Matthew Flaschen 843620632a Properly isolate reloading functionality, drop createacct name
There can be more then one CAPTCHA on the page in AJAX scenarios,
so it's important one reload not affect separate CAPTCHAs.

Also, drop the legacy createacct naming, except for the one
that is actually specific to CreateAccount.

The following patch must be merged immediately after this:
* Core - I8924d537cad3e39adace99fb20626247128d9bd9

Change-Id: I0e55a159efd66a73cd217d9a5e86b2bced90f57a
2015-10-22 14:08:05 -04:00

41 lines
1.2 KiB

( function ( $, mw ) {
var api = new mw.Api();
$( document ).on( 'click', '.fancycaptcha-reload', function () {
var $this = $( this ), $root, $captchaImage;
$root = $this.closest( '.fancycaptcha-captcha-container' );
$this.addClass( 'fancycaptcha-reload-loading' );
$captchaImage = $root.find( '.fancycaptcha-image' );
// AJAX request to get captcha index key {
action: 'fancycaptchareload',
format: 'xml'
}, {
dataType: 'xml'
} )
.done( function ( xmldata ) {
var imgSrc, captchaIndex;
captchaIndex = $( xmldata ).find( 'fancycaptchareload' ).attr( 'index' );
if ( typeof captchaIndex === 'string' ) {
// replace index key with a new one for captcha image
imgSrc = $captchaImage.attr( 'src' )
.replace( /(wpCaptchaId=)\w+/, '$1' + captchaIndex );
$captchaImage.attr( 'src', imgSrc );
// replace index key with a new one for hidden tag
$root.find( '[name="wpCaptchaId"]' ).val( captchaIndex );
$root.find( '[name="wpCaptchaWord"]' ).val( '' ).focus();
} )
.always( function () {
$this.removeClass( 'fancycaptcha-reload-loading' );
} );
return false;
} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );