// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others // Distributed under an MIT license: http://codemirror.net/LICENSE (function() { var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({indentUnit: 2}, "soy"); function MT(name) {test.mode(name, mode, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));} // Test of small keywords and words containing them. MT('keywords-test', '[keyword {] [keyword as] worrying [keyword and] notorious [keyword as]', ' the Fandor-alias assassin, [keyword or]', ' Corcand cannot fit [keyword in] [keyword }]'); MT('let-test', '[keyword {template] [def .name][keyword }]', ' [keyword {let] [def $name]: [string "world"][keyword /}]', ' [tag&bracket <][tag h1][tag&bracket >]', ' Hello, [keyword {][variable-2 $name][keyword }]', ' [tag&bracket ]', '[keyword {/template}]', ''); MT('param-type-test', '[keyword {@param] [def a]: ' + '[variable-3 list]<[[[variable-3 a]: [variable-3 int], ' + '[variable-3 b]: [variable-3 map]<[variable-3 string], ' + '[variable-3 bool]>]]>][keyword }]'); MT('undefined-var', '[keyword {][variable-2&error $var]'); MT('param-scope-test', '[keyword {template] [def .a][keyword }]', ' [keyword {@param] [def x]: [variable-3 string][keyword }]', ' [keyword {][variable-2 $x][keyword }]', '[keyword {/template}]', '', '[keyword {template] [def .b][keyword }]', ' [keyword {][variable-2&error $x][keyword }]', '[keyword {/template}]', ''); MT('if-variable-test', '[keyword {if] [variable-2&error $showThing][keyword }]', ' Yo!', '[keyword {/if}]', ''); MT('defined-if-variable-test', '[keyword {template] [def .foo][keyword }]', ' [keyword {@param?] [def showThing]: [variable-3 bool][keyword }]', ' [keyword {if] [variable-2 $showThing][keyword }]', ' Yo!', ' [keyword {/if}]', '[keyword {/template}]', ''); MT('template-calls-test', '[keyword {template] [def .foo][keyword }]', ' Yo!', '[keyword {/template}]', '[keyword {call] [variable-2 .foo][keyword /}]', '[keyword {call] [variable foo][keyword /}]', '[keyword {call] [variable .bar][keyword /}]', '[keyword {call] [variable bar][keyword /}]', ''); MT('foreach-scope-test', '[keyword {@param] [def bar]: [variable-3 string][keyword }]', '[keyword {foreach] [def $foo] [keyword in] [variable-2&error $foos][keyword }]', ' [keyword {][variable-2 $foo][keyword }]', '[keyword {/foreach}]', '[keyword {][variable-2&error $foo][keyword }]', '[keyword {][variable-2 $bar][keyword }]'); MT('foreach-ifempty-indent-test', '[keyword {foreach] [def $foo] [keyword in] [variable-2&error $foos][keyword }]', ' something', '[keyword {ifempty}]', ' nothing', '[keyword {/foreach}]', ''); MT('nested-kind-test', '[keyword {template] [def .foo] [attribute kind]=[string "html"][keyword }]', ' [tag&bracket <][tag div][tag&bracket >]', ' [keyword {call] [variable .bar][keyword }]', ' [keyword {param] [attribute kind]=[string "js"][keyword }]', ' [keyword var] [def bar] [operator =] [number 5];', ' [keyword {/param}]', ' [keyword {/call}]', ' [tag&bracket ]', '[keyword {/template}]', ''); })();