'use strict'; var api = new mw.Api( { parameters: { formatversion: 2 } } ), $pageContainer, Parser = require( './Parser.js' ), pageDataCache = {}; mw.messages.set( require( './controller/contLangMessages.json' ) ); function traverseNode( parent ) { // Loads later to avoid circular dependency var CommentController = require( './CommentController.js' ); parent.replies.forEach( function ( comment ) { if ( comment.type === 'comment' ) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new new CommentController( $pageContainer, comment ); } traverseNode( comment ); } ); } function highlight( comment ) { var padding = 5, // $container must be position:relative/absolute $container = OO.ui.getDefaultOverlay(), containerRect = $container[ 0 ].getBoundingClientRect(), rect = RangeFix.getBoundingClientRect( comment.getNativeRange() ), $highlight = $( '
' ).addClass( 'dt-init-highlight' ); $highlight.css( { top: rect.top - containerRect.top - padding, left: rect.left - containerRect.left - padding, width: rect.width + ( padding * 2 ), height: rect.height + ( padding * 2 ) } ); $container.prepend( $highlight ); OO.ui.Element.static.scrollIntoView( $highlight[ 0 ], { padding: { top: 10, bottom: 10 } } ).then( function () { setTimeout( function () { $highlight.addClass( 'dt-init-highlight-fade' ); setTimeout( function () { $highlight.remove(); }, 500 ); }, 500 ); } ); } /** * Get the Parsoid document HTML and metadata needed to edit this page from the API. * * This method caches responses. If you call it again with the same parameters, you'll get the exact * same Promise object, and no API request will be made. * * TODO: Resolve the naming conflict between this raw "pageData" from the API, and the * plain object "pageData" that gets attached to parsoidData. * * @param {string} pageName Page title * @param {number} oldId Revision ID * @return {jQuery.Promise} */ function getPageData( pageName, oldId ) { var lintPromise; pageDataCache[ pageName ] = pageDataCache[ pageName ] || {}; if ( pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ] ) { return pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ]; } lintPromise = api.get( { action: 'query', list: 'linterrors', lntcategories: 'fostered', lntlimit: 1, lnttitle: pageName } ).then( function ( response ) { return OO.getProp( response, 'query', 'linterrors' ) || []; } ); pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ] = mw.loader.using( 'ext.visualEditor.targetLoader' ).then( function () { var pageDataPromise = mw.libs.ve.targetLoader.requestPageData( 'visual', pageName, { oldId: oldId } ); return $.when( lintPromise, pageDataPromise ).then( function ( linterrors, pageData ) { pageData.linterrors = linterrors; return pageData; } ); }, function () { // Clear on failure pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ] = null; } ); return pageDataCache[ pageName ][ oldId ]; } /** * Get the Parsoid document DOM, parse comments and threads, and find a specific comment in it. * * @param {string} pageName Page title * @param {number} oldId Revision ID * @param {string} commentId Comment ID * @return {jQuery.Promise} */ function getParsoidCommentData( pageName, oldId, commentId ) { var parsoidPageData, parsoidDoc; return getPageData( pageName, oldId ) .then( function ( response ) { var data, comment, transcludedFrom, transcludedErrMsg, mwTitle, follow, lintType, parser, lintErrors = response.linterrors; data = response.visualeditor; parsoidDoc = ve.parseXhtml( data.content ); // Remove section wrappers, they interfere with transclusion handling mw.libs.ve.unwrapParsoidSections( parsoidDoc.body ); // Mirror VE's ve.init.mw.Target.prototype.fixBase behavior: ve.fixBase( parsoidDoc, document, ve.resolveUrl( // Don't replace $1 with the page name, because that'll break if // the page name contains a slash mw.config.get( 'wgArticlePath' ).replace( '$1', '' ), document ) ); parsoidPageData = { pageName: pageName, oldId: oldId, startTimeStamp: data.starttimestamp, etag: data.etag }; parser = new Parser( parsoidDoc.body ); comment = parser.findCommentById( commentId ); if ( !comment ) { return $.Deferred().reject( 'comment-disappeared', { errors: [ { code: 'comment-disappeared', html: mw.message( 'discussiontools-error-comment-disappeared' ).parse() } ] } ).promise(); } transcludedFrom = comment.getTranscludedFrom(); if ( transcludedFrom ) { mwTitle = transcludedFrom === true ? null : mw.Title.newFromText( transcludedFrom ); // If this refers to a template rather than a subpage, we never want to edit it follow = mwTitle && mwTitle.getNamespaceId() !== mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceIds' ).template; if ( follow ) { transcludedErrMsg = mw.message( 'discussiontools-error-comment-is-transcluded-title', mwTitle.getPrefixedText() ).parse(); } else { transcludedErrMsg = mw.message( 'discussiontools-error-comment-is-transcluded', // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector $( '#ca-edit' ).text() ).parse(); } return $.Deferred().reject( 'comment-is-transcluded', { errors: [ { data: { transcludedFrom: transcludedFrom, follow: follow }, code: 'comment-is-transcluded', html: transcludedErrMsg } ] } ).promise(); } if ( lintErrors.length ) { // We currently only request the first error lintType = lintErrors[ 0 ].category; return $.Deferred().reject( 'lint', { errors: [ { code: 'lint', html: mw.message( 'discussiontools-error-lint', 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help:Lint_errors/' + lintType, 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Help_talk:Lint_errors/' + lintType, mw.util.getUrl( pageName, { action: 'edit', lintid: lintErrors[ 0 ].lintId } ) ).parse() } ] } ).promise(); } return { comment: comment, doc: parsoidDoc, pageData: parsoidPageData }; } ); } function getCheckboxesPromise( pageData ) { return getPageData( pageData.pageName, pageData.oldId ).then( function ( response ) { var data = response.visualeditor, checkboxesDef = {}; mw.messages.set( data.checkboxesMessages ); // Only show the watch checkbox for now if ( 'wpWatchthis' in data.checkboxesDef ) { checkboxesDef.wpWatchthis = data.checkboxesDef.wpWatchthis; } // targetLoader was loaded by getPageData return mw.libs.ve.targetLoader.createCheckboxFields( checkboxesDef ); // TODO: createCheckboxField doesn't make links in the label open in a new // window as that method currently lives in ve.utils } ); } function init( $container, state ) { var parser, pageThreads, repliedToComment; $pageContainer = $container; parser = new Parser( $pageContainer[ 0 ] ); pageThreads = parser.getThreads(); $pageContainer.removeClass( 'dt-init-replylink-open' ); pageThreads.forEach( traverseNode ); // For debugging mw.dt.pageThreads = pageThreads; if ( state.repliedTo ) { // Find the comment we replied to, then highlight the last reply repliedToComment = parser.findCommentById( state.repliedTo ); highlight( repliedToComment.replies[ repliedToComment.replies.length - 1 ] ); } // Preload the Parsoid document. // TODO: Isn't this too early to load it? We will only need it if the user tries replying... getPageData( mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantPageName' ), mw.config.get( 'wgCurRevisionId' ) ); } module.exports = { init: init, getParsoidCommentData: getParsoidCommentData, getCheckboxesPromise: getCheckboxesPromise };