const { StreamParser } = require( '@codemirror/language' );
const { Tag } = require( '@lezer/highlight' );
const CodeMirror = require( '../../resources/codemirror.js' );
const mediaWikiLang = require( '../../resources/codemirror.mediawiki.js' );
const mwModeConfig = require( '../../resources/codemirror.mediawiki.config.js' );
// NOTE: each test case should have a space before the closing
// This is to avoid interactive UI components from showing up in the test output.
const testCases = [
title: 'p tags, extra closing tag',
input: 'this is
output: '
this is <p><div>content</p></p>
title: 'HTML tag attributes',
input: '
output: '
<span title="a<b"><b title="a>b"></b></span>
title: 'ref tag attributes',
input: '
output: '
<ref name="a<b"/>
title: 'indented table with caption and inline headings',
input: ':{|\n|}\n: {|\n|}\n :: {| class="wikitable"\n |+ Caption\n |-\n ! Uno !! Dos\n |-\n | Foo || Bar\n |}',
output: '
: {|
:: {| class="wikitable"
|+ Caption
! Uno !! Dos
| Foo || Bar
title: 'apostrophe before italic',
input: 'plain l\'\'\'italic\'\'plain',
output: '
plain l\'\'\'italic\'\'plain
title: 'free external links',
input: '// [ FOO]\nx',
output: '
// [ FOO]
title: 'not free external links',
input: 'news: foo news:bar [news: baz]',
output: '
news: foo news:bar [news: baz]
title: 'void tags',
input: 'a
bc a
output: '
a<br>b</br>c a<div>b<br>c</div>d
title: 'magic words',
input: '__NOTOC__',
output: '
title: 'nowiki',
input: '
{{{\n<pre-foobar><p? ><b!-- '
title: 'Localized parser function',
input: '{{מיון רגיל:AAA}}',
output: '
{{מיון רגיל:AAA}}
// Setup CodeMirror instance.
const textarea = document.createElement( 'textarea' );
document.body.appendChild( textarea );
const cm = new CodeMirror( textarea );
// Stub the config normally provided by mw.config.get('extCodeMirrorConfig')
const mwLang = mediaWikiLang( {}, {
urlProtocols: 'ftp://|https://|news:',
doubleUnderscore: [ {
__notoc__: 'notoc'
}, {} ],
functionSynonyms: [ {}, {
'!': '!',
'מיון רגיל': 'defaultsort'
} ],
tags: {
nowiki: true,
pre: true,
ref: true,
references: true,
// Made-up tag, for testing when a corresponding TagMode is not configured.
myextension: true
tagModes: {
ref: 'mediawiki',
references: 'mediawiki'
} );
cm.initialize( [, mwLang ] );
describe( 'CodeMirrorModeMediaWiki', () => {
it.each( testCases )(
'syntax highlighting ($title)',
( { input, output } ) => {
cm.view.dispatch( {
changes: {
from: 0,
to: cm.view.state.doc.length,
insert: input + ' '
// Above we add an extra space to the end, and here we've move the cursor there.
// This is to avoid bracket matching and other interactive UI components
// from showing up in the test output.
selection: { anchor: input.length + 1 }
} );
cm.$textarea.textSelection = jest.fn().mockReturnValue( input );
expect( cm.view.dom.querySelector( '.cm-content' ).innerHTML ).toStrictEqual( output );
it( 'configuration contains all expected tokens', () => {
expect( Object.keys( mwModeConfig.tags ) ).toStrictEqual( [
// Custom tags
] );
} );
it( 'configuration has a TagStyle for all expected CSS classes', () => {
/** @type {StreamParser} */
const mockContext = {
tokenTable: jest.fn().mockReturnValue( Tag.define() )
const cssClasses = mwModeConfig.getTagStyles( mockContext )
.map( ( tagStyle ) => tagStyle.class );
expect( cssClasses ).toStrictEqual( [
'cm-mw-pagename cm-mw-template-name',
// Custom tags
// Dynamically generated tags
/** Added by the MW config stub above {@link mwLang} */
] );
} );
} );