{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "pastakhov", "Raymond", "SkyDaisy9", "Shirayuki" ] }, "codemirror-desc": "{{desc|name=Code Mirror|url=https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CodeMirror}}\n\nAdditional info: Discription of \"Syntax highlighting\" in wiki\n[[mw:Extension:SyntaxHighlight GeSHi]]", "codemirror-toggle-label": "Title tooltip for button to toggle CodeMirror in the editing toolbar.", "codemirror-beta-title": "Title for syntax highlighting beta feature", "codemirror-beta-desc": "Description for syntax highlight beta feature", "codemirror-popup-syntax": "This message is combined with the message {{msg-mw|codemirror-popup-highlighting}} to form the title \"Syntax Highlighting\" (with the two words having different styling).", "codemirror-popup-highlighting": "This message is combined with the message {{msg-mw|codemirror-popup-syntax}} to form the title \"Syntax Highlighting\" (with the two words having different styling).", "codemirror-popup-desc": "Description of the syntax highlighting feature in the popup", "codemirror-popup-btn-yes": "Text on the button for trying out codemirror", "codemirror-popup-btn-no": "Text on the button for dismissing popup" }