getService( 'DiscussionTools.CommentParser' ); } protected static function getHookRunner(): HookRunner { return new HookRunner( MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHookContainer() ); } /** * Add discussion tools to some HTML * * @param string &$text Parser text output (modified by reference) * @param ParserOutput $pout ParserOutput object for metadata, e.g. parser limit report * @param Title $title */ public static function addDiscussionTools( string &$text, ParserOutput $pout, Title $title ): void { $start = microtime( true ); $requestId = null; try { $text = static::addDiscussionToolsInternal( $text, $pout, $title ); } catch ( Throwable $e ) { // Catch errors, so that they don't cause the entire page to not display. // Log it and report the request ID to make it easier to find in the logs. MWExceptionHandler::logException( $e ); $requestId = WebRequest::getRequestId(); } $duration = microtime( true ) - $start; MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getStatsFactory() ->getTiming( 'discussiontools_addreplylinks_seconds' ) ->copyToStatsdAt( 'discussiontools.addReplyLinks' ) ->observe( $duration * 1000 ); // How long this method took, in seconds $pout->setLimitReportData( // The following messages can be generated upstream // * discussiontools-limitreport-timeusage-value // * discussiontools-limitreport-timeusage-value-text // * discussiontools-limitreport-timeusage-value-html 'discussiontools-limitreport-timeusage', sprintf( '%.3f', $duration ) ); if ( $requestId ) { // Request ID where errors were logged (only if an error occurred) $pout->setLimitReportData( 'discussiontools-limitreport-errorreqid', $requestId ); } } /** * Add a wrapper, topic container, and subscribe link around a heading element * * @param Element $headingElement Heading element * @param ContentHeadingItem|null $headingItem Heading item * @param array|null &$tocInfo TOC info * @return Element Wrapper element (either found or newly added) */ protected static function handleHeading( Element $headingElement, ?ContentHeadingItem $headingItem = null, ?array &$tocInfo = null ): Element { $doc = $headingElement->ownerDocument; $wrapperNode = $headingElement->parentNode; if ( !( $wrapperNode instanceof Element && DOMCompat::getClassList( $wrapperNode )->contains( 'mw-heading' ) ) ) { // Do not add the wrapper if the heading has attributes generated from wikitext (T353489). // Only allow reserved attributes (e.g. 'data-mw', which can't be used in wikitext, but which // are used internally by our own code and by Parsoid) and the 'id', 'about', and 'typeof' // attributes used by Parsoid. foreach ( $headingElement->attributes as $attr ) { if ( !in_array( $attr->name, [ 'id', 'about', 'typeof' ], true ) && !Sanitizer::isReservedDataAttribute( $attr->name ) ) { return $headingElement; } } $wrapperNode = $doc->createElement( 'div' ); $headingElement->parentNode->insertBefore( $wrapperNode, $headingElement ); $wrapperNode->appendChild( $headingElement ); } if ( !$headingItem ) { return $wrapperNode; } $uneditable = DOMCompat::querySelector( $wrapperNode, 'mw\\:editsection' ) === null; $headingItem->setUneditableSection( $uneditable ); self::addOverflowMenuButton( $headingItem, $doc, $wrapperNode ); $latestReplyItem = $headingItem->getLatestReply(); $bar = null; if ( $latestReplyItem ) { $bar = $doc->createElement( 'div' ); $bar->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-bar' ); } self::addTopicContainer( $wrapperNode, $latestReplyItem, $doc, $headingItem, $bar, $tocInfo ); self::addSubscribeLink( $headingItem, $doc, $wrapperNode, $latestReplyItem, $bar ); if ( $latestReplyItem ) { // The check for if ( $latestReplyItem ) prevents $bar from being null // @phan-suppress-next-line PhanTypeMismatchArgumentNullable $wrapperNode->appendChild( $bar ); } return $wrapperNode; } /** * Add a topic container around a heading element. * * A topic container is the information displayed when the "Show discusion activity" user * preference is selected. This displays information such as the latest comment time, number * of comments, and number of editors in the discussion. */ protected static function addTopicContainer( Element $wrapperNode, ?ContentCommentItem $latestReplyItem, Document $doc, ContentHeadingItem $headingItem, ?Element $bar, array &$tocInfo ) { if ( !DOMCompat::getClassList( $wrapperNode )->contains( 'mw-heading' ) ) { DOMCompat::getClassList( $wrapperNode )->add( 'mw-heading' ); DOMCompat::getClassList( $wrapperNode )->add( 'mw-heading2' ); } DOMCompat::getClassList( $wrapperNode )->add( 'ext-discussiontools-init-section' ); if ( !