{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Amire80", "Matma Rex", "Robby", "Tacsipacsi" ] }, "discussiontools": "{{name}}", "discussiontools-defaultsummary-reply": "Default edit summary for a reply.\n\n'''Note that this is a noun (''a reply''), not a verb (''to reply''). Alternatively you can use a past tense verb if that's more natural in your language.'''", "discussiontools-desc": "{{desc\n| name = DiscussionTools\n| url = https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:DiscussionTools\n}}", "discussiontools-preference-label": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as label for checkbox to enable discussion tools.\n\nThe description for this checkbox is: {{msg-mw|discussiontools-preference-description}}", "discussiontools-preference-description": "Used in [[Special:Preferences]].\n\nUsed as description for the checkbox to enable discussion tools.\n\nThe label for this checkbox is {{msg-mw|discussiontools-preference-label}}.", "discussiontools-preference-info-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can learn about this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on MediaWiki.org.}}", "discussiontools-preference-discussion-link": "{{optional|Used on [[Special:Preferences]] as a link to a page where users can discuss this Beta Feature. Defaults to a page on MediaWiki.org.}}", "discussiontools-replylink": "Label for the reply link added after each comment. Use the same casing as section edit links.\n* {{Related|editsection}}.", "discussiontools-replywidget-abandon": "Message shown when abandoning a comment\n\nSee also {{msg-mw|mw-widgets-abandonedit}}.", "discussiontools-replywidget-abandon-discard": "Label for button to abandon a comment\n\nThis button follows {{msg-mw|discussiontools-replywidget-abandon}}.", "discussiontools-replywidget-abandon-keep": "Label for button to cancel abandoning a comment\n\nThis button follows {{msg-mw|discussiontools-replywidget-abandon}}.", "discussiontools-replywidget-anon-warning": "Warning message to be displayed when anonymous user starts writing a new topic or reply.\n* $1 is a URL to log in.\n* $2 is a URL to register an account.", "discussiontools-replywidget-cancel": "Label for the cancel button in the reply widget", "discussiontools-replywidget-feedback": "Label for link to share feedback about the reply widget", "discussiontools-replywidget-feedback-link": "{{optional|Link to a page where users can share feedback about the reply widget. Defaults to a page on MediaWiki.org.}}", "discussiontools-replywidget-loading": "Message shown while the reply widget is loading", "discussiontools-replywidget-mention-tool-header": "Header of search results when searching for a user to mention.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 – search query for the username. Note that this is not a full username, and '''can't''' be used with {{GENDER:}}.", "discussiontools-replywidget-mention-tool-title": "Title text for the user mention tool.", "discussiontools-replywidget-mode-source": "Label for source mode (wikitext) editor", "discussiontools-replywidget-mode-visual": "Label for visual mode editor", "discussiontools-replywidget-placeholder-reply": "Placeholder describing who is being replied to.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 – username of the person who wrote the previous comment", "discussiontools-replywidget-preview": "Label for the preview area of the reply widget", "discussiontools-replywidget-reply": "Label for the button to submit a reply in the reply widget", "discussiontools-replywidget-reply-link": "{{optional|Used by {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-reply}} as a link to a page where users learn about the feature. Defaults to a page on MediaWiki.org.}}", "discussiontools-replywidget-signature-title": "Title of the warning about typing in your signature", "discussiontools-replywidget-signature-body": "Body of the warning about typing in your signature.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 – the signature markup, i.e. ~~~~\n* $2 – localised keyboard shortcut to undo, for example Ctrl+Z", "discussiontools-replywidget-terms-click": "Terms of use for posting a reply.\n\n* $1 is the label of the button to be clicked, e.g. {{msg-mw|discussiontools-replywidget-reply}}.", "discussiontools-replywidget-transcluded": "Message explaining that the comment will be saved on a different page than the one you're viewing right now (because it was transcluded from it). Parameter: $1 – page name", "discussiontools-signature-prefix": "{{optional}}\nWikitext that prefixes the signature. The prefix and signature will be appended directly to the message, so this must include a leading space if a gap is desired.\n\nThis message intentionally doesn't use the prefix from {{msg-mw|sig-text}}, because it is not actually commonly used on many wikis, but you can include it in the translation if that is the convention in your language.\n{{Format|plain}}", "discussiontools-error-comment-disappeared": "Error message.", "discussiontools-error-comment-is-transcluded": "Error message. Parameter: $1 – text of the 'Edit'/'Edit source' tab", "discussiontools-error-comment-is-transcluded-title": "Error message. Parameter: $1 – page name", "discussiontools-error-lint": "Error message. Parameters:\n* $1 – URL to documentation on mediawiki.org\n* $2 – URL to talk page on mediawiki.org\n* $3 – URL to the editor (action=edit)", "discussiontools-error-noswitchtove": "Error message.