mirror of
synced 2024-12-14 06:59:26 +00:00
Documentation is at https://w.wiki/9kxt The idea is that modules ending in `.init` imply they initialize CodeMirror and maniuplate the DOM. The others only export classes for use in integreations. In doing so, 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.WikiEditor' now only exports the CodeMirrorWikiEditor class, while 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.WikiEditor.init' is added for use on #wpTextbox1 through action=edit. Bug: T174811 Change-Id: Iec62ac9dc77918904bed886d2d46ccc03e0927f7
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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\CodeMirror\Tests;
use ExtensionRegistry;
use Generator;
use Language;
use MediaWiki\Context\RequestContext;
use MediaWiki\EditPage\EditPage;
use MediaWiki\Extension\CodeMirror\Hooks;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\GadgetRepo;
use MediaWiki\Output\OutputPage;
use MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\User\Options\UserOptionsLookup;
use MediaWiki\User\User;
use MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
* @group CodeMirror
* @group Database
* @coversDefaultClass \MediaWiki\Extension\CodeMirror\Hooks
class HookTest extends MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase {
* @covers ::shouldLoadCodeMirror
* @covers ::onEditPage__showEditForm_initial
* @covers ::onEditPage__showReadOnlyForm_initial
* @param bool $useCodeMirrorV6
* @param int $expectedAddModuleCalls
* @param string|null $expectedFirstModule
* @param bool $readOnly
* @dataProvider provideOnEditPageShowEditFormInitial
public function testOnEditPageShowEditFormInitial(
bool $useCodeMirrorV6,
int $expectedAddModuleCalls,
?string $expectedFirstModule,
bool $readOnly = false
) {
$this->overrideConfigValues( [
'CodeMirrorV6' => $useCodeMirrorV6,
] );
$userOptionsLookup = $this->createMock( UserOptionsLookup::class );
$userOptionsLookup->method( 'getBoolOption' )->willReturn( true );
$out = $this->getMockOutputPage();
$out->method( 'getModules' )->willReturn( [] );
$isFirstCall = true;
$out->expects( $this->exactly( $expectedAddModuleCalls ) )
->method( 'addModules' )
->willReturnCallback( function ( $modules ) use ( $expectedFirstModule, &$isFirstCall ) {
if ( $isFirstCall && $modules !== null ) {
$this->assertSame( $expectedFirstModule, $modules );
$isFirstCall = false;
} );
$hooks = new Hooks( $userOptionsLookup, $this->getServiceContainer()->getMainConfig() );
$method = $readOnly ? 'onEditPage__showReadOnlyForm_initial' : 'onEditPage__showEditForm_initial';
$hooks->{$method}( $this->createMock( EditPage::class ), $out );
* @return Generator
public static function provideOnEditPageShowEditFormInitial(): Generator {
// useCodeMirrorV6, expectedAddModuleCalls, expectedFirstModule, readOnly
yield 'CM5' => [ false, 2, 'ext.CodeMirror.WikiEditor' ];
yield 'CM6' => [ true, 1, 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.WikiEditor.init' ];
yield 'CM5 read-only' => [ false, 0, null, true ];
yield 'CM6 read-only' => [ true, 1, 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.WikiEditor.init', true ];
* @covers ::onGetPreferences
public function testPreferenceRegistered() {
$user = self::getTestUser()->getUser();
$context = RequestContext::getMain();
$context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ) );
$kinds = $this->getServiceContainer()->getUserOptionsManager()
->getOptionKinds( $user, $context, [ 'usecodemirror' => 1 ] );
self::assertEquals( 'registered', $kinds['usecodemirror'] );
* @covers ::onGetPreferences
public function testOnGetPreferencces(): void {
$user = self::getTestUser()->getUser();
$userOptionsLookup = $this->getServiceContainer()->getUserOptionsLookup();
$config = $this->getServiceContainer()->getMainConfig();
// CodeMirror 5
$this->overrideConfigValues( [ 'CodeMirrorV6' => false ] );
$hook = new Hooks( $userOptionsLookup, $config );
$preferences = [];
$hook->onGetPreferences( $user, $preferences );
self::assertArrayHasKey( 'usecodemirror', $preferences );
self::assertArrayHasKey( 'usecodemirror-colorblind', $preferences );
self::assertArrayNotHasKey( 'usecodemirror-summary', $preferences );
self::assertSame( 'api', $preferences['usecodemirror']['type'] );
// CodeMirror 6
$this->overrideConfigValues( [ 'CodeMirrorV6' => true ] );
$hook = new Hooks( $userOptionsLookup, $config );
$preferences = [];
$hook->onGetPreferences( $user, $preferences );
self::assertArrayHasKey( 'usecodemirror', $preferences );
self::assertArrayHasKey( 'usecodemirror-colorblind', $preferences );
self::assertArrayHasKey( 'usecodemirror-summary', $preferences );
self::assertSame( 'toggle', $preferences['usecodemirror']['type'] );
* @covers ::shouldLoadCodeMirror
* @dataProvider provideShouldLoadCodeMirror
* @param array $conds
* @param bool $expectation
public function testShouldLoadCodeMirror( array $conds, bool $expectation ): void {
$conds = array_merge( [
'module' => null,
'gadget' => null,
'useV6' => false,
'isRTL' => false,
'usecodemirror' => true,
'usebetatoolbar' => true,
], $conds );
$this->overrideConfigValues( [
'CodeMirrorV6' => $conds['useV6'],
] );
$out = $this->getMockOutputPage( $conds['contentModel'], $conds['isRTL'] );
$out->method( 'getModules' )->willReturn( $conds['module'] ? [ $conds['module'] ] : [] );
$userOptionsLookup = $this->createMock( UserOptionsLookup::class );
$userOptionsLookup->method( 'getBoolOption' )
->willReturnMap( [
[ $out->getUser(), 'usecodemirror', 0, $conds['usecodemirror'] ],
[ $out->getUser(), 'usebetatoolbar', 0, $conds['usebetatoolbar'] ]
] );
if ( $conds['gadget'] && !ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Gadgets' ) ) {
$this->markTestSkipped( 'Skipped as Gadgets extension is not available' );
$extensionRegistry = $this->getMockExtensionRegistry( (bool)$conds['gadget'] );
$extensionRegistry->method( 'getAttribute' )
->with( 'CodeMirrorContentModels' )
->willReturn( [ CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ] );
if ( $conds['gadget'] ) {
$gadgetMock = $this->createMock( Gadget::class );
$gadgetMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'isEnabled' )
->willReturn( true );
$gadgetRepoMock = $this->createMock( GadgetRepo::class );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadget' )
->willReturn( $gadgetMock );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadgetIds' )
->willReturn( [ $conds['gadget'] ] );
GadgetRepo::setSingleton( $gadgetRepoMock );
$hooks = new Hooks( $userOptionsLookup, $this->getServiceContainer()->getMainConfig() );
self::assertSame( $expectation, $hooks->shouldLoadCodeMirror( $out, $extensionRegistry ) );
* @return Generator
public function provideShouldLoadCodeMirror(): Generator {
// [ conditions, expectation ]
yield [ [], true ];
yield [ [ 'module' => 'ext.codeEditor' ], false ];
yield [ [ 'gadget' => 'wikEd' ], false ];
yield [ [ 'contentModel' => CONTENT_FORMAT_CSS ], false ];
yield [ [ 'isRTL' => true ], false ];
yield [ [ 'isRTL' => true, 'useV6' => true ], true ];
yield [ [ 'usebetatoolbar' => false ], false ];
yield [ [ 'usebetatoolbar' => false, 'useV6' => true ], true ];
yield [ [ 'usebetatoolbar' => false, 'usecodemirror' => false, 'useV6' => true ], false ];
yield [ [ 'usecodemirror' => false ], true ];
yield [ [ 'usecodemirror' => false, 'useV6' => true ], true ];
yield [ [ 'usecodemirror' => false, 'usebetatoolbar' => false, 'useV6' => true ], false ];
* @param string $contentModel
* @param bool $isRTL
* @return OutputPage|MockObject
private function getMockOutputPage( string $contentModel = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, bool $isRTL = false ) {
$out = $this->createMock( OutputPage::class );
$out->method( 'getUser' )->willReturn( $this->createMock( User::class ) );
$out->method( 'getActionName' )->willReturn( 'edit' );
$title = $this->createMock( Title::class );
$title->method( 'getContentModel' )->willReturn( $contentModel );
$language = $this->createMock( Language::class );
$language->method( 'isRTL' )->willReturn( $isRTL );
$title->method( 'getPageLanguage' )->willReturn( $language );
$out->method( 'getTitle' )->willReturn( $title );
$request = $this->createMock( WebRequest::class );
$request->method( 'getRawVal' )->willReturn( null );
$out->method( 'getRequest' )->willReturn( $request );
return $out;
* @param bool $gadgetsEnabled
* @return MockObject|ExtensionRegistry
private function getMockExtensionRegistry( bool $gadgetsEnabled ) {
$mock = $this->createMock( ExtensionRegistry::class );
$mock->method( 'isLoaded' )
->with( 'Gadgets' )
->willReturn( $gadgetsEnabled );
return $mock;