mirror of
synced 2024-12-19 09:10:39 +00:00
Force the CodeMirror area to stay at 100% parent width during a resize event. Bug: T305939 Change-Id: I99f5d0b0955521f522a549b2cf1f2205cb0e48c0
406 lines
12 KiB
406 lines
12 KiB
( function () {
var codeMirror, $textbox1, realtimePreviewHandler;
// Exit if WikiEditor is disabled
if ( !mw.loader.getState( 'ext.wikiEditor' ) ) {
var useCodeMirror = mw.user.options.get( 'usecodemirror' ) > 0;
var api = new mw.Api();
var originHooksTextarea = $.valHooks.textarea;
// define jQuery hook for searching and replacing text using JS if CodeMirror is enabled, see Bug: T108711
$.valHooks.textarea = {
get: function ( elem ) {
if ( elem.id === 'wpTextbox1' && codeMirror ) {
return codeMirror.doc.getValue();
} else if ( originHooksTextarea ) {
return originHooksTextarea.get( elem );
return elem.value;
set: function ( elem, value ) {
if ( elem.id === 'wpTextbox1' && codeMirror ) {
return codeMirror.doc.setValue( value );
} else if ( originHooksTextarea ) {
return originHooksTextarea.set( elem, value );
elem.value = value;
// jQuery.textSelection overrides for CodeMirror.
// See jQuery.textSelection.js for method documentation
var cmTextSelection = {
getContents: function () {
return codeMirror.doc.getValue();
setContents: function ( content ) {
codeMirror.doc.setValue( content );
return this;
getSelection: function () {
return codeMirror.doc.getSelection();
setSelection: function ( options ) {
codeMirror.doc.setSelection( codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( options.start ), codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( options.end ) );
return this;
replaceSelection: function ( value ) {
codeMirror.doc.replaceSelection( value );
return this;
getCaretPosition: function ( options ) {
var caretPos = codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( codeMirror.doc.getCursor( true ) ),
endPos = codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( codeMirror.doc.getCursor( false ) );
if ( options.startAndEnd ) {
return [ caretPos, endPos ];
return caretPos;
scrollToCaretPosition: function () {
codeMirror.scrollIntoView( null );
return this;
* Save CodeMirror enabled pref.
* @param {boolean} prefValue True, if CodeMirror should be enabled by default, otherwise false.
function setCodeEditorPreference( prefValue ) {
useCodeMirror = prefValue; // Save state for function updateToolbarButton()
if ( mw.user.isAnon() ) { // Skip it for anon users
api.saveOption( 'usecodemirror', prefValue ? 1 : 0 );
mw.user.options.set( 'usecodemirror', prefValue ? 1 : 0 );
* @return {boolean}
function isLineNumbering() {
// T285660: Backspace related bug on Android browsers as of 2021
if ( /Android\b/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) {
return false;
var namespaces = mw.config.get( 'wgCodeMirrorLineNumberingNamespaces' );
// Set to [] to disable everywhere, or null to enable everywhere
return !namespaces ||
namespaces.indexOf( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) ) !== -1;
// Keep these modules in sync with CodeMirrorHooks.php
var codeMirrorCoreModules = [
* Set the size of the CodeMirror element,
* and react to changes coming from WikiEditor (including Realtime Preview if its enabled).
function setupSizing() {
var $codeMirror = $( codeMirror.getWrapperElement() );
// Only add jQuery UI's resizing corner if realtime preview is not enabled,
// because that feature provides height resizing (even when preview isn't used).
if ( mw.loader.getState( 'ext.wikiEditor.realtimepreview' ) === 'ready' ) {
codeMirror.setSize( '100%', $textbox1.parent().height() );
} else {
// RL module jquery.ui
$codeMirror.resizable( {
handles: 'se',
resize: function () {
// Keep at 100% parent width, don't modify height here
codeMirror.setSize( '100%', null );
} );
// Match the height of the textarea.
codeMirror.setSize( null, $textbox1.height() );
var $resizableHandle = $codeMirror.find( '.ui-resizable-handle' );
mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.enable' ).add( function ( realtimePreview ) {
// CodeMirror may have been turned on and then off again before realtimepreview is enabled, in which case it will be null.
if ( !codeMirror ) {
// Get rid of the corner resize handle, because realtimepreview provides its own.
