function init() { const extCodeMirror = require( 'ext.CodeMirror' ); let codeMirror, $textbox1, realtimePreviewHandler; let useCodeMirror = mw.user.options.get( 'usecodemirror' ) > 0; const originHooksTextarea = $.valHooks.textarea; // define jQuery hook for searching and replacing text using JS if CodeMirror is enabled, see Bug: T108711 $.valHooks.textarea = { get: function ( elem ) { if ( === 'wpTextbox1' && codeMirror ) { return codeMirror.doc.getValue(); } else if ( originHooksTextarea ) { return originHooksTextarea.get( elem ); } return elem.value; }, set: function ( elem, value ) { if ( === 'wpTextbox1' && codeMirror ) { return codeMirror.doc.setValue( value ); } else if ( originHooksTextarea ) { return originHooksTextarea.set( elem, value ); } elem.value = value; } }; // jQuery.textSelection overrides for CodeMirror. // See jQuery.textSelection.js for method documentation const cmTextSelection = { getContents: function () { return codeMirror.doc.getValue(); }, setContents: function ( content ) { codeMirror.doc.setValue( content ); return this; }, getSelection: function () { return codeMirror.doc.getSelection(); }, setSelection: function ( options ) { codeMirror.doc.setSelection( codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( options.start ), codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( options.end ) ); codeMirror.focus(); return this; }, replaceSelection: function ( value ) { codeMirror.doc.replaceSelection( value ); return this; }, getCaretPosition: function ( options ) { const caretPos = codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( codeMirror.doc.getCursor( true ) ), endPos = codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( codeMirror.doc.getCursor( false ) ); if ( options.startAndEnd ) { return [ caretPos, endPos ]; } return caretPos; }, scrollToCaretPosition: function () { codeMirror.scrollIntoView( null ); return this; } }; /** * Save CodeMirror enabled pref. * * @param {boolean} prefValue True, if CodeMirror should be enabled by default, otherwise false. */ function setCodeEditorPreference( prefValue ) { useCodeMirror = prefValue; // Save state for function updateToolbarButton() extCodeMirror.setCodeEditorPreference( prefValue ); } /** * @return {boolean} */ function isLineNumbering() { // T285660: Backspace related bug on Android browsers as of 2021 if ( /Android\b/.test( navigator.userAgent ) ) { return false; } const namespaces = mw.config.get( 'wgCodeMirrorLineNumberingNamespaces' ); // Set to [] to disable everywhere, or null to enable everywhere return !namespaces || namespaces.indexOf( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) ) !== -1; } // Keep these modules in sync with MediaWiki\Extension\CodeMirror\Hooks.php const codeMirrorCoreModules = [ 'ext.CodeMirror.lib', 'ext.CodeMirror.mode.mediawiki' ]; /** * Set the size of the CodeMirror element, * and react to changes coming from WikiEditor (including Realtime Preview if its enabled). */ function setupSizing() { const $codeMirror = $( codeMirror.getWrapperElement() ); // Only add resizing corner if realtime preview is enabled, // because that feature provides height resizing (even when preview isn't used). if ( mw.loader.getState( 'ext.wikiEditor.realtimepreview' ) === 'ready' ) { codeMirror.setSize( '100%', $textbox1.parent().height() ); } const $resizableHandle = $codeMirror.find( '.ui-resizable-handle' ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.enable' ).add( ( realtimePreview ) => { // CodeMirror may have been turned on and then off again before realtimepreview is enabled, in which case it will be null. if ( !codeMirror ) { return; } // Get rid of the corner resize handle, because realtimepreview provides its own. $resizableHandle.hide(); // Add listener for CodeMirror changes. realtimePreviewHandler = realtimePreview.getEventHandler().bind( realtimePreview ); codeMirror.on( 'change', realtimePreviewHandler ); // Fix the width and height of the CodeMirror area. codeMirror.setSize( '100%', realtimePreview.twoPaneLayout.$element.height() ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.resize' ).add( ( resizingBar ) => { // CodeMirror may have been turned off after realtimepreview was opened, in which case it will be null. if ( !codeMirror ) { return; } // Keep in sync with the height of the pane. codeMirror.setSize( '100%', resizingBar.getResizedPane().height() ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.disable' ).add( () => { // Re-show the corner resize handle. $; // CodeMirror may have been turned off after realtimepreview was opened, in which case it will be null. if ( !codeMirror ) { return; } codeMirror.refresh(); // T305333 'change', realtimePreviewHandler ); } ); } /** * Replaces the default textarea with CodeMirror */ function enableCodeMirror() { const config = mw.config.get( 'extCodeMirrorConfig' ); mw.loader.using( codeMirrorCoreModules.concat( config.pluginModules ), () => { const selectionStart = $textbox1.prop( 'selectionStart' ), selectionEnd = $textbox1.prop( 'selectionEnd' ), scrollTop = $textbox1.scrollTop(), hasFocus = $ ':focus' ); // If CodeMirror is already loaded or wikEd gadget is enabled, abort. See T178348. // FIXME: Would be good to replace the wikEd check with something more generic. if ( codeMirror || mw.user.options.get( 'gadget-wikEd' ) > 0 ) { return; } // T174055: Do not redefine the browser history navigation keys (T175378: for PC only) CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault[ 'Alt-Left' ] = false; CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault[ 'Alt-Right' ] = false; const cmOptions = { mwConfig: config, // styleActiveLine: true, // disabled since Bug: T162204, maybe should be optional lineWrapping: true, lineNumbers: isLineNumbering(), readOnly: $textbox1[ 0 ].readOnly, // select mediawiki as text input mode mode: 'text/mediawiki', extraKeys: { Tab: false, 'Shift-Tab': false, // T174514: Move the cursor at the beginning/end of the current wrapped line Home: 'goLineLeft', End: 'goLineRight' }, inputStyle: 'contenteditable', spellcheck: true, viewportMargin: Infinity }; cmOptions.matchBrackets = { highlightNonMatching: false, maxHighlightLineLength: 10000 }; codeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea( $textbox1[ 0 ], cmOptions ); const $codeMirror = $( codeMirror.getWrapperElement() ); codeMirror.on( 'focus', () => { $textbox1[ 0 ].dispatchEvent( new Event( 'focus' ) ); } ); codeMirror.on( 'blur', () => { $textbox1[ 0 ].dispatchEvent( new Event( 'blur' ) ); } ); codeMirror.on( 'keydown', ( _, e ) => { if ( e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey ) { // Possibly a WikiEditor keyboard shortcut if ( !$textbox1[ 0 ].dispatchEvent( new KeyboardEvent( 'keydown', e ) ) ) { // If it was actually a WikiEditor keyboard shortcut, the default would be prevented // for the dispatched event and hence dispatchEvent() would return false e.preventDefault(); } } } ); mw.hook( 'editRecovery.loadEnd' ).add( ( data ) => { codeMirror.on( 'change', data.fieldChangeHandler ); } ); // Allow textSelection() functions to work with CodeMirror editing field. $codeMirror.textSelection( 'register', cmTextSelection ); // Also override textSelection() functions for the "real" hidden textarea to route to CodeMirror. // We unregister this when switching to normal textarea mode. $textbox1.textSelection( 'register', cmTextSelection ); setupSizing( $textbox1, codeMirror ); if ( hasFocus ) { codeMirror.focus(); } codeMirror.doc.setSelection( codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( selectionEnd ), codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( selectionStart ) ); codeMirror.scrollTo( null, scrollTop ); // HACK: