const { Compartment, EditorView, Extension, StateEffect, StateEffectType, StateField, keymap, showPanel } = require( 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.lib' ); const CodeMirrorPanel = require( './codemirror.panel.js' ); require( './' ); /** * CodeMirrorPreferences is a panel that allows users to configure CodeMirror preferences. * It is toggled by pressing `Mod`-`Shift`-`,` (or `Command`+`Shift`+`,` on macOS). * * Note that this code, like MediaWiki Core, refers to the user's preferences as "options". * In this class, "preferences" refer to the user's preferences for CodeMirror, which * are stored as a single user 'option' in the database. */ class CodeMirrorPreferences extends CodeMirrorPanel { /** * @param {Object} extensionRegistry Key-value pairs of CodeMirror Extensions. * @param {boolean} [isVisualEditor=false] Whether the VE 2017 editor is being used. */ constructor( extensionRegistry, isVisualEditor = false ) { super(); /** @type {string} */ this.optionName = 'codemirror-preferences'; /** @type {boolean} */ this.isVisualEditor = isVisualEditor; // VisualEditor only supports a subset of Extensions. const veSupportedExtensions = [ 'bracketMatching', 'lineWrapping', 'lineNumbering' ]; /** * Registry of CodeMirror Extensions that are made available to CodeMirrorPreferences. * * @type {Object} */ this.extensionRegistry = extensionRegistry; /** @type {mw.Api} */ this.api = new mw.Api(); /** * Registry of CodeMirror Compartments that are made available for * reconfiguration in CodeMirrorPreferences. * * @type {Object} */ this.compartmentRegistry = {}; for ( const extName of Object.keys( extensionRegistry ) ) { if ( isVisualEditor && !veSupportedExtensions.includes( extName ) ) { delete this.extensionRegistry[ extName ]; continue; } this.compartmentRegistry[ extName ] = new Compartment(); } /** @type {StateEffectType} */ this.prefsToggleEffect = StateEffect.define(); /** @type {StateField} */ this.panelStateField = StateField.define( { create: () => true, update: ( value, transaction ) => { for ( const e of transaction.effects ) { if ( this.prefsToggleEffect ) ) { value = e.value; } } return value; }, // eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style provide: ( stateField ) => { // eslint-disable-next-line arrow-body-style return showPanel.from( stateField, ( on ) => { return on ? () => this.panel : null; } ); } } ); /** * The user's CodeMirror preferences. * * @type {Object} */ this.preferences = this.fetchPreferences(); } /** * The default CodeMirror preferences, as defined by `$wgCodeMirrorPreferences`. * * @return {Object} */ get defaultPreferences() { return mw.config.get( 'extCodeMirrorConfig' ).defaultPreferences; } /** * Fetch the user's CodeMirror preferences from the user options API, * or clientside storage for unnamed users. * * @return {Object} */ fetchPreferences() { let storageObj = this.defaultPreferences; if ( mw.user.isNamed() ) { try { storageObj = JSON.parse( mw.user.options.get( this.optionName ) ); } catch ( e ) { // Invalid JSON, or no preferences set. } } else { storageObj = this.optionName ) || this.defaultPreferences; } storageObj = Object.assign( {}, this.defaultPreferences, storageObj ); // Convert binary representation to boolean. const preferences = {}; for ( const prefName in storageObj ) { preferences[ prefName ] = !!storageObj[ prefName ]; } return preferences; } /** * Set the given CodeMirror preference and update the user option in the database, * or clientside storage for unnamed users. * * @param {string} key * @param {Mixed} value */ setPreference( key, value ) { this.preferences[ key ] = value; // Only save the preferences that differ from the defaults, // and use a binary representation for storage. This is to prevent // bloat of the user_properties table (T54777). const storageObj = {}; for ( const prefName in this.preferences ) { if ( !!this.preferences[ prefName ] !== !!this.defaultPreferences[ prefName ] ) { storageObj[ prefName ] = this.preferences[ prefName ] ? 1 : 0; } } mw.user.options.set( this.optionName, JSON.stringify( storageObj ) ); // Save the preferences to the database or clientside storage. if ( mw.user.isNamed() ) { this.api.saveOption( this.optionName, JSON.stringify( storageObj ) ); } else { this.optionName, storageObj ); } } /** * Get the value of the given CodeMirror preference. * * @param {string} prefName * @return {boolean} */ getPreference( prefName ) { // First check the preference explicitly set by the user. // For now, we don't allow CodeMirror preferences to override // config settings in the 2017 editor, since there's no UI to set them. if ( !this.isVisualEditor && this.preferences[ prefName ] !