// Add listener for CodeMirror changes.
realtimePreviewHandler = realtimePreview.getEventHandler().bind( realtimePreview );
codeMirror.on( 'change', realtimePreviewHandler );
// Fix the width and height of the CodeMirror area.
codeMirror.setSize( '100%', realtimePreview.twoPaneLayout.$element.height() );
} );
mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.resize' ).add( function ( resizingBar ) {
// CodeMirror may have been turned off after realtimepreview was opened, in which case it will be null.
if ( !codeMirror ) {
// Keep in sync with the height of the pane.
codeMirror.setSize( '100%', resizingBar.getResizedPane().height() );
} );
mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.disable' ).add( function () {
// Re-show the corner resize handle.
// CodeMirror may have been turned off after realtimepreview was opened, in which case it will be null.
if ( !codeMirror ) {
codeMirror.refresh(); // T305333
codeMirror.off( 'change', realtimePreviewHandler );
} );
* Replaces the default textarea with CodeMirror
function enableCodeMirror() {
var config = mw.config.get( 'extCodeMirrorConfig' );
mw.loader.using( codeMirrorCoreModules.concat( config.pluginModules ), function () {
var $codeMirror, cmOptions,
selectionStart = $textbox1.prop( 'selectionStart' ),
selectionEnd = $textbox1.prop( 'selectionEnd' ),
scrollTop = $textbox1.scrollTop(),
hasFocus = $textbox1.is( ':focus' );
// If CodeMirror is already loaded or wikEd gadget is enabled, abort. See T178348.
// FIXME: Would be good to replace the wikEd check with something more generic.
if ( codeMirror || mw.user.options.get( 'gadget-wikEd' ) > 0 ) {
// T174055: Do not redefine the browser history navigation keys (T175378: for PC only)
CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault[ 'Alt-Left' ] = false;
CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault[ 'Alt-Right' ] = false;
cmOptions = {
mwConfig: config,
// styleActiveLine: true, // disabled since Bug: T162204, maybe should be optional
lineWrapping: true,
lineNumbers: isLineNumbering(),
readOnly: $textbox1[ 0 ].readOnly,
// select mediawiki as text input mode
mode: 'text/mediawiki',
extraKeys: {
Tab: false,
'Shift-Tab': false,
// T174514: Move the cursor at the beginning/end of the current wrapped line
Home: 'goLineLeft',
End: 'goLineRight'
inputStyle: 'contenteditable',
spellcheck: true,
viewportMargin: Infinity
cmOptions.matchBrackets = {
highlightNonMatching: false,
maxHighlightLineLength: 10000
codeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea( $textbox1[ 0 ], cmOptions );
$codeMirror = $( codeMirror.getWrapperElement() );
codeMirror.on( 'focus', function () {
$textbox1.triggerHandler( 'focus' );
} );
codeMirror.on( 'blur', function () {
$textbox1.triggerHandler( 'blur' );
} );
// Allow textSelection() functions to work with CodeMirror editing field.
$codeMirror.textSelection( 'register', cmTextSelection );
// Also override textSelection() functions for the "real" hidden textarea to route to
// CodeMirror. We unregister this when switching to normal textarea mode.
$textbox1.textSelection( 'register', cmTextSelection );
setupSizing( $textbox1, codeMirror );
if ( hasFocus ) {
codeMirror.doc.setSelection( codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( selectionEnd ), codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( selectionStart ) );
codeMirror.scrollTo( null, scrollTop );
// HACK: <textarea> font size varies by browser (chrome/FF/IE)
$codeMirror.css( {
'font-size': $textbox1.css( 'font-size' ),
'line-height': $textbox1.css( 'line-height' )
} );
// use direction and language of the original textbox
$codeMirror.attr( {
dir: $textbox1.attr( 'dir' ),
lang: $textbox1.attr( 'lang' )
} );
$( codeMirror.getInputField() )
// T259347: Use accesskey of the original textbox
.attr( 'accesskey', $textbox1.attr( 'accesskey' ) )
// T194102: UniversalLanguageSelector integration is buggy, disabling it completely
.addClass( 'noime' );
if ( mw.user.options.get( 'usecodemirror-colorblind' ) ) {
$codeMirror.addClass( 'cm-mw-colorblind-colors' );
// T305333: Reload CodeMirror to fix a cursor caret issue.
