{{cite web|2=foo}}}}</ref>'
// },
title: 'template with params and parser function',
input: '{{foo|1=bar|2={{{param|blah}}}|{{#if:{{{3|}}}|yes|no}}}}',
output: '
title: 'T277767: newlines and comments in template names',
input: '{{#if: | {{some template\n }} }}',
output: '
{{#if: | {{some template
}} }}
title: 'T108450: template transclusion where the template name is a parameter',
input: '{{{{{1}}}|…}}',
output: '
title: 'T292967: table syntax where all | are escaped with the {{!}} parser function',
input: '{{{!}} class="wikitable"\n! header\n{{!}}-\n{{!}} cell\n{{!}}}',
output: '
{{{!}} class="wikitable"
! header
{{!}} cell
title: 'section headings',
input: '== My section ==\nFoo bar\n=== Blah ===\nBaz\n= { =\nText',
output: '
My section
Foo bar
title: 'section headings with trailing comments',
input: '== My section == \nFoo bar\n=== Blah ===\nBaz\n==
a == ',
output: '
My section
Foo bar
title: 'bullets and numbering, with invalid leading spacing',
input: '* bullet A\n* bullet B\n# one\n # two',
output: '
* bullet A
* bullet B
# one
# two
title: 'link with bold text',
input: '[[Link title|\'\'\'bold link\'\'\']]',
output: '
[[Link title|\'\'\'bold link\'\'\']]
title: 'horizontal rule',
input: 'One\n----\nTwo',
output: '
title: 'comments',
input: '',
output: '
title: 'signatures',
input: 'my sig ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~',
output: '
my sig ~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~
// {
// title: 'new',
// input: '
// output: extCiteLoaded ?
// '
' :
// '
// },
title: 'multi-line tag',
input: '
output: '
// Setup CodeMirror instance.
const textarea = document.createElement( 'textarea' );
document.body.appendChild( textarea );
const cm = new CodeMirror( textarea );
// Stub the config normally provided by mw.config.get('extCodeMirrorConfig')
const mwLang = mediaWikiLang( {
urlProtocols: 'ftp://|https://',
doubleUnderscore: [ {
__notoc__: 'notoc'
} ],
functionSynonyms: [ {}, {
'!': '!'
} ]
} );
cm.initialize( [ ...cm.defaultExtensions, mwLang ] );
describe( 'CodeMirrorModeMediaWiki', () => {
it.each( testCases )(
'syntax highlighting ($title)',
( { input, output } ) => {
cm.view.dispatch( {
changes: {
from: 0,
to: cm.view.state.doc.length,
insert: input
} );
cm.$textarea.textSelection = jest.fn().mockReturnValue( input );
expect( cm.view.dom.querySelector( '.cm-content' ).innerHTML ).toStrictEqual( output );
it( 'configuration contains all expected tokens', () => {
expect( Object.keys( mwModeConfig.tags ) ).toStrictEqual( [
// Custom tags
] );
} );
} );