( function ( mw, $ ) { var origTextSelection, useCodeMirror, codeMirror, api, originHooksTextarea, wikiEditorToolbarEnabled, enableContentEditable = true; if ( mw.config.get( 'wgCodeEditorCurrentLanguage' ) ) { // If the CodeEditor is used then just exit; return; } // codeMirror needs a special textselection jQuery function to work, save the current one to restore when // CodeMirror get's disabled. origTextSelection = $.fn.textSelection; useCodeMirror = mw.user.options.get( 'usecodemirror' ) > 0; api = new mw.Api(); originHooksTextarea = $.valHooks.textarea; // define jQuery hook for searching and replacing text using JS if CodeMirror is enabled, see Bug: T108711 $.valHooks.textarea = { get: function ( elem ) { if ( elem.id === 'wpTextbox1' && codeMirror ) { return codeMirror.doc.getValue(); } else if ( originHooksTextarea ) { return originHooksTextarea.get( elem ); } return elem.value; }, set: function ( elem, value ) { if ( elem.id === 'wpTextbox1' && codeMirror ) { return codeMirror.doc.setValue( value ); } else if ( originHooksTextarea ) { return originHooksTextarea.set( elem, value ); } elem.value = value; } }; // The WikiEditor extension exists the WikiEditor beta toolbar is used by the user wikiEditorToolbarEnabled = !!mw.loader.getState( 'ext.wikiEditor' ) && // This can be the string "0" if the user disabled the preference - Bug T54542#555387 mw.user.options.get( 'usebetatoolbar' ) > 0; // Disable spellchecking for Firefox users on non-Mac systems (Bug T95104) if ( navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'Firefox' ) > -1 && navigator.userAgent.indexOf( 'Mac' ) === -1 ) { enableContentEditable = false; } // T174055: Do not redefine the browser history navigation keys (T175378: for PC only) CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault[ 'Alt-Left' ] = false; CodeMirror.keyMap.pcDefault[ 'Alt-Right' ] = false; // function for a textselection function for CodeMirror function cmTextSelection( command, options ) { var fn, retval; if ( !codeMirror ) { return origTextSelection.call( this, command, options ); } fn = { /** * Get the contents of the textarea * * @return {string} */ getContents: function () { return codeMirror.doc.getValue(); }, setContents: function ( newContents ) { codeMirror.doc.setValue( newContents ); }, /** * Get the currently selected text in this textarea. Will focus the textarea * in some browsers (IE/Opera) * * @return {string} */ getSelection: function () { return codeMirror.doc.getSelection(); }, /** * Inserts text at the beginning and end of a text selection, optionally * inserting text at the caret when selection is empty. * * @param {Object} options * @return {jQuery} */ encapsulateSelection: function ( options ) { return this.each( function () { var insertText, selText, selectPeri = options.selectPeri, pre = options.pre, post = options.post, startCursor = codeMirror.doc.getCursor( true ), endCursor = codeMirror.doc.getCursor( false ); if ( options.selectionStart !== undefined ) { // fn[command].call( this, options ); fn.setSelection( { start: options.selectionStart, end: options.selectionEnd } ); // not tested } selText = codeMirror.doc.getSelection(); if ( !selText ) { selText = options.peri; } else if ( options.replace ) { selectPeri = false; selText = options.peri; } else { selectPeri = false; while ( selText.charAt( selText.length - 1 ) === ' ' ) { // Exclude ending space char selText = selText.substring( 0, selText.length - 1 ); post += ' '; } while ( selText.charAt( 0 ) === ' ' ) { // Exclude prepending space char selText = selText.substring( 1, selText.length ); pre = ' ' + pre; } } /** * Do the splitlines stuff. * * Wrap each line of the selected text with pre and post * * @param {string} selText * @param {string} pre * @param {string} post * @return {string} */ function doSplitLines( selText, pre, post ) { var i, insertText = '', selTextArr = selText.split( '\n' ); for ( i = 0; i < selTextArr.length; i++ ) { insertText += pre + selTextArr[ i ] + post; if ( i !== selTextArr.length - 1 ) { insertText += '\n'; } } return insertText; } if ( options.splitlines ) { selectPeri = false; insertText = doSplitLines( selText, pre, post ); } else { insertText = pre + selText + post; } if ( options.ownline ) { if ( startCursor.ch !== 0 ) { insertText = '\n' + insertText; pre += '\n'; } if ( codeMirror.doc.getLine( endCursor.line ).length !