const { EditorSelection, EditorView, Extension, LanguageSupport, openSearchPanel } = require( 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.lib' ); const CodeMirror = require( 'ext.CodeMirror.v6' ); /** * CodeMirror integration with * [WikiEditor]( * * Use this class if you want WikiEditor's toolbar. If you don't need the toolbar, * using {@link CodeMirror} directly will be considerably more efficient. * * @example * mw.loader.using( [ * 'ext.wikiEditor', * 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.WikiEditor', * 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.mode.mediawiki' * ] ).then( ( require ) => { * mw.addWikiEditor( myTextarea ); * const CodeMirrorWikiEditor = require( 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.WikiEditor' ); * const mediawikiLang = require( 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.mode.mediawiki' ); * const cmWe = new CodeMirrorWikiEditor( myTextarea ); * cmWe.initialize( [ cmWe.defaultExtensions, mediawikiLang() ] ); * cmWe.addCodeMirrorToWikiEditor(); * } ); * @extends CodeMirror */ class CodeMirrorWikiEditor extends CodeMirror { /** * @constructor * @param {jQuery} $textarea The textarea to replace with CodeMirror. * @param {LanguageSupport|Extension} langExtension Language support and its extension(s). * @stable to call and override */ constructor( $textarea, langExtension ) { super( $textarea ); /** * Language support and its extension(s). * * @type {LanguageSupport|Extension} */ this.langExtension = langExtension; /** * Whether CodeMirror is currently enabled. * * @type {boolean} */ this.useCodeMirror = mw.user.options.get( 'usecodemirror' ) > 0; /** * The [Realtime Preview]( handler. * * @type {Function|null} */ this.realtimePreviewHandler = null; /** * The old WikiEditor search button, to be restored if CodeMirror is disabled. * * @type {jQuery} */ this.$oldSearchBtn = null; } /** * @inheritDoc */ setCodeMirrorPreference( prefValue ) { // Save state for function updateToolbarButton() this.useCodeMirror = prefValue; CodeMirror.setCodeMirrorPreference( prefValue ); } /** * Replaces the default textarea with CodeMirror. * * @fires CodeMirrorWikiEditor~'ext.CodeMirror.switch' * @stable to call */ enableCodeMirror() { // If CodeMirror is already loaded, abort. if ( this.view ) { return; } const selectionStart = this.$textarea.prop( 'selectionStart' ), selectionEnd = this.$textarea.prop( 'selectionEnd' ), scrollTop = this.$textarea.scrollTop(), hasFocus = this.$ ':focus' ); /* * Default configuration, which we may conditionally add to later. * @see */ const extensions = [ this.defaultExtensions, this.langExtension, EditorView.updateListener.of( ( update ) => { if ( update.docChanged && typeof this.realtimePreviewHandler === 'function' ) { this.realtimePreviewHandler(); } } ) ]; this.initialize( extensions ); this.addRealtimePreviewHandler(); // Sync scroll position, selections, and focus state. requestAnimationFrame( () => { this.view.scrollDOM.scrollTop = scrollTop; } ); if ( selectionStart !== 0 || selectionEnd !== 0 ) { const range = EditorSelection.range( selectionStart, selectionEnd ), scrollEffect = EditorView.scrollIntoView( range ); scrollEffect.value.isSnapshot = true; this.view.dispatch( { selection: EditorSelection.create( [ range ] ), effects: scrollEffect } ); } if ( hasFocus ) { this.view.focus(); } // Hijack the search button to open the CodeMirror search panel // instead of the WikiEditor search dialog. // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector const $searchBtn = $( '.wikiEditor-ui .group-search a' ); this.$oldSearchBtn = $searchBtn.clone( true ); $ 'click keydown keypress' ) .on( 'click keydown', ( e ) => { if ( e.type === 'click' || ( e.type === 'keydown' && e.key === 'Enter' ) ) { openSearchPanel( this.view ); e.preventDefault(); } } ); // Add a 'Settings' button to the search group of the toolbar, in the 'Advanced' section. this.