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 – type of syntax detected, one of:\n** {{msg-mw|discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-extension}}\n** {{msg-mw|discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-table}}\n** {{msg-mw|discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-template}}", "discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-extension": "Type of syntax detected, used as a parameter in {{msg-mw|discussiontools-error-noswitchtove}}.", "discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-table": "Type of syntax detected, used as a parameter in {{msg-mw|discussiontools-error-noswitchtove}}.", "discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-template": "Type of syntax detected, used as a parameter in {{msg-mw|discussiontools-error-noswitchtove}}.", "discussiontools-error-noswitchtove-title": "Type of syntax detected, used as a parameter in {{msg-mw|discussiontools-error-noswitchtove}}.", "tag-discussiontools": "{{ignored}}Short description of the discussiontools tag.\n\nShown on lists of changes (history, recentchanges, etc.) for each edit made using DiscussionTools.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-description}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-description": "Long description of the discussiontools tag ({{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools}}).\n\nShown on [[Special:Tags]].\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-edit": "Short description of the discussiontools-edit tag.\n\nShown on lists of changes (history, recentchanges, etc.) for each edit to an existing comment made using DiscussionTools.\n\nThis message is always shown directly after {{msg-mw|tag-discussiontools}} and a comma.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-edit-description}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-edit-description": "Long description of the discussiontools-edit tag ({{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-edit}}).\n\nShown on [[Special:Tags]].\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-edit}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-newtopic": "Short description of the discussiontools-newtopic tag.\n\nShown on lists of changes (history, recentchanges, etc.) for each edit made using DiscussionTools to create a new section of a talk page.\n\nThis message is always shown directly after {{msg-mw|tag-discussiontools}} and a comma.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-newtopic-description}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-newtopic-description": "Long description of the discussiontools-newtopic tag ({{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-newtopic}}).\n\nShown on [[Special:Tags]].\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-newtopic}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-reply": "Short description of the discussiontools-reply tag.\n\nShown on lists of changes (history, recentchanges, etc.) for each edit made using DiscussionTools to reply to an existing comment.\n\nThis message is always shown directly after {{msg-mw|tag-discussiontools}} and a comma.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-reply-description}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-reply-description": "Long description of the discussiontools-reply tag ({{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-reply}}).\n\nShown on [[Special:Tags]].\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-reply}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-source": "Short description of the discussiontools-source tag.\n\nShown on lists of changes (history, recentchanges, etc.) for each edit made using DiscussionTools in source mode.\n\nThis message is always shown directly after {{msg-mw|tag-discussiontools-reply}} etc. and a comma.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-source-description}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}\n\n{{Identical|Source}}", "tag-discussiontools-source-description": "Long description of the discussiontools-source tag ({{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-source}}).\n\nShown on [[Special:Tags]].\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-source}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-visual": "Short description of the discussiontools-visual tag.\n\nShown on lists of changes (history, recentchanges, etc.) for each edit made using DiscussionTools in visual mode.\n\nThis message is always shown directly after {{msg-mw|tag-discussiontools-reply}} etc. and a comma.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-visual-description}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}", "tag-discussiontools-visual-description": "Long description of the discussiontools-visual tag ({{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-visual}}).\n\nShown on [[Special:Tags]].\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Tag-discussiontools-visual}}\n{{Related|tag-discussiontools}}" }