mw.hook( 'ext.CodeMirror.switch' ).fire( true, $codeMirror );
} );
function logUsage( data ) {
var event, editCountBucket;
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
event = $.extend( {
session_token: mw.user.sessionId(),
user_id: mw.user.getId()
}, data );
editCountBucket = mw.config.get( 'wgUserEditCountBucket' );
if ( editCountBucket !== null ) {
event.user_edit_count_bucket = editCountBucket;
/* eslint-enable camelcase */
mw.track( 'event.CodeMirrorUsage', event );
* Updates CodeMirror button on the toolbar according to the current state (on/off)
function updateToolbarButton() {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector
var $button = $( '#mw-editbutton-codemirror' );
$button.toggleClass( 'mw-editbutton-codemirror-active', !!useCodeMirror );
// WikiEditor2010 OOUI ToggleButtonWidget
if ( $button.data( 'setActive' ) ) {
$button.data( 'setActive' )( !!useCodeMirror );
* Enables or disables CodeMirror
function switchCodeMirror() {
var selectionObj, selectionStart, selectionEnd, scrollTop, hasFocus, $codeMirror;
if ( codeMirror ) {
scrollTop = codeMirror.getScrollInfo().top;
selectionObj = codeMirror.doc.listSelections()[ 0 ];
selectionStart = codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( selectionObj.head );
selectionEnd = codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( selectionObj.anchor );
hasFocus = codeMirror.hasFocus();
$codeMirror = $( codeMirror.getWrapperElement() );
setCodeEditorPreference( false );
$codeMirror.textSelection( 'unregister' );
$textbox1.textSelection( 'unregister' );
codeMirror = null;
if ( hasFocus ) {
$textbox1.trigger( 'focus' );
$textbox1.prop( 'selectionStart', selectionStart );
$textbox1.prop( 'selectionEnd', selectionEnd );
$textbox1.scrollTop( scrollTop );
mw.hook( 'ext.CodeMirror.switch' ).fire( false, $textbox1 );
} else {
setCodeEditorPreference( true );
logUsage( {
editor: 'wikitext',
enabled: codeMirror !== null,
toggled: true,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector,camelcase
edit_start_ts_ms: parseInt( $( 'input[name="wpStarttime"]' ).val() ) * 1000 || 0
} );
* Adds the CodeMirror button to WikiEditor
function addCodeMirrorToWikiEditor() {
var $codeMirrorButton,
context = $textbox1.data( 'wikiEditor-context' ),
toolbar = context && context.modules && context.modules.toolbar;
// Guard against something having removed WikiEditor (T271457)
if ( !toolbar ) {
section: 'main',
groups: {
codemirror: {
tools: {
CodeMirror: {
label: mw.msg( 'codemirror-toggle-label' ),
type: 'toggle',
oouiIcon: 'highlight',
action: {
type: 'callback',
execute: function () {
$codeMirrorButton = toolbar.$toolbar.find( '.tool[rel=CodeMirror]' );
.attr( 'id', 'mw-editbutton-codemirror' );
if ( useCodeMirror ) {
logUsage( {
editor: 'wikitext',
enabled: useCodeMirror,
toggled: false,
// eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector,camelcase
edit_start_ts_ms: parseInt( $( 'input[name="wpStarttime"]' ).val() ) * 1000 || 0
} );
$( function () {
// Add CodeMirror button to the enhanced editing toolbar.
mw.hook( 'wikiEditor.toolbarReady' ).add( function ( $textarea ) {
$textbox1 = $textarea;
} );
} );
// Synchronize textarea with CodeMirror before leaving
window.addEventListener( 'beforeunload', function () {
if ( codeMirror ) {
} );
}() );