$latestReplyItem ) { return; } $latestReplyJSON = json_encode( static::getJsonArrayForCommentMarker( $latestReplyItem ) ); $latestReply = $doc->createComment( // Timestamp output varies by user timezone, so is formatted later '__DTLATESTCOMMENTTHREAD__' . htmlspecialchars( $latestReplyJSON, ENT_NOQUOTES ) . '__' ); $commentCount = $doc->createComment( '__DTCOMMENTCOUNT__' . $headingItem->getCommentCount() . '__' ); $authorCount = $doc->createComment( '__DTAUTHORCOUNT__' . count( $headingItem->getAuthorsBelow() ) . '__' ); $metadata = $doc->createElement( 'div' ); $metadata->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-metadata' ); $metadata->appendChild( $latestReply ); $metadata->appendChild( $commentCount ); $metadata->appendChild( $authorCount ); $bar->appendChild( $metadata ); $tocInfo[ $headingItem->getLinkableTitle() ] = [ 'commentCount' => $headingItem->getCommentCount(), ]; } /** * Add a subscribe/unsubscribe link to the right of a heading element */ protected static function addSubscribeLink( ContentHeadingItem $headingItem, Document $doc, Element $wrapperNode, ?ContentCommentItem $latestReplyItem, ?Element $bar ) { $headingJSONEscaped = htmlspecialchars( json_encode( static::getJsonForHeadingMarker( $headingItem ) ) ); // Replaced in ::postprocessTopicSubscription() as the text depends on user state if ( $headingItem->isSubscribable() ) { $subscribeButton = $doc->createComment( '__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONDESKTOP__' . $headingJSONEscaped ); $wrapperNode->insertBefore( $subscribeButton, $wrapperNode->firstChild ); } if ( !$latestReplyItem ) { return; } $actions = $doc->createElement( 'div' ); $actions->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-actions' ); if ( $headingItem->isSubscribable() ) { $subscribeButton = $doc->createComment( '__DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE__' . $headingJSONEscaped ); $actions->appendChild( $subscribeButton ); } $bar->appendChild( $actions ); } /** * Add discussion tools to some HTML * * @param string $html HTML * @param ParserOutput $pout * @param Title $title * @return string HTML with discussion tools */ protected static function addDiscussionToolsInternal( string $html, ParserOutput $pout, Title $title ): string { // The output of this method can end up in the HTTP cache (Varnish). Avoid changing it; // and when doing so, ensure that frontend code can handle both the old and new outputs. // See controller#init in JS. $doc = DOMUtils::parseHTML( $html ); $container = DOMCompat::getBody( $doc ); $threadItemSet = static::getParser()->parse( $container, $title->getTitleValue() ); $threadItems = $threadItemSet->getThreadItems(); $tocInfo = []; $newestComment = null; $newestCommentData = null; $url = $title->getCanonicalURL(); $dtConfig = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'discussiontools' ); $enablePermalinksFrontend = $dtConfig->get( 'DiscussionToolsEnablePermalinksFrontend' ); // Iterate in reverse order, because adding the range markers for a thread item // can invalidate the ranges of subsequent thread items (T298096) foreach ( array_reverse( $threadItems ) as $threadItem ) { // Create a dummy node to attach data to. if ( $threadItem instanceof ContentHeadingItem && $threadItem->isPlaceholderHeading() ) { $node = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); $container->insertBefore( $node, $container->firstChild ); $threadItem->setRange( new ImmutableRange( $node, 0, $node, 0 ) ); } // Add start and end markers to range $id = $threadItem->getId(); $range = $threadItem->getRange(); $startMarker = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); $startMarker->setAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-start', '' ); $startMarker->setAttribute( 'id', $id ); $endMarker = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); $endMarker->setAttribute( 'data-mw-comment-end', $id ); // Extend the range if the start or end is inside an element which can't have element children. // (There may be other problematic elements... but this seems like a good start.) while ( CommentUtils::cantHaveElementChildren( $range->startContainer ) ) { $range = $range->setStart( $range->startContainer->parentNode, CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $range->startContainer ) ); } while ( CommentUtils::cantHaveElementChildren( $range->endContainer ) ) { $range = $range->setEnd( $range->endContainer->parentNode, CommentUtils::childIndexOf( $range->endContainer ) + 1 ); } $range->setStart( $range->endContainer, $range->endOffset )->insertNode( $endMarker ); // Start marker is added after reply link to keep reverse DOM order if ( $threadItem instanceof ContentHeadingItem ) { $headline = $threadItem->getHeadlineNode(); $headline->setAttribute( 'data-mw-thread-id', $threadItem->getId() ); if ( $threadItem->getHeadingLevel() === 2 ) { // Hack for tests (T363031), $headline should already be a

$headingElement = CommentUtils::closestElement( $headline, [ 'h2' ] ); if ( $headingElement ) { static::handleHeading( $headingElement, $threadItem, $tocInfo ); } } } elseif ( $threadItem instanceof ContentCommentItem ) { $replyButtons = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); $replyButtons->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-buttons' ); $replyButtons->setAttribute( 'data-mw-thread-id', $threadItem->getId() ); $replyButtons->appendChild( $doc->createComment( '__DTREPLYBUTTONSCONTENT__' ) ); if ( !$newestComment || $threadItem->getTimestamp() > $newestComment->getTimestamp() ) { $newestComment = $threadItem; // Needs to calculated before DOM modifications change ranges $newestCommentData = static::getJsonArrayForCommentMarker( $threadItem, true ); } CommentModifier::addReplyLink( $threadItem, $replyButtons ); if ( $enablePermalinksFrontend ) { $timestampRanges = $threadItem->getTimestampRanges(); $lastTimestamp = end( $timestampRanges ); $existingLink = CommentUtils::closestElement( $lastTimestamp->startContainer, [ 'a' ] ) ?? CommentUtils::closestElement( $lastTimestamp->endContainer, [ 'a' ] ); if ( !$existingLink ) { $link = $doc->createElement( 'a' ); $link->setAttribute( 'href', $url . '#' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForLink( $threadItem->getId() ) ); $link->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-timestamplink' ); $lastTimestamp->surroundContents( $link ); } } self::addOverflowMenuButton( $threadItem, $doc, $replyButtons ); } $range->insertNode( $startMarker ); } $pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-tocInfo', $tocInfo ); if ( $newestCommentData ) { $pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-newestComment', $newestCommentData ); } $startOfSections = DOMCompat::querySelector( $container, 'meta[property="mw:PageProp/toc"]' ); // Enhance other

's which aren't part of a thread $headings = DOMCompat::querySelectorAll( $container, 'h2' ); foreach ( $headings as $headingElement ) { $wrapper = $headingElement->parentNode; if ( $wrapper instanceof Element && DOMCompat::getClassList( $wrapper )->contains( 'toctitle' ) ) { continue; } $headingElement = static::handleHeading( $headingElement ); if ( !$startOfSections ) { $startOfSections = $headingElement; } } if ( // Page has no headings but some content ( !$startOfSections && $container->childNodes->length ) || // Page has content before the first heading / TOC ( $startOfSections && $startOfSections->previousSibling !== null ) ) { $pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-hasLedeContent', true ); } if ( // Placeholder heading indicates that there are comments in the lede section (T324139). // We can't really separate them from the lede content. isset( $threadItems[0] ) && $threadItems[0] instanceof ContentHeadingItem && $threadItems[0]->isPlaceholderHeading() ) { $pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-hasCommentsInLedeContent', true ); MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getTrackingCategories() // The following messages are generated upstream: // * discussiontools-comments-before-first-heading-category-desc ->addTrackingCategory( $pout, 'discussiontools-comments-before-first-heading-category', $title ); } // FIXME: Similar to `setJsConfigVar` below, this will eventually throw // from Parsoid's calls to the legacy parser for extension content parsing $pout->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-isEmptyTalkPage', count( $threadItems ) === 0 ); $threadsJSON = array_map( static function ( ContentThreadItem $item ) { return $item->jsonSerialize( true ); }, $threadItemSet->getThreadsStructured() ); // Temporary hack to deal with T351461#9358034: this should be a // call to `setJsConfigVar` but Parsoid is currently reprocessing // content from extensions. (T372592) // phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.NoSilencedErrors.Discouraged @$pout->addJsConfigVars( 'wgDiscussionToolsPageThreads', $threadsJSON ); // Like DOMCompat::getInnerHTML(), but disable 'smartQuote' for compatibility with // ParserOutput::EDITSECTION_REGEX matching 'mw:editsection' tags (T274709) $html = XMLSerializer::serialize( $container, [ 'innerXML' => true, 'smartQuote' => false ] )['html']; return $html; } /** * Add an overflow menu button to an element. * * @param ThreadItem $threadItem The heading or comment item * @param Document $document Retrieved by parsing page HTML * @param Element $element The element to add the overflow menu button to * @return void */ protected static function addOverflowMenuButton( ThreadItem $threadItem, Document $document, Element $element ): void { $overflowMenuDataJSON = json_encode( [ 'threadItem' => $threadItem ] ); $overflowMenuButton = $document->createComment( '__DTELLIPSISBUTTON__' . htmlspecialchars( $overflowMenuDataJSON, ENT_NOQUOTES ) ); $element->appendChild( $overflowMenuButton ); } /** * Replace placeholders for all interactive tools with nothing. This is intended for cases where * interaction is unexpected, e.g. reply links while previewing an edit. */ public static function removeInteractiveTools( string $text ): string { $text = strtr( $text, [ '' => '', ] ); $text = preg_replace( '//', '', $text ); $text = preg_replace( '//', '', $text ); return $text; } /** * Replace placeholders for topic subscription buttons with the real thing. */ public static function postprocessTopicSubscription( string $text, IContextSource $contextSource, SubscriptionStore $subscriptionStore, bool $isMobile, bool $useButtons ): string { $doc = DOMCompat::newDocument( true ); $matches = []; $itemDataByName = []; preg_match_all( '//', $text, $matches ); foreach ( $matches[1] as $itemData ) { $itemDataByName[ $itemData ] = json_decode( htmlspecialchars_decode( $itemData ), true ); } $itemNames = array_column( $itemDataByName, 'name' ); $user = $contextSource->getUser(); $items = $subscriptionStore->getSubscriptionItemsForUser( $user, $itemNames ); $itemsByName = []; foreach ( $items as $item ) { $itemsByName[ $item->getItemName() ] = $item; } $lang = $contextSource->getLanguage(); $title = $contextSource->getTitle(); $text = preg_replace_callback( '//', static function ( $matches ) use ( $doc, $itemsByName, $itemDataByName, $lang, $title, $isMobile, $useButtons ) { $buttonIsMobile = $matches[1] === 'DTSUBSCRIBEBUTTONMOBILE'; $itemData = $itemDataByName[ $matches[2] ]; '@phan-var array $itemData'; $itemName = $itemData['name']; $isSubscribed = isset( $itemsByName[ $itemName ] ) && !$itemsByName[ $itemName ]->isMuted(); $subscribedState = isset( $itemsByName[ $itemName ] ) ? $itemsByName[ $itemName ]->getState() : null; $href = $title->getLinkURL( [ 'action' => $isSubscribed ? 'dtunsubscribe' : 'dtsubscribe', 'commentname' => $itemName, 'section' => $itemData['linkableTitle'], ] ); if ( $buttonIsMobile !== $isMobile ) { return ''; } if ( !$useButtons ) { $subscribe = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); $subscribe->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe mw-editsection-like' ); $subscribeLink = $doc->createElement( 'a' ); $subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'href', $href ); $subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe-link' ); $subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'role', 'button' ); $subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'tabindex', '0' ); $subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'title', wfMessage( $isSubscribed ? 'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe-tooltip' : 'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-subscribe-tooltip' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text() ); $subscribeLink->nodeValue = wfMessage( $isSubscribed ? 'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe' : 'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-subscribe' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(); if ( $subscribedState !== null ) { $subscribeLink->setAttribute( 'data-mw-subscribed', (string)$subscribedState ); } $bracket = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); $bracket->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribe-bracket' ); $bracketOpen = $bracket->cloneNode( false ); $bracketOpen->nodeValue = '['; $bracketClose = $bracket->cloneNode( false ); $bracketClose->nodeValue = ']'; $subscribe->appendChild( $bracketOpen ); $subscribe->appendChild( $subscribeLink ); $subscribe->appendChild( $bracketClose ); return DOMCompat::getOuterHTML( $subscribe ); } else { $subscribe = new \OOUI\ButtonWidget( [ 'classes' => [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-subscribeButton' ], 'framed' => false, 'icon' => $isSubscribed ? 'bell' : 'bellOutline', 'flags' => [ 'progressive' ], 'href' => $href, 'label' => wfMessage( $isSubscribed ? 'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe-label' : 'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-subscribe-label' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(), 'title' => wfMessage( $isSubscribed ? 'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-unsubscribe-tooltip' : 'discussiontools-topicsubscription-button-subscribe-tooltip' )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(), 'infusable' => true, ] ); if ( $subscribedState !== null ) { $subscribe->setAttributes( [ 'data-mw-subscribed' => (string)$subscribedState ] ); } return $subscribe->toString(); } }, $text ); return $text; } /** * Replace placeholders for reply links with the real thing. */ public static function postprocessReplyTool( string $text, IContextSource $contextSource, bool $isMobile, bool $useButtons ): string { $doc = DOMCompat::newDocument( true ); $lang = $contextSource->getLanguage(); $replyLinkText = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-replylink' )->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped(); $replyButtonText = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-replybutton' )->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped(); $text = preg_replace_callback( '//', static function ( $matches ) use ( $doc, $replyLinkText, $replyButtonText, $isMobile, $useButtons, $lang ) { $replyLinkButtons = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); if ( $useButtons ) { // Visual enhancements button $useIcon = $isMobile || static::isLanguageRequiringReplyIcon( $lang ); $replyLinkButton = new \OOUI\ButtonWidget( [ 'classes' => [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-replybutton' ], 'framed' => false, 'label' => $replyButtonText, 'icon' => $useIcon ? 'share' : null, 'flags' => [ 'progressive' ], 'infusable' => true, ] ); DOMCompat::setInnerHTML( $replyLinkButtons, $replyLinkButton->toString() ); } else { // Reply link $replyLink = $doc->createElement( 'a' ); $replyLink->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-reply' ); $replyLink->setAttribute( 'role', 'button' ); $replyLink->setAttribute( 'tabindex', '0' ); // Set empty 'href' to avoid a:not([href]) selector in MobileFrontend $replyLink->setAttribute( 'href', '' ); $replyLink->textContent = $replyLinkText; $bracket = $doc->createElement( 'span' ); $bracket->setAttribute( 'class', 'ext-discussiontools-init-replylink-bracket' ); $bracketOpen = $bracket->cloneNode( false ); $bracketClose = $bracket->cloneNode( false ); $bracketOpen->textContent = '['; $bracketClose->textContent = ']'; $replyLinkButtons->appendChild( $bracketOpen ); $replyLinkButtons->appendChild( $replyLink ); $replyLinkButtons->appendChild( $bracketClose ); } return DOMCompat::getInnerHTML( $replyLinkButtons ); }, $text ); return $text; } /** * Create a meta item label * * @param string $className * @param string|\OOUI\HtmlSnippet $label Label * @return \OOUI\Tag */ private static function metaLabel( string $className, $label ): \OOUI\Tag { return ( new \OOUI\Tag( 'span' ) ) ->addClasses( [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-metaitem', $className ] ) ->appendContent( $label ); } /** * Get JSON data for a commentItem that can be inserted into a comment marker * * @param ContentCommentItem $commentItem Comment item * @param bool $includeTopicAndAuthor Include metadata about topic and author * @return array */ private static function getJsonArrayForCommentMarker( ContentCommentItem $commentItem, bool $includeTopicAndAuthor = false ): array { $JSON = [ 'id' => $commentItem->getId(), 'timestamp' => $commentItem->getTimestampString() ]; if ( $includeTopicAndAuthor ) { $JSON['author'] = $commentItem->getAuthor(); $heading = $commentItem->getSubscribableHeading(); if ( $heading ) { $JSON['heading'] = static::getJsonForHeadingMarker( $heading ); } } return $JSON; } private static function getJsonForHeadingMarker( ContentHeadingItem $heading ): array { $JSON = $heading->jsonSerialize(); $JSON['text'] = $heading->getText(); $JSON['linkableTitle'] = $heading->getLinkableTitle(); return $JSON; } /** * Get a relative timestamp from a signature timestamp. * * Signature timestamps don't have seconds-level accuracy, so any * time difference of less than 120 seconds is treated as being * posted "just now". */ public static function getSignatureRelativeTime( MWTimestamp $timestamp, Language $lang, UserIdentity $user ): string { try { $diff = time() - intval( $timestamp->getTimestamp() ); } catch ( TimestampException $ex ) { // Can't happen $diff = 0; } if ( $diff < 120 ) { $timestamp = new MWTimestamp(); } return $lang->getHumanTimestamp( $timestamp, null, $user ); } /** * Post-process visual enhancements features (topic containers) */ public static function postprocessVisualEnhancements( string $text, IContextSource $contextSource, bool $isMobile ): string { $lang = $contextSource->getLanguage(); $user = $contextSource->getUser(); $text = preg_replace_callback( '//', static function ( $matches ) use ( $lang, $user ) { $itemData = json_decode( htmlspecialchars_decode( $matches[1] ), true ); if ( $itemData && $itemData['timestamp'] && $itemData['id'] ) { $relativeTime = static::getSignatureRelativeTime( new MWTimestamp( $itemData['timestamp'] ), $lang, $user ); $commentLink = Html::element( 'a', [ 'href' => '#' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForLink( $itemData['id'] ) ], $relativeTime ); $label = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-topicheader-latestcomment' ) ->rawParams( $commentLink ) ->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped(); return CommentFormatter::metaLabel( 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-timestampLabel', new \OOUI\HtmlSnippet( $label ) ); } }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( '//', static function ( $matches ) use ( $lang, $user ) { $count = $lang->formatNum( $matches[1] ); $label = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-topicheader-commentcount', $count )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(); return CommentFormatter::metaLabel( 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-commentCountLabel', $label ); }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( '//', static function ( $matches ) use ( $lang, $user ) { $count = $lang->formatNum( $matches[1] ); $label = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-topicheader-authorcount', $count )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(); return CommentFormatter::metaLabel( 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-authorCountLabel', $label ); }, $text ); $text = preg_replace_callback( '//', static function ( $matches ) use ( $contextSource, $isMobile ) { $overflowMenuData = json_decode( htmlspecialchars_decode( $matches[1] ), true ) ?? []; // TODO: Remove the fallback to empty array after the parser cache is updated. $threadItem = $overflowMenuData['threadItem'] ?? []; // TODO: Remove $overflowMenuData['editable'] after caches clear if ( isset( $overflowMenuData['editable'] ) ) { $threadItem['uneditableSection'] = !$overflowMenuData['editable']; } $threadItemType = $threadItem['type'] ?? null; if ( !$isMobile && $threadItemType === 'heading' ) { // Displaying the overflow menu next to a topic heading is a bit more // complicated on desktop, so leaving it out for now. return ''; } $overflowMenuItems = []; $resourceLoaderModules = []; self::getHookRunner()->onDiscussionToolsAddOverflowMenuItems( $overflowMenuItems, $resourceLoaderModules, $threadItem, $contextSource ); if ( $overflowMenuItems ) { usort( $overflowMenuItems, static function ( OverflowMenuItem $itemA, OverflowMenuItem $itemB ): int { return $itemB->getWeight() - $itemA->getWeight(); } ); $overflowButton = new ButtonMenuSelectWidget( [ 'classes' => [ 'ext-discussiontools-init-section-overflowMenuButton' ], 'framed' => false, 'icon' => 'ellipsis', 'infusable' => true, 'data' => [ 'itemConfigs' => $overflowMenuItems, 'resourceLoaderModules' => $resourceLoaderModules ] ] ); return $overflowButton->toString(); } else { return ''; } }, $text ); return $text; } /** * Post-process visual enhancements features for page subtitle */ public static function postprocessVisualEnhancementsSubtitle( ParserOutput $pout, IContextSource $contextSource ): ?string { $itemData = $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-newestComment' ); if ( $itemData && $itemData['timestamp'] && $itemData['id'] ) { $lang = $contextSource->getLanguage(); $user = $contextSource->getUser(); $relativeTime = static::getSignatureRelativeTime( new MWTimestamp( $itemData['timestamp'] ), $lang, $user ); $commentLink = Html::element( 'a', [ 'href' => '#' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForLink( $itemData['id'] ) ], $relativeTime ); if ( isset( $itemData['heading'] ) ) { $headingLink = Html::element( 'a', [ 'href' => '#' . Sanitizer::escapeIdForLink( $itemData['heading']['linkableTitle'] ) ], $itemData['heading']['text'] ); $label = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-pageframe-latestcomment' ) ->rawParams( $commentLink ) ->params( $itemData['author'] ) ->rawParams( $headingLink ) ->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped(); } else { $label = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-pageframe-latestcomment-notopic' ) ->rawParams( $commentLink ) ->params( $itemData['author'] ) ->inLanguage( $lang )->escaped(); } return Html::rawElement( 'div', [ 'class' => 'ext-discussiontools-init-pageframe-latestcomment' ], $label ); } return null; } /** * Post-process visual enhancements features for table of contents */ public static function postprocessTableOfContents( ParserOutput $pout, IContextSource $contextSource ): void { $tocInfo = $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-tocInfo' ); if ( $tocInfo && $pout->getTOCData() ) { $sections = $pout->getTOCData()->getSections(); foreach ( $sections as $item ) { $key = str_replace( '_', ' ', $item->anchor ); // Unset if we did not format this section as a topic container if ( isset( $tocInfo[$key] ) ) { $lang = $contextSource->getLanguage(); $count = $lang->formatNum( $tocInfo[$key]['commentCount'] ); $commentCount = wfMessage( 'discussiontools-topicheader-commentcount', $count )->inLanguage( $lang )->text(); $summary = Html::element( 'span', [ 'class' => 'ext-discussiontools-init-sidebar-meta' ], $commentCount ); } else { $summary = ''; } // This also shows up in API action=parse&prop=sections output. $item->setExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-html-summary', $summary ); } } } /** * Check if the talk page had no comments or headings. */ public static function isEmptyTalkPage( ParserOutput $pout ): bool { return $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-isEmptyTalkPage' ) === true; } /** * Check if the talk page has content above the first heading, in the lede section. */ public static function hasLedeContent( ParserOutput $pout ): bool { return $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-hasLedeContent' ) === true; } /** * Check if the talk page has comments above the first heading, in the lede section. */ public static function hasCommentsInLedeContent( ParserOutput $pout ): bool { return $pout->getExtensionData( 'DiscussionTools-hasCommentsInLedeContent' ) === true; } /** * Check if the language requires an icon for the reply button * * @param Language $userLang Language * @return bool */ public static function isLanguageRequiringReplyIcon( Language $userLang ): bool { $services = MediaWikiServices::getInstance(); $dtConfig = $services->getConfigFactory()->makeConfig( 'discussiontools' ); $languages = $dtConfig->get( 'DiscussionTools_visualenhancements_reply_icon_languages' ); if ( array_is_list( $languages ) ) { // Detect legacy list format throw new ConfigException( 'DiscussionTools_visualenhancements_reply_icon_languages must be an associative array' ); } // User language matched exactly and is explicitly set to true or false if ( isset( $languages[ $userLang->getCode() ] ) ) { return (bool)$languages[ $userLang->getCode() ]; } // Check fallback languages $fallbackLanguages = $userLang->getFallbackLanguages(); foreach ( $fallbackLanguages as $fallbackLanguage ) { if ( isset( $languages[ $fallbackLanguage ] ) ) { return (bool)$languages[ $fallbackLanguage ]; } } // Language not listed, default is to show no icon return false; } }