* eslint-config-wikimedia: 0.5.0 → 0.15.0
The following rules are failing and were disabled:
* no-prototype-builtins
* grunt-eslint: 20.1.0 → 22.0.0
* grunt-stylelint: 0.10.1 → 0.13.0
* stylelint-config-wikimedia: 0.4.3 → 0.8.0
The following rules are failing and were disabled:
* rule-empty-line-before
Additional changes:
* Remove direct "stylelint" dependency in favor of "grunt-stylelint".
* Also sorted "composer fix" command to run phpcbf last.
* Removing manual reportUnusedDisableDirectives for eslint.
Change-Id: I5218ef05353b85925bff7fdd4d5eeae0a71ccac2