lalei 12361c5f31 Add a button to request a new fancy captcha
This adds HTML, CSS, and JS to FancyCaptcha output to refresh the image,
which requests it via a new fancycaptchareload API.
It also cleans up the Asirra class a little.

Bug: 14230
Change-Id: I4e476f32de199534c9798fc78e8490b3ef91dd45
2013-04-17 20:10:33 -04:00

41 lines
1.3 KiB

( function ( $, mw ) {
var api = new mw.Api();
$( document ).on( 'click', '.fancycaptcha-reload', function () {
var staticImageDirectory = mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) + '/ConfirmEdit/images/',
$this = $( this ), reloadButtonImage, captchaImage;
reloadButtonImage = $this
.find( '.fancycaptcha-reload-button' )
.attr( 'src', staticImageDirectory + 'ajax-loader-10x10.gif' );
captchaImage = $( '.fancycaptcha-image' );
// AJAX request to get captcha index key {
action: 'fancycaptchareload',
format: 'xml'
}, {
dataType: 'xml'
} )
.done( function ( xmldata ) {
var imgSrc, captchaIndex;
captchaIndex = $( xmldata ).find( 'fancycaptchareload' ).attr( 'index' );
if ( typeof captchaIndex === 'string' ) {
// replace index key with a new one for captcha image
imgSrc = captchaImage.attr( 'src' )
.replace( /(wpCaptchaId=)\w+/, '$1' + captchaIndex );
captchaImage.attr( 'src', imgSrc );
// replace index key with a new one for hidden tag
$( '#wpCaptchaId' ).val( captchaIndex );
$( '#wpCaptchaWord' ).val( '' ).focus();
} )
.always( function () {
reloadButtonImage.attr( 'src', staticImageDirectory + 'fancycaptcha-reload-icon.png' );
} );
return false;
} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );