mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 01:52:37 +00:00
It is necessary to have a way to toggle CodeMirror on and off, so we use WikiEditor and hide all other buttons. This is more costly than loading just vanilla CodeMirror, but it ensures a consistent experience with pages that are editable, with the toggle button in the familiar place. At a later time, WikiEditor may be updated to better support read only pages in a lightweight fashion (T188817). Bug: T301615 Change-Id: I8ea7597d07ff60a3f58ba306d2d6d12d3ec08b16
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186 lines
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namespace MediaWiki\Extension\CodeMirror\Tests;
use ExtensionRegistry;
use Generator;
use Language;
use MediaWiki\Context\RequestContext;
use MediaWiki\EditPage\EditPage;
use MediaWiki\Extension\CodeMirror\Hooks;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\Gadget;
use MediaWiki\Extension\Gadgets\GadgetRepo;
use MediaWiki\Output\OutputPage;
use MediaWiki\Request\WebRequest;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MediaWiki\User\Options\UserOptionsLookup;
use MediaWiki\User\User;
use MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase;
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
* @group CodeMirror
* @group Database
* @coversDefaultClass \MediaWiki\Extension\CodeMirror\Hooks
class HookTest extends MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase {
* @covers ::shouldLoadCodeMirror
* @covers ::onEditPage__showEditForm_initial
* @covers ::onEditPage__showReadOnlyForm_initial
* @param bool $useCodeMirrorV6
* @param int $expectedAddModuleCalls
* @param string|null $expectedFirstModule
* @param bool $readOnly
* @dataProvider provideOnEditPageShowEditFormInitial
public function testOnEditPageShowEditFormInitial(
bool $useCodeMirrorV6,
int $expectedAddModuleCalls,
?string $expectedFirstModule,
bool $readOnly = false
) {
$this->overrideConfigValues( [
'CodeMirrorV6' => $useCodeMirrorV6,
] );
$userOptionsLookup = $this->createMock( UserOptionsLookup::class );
$userOptionsLookup->method( 'getOption' )->willReturn( true );
$out = $this->getMockOutputPage();
$out->method( 'getModules' )->willReturn( [] );
$isFirstCall = true;
$out->expects( $this->exactly( $expectedAddModuleCalls ) )
->method( 'addModules' )
->willReturnCallback( function ( $modules ) use ( $expectedFirstModule, &$isFirstCall ) {
if ( $isFirstCall && $modules !== null ) {
$this->assertSame( $expectedFirstModule, $modules );
$isFirstCall = false;
} );
$hooks = new Hooks( $userOptionsLookup, $this->getServiceContainer()->getMainConfig() );
$method = $readOnly ? 'onEditPage__showReadOnlyForm_initial' : 'onEditPage__showEditForm_initial';
$hooks->{$method}( $this->createMock( EditPage::class ), $out );
* @return Generator
public static function provideOnEditPageShowEditFormInitial(): Generator {
// useCodeMirrorV6, expectedAddModuleCalls, expectedFirstModule, readOnly
yield 'CM5' => [ false, 2, 'ext.CodeMirror.WikiEditor' ];
yield 'CM6' => [ true, 1, 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.WikiEditor' ];
yield 'CM5 read-only' => [ false, 0, null, true ];
yield 'CM6 read-only' => [ true, 1, 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.WikiEditor', true ];
* @covers ::onGetPreferences
public function testPreferenceRegistered() {
$user = self::getTestUser()->getUser();
$context = RequestContext::getMain();
$context->setTitle( Title::newFromText( __METHOD__ ) );
$kinds = $this->getServiceContainer()->getUserOptionsManager()
->getOptionKinds( $user, $context, [ 'usecodemirror' => 1 ] );
self::assertEquals( 'registered', $kinds['usecodemirror'] );
* @covers ::shouldLoadCodeMirror
* @dataProvider provideShouldLoadCodeMirror
* @param array $conds
* @param bool $expectation
public function testShouldLoadCodeMirror( array $conds, bool $expectation ): void {
$conds = array_merge( [
'module' => null,
'gadget' => null,
'useV6' => false,
'isRTL' => false
], $conds );
$this->overrideConfigValues( [
'CodeMirrorV6' => $conds['useV6'],
] );
$out = $this->getMockOutputPage( $conds['contentModel'], $conds['isRTL'] );
$out->method( 'getModules' )->willReturn( $conds['module'] ? [ $conds['module'] ] : [] );
$userOptionsLookup = $this->createMock( UserOptionsLookup::class );
$userOptionsLookup->method( 'getOption' )->willReturn( true );
if ( $conds['gadget'] && !ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Gadgets' ) ) {
$this->markTestSkipped( 'Skipped as Gadgets extension is not available' );
$extensionRegistry = $this->getMockExtensionRegistry( (bool)$conds['gadget'] );
$extensionRegistry->method( 'getAttribute' )
->with( 'CodeMirrorContentModels' )
->willReturn( [ CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT ] );
if ( $conds['gadget'] ) {
$gadgetMock = $this->createMock( Gadget::class );
$gadgetMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'isEnabled' )
->willReturn( true );
$gadgetRepoMock = $this->createMock( GadgetRepo::class );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadget' )
->willReturn( $gadgetMock );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadgetIds' )
->willReturn( [ $conds['gadget'] ] );
GadgetRepo::setSingleton( $gadgetRepoMock );
$hooks = new Hooks( $userOptionsLookup, $this->getServiceContainer()->getMainConfig() );
self::assertSame( $expectation, $hooks->shouldLoadCodeMirror( $out, $extensionRegistry ) );
* @return Generator
public function provideShouldLoadCodeMirror(): Generator {
// [ conditions, expectation ]
yield [ [], true ];
yield [ [ 'module' => 'ext.codeEditor' ], false ];
yield [ [ 'gadget' => 'wikEd' ], false ];
yield [ [ 'contentModel' => CONTENT_FORMAT_CSS ], false ];
yield [ [ 'isRTL' => true ], false ];
yield [ [ 'isRTL' => true, 'useV6' => true ], true ];
* @param string $contentModel
* @param bool $isRTL
* @return OutputPage|MockObject
private function getMockOutputPage( string $contentModel = CONTENT_MODEL_WIKITEXT, bool $isRTL = false ) {
$out = $this->createMock( OutputPage::class );
$out->method( 'getUser' )->willReturn( $this->createMock( User::class ) );
$out->method( 'getActionName' )->willReturn( 'edit' );
$title = $this->createMock( Title::class );
$title->method( 'getContentModel' )->willReturn( $contentModel );
$language = $this->createMock( Language::class );
$language->method( 'isRTL' )->willReturn( $isRTL );
$title->method( 'getPageLanguage' )->willReturn( $language );
$out->method( 'getTitle' )->willReturn( $title );
$request = $this->createMock( WebRequest::class );
$request->method( 'getRawVal' )->willReturn( null );
$out->method( 'getRequest' )->willReturn( $request );
return $out;
* @param bool $gadgetsEnabled
* @return MockObject|ExtensionRegistry
private function getMockExtensionRegistry( bool $gadgetsEnabled ) {
$mock = $this->createMock( ExtensionRegistry::class );
$mock->method( 'isLoaded' )
->with( 'Gadgets' )
->willReturn( $gadgetsEnabled );
return $mock;