== undefined ) { return this.preferences[ prefName ]; } // Otherwise, go by the defaults. // Some preferences can be set per-namespace through wiki configuration. // Values are an array of namespace IDs, [] to disable everywhere, // or null to enable everywhere. const namespacePrefs = [ 'lineNumbering', 'templateFolding', 'autocomplete' ]; if ( namespacePrefs.includes( prefName ) ) { const namespaces = mw.config.get( 'extCodeMirrorConfig' )[ prefName + 'Namespaces' ]; return !namespaces || namespaces.includes( mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) ); } // These preferences do not have configuration settings. return this.defaultPreferences[ prefName ]; } /** * Register an {@link Extension} with CodeMirrorPreferences, along with a * corresponding {@link Compartment} so that the Extension can be reconfigured. * * @param {string} name * @param {Extension} extension * @param {EditorView} view * @internal */ registerExtension( name, extension, view ) { this.extensionRegistry[ name ] = extension; this.compartmentRegistry[ name ] = new Compartment(); view.dispatch( { effects: StateEffect.appendConfig.of( this.compartmentRegistry[ name ].of( this.getPreference( name ) ? this.extensionRegistry[ name ] : [] ) ) } ); } /** * @inheritDoc */ get extension() { return [ // Keymap for toggling the preferences panel. keymap.of( [ { key: 'Mod-Shift-,', run: ( view ) => this.toggle( view, true ) } ] ), // Compartmentalized extensions Object.keys( this.extensionRegistry ).map( ( name ) => this.compartmentRegistry[ name ].of( // Only apply the extension if the preference (or default pref) is enabled. this.getPreference( name ) ? this.extensionRegistry[ name ] : [] ) ) ]; } /** * @inheritDoc */ get panel() { const container = document.createElement( 'div' ); container.className = 'cm-mw-preferences-panel cm-mw-panel'; container.addEventListener( 'keydown', this.onKeydown.bind( this ) ); const wrappers = []; for ( const prefName in this.extensionRegistry ) { const [ wrapper ] = this.getCheckbox( prefName, `codemirror-prefs-${ prefName.toLowerCase() }`, this.getPreference( prefName ) ); wrappers.push( wrapper ); } const fieldset = this.getFieldset( mw.msg( 'codemirror-prefs-title' ), ...wrappers ); container.appendChild( fieldset ); const closeBtn = this.getButton( 'codemirror-close', 'close', true ); closeBtn.classList.add( 'cdx-button--weight-quiet', 'cm-mw-panel-close' ); container.appendChild( closeBtn ); closeBtn.addEventListener( 'click', () => { this.toggle( this.view, false ); } ); return { dom: container, top: true }; } /** * Toggle display of the preferences panel. * * @param {EditorView} view * @param {boolean} [force] Force the panel to open or close. * @return {boolean} */ toggle( view, force ) { this.view = view; const effects = []; let bool; // Add the panel state field to the state if it doesn't exist. if ( !this.view.state.field( this.panelStateField, false ) ) { effects.push( StateEffect.appendConfig.of( [ this.panelStateField ] ) ); bool = true; } else { bool = !this.view.state.field( this.panelStateField ); } if ( typeof force === 'boolean' ) { bool = force; } effects.push( this.prefsToggleEffect.of( bool ) ); this.view.dispatch( { effects } ); // If the panel is being opened, focus the first input. if ( bool ) { this.view.dom.querySelector( '.cm-mw-preferences-panel input:first-child' ).focus(); } return true; } /** * Handle keydown events on the preferences panel. * * @param {KeyboardEvent} event */ onKeydown( event ) { if ( event.key === 'Escape' ) { event.preventDefault(); this.toggle( this.view, false ); this.view.focus(); } else if ( event.key === 'Enter' ) { event.preventDefault(); } } /** * @inheritDoc */ getCheckbox( name, label, checked ) { const compartment = this.compartmentRegistry[ name ]; const extension = this.extensionRegistry[ name ]; const [ wrapper, input ] = super.getCheckbox( name, label, checked ); input.addEventListener( 'change', () => { this.view.dispatch( { effects: compartment.reconfigure( input.checked ? extension : [] ) } ); this.setPreference( name, input.checked ); } ); return [ wrapper, input ]; } } module.exports = CodeMirrorPreferences;