$textarea.wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', { section: 'advanced', groups: { search: { tools: { CodeMirrorPreferences: { type: 'element', element: () => { const button = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { title: mw.msg( 'codemirror-prefs-title' ), icon: 'settings', framed: false, classes: [ 'tool', 'cm-mw-settings' ] } ); button.on( 'click', () => this.preferences.toggle( this.view, true ) ); return button.$element; } } } } } } ); /** * Called after CodeMirror is enabled or disabled in WikiEditor. * * @event CodeMirrorWikiEditor~'ext.CodeMirror.switch' * @param {boolean} enabled Whether CodeMirror is enabled. * @param {jQuery} $textarea The current "editor", either the * original textarea or the `.cm-editor` element. * @stable to use */ mw.hook( 'ext.CodeMirror.switch' ).fire( true, $( this.view.dom ) ); } /** * Adds the Realtime Preview handler. Realtime Preview reads from the textarea * via jQuery.textSelection, which will bubble up to CodeMirror automatically. * * @private */ addRealtimePreviewHandler() { mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.enable' ).add( ( realtimePreview ) => { this.realtimePreviewHandler = realtimePreview.getEventHandler().bind( realtimePreview ); } ); mw.hook( 'ext.WikiEditor.realtimepreview.disable' ).add( () => { this.realtimePreviewHandler = null; } ); } /** * Adds the CodeMirror button to WikiEditor. * * @stable to call */ addCodeMirrorToWikiEditor() { const context = this.$ 'wikiEditor-context' ); const toolbar = context && context.modules && context.modules.toolbar; // Guard against something having removed WikiEditor (T271457) if ( !toolbar ) { return; } // Add 'Syntax' button to main toolbar. this.$textarea.wikiEditor( 'addToToolbar', { section: 'main', groups: { codemirror: { tools: { CodeMirror: { type: 'element', element: () => { // OOUI has already been loaded by WikiEditor. const button = new OO.ui.ToggleButtonWidget( { label: mw.msg( 'codemirror-toggle-label-short' ), icon: 'syntax-highlight', value: this.useCodeMirror, framed: false, classes: [ 'tool', 'cm-mw-toggle-wikieditor' ] } ); button.on( 'change', this.switchCodeMirror.bind( this ) ); return button.$element; } } } } } } ); // Set the ID of the CodeMirror button for styling. const $codeMirrorButton = toolbar.$toolbar.find( '.tool[rel=CodeMirror]' ); $codeMirrorButton.attr( 'id', 'mw-editbutton-codemirror' ); // Hide non-applicable buttons until WikiEditor better supports a read-only mode (T188817). if ( this.readOnly ) { this.$ 'wikiEditor-context' ).$ui.addClass( 'ext-codemirror-readonly' ); } if ( this.useCodeMirror ) { this.enableCodeMirror(); } this.updateToolbarButton(); CodeMirror.logUsage( { editor: 'wikitext', enabled: this.useCodeMirror, toggled: false, // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector,camelcase edit_start_ts_ms: parseInt( $( 'input[name="wpStarttime"]' ).val(), 10 ) * 1000 || 0 } ); } /** * Updates CodeMirror button on the toolbar according to the current state (on/off). * * @private */ updateToolbarButton() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector const $button = $( '#mw-editbutton-codemirror' ); $button.toggleClass( 'mw-editbutton-codemirror-active', this.useCodeMirror ); // WikiEditor2010 OOUI ToggleButtonWidget if ( $ 'setActive' ) ) { $ 'setActive' )( this.useCodeMirror ); } } /** * Enables or disables CodeMirror. * * @fires CodeMirrorWikiEditor~'ext.CodeMirror.switch' * @stable to call */ switchCodeMirror() { if ( this.view ) { this.setCodeMirrorPreference( false ); this.destroy(); // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector $( '.wikiEditor-ui .group-search a' ).replaceWith( this.$oldSearchBtn ); mw.hook( 'ext.CodeMirror.switch' ).fire( false, this.$textarea ); } else { this.enableCodeMirror(); this.setCodeMirrorPreference( true ); } this.updateToolbarButton(); CodeMirror.logUsage( { editor: 'wikitext', enabled: this.useCodeMirror, toggled: true, // eslint-disable-next-line no-jquery/no-global-selector,camelcase edit_start_ts_ms: parseInt( $( 'input[name="wpStarttime"]' ).val(), 10 ) * 1000 || 0 } ); } } module.exports = CodeMirrorWikiEditor;