linked to the diff introducing the comment: // if the timestamp node is the only child of a link node, use the link node instead // // Handle links nested in formatting elements. if ( event === 'leave' && node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === 'a' ) { var user = parser.getUsernameFromLink( node ); if ( user ) { // Accept the first link to the user namespace, then only accept links to that user if ( sigUsername === null ) { sigUsername = user.username; } if ( user.username === sigUsername ) { lastLinkNode = node; if ( user.displayName ) { sigDisplayName = user.displayName; } } } // Keep looking if a node with links wasn't a link to a user page // "Doc James (talk · contribs · email)" } } ); var range = { startContainer: lastLinkNode.parentNode, startOffset: utils.childIndexOf( lastLinkNode ), endContainer: timestampNode.parentNode, endOffset: utils.childIndexOf( timestampNode ) + 1 }; var nativeRange = ThreadItem.prototype.getNativeRange.call( { range: range } ); // Expand the range so that it covers sibling nodes. // This will include any wrapping formatting elements as part of the signature. // // Helpful accidental feature: users whose signature is not detected in full (due to // text formatting) can just wrap it in a <span> to fix that. // "Ten Pound Hammer • (What did I screw up now?)" // "« Saper // dyskusja »" // // TODO Not sure if this is actually good, might be better to just use the range... var sigNodes = utils.getCoveredSiblings( nativeRange ).reverse(); return { nodes: sigNodes, username: sigUsername, displayName: sigDisplayName }; }; /** * Return the next leaf node in the tree order that is likely a part of a discussion comment, * rather than some boring "separator" element. * * Currently, this can return a Text node with content other than whitespace, or an Element node * that is a "void element" or "text element", except some special cases that we treat as comment * separators (isCommentSeparator()). * * @private * @param {Node} node Node to start searching at. If it isn't a leaf node, its children are ignored. * @return {Node} */ Parser.prototype.nextInterestingLeafNode = function ( node ) { var rootNode = this.rootNode; var treeWalker = rootNode.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker( rootNode, // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, function ( n ) { // Ignore this node and its descendants // (unless it's the root node, this is a special case for "fakeHeading" handling) if ( node !== rootNode && ( n === node || n.parentNode === node ) ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } // Ignore some elements usually used as separators or headers (and their descendants) if ( utils.isCommentSeparator( n ) ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } // Ignore nodes with no rendering that mess up our indentation detection if ( utils.isRenderingTransparentNode( n ) ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT; } if ( utils.isCommentContent( n ) ) { return NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT; } return NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP; }, false ); treeWalker.currentNode = node; treeWalker.nextNode(); if ( !treeWalker.currentNode ) { throw new Error( 'nextInterestingLeafNode not found' ); } return treeWalker.currentNode; }; /** * @param {Node[]} sigNodes * @param {Object} match * @param {Text} node * @return {Object} Range-like object */ function adjustSigRange( sigNodes, match, node ) { var firstSigNode = sigNodes[ sigNodes.length - 1 ]; var lastSigNode = sigNodes[ 0 ]; // TODO Document why this needs to be so complicated var lastSigNodeOffset = lastSigNode === node ? match.matchData.index + match.matchData[ 0 ].length - match.offset : utils.childIndexOf( lastSigNode ) + 1; var sigRange = { startContainer: firstSigNode.parentNode, startOffset: utils.childIndexOf( firstSigNode ), endContainer: lastSigNode === node ? node : lastSigNode.parentNode, endOffset: lastSigNodeOffset }; return sigRange; } /** * @return {ThreadItemSet} */ Parser.prototype.buildThreadItems = function () { var result = new ThreadItemSet(); var dfParsers = this.getLocalTimestampParsers(), timestampRegexps = this.getLocalTimestampRegexps(); var treeWalker = this.rootNode.ownerDocument.createTreeWalker( this.rootNode, // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT | NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT, acceptOnlyNodesAllowingComments, false ); var curComment, range; var curCommentEnd = this.rootNode; var node, lastSigNode; while ( ( node = treeWalker.nextNode() ) ) { var match; if ( node.tagName && ( match = node.tagName.match( /^h([1-6])$/i ) ) ) { var headingNodeAndOffset = utils.getHeadlineNodeAndOffset( node ); var headingNode = headingNodeAndOffset.node; var startOffset = headingNodeAndOffset.offset; range = { startContainer: headingNode, startOffset: startOffset, endContainer: headingNode, endOffset: headingNode.childNodes.length }; curComment = new HeadingItem( range, +match[ 1 ] ); curComment.rootNode = this.rootNode; result.addThreadItem( curComment ); curCommentEnd = node; } else if ( node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && ( match = this.findTimestamp( node, timestampRegexps ) ) ) { var warnings = []; var foundSignature = this.findSignature( node, lastSigNode ); var author = foundSignature.username; lastSigNode = foundSignature.nodes[ 0 ]; if ( !author ) { // Ignore timestamps for which we couldn't find a signature. It's probably not a real // comment, but just a false match due to a copypasted timestamp. continue; } var sigRanges = []; var timestampRanges = []; sigRanges.push( adjustSigRange( foundSignature.nodes, match, node ) ); timestampRanges.push( match.range ); // Everything from the last comment up to here is the next comment var startNode = this.nextInterestingLeafNode( curCommentEnd ); var endNode = lastSigNode; // Skip to the end of the "paragraph". This only looks at tag names and can be fooled by CSS, but // avoiding that would be more difficult and slower. // // If this skips over another potential signature, also skip it in the main TreeWalker loop, to // avoid generating multiple comments when there is more than one signature on a single "line". // Often this is done when someone edits their comment later and wants to add a note about that. // (Or when another person corrects a typo, or strikes out a comment, etc.) Multiple comments // within one paragraph/list-item result in a confusing double "Reply" button, and we also have // no way to indicate which one you're replying to (this might matter in the future for // notifications or something). utils.linearWalk( lastSigNode, // eslint-disable-next-line no-loop-func function ( event, n ) { var match2, foundSignature2; if ( utils.isBlockElement( n ) || utils.isCommentSeparator( n ) ) { // Stop when entering or leaving a block node return true; } if ( event === 'leave' && n.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE && n !== node && ( match2 = this.findTimestamp( n, timestampRegexps ) ) ) { // If this skips over another potential signature, also skip it in the main TreeWalker loop treeWalker.currentNode = n; // …and add it as another signature to this comment (regardless of the author and timestamp) foundSignature2 = this.findSignature( n, node ); if ( foundSignature2.username ) { sigRanges.push( adjustSigRange( foundSignature2.nodes, match2, n ) ); timestampRanges.push( match2.range ); } } if ( event === 'leave' ) { // Take the last complete node which we skipped past endNode = n; } }.bind( this ) ); var length = endNode.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ? endNode.textContent.replace( /[\t\n\f\r ]+$/, '' ).length : endNode.childNodes.length; range = { startContainer: startNode.parentNode, startOffset: utils.childIndexOf( startNode ), endContainer: endNode, endOffset: length }; var startLevel = utils.getIndentLevel( startNode, this.rootNode ) + 1; var endLevel = utils.getIndentLevel( node, this.rootNode ) + 1; if ( startLevel !== endLevel ) { warnings.push( 'Comment starts and ends with different indentation' ); } // Should this use the indent level of `startNode` or `node`? var level = Math.min( startLevel, endLevel ); var parserResult = dfParsers[ match.parserIndex ]( match.matchData ); var dateTime = parserResult.date; if ( parserResult.warning ) { warnings.push( parserResult.warning ); } curComment = new CommentItem( level, range, sigRanges, timestampRanges, dateTime, author, foundSignature.displayName ); curComment.rootNode = this.rootNode; if ( warnings.length ) { curComment.warnings = warnings; } if ( result.isEmpty() ) { // Add a fake placeholder heading if there are any comments in the 0th section // (before the first real heading) range = { startContainer: this.rootNode, startOffset: 0, endContainer: this.rootNode, endOffset: 0 }; var fakeHeading = new HeadingItem( range, null ); fakeHeading.rootNode = this.rootNode; result.addThreadItem( fakeHeading ); } result.addThreadItem( curComment ); curCommentEnd = curComment.range.endContainer; } } return result; }; /** * Truncate user generated parts of IDs so full ID always fits within a database field of length 255 * * @param {string} text Text * @return {string} Truncated text */ Parser.prototype.truncateForId = function ( text ) { return trimByteLength( '', text, 80 ).newVal; }; /** * Given a thread item, return an identifier for it that is unique within the page. * * @param {ThreadItem} threadItem * @param {ThreadItemSet} previousItems * @return {string} */ Parser.prototype.computeId = function ( threadItem, previousItems ) { var id, headline; if ( threadItem instanceof HeadingItem && threadItem.placeholderHeading ) { // The range points to the root note, using it like below results in silly values id = 'h-'; } else if ( threadItem instanceof HeadingItem ) { // <span class="mw-headline" …>, or <hN …> in Parsoid HTML headline = threadItem.range.startContainer; id = 'h-' + this.truncateForId( headline.getAttribute( 'id' ) || '' ); } else if ( threadItem instanceof CommentItem ) { id = 'c-' + this.truncateForId( threadItem.author || '' ).replace( / /g, '_' ) + '-' + threadItem.getTimestampString(); } else { throw new