{ "@metadata": { "authors": [] }, "apierror-discussiontools-commentid-notfound": "Comment ID not found: $1", "apihelp-discussiontools-param-oldid": "The revision number to use (defaults to latest revision).", "apihelp-discussiontools-paramvalue-paction-transcludedfrom": "Return titles of pages from which each comment on the given page is transcluded.", "apihelp-discussiontools-summary": "Returns metadata required to initialize the discussion tools.", "apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-commentid": "Comment ID to reply to. Only used when paction is addcomment.", "apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-html": "Content to post, as HTML. Cannot be used together with wikitext.", "apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-sectiontitle": "{{int:apihelp-edit-param-sectiontitle}} Only used when paction is addtopic.", "apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-param-wikitext": "Content to post, as wikitext. Cannot be used together with html.", "apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-paramvalue-paction-addcomment": "Add a new comment as a reply to an existing comment.", "apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-paramvalue-paction-addtopic": "Add a new discussion section and the first comment in it.", "apihelp-discussiontoolsedit-summary": "Post a message on a discussion page." }