== endCursor.ch ) { insertText += '\n'; post += '\n'; } } codeMirror.doc.replaceSelection( insertText ); if ( selectPeri ) { codeMirror.doc.setSelection( codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( startCursor ) + pre.length ), codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( startCursor ) + pre.length + selText.length ) ); } } ); }, /** * Get the position (in resolution of bytes not necessarily characters) * in a textarea * * @param {Object} options * @return {number} */ getCaretPosition: function ( options ) { var caretPos = codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( codeMirror.doc.getCursor( true ) ), endPos = codeMirror.doc.indexFromPos( codeMirror.doc.getCursor( false ) ); if ( options.startAndEnd ) { return [ caretPos, endPos ]; } return caretPos; }, setSelection: function ( options ) { return this.each( function () { codeMirror.doc.setSelection( codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( options.start ), codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( options.end ) ); } ); }, /** * Scroll a textarea to the current cursor position. You can set the cursor * position with setSelection() * * @return {jQuery} */ scrollToCaretPosition: function () { return this.each( function () { codeMirror.scrollIntoView( null ); } ); } }; switch ( command ) { // case 'getContents': // no params // case 'setContents': // no params with defaults // case 'getSelection': // no params case 'encapsulateSelection': options = $.extend( { pre: '', // Text to insert before the cursor/selection peri: '', // Text to insert between pre and post and select afterwards post: '', // Text to insert after the cursor/selection ownline: false, // Put the inserted text on a line of its own replace: false, // If there is a selection, replace it with peri instead of leaving it alone selectPeri: true, // Select the peri text if it was inserted (but not if there was a selection and replace==false, or if splitlines==true) splitlines: false, // If multiple lines are selected, encapsulate each line individually selectionStart: undefined, // Position to start selection at selectionEnd: undefined // Position to end selection at. Defaults to start }, options ); break; case 'getCaretPosition': options = $.extend( { // Return [start, end] instead of just start startAndEnd: false }, options ); // FIXME: We may not need character position-based functions if we insert markers in the right places break; case 'setSelection': options = $.extend( { // Position to start selection at start: undefined, // Position to end selection at. Defaults to start end: undefined, // Element to start selection in (iframe only) startContainer: undefined, // Element to end selection in (iframe only). Defaults to startContainer endContainer: undefined }, options ); if ( options.end === undefined ) { options.end = options.start; } if ( options.endContainer === undefined ) { options.endContainer = options.startContainer; } // FIXME: We may not need character position-based functions if we insert markers in the right places break; case 'scrollToCaretPosition': options = $.extend( { force: false // Force a scroll even if the caret position is already visible }, options ); break; } retval = fn[ command ].call( this, options ); if ( command === 'setSelection' ) { codeMirror.focus(); } return retval; } /** * Save CodeMirror enabled pref. * * @param {boolean} prefValue True, if CodeMirror should be enabled by default, otherwise false. */ function setCodeEditorPreference( prefValue ) { useCodeMirror = prefValue; // Save state for function updateToolbarIcon() if ( mw.user.isAnon() ) { // Skip it for anon users return; } api.saveOption( 'usecodemirror', prefValue ? 1 : 0 ); mw.user.options.set( 'usecodemirror', prefValue ? 1 : 0 ); } /** * Replaces the default textarea with CodeMirror */ function enableCodeMirror() { var config = mw.config.get( 'extCodeMirrorConfig' ); mw.loader.using( config.pluginModules, function () { var $codeMirror, $textbox1 = $( '#wpTextbox1' ), selectionStart = $textbox1.prop( 'selectionStart' ), selectionEnd = $textbox1.prop( 'selectionEnd' ), scrollTop = $textbox1.scrollTop(); // If CodeMirror is already loaded or wikEd gadget is enabled, abort. See T178348. // FIXME: Would be good to replace the wikEd check with something more generic. if ( codeMirror || window.wikEd !== undefined ) { return; } codeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea( $textbox1[ 0 ], { mwConfig: config, // styleActiveLine: true, // disabled since Bug: T162204, maybe should be optional lineWrapping: true, readOnly: $textbox1[ 0 ].readOnly, // select mediawiki as text input mode mode: 'text/mediawiki', extraKeys: { Tab: false, // T174514: Move the cursor at the beginning/end of the current wrapped line Home: 'goLineLeft', End: 'goLineRight' }, inputStyle: enableContentEditable ? 'contenteditable' : 'textarea', spellcheck: enableContentEditable, viewportMargin: Infinity } ); $codeMirror = $( codeMirror.getWrapperElement() ); $codeMirror.resizable( { handles: 'se', resize: function ( event, ui ) { ui.size.width = ui.originalSize.width; } } ); codeMirror.doc.setSelection( codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( selectionEnd ), codeMirror.doc.posFromIndex( selectionStart ) ); codeMirror.scrollTo( null, scrollTop ); // HACK: