
namespace MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Tests;

use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\ContentThreadItemSet;
use MediaWiki\Extension\DiscussionTools\Notifications\EventDispatcher;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageIdentity;
use MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionRecord;
use MediaWiki\User\UserIdentity;
use Title;

class MockEventDispatcher extends EventDispatcher {

	 * Public for testing
	 * Note that we can't use TestingAccessWrapper instead of this, because it doesn't support passing
	 * arguments by reference (causes exceptions like "PHPUnit\Framework\Error\Warning: Parameter 1 to
	 * ... expected to be a reference, value given").
	 * @param array &$events
	 * @param ContentThreadItemSet $oldItemSet
	 * @param ContentThreadItemSet $newItemSet
	 * @param RevisionRecord $newRevRecord
	 * @param PageIdentity $title
	 * @param UserIdentity $user
	public static function generateEventsFromItemSets(
		array &$events,
		ContentThreadItemSet $oldItemSet,
		ContentThreadItemSet $newItemSet,
		RevisionRecord $newRevRecord,
		PageIdentity $title,
		UserIdentity $user
	): void {

	 * No-op for testing
	 * @param RevisionRecord $newRevRecord
	public static function addCommentChangeTag( RevisionRecord $newRevRecord ): void {

	 * No-op for testing
	 * @param UserIdentity $user
	 * @param Title $title
	 * @param string $itemName
	protected static function addAutoSubscription( UserIdentity $user, Title $title, string $itemName ): void {