Error( 'Unknown ThreadItem type' ); } // If there would be multiple comments with the same ID (i.e. the user left multiple comments // in one edit, or within a minute), append sequential numbers var threadItemParent = threadItem.parent; if ( threadItemParent instanceof HeadingItem && !threadItemParent.placeholderHeading ) { // <span class="mw-headline" …>, or <hN …> in Parsoid HTML headline = threadItemParent.range.startContainer; id += '-' + this.truncateForId( headline.getAttribute( 'id' ) || '' ); } else if ( threadItemParent instanceof CommentItem ) { id += '-' + this.truncateForId( threadItemParent.author || '' ).replace( / /g, '_' ) + '-' + threadItemParent.getTimestampString(); } if ( threadItem instanceof HeadingItem ) { // To avoid old threads re-appearing on popular pages when someone uses a vague title // (e.g. dozens of threads titled "question" on [[Wikipedia:Help desk]]: https://w.wiki/fbN), // include the oldest timestamp in the thread (i.e. date the thread was started) in the // heading ID. var oldestComment = threadItem.getOldestReply(); if ( oldestComment ) { id += '-' + oldestComment.getTimestampString(); } } if ( previousItems.findCommentById( id ) ) { // Well, that's tough threadItem.warnings.push( 'Duplicate comment ID' ); // Finally, disambiguate by adding sequential numbers, to allow replying to both comments var number = 1; while ( previousItems.findCommentById( id + '-' + number ) ) { number++; } id = id + '-' + number; } return id; }; /** * Given a thread item, return an identifier for it that is consistent across all pages and * revisions where this comment might appear. * * Multiple comments on a page can have the same name; use ID to distinguish them. * * @param {ThreadItem} threadItem * @return {string} */ Parser.prototype.computeName = function ( threadItem ) { var name, mainComment; if ( threadItem instanceof HeadingItem ) { name = 'h-'; mainComment = threadItem.getOldestReply(); } else if ( threadItem instanceof CommentItem ) { name = 'c-'; mainComment = threadItem; } else { throw new Error( 'Unknown ThreadItem type' ); } if ( mainComment ) { name += this.truncateForId( mainComment.author || '' ).replace( / /g, '_' ) + '-' + mainComment.getTimestampString(); } return name; }; /** * @param {ThreadItemSet} result */ Parser.prototype.buildThreads = function ( result ) { var lastHeading = null; var replies = []; var i, threadItem; for ( i = 0; i < result.threadItems.length; i++ ) { threadItem = result.threadItems[ i ]; if ( replies.length < threadItem.level ) { // Someone skipped an indentation level (or several). Pretend that the previous reply // covers multiple indentation levels, so that following comments get connected to it. threadItem.warnings.push( 'Comment skips indentation level' ); while ( replies.length < threadItem.level ) { replies[ replies.length ] = replies[ replies.length - 1 ]; } } if ( threadItem instanceof HeadingItem ) { // New root (thread) // Attach as a sub-thread to preceding higher-level heading. // Any replies will appear in the tree twice, under the main-thread and the sub-thread. var maybeParent = lastHeading; while ( maybeParent && maybeParent.headingLevel >= threadItem.headingLevel ) { maybeParent = maybeParent.parent; } if ( maybeParent ) { threadItem.parent = maybeParent; maybeParent.replies.push( threadItem ); } lastHeading = threadItem; } else if ( replies[ threadItem.level - 1 ] ) { // Add as a reply to the closest less-nested comment threadItem.parent = replies[ threadItem.level - 1 ]; threadItem.parent.replies.push( threadItem ); } else { threadItem.warnings.push( 'Comment could not be connected to a thread' ); } replies[ threadItem.level ] = threadItem; // Cut off more deeply nested replies replies.length = threadItem.level + 1; } }; /** * Set the IDs and names used to refer to comments and headings. * This has to be a separate pass because we don't have the list of replies before * this point. * * @param {ThreadItemSet} result */ Parser.prototype.computeIdsAndNames = function ( result ) { var i, threadItem; for ( i = 0; i < result.threadItems.length; i++ ) { threadItem = result.threadItems[ i ]; var name = this.computeName( threadItem ); threadItem.name = name; var id = this.computeId( threadItem, result ); threadItem.id = id; result.updateIdAndNameMaps( threadItem ); } }; /** * @param {ThreadItem} threadItem * @return {CommentItem|null} */ Parser.prototype.getThreadStartComment = function ( threadItem ) { var oldest = null; if ( threadItem instanceof CommentItem ) { oldest = threadItem; } // Check all replies. This can't just use the first comment because threads are often summarized // at the top when the discussion is closed. for ( var i = 0; i < threadItem.replies.length; i++ ) { var comment = threadItem.replies[ i ]; // Don't include sub-threads to avoid changing the ID when threads are "merged". if ( comment instanceof CommentItem ) { var oldestInReplies = this.getThreadStartComment( comment ); if ( !oldest || oldestInReplies.timestamp.isBefore( oldest.timestamp ) ) { oldest = oldestInReplies; } } } return oldest; }; module.exports = Parser;