"discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-disable":"Bas-y n deegd sõss wa woto",
"discussiontools-notification-removed-topic-disabled-body":"Y tõe n toeema woto y sẽn dat n maan bũmb ningã pʋgẽ[[Special: Preferences #mw-preferences-echo-echosubscriptions|your preferences]].",
"discussiontools-notification-subscribed-new-comment-header":"{{GENDER:$2 replied}} ne \"<strong>$4</strong>\".",
"discussiontools-notification-subscribed-new-comment-header-bundled":"{{PLURAL:$1 on One new topic = $100 = 99+ new topics}} \"<strong>$2</strong>\".",
"discussiontools-notification-subscribed-new-comment-view":"Bao-y sõsg ning sẽn be be wã",
"discussiontools-pageframe-latestcomment":"Sõsg a ye: $1 ne $2 yell a 3 pʋgẽ $3",
"discussiontools-pageframe-latestcomment-notopic":"Yaoolem tagsgo: $1 ne $2",
"discussiontools-pagetitle-newtopic":"Sõsg ning b sẽn sɩng ne sõsg ning b yiisa wã $1",
"discussiontools-pagetitle-reply":"D sẽn leokd a woto wã yaa $1",
"discussiontools-postedit-confirmation-topicadded":"B paasame tɩ y gomdã yaa yãmb n gomdã.",
"discussiontools-preference-autotopicsub":"Sõng-y tɩ y bãng bũmb nins sẽn be Biiblã pʋgẽ wã",
"discussiontools-preference-gadget-conflict":"Y sã n dat n leok y sẽn datã, y na n deng n bao [[$1|n kẽnga y Gadget ]]datem pʋgẽ.",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool":"Yãk-y n paas sogs-n-tɩrsã",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool-createpage":"Mam sã n wa ges sõsg seb-neng sẽn pa naanã:",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool-createpage-editor":"Wilg wiki text editorã",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool-createpage-newtopictool":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda",
"discussiontools-preference-newtopictool-help":"Rẽ na n kɩtame tɩ y yãe sɛb sẽn tõe n paas yel-paals paalmã.",
"discussiontools-preference-replytool":"Yɩl-y tɩ b leok-y tao-tao",
"discussiontools-preference-replytool-help":"Rẽ na n kɩtame tɩ y paam link n na n leok sõsg ning y sẽn gomdã ne klik a ye.",
"discussiontools-preference-sourcemodetoolbar":"Yãk-y n tool-y neda",
"discussiontools-preference-sourcemodetoolbar-help":"Woto na n kɩtame tɩ b paas tʋʋm-teed bar sẽn na yɩl n leok tao-tao la b paas sogs-kãsems sẽn na n yɩ tao-tao wã sor sor sorã sẽn tar sor n na n sõng-b tɩ b tall sor n paas sogs nins b sẽn dat n tall n paasã.",
"discussiontools-preference-summary":"Y tõe n bãnga bõn-kãensã yell n paas n karem [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Talk_pages_project/Feature_summary feature summary].",
"discussiontools-preference-topicsubscription":"Sõng-y tɩ y paam sogsg sẽn yaa sõma",
"discussiontools-preference-topicsubscription-help":"Woto na n kɩtame tɩ y tõe n sak n deeg sõsg sẽn gomd zu-loees kẽer yelle.",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-notify-subscribed-body":"F na n paama kibay sẽn kẽed ne kõ-m-meng tags paal ye sẽn kẽed ne sõasg gom-zu-raoog kãnga ye.",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-notify-subscribed-title":"F naag f menga",
"discussiontools-topicsubscription-notify-unsubscribed-body":"F ka na n le paam kibay sẽn kẽed ne kõ-m-meng tags paal ye sẽn kẽed ne sõasg gom-zu-raoog kãnga ye.",