( function ( CodeMirror ) { 'use strict'; function eatMnemonic( stream, style, mnemonicStyle ) { let ok; if ( stream.eat( '#' ) ) { if ( stream.eat( 'x' ) ) { ok = stream.eatWhile( /[a-fA-F\d]/ ) && stream.eat( ';' ); } else { ok = stream.eatWhile( /[\d]/ ) && stream.eat( ';' ); } } else { ok = stream.eatWhile( /[\w.\-:]/ ) && stream.eat( ';' ); } if ( ok ) { mnemonicStyle += ' mw-mnemonic'; return mnemonicStyle; } return style; } CodeMirror.defineMode( 'mediawiki', ( config /* , parserConfig */ ) => { let mwConfig = config.mwConfig, urlProtocols = new RegExp( '^(?:' + mwConfig.urlProtocols + ')', 'i' ), permittedHtmlTags = { b: true, bdi: true, del: true, i: true, ins: true, u: true, font: true, big: true, small: true, sub: true, sup: true, h1: true, h2: true, h3: true, h4: true, h5: true, h6: true, cite: true, code: true, em: true, s: true, strike: true, strong: true, tt: true, var: true, div: true, center: true, blockquote: true, q: true, ol: true, ul: true, dl: true, table: true, caption: true, pre: true, ruby: true, rb: true, rp: true, rt: true, rtc: true, p: true, span: true, abbr: true, dfn: true, kbd: true, samp: true, data: true, time: true, mark: true, br: true, wbr: true, hr: true, li: true, dt: true, dd: true, td: true, th: true, tr: true, noinclude: true, includeonly: true, onlyinclude: true }, voidHtmlTags = { br: true, hr: true, wbr: true }, isBold, isItalic, firstsingleletterword, firstmultiletterword, firstspace, mBold, mItalic, mTokens = [], mStyle; function makeStyle( style, state, endGround ) { if ( isBold ) { style += ' strong'; } if ( isItalic ) { style += ' em'; } return makeLocalStyle( style, state, endGround ); } function makeLocalStyle( style, state, endGround ) { let ground = ''; switch ( state.nTemplate ) { case 0: break; case 1: ground += '-template'; break; case 2: ground += '-template2'; break; default: ground += '-template3'; break; } switch ( state.nExt ) { case 0: break; case 1: ground += '-ext'; break; case 2: ground += '-ext2'; break; default: ground += '-ext3'; break; } if ( state.nLink > 0 ) { ground += '-link'; } if ( ground !== '' ) { style = 'mw' + ground + '-ground ' + style; } if ( endGround ) { state[ endGround ]--; } return style; } function eatBlock( style, terminator, consumeLast ) { return function ( stream, state ) { if ( stream.skipTo( terminator ) ) { if ( consumeLast !== false ) { stream.match( terminator ); } state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); } else { stream.skipToEnd(); } return makeLocalStyle( style, state ); }; } function eatEnd( style ) { return function ( stream, state ) { stream.skipToEnd(); state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( style, state ); }; } function eatChar( char, style ) { return function ( stream, state ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); if ( stream.eat( char ) ) { return makeLocalStyle( style, state ); } return makeLocalStyle( 'error', state ); }; } function eatSectionHeader( count ) { return function ( stream, state ) { if ( stream.match( /^[^&<[{~]+/ ) ) { if ( stream.eol() ) { stream.backUp( count ); state.tokenize = eatEnd( 'mw-section-header' ); } else if ( stream.match( /^.*?=)/, false ) ) { // T171074: handle trailing comments stream.backUp( count ); state.tokenize = eatBlock( 'mw-section-header', '/ ) ) { return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-comment', state ); } if ( haveAte && stream.sol() ) { // @todo error message state.nTemplate--; state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return; } if ( stream.match( /^[\s\u00a0]*[^\s\u00a0|}<{&~]+/ ) ) { state.tokenize = eatTemplatePageName( true ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-template-name mw-pagename', state ); } else if ( stream.eatSpace() ) { if ( stream.eol() === true ) { return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-template-name', state ); } return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-template-name mw-pagename', state ); } return eatWikiText( 'mw-template-name mw-pagename', 'mw-template-name-mnemonic mw-pagename' )( stream, state ); }; } function eatTemplateArgument( expectArgName ) { return function ( stream, state ) { if ( expectArgName && stream.eatWhile( /[^=|}{[<&~]/ ) ) { if ( stream.eat( '=' ) ) { state.tokenize = eatTemplateArgument( false ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-template-argument-name', state ); } return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-template', state ); } else if ( stream.eatWhile( /[^|}{[<&~]/ ) ) { return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-template', state ); } else if ( stream.eat( '|' ) ) { state.tokenize = eatTemplateArgument( true ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-template-delimiter', state ); } else if ( stream.match( '}}' ) ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-template-bracket', state, 'nTemplate' ); } return eatWikiText( 'mw-template', '' )( stream, state ); }; } function eatExternalLinkProtocol( chars ) { return function ( stream, state ) { while ( chars > 0 ) { chars--; stream.next(); } if ( stream.eol() ) { state.nLink--; // @todo error message state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); } else { state.tokenize = inExternalLink; } return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-extlink-protocol', state ); }; } function inExternalLink( stream, state ) { if ( stream.sol() ) { state.nLink--; // @todo error message state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return; } if ( stream.match( /^[\s\u00a0]*\]/ ) ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-extlink-bracket', state, 'nLink' ); } if ( stream.eatSpace() ) { state.tokenize = inExternalLinkText; return makeStyle( '', state ); } if ( stream.match( /^[^\s\u00a0\]{&~']+/ ) || stream.eatSpace() ) { if ( stream.peek() === '\'' ) { if ( stream.match( '\'\'', false ) ) { state.tokenize = inExternalLinkText; } else { stream.next(); } } return makeStyle( 'mw-extlink', state ); } return eatWikiText( 'mw-extlink', '' )( stream, state ); } function inExternalLinkText( stream, state ) { if ( stream.sol() ) { state.nLink--; // @todo error message state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return; } if ( stream.eat( ']' ) ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-extlink-bracket', state, 'nLink' ); } if ( stream.match( /^[^'\]{&~<]+/ ) ) { return makeStyle( 'mw-extlink-text', state ); } return eatWikiText( 'mw-extlink-text', '' )( stream, state ); } function inLink( stream, state ) { if ( stream.sol() ) { state.nLink--; // @todo error message state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return; } if ( stream.match( /^[\s\u00a0]*#[\s\u00a0]*/ ) ) { state.tokenize = inLinkToSection; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link', state ); } if ( stream.match( /^[\s\u00a0]*\|[\s\u00a0]*/ ) ) { state.tokenize = eatLinkText(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link-delimiter', state ); } if ( stream.match( /^[\s\u00a0]*\]\]/ ) ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link-bracket', state, 'nLink' ); // if ( !stream.eatSpace() ) { // state.ImInBlock.push( 'LinkTrail' ); // } } if ( stream.match( /^[\s\u00a0]*[^\s\u00a0#|\]&~{]+/ ) || stream.eatSpace() ) { // FIXME '{{' brokes Link, sample [[z{{page]] return makeStyle( 'mw-link-pagename mw-pagename', state ); } return eatWikiText( 'mw-link-pagename mw-pagename', 'mw-pagename' )( stream, state ); } function inLinkToSection( stream, state ) { if ( stream.sol() ) { // @todo error message state.nLink--; state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return; } if ( stream.match( /^[^|\]&~{}]+/ ) ) { // FIXME '{{' brokes Link, sample [[z{{page]] return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link-tosection', state ); } if ( stream.eat( '|' ) ) { state.tokenize = eatLinkText(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link-delimiter', state ); } if ( stream.match( ']]' ) ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link-bracket', state, 'nLink' ); // if ( !stream.eatSpace() ) { // state.ImInBlock.push( 'LinkTrail' ); // } } return eatWikiText( 'mw-link-tosection', '' )( stream, state ); } function eatLinkText() { let linkIsBold, linkIsItalic; return function ( stream, state ) { let tmpstyle; if ( stream.match( ']]' ) ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link-bracket', state, 'nLink' ); } if ( stream.match( '\'\'\'' ) ) { linkIsBold = !linkIsBold; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link-text mw-apostrophes', state ); } if ( stream.match( '\'\'' ) ) { linkIsItalic = !linkIsItalic; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link-text mw-apostrophes', state ); } tmpstyle = 'mw-link-text'; if ( linkIsBold ) { tmpstyle += ' strong'; } if ( linkIsItalic ) { tmpstyle += ' em'; } if ( stream.match( /^[^'\]{&~<]+/ ) ) { return makeStyle( tmpstyle, state ); } return eatWikiText( tmpstyle, '' )( stream, state ); }; } function eatTagName( chars, isCloseTag, isHtmlTag ) { return function ( stream, state ) { let name = ''; while ( chars > 0 ) { chars--; name = name + stream.next(); } stream.eatSpace(); if ( isHtmlTag ) { if ( isCloseTag && !( name in voidHtmlTags ) ) { state.tokenize = eatChar( '>', 'mw-htmltag-bracket' ); } else { state.tokenize = eatHtmlTagAttribute( name ); } return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-htmltag-name', state ); } // it is the extension tag if ( isCloseTag ) { state.tokenize = eatChar( '>', 'mw-exttag-bracket mw-ext-' + name ); } else { state.tokenize = eatExtTagAttribute( name ); } return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-exttag-name mw-ext-' + name, state ); }; } function eatHtmlTagAttribute( name ) { return function ( stream, state ) { if ( stream.match( /^(?:"[^<">]*"|'[^<'>]*'|[^>/<{&~])+/ ) ) { return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-htmltag-attribute', state ); } if ( stream.eat( '>' ) ) { if ( !( name in voidHtmlTags ) ) { state.InHtmlTag.push( name ); } state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-htmltag-bracket', state ); } if ( stream.match( '/>' ) ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-htmltag-bracket', state ); } return eatWikiText( 'mw-htmltag-attribute', '' )( stream, state ); }; } function eatExtTagAttribute( name ) { return function ( stream, state ) { if ( stream.match( /^(?:"[^">]*"|'[^'>]*'|[^>/<{&~])+/ ) ) { return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-exttag-attribute mw-ext-' + name, state ); } if ( stream.eat( '>' ) ) { state.extName = name; if ( name in mwConfig.tagModes ) { state.extMode = CodeMirror.getMode( config, mwConfig.tagModes[ name ] ); state.extState = CodeMirror.startState( state.extMode ); } state.tokenize = eatExtTagArea( name ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-exttag-bracket mw-ext-' + name, state ); } if ( stream.match( '/>' ) ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-exttag-bracket mw-ext-' + name, state ); } return eatWikiText( 'mw-exttag-attribute mw-ext-' + name, '' )( stream, state ); }; } function eatExtTagArea( name ) { return function ( stream, state ) { let origString = false, from = stream.pos, to, pattern = new RegExp( '', 'i' ), m = pattern.exec( from ? stream.string.slice( from ) : stream.string ); if ( m ) { if ( m.index === 0 ) { state.tokenize = eatExtCloseTag( name ); state.extName = false; if ( state.extMode !== false ) { state.extMode = false; state.extState = false; } return state.tokenize( stream, state ); } to = m.index + from; origString = stream.string; stream.string = origString.slice( 0, to ); } state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = eatExtTokens( origString ); return state.tokenize( stream, state ); }; } function eatExtCloseTag( name ) { return function ( stream, state ) { stream.next(); // eat < stream.next(); // eat / state.tokenize = eatTagName( name.length, true, false ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-exttag-bracket mw-ext-' + name, state ); }; } function eatExtTokens( origString ) { return function ( stream, state ) { let ret; if ( state.extMode === false ) { ret = ( origString === false && stream.sol() ? 'line-cm-mw-exttag' : 'mw-exttag' ); stream.skipToEnd(); } else { ret = ( origString === false && stream.sol() ? 'line-cm-mw-tag-' : 'mw-tag-' ) + state.extName; ret += ' ' + state.extMode.token( stream, state.extState, origString === false ); } if ( stream.eol() ) { if ( origString !== false ) { stream.string = origString; } state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); } return makeLocalStyle( ret, state ); }; } function eatStartTable( stream, state ) { stream.match( '{|' ); stream.eatSpace(); state.tokenize = inTableDefinition; return 'mw-table-bracket'; } function inTableDefinition( stream, state ) { if ( stream.sol() ) { state.tokenize = inTable; return inTable( stream, state ); } return eatWikiText( 'mw-table-definition', '' )( stream, state ); } function inTableCaption( stream, state ) { if ( stream.sol() && stream.match( /^[\s\u00a0]*[|!]/, false ) ) { state.tokenize = inTable; return inTable( stream, state ); } return eatWikiText( 'mw-table-caption', '' )( stream, state ); } function inTable( stream, state ) { if ( stream.sol() ) { stream.eatSpace(); if ( stream.eat( '|' ) ) { if ( stream.eat( '-' ) ) { stream.eatSpace(); state.tokenize = inTableDefinition; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-table-delimiter', state ); } if ( stream.eat( '+' ) ) { stream.eatSpace(); state.tokenize = inTableCaption; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-table-delimiter', state ); } if ( stream.eat( '}' ) ) { state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-table-bracket', state ); } stream.eatSpace(); state.tokenize = eatTableRow( true, false ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-table-delimiter', state ); } if ( stream.eat( '!' ) ) { stream.eatSpace(); state.tokenize = eatTableRow( true, true ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-table-delimiter', state ); } } return eatWikiText( '', '' )( stream, state ); } function eatTableRow( isStart, isHead ) { return function ( stream, state ) { if ( stream.sol() ) { if ( stream.match( /^[\s\u00a0]*[|!]/, false ) ) { state.tokenize = inTable; return inTable( stream, state ); } } else { if ( stream.match( /^[^'|{[<&~!]+/ ) ) { return makeStyle( ( isHead ? 'strong' : '' ), state ); } if ( stream.match( '||' ) || isHead && stream.match( '!!' ) || ( isStart && stream.eat( '|' ) ) ) { isBold = false; isItalic = false; if ( isStart ) { state.tokenize = eatTableRow( false, isHead ); } return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-table-delimiter', state ); } } return eatWikiText( ( isHead ? 'strong' : '' ), ( isHead ? 'strong' : '' ) )( stream, state ); }; } function eatFreeExternalLinkProtocol( stream, state ) { stream.match( urlProtocols ); state.tokenize = eatFreeExternalLink; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-free-extlink-protocol', state ); } function eatFreeExternalLink( stream, state ) { if ( stream.eol() ) { // @todo error message } else if ( stream.match( /^[^\s\u00a0{[\]<>~).,']*/ ) ) { if ( stream.peek() === '~' ) { if ( !stream.match( /^~~~+/, false ) ) { stream.match( /^~*/ ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-free-extlink', state ); } } else if ( stream.peek() === '{' ) { if ( !stream.match( '{{', false ) ) { stream.next(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-free-extlink', state ); } } else if ( stream.peek() === '\'' ) { if ( !stream.match( '\'\'', false ) ) { stream.next(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-free-extlink', state ); } } else if ( stream.match( /^[).,]+(?=[^\s\u00a0{[\]<>~).,])/ ) ) { return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-free-extlink', state ); } } state.tokenize = state.stack.pop(); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-free-extlink', state ); } function eatWikiText( style, mnemonicStyle ) { return function ( stream, state ) { let ch, tmp, mt, name, isCloseTag, tagname, sol = stream.sol(); function chain( parser ) { state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = parser; return parser( stream, state ); } if ( sol ) { if ( !stream.match( '//', false ) && stream.match( urlProtocols ) ) { // highlight free external links, bug T108448 state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = eatFreeExternalLink; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-free-extlink-protocol', state ); } ch = stream.next(); switch ( ch ) { case '-': if ( stream.match( /^---+/ ) ) { return 'mw-hr'; } break; case '=': tmp = stream.match( /^(={0,5})(.+?(=\1\s*)(.*\S).*?)?)$/ ); if ( tmp ) { // Title stream.backUp( tmp[ 2 ].length ); state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = eatSectionHeader( tmp[ 3 ].length ); return 'mw-section-header line-cm-mw-section-' + ( tmp[ 1 ].length + 1 ); } break; case '*': case '#': // Just consume all nested list and indention syntax when there is more stream.match( /^[*#]*:*/ ); return 'mw-list'; case ':': if ( stream.match( /^:*{\|/, false ) ) { // Highlight indented tables :{|, bug T108454 state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = eatStartTable; } // Just consume all nested list and indention syntax when there is more stream.match( /^:*[*#]*/ ); return 'mw-indenting'; case ' ': if ( stream.match( /^[\s\u00a0]*:*{\|/, false ) ) { // Leading spaces is the correct syntax for a table, bug T108454 stream.eatSpace(); if ( stream.match( /^:+/ ) ) { // ::{| state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = eatStartTable; return 'mw-indenting'; } stream.eat( '{' ); } else { return 'mw-skipformatting'; } // break is not necessary here // falls through case '{': if ( stream.eat( '|' ) ) { stream.eatSpace(); state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = inTableDefinition; return 'mw-table-bracket'; } } } else { ch = stream.next(); } switch ( ch ) { case '&': return makeStyle( eatMnemonic( stream, style, mnemonicStyle ), state ); case '\'': if ( stream.match( /^'*(?=''''')/ ) || stream.match( /^'''(?!')/, false ) ) { // skip the irrelevant apostrophes ( >5 or =4 ) break; } if ( stream.match( '\'\'' ) ) { // bold if ( !( firstsingleletterword || stream.match( '\'\'', false ) ) ) { prepareItalicForCorrection( stream ); } isBold = !isBold; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-apostrophes-bold', state ); } else if ( stream.eat( '\'' ) ) { // italic isItalic = !isItalic; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-apostrophes-italic', state ); } break; case '[': if ( stream.eat( '[' ) ) { // Link Example: [[ Foo | Bar ]] stream.eatSpace(); if ( /[^\]|[]/.test( stream.peek() ) ) { state.nLink++; state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = inLink; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-link-bracket', state ); } } else { mt = stream.match( urlProtocols ); if ( mt ) { state.nLink++; stream.backUp( mt[ 0 ].length ); state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = eatExternalLinkProtocol( mt[ 0 ].length ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-extlink-bracket', state ); } } break; case '{': // Can't be a variable when it starts with more than 3 brackets (T108450) or // a single { followed by a template. E.g. {{{!}} starts a table (T292967). if ( stream.match( /^{{(?!{|[^{}]*}}(?!}))/ ) ) { stream.eatSpace(); state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = inVariable; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-templatevariable-bracket', state ); } else if ( stream.match( /^{(?!{(?!{))[\s\u00a0]*/ ) ) { if ( stream.peek() === '#' ) { // Parser function state.nExt++; state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = inParserFunctionName; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-parserfunction-bracket', state ); } // Check for parser function without '#' name = stream.match( /^([^\s\u00a0}[\]<{'|&:]+)(:|[\s\u00a0]*)(\}\}?)?(.)?/ ); if ( name ) { stream.backUp( name[ 0 ].length ); if ( ( name[ 2 ] === ':' || name[ 4 ] === undefined || name[ 3 ] === '}}' ) && ( name[ 1 ].toLowerCase() in mwConfig.functionSynonyms[ 0 ] || name[ 1 ] in mwConfig.functionSynonyms[ 1 ] ) ) { state.nExt++; state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = inParserFunctionName; return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-parserfunction-bracket', state ); } } // Template state.nTemplate++; state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = eatTemplatePageName( false ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-template-bracket', state ); } break; case '<': isCloseTag = !!stream.eat( '/' ); tagname = stream.match( /^[^>/\s\u00a0.*,[\]{}$^+?|/\\'`~<=!@#%&()-]+/ ); if ( stream.match( '!--' ) ) { // comment return chain( eatBlock( 'mw-comment', '-->' ) ); } if ( tagname ) { tagname = tagname[ 0 ].toLowerCase(); if ( tagname in mwConfig.tags ) { // Parser function if ( isCloseTag === true ) { // @todo message return 'error'; } stream.backUp( tagname.length ); state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = eatTagName( tagname.length, isCloseTag, false ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-exttag-bracket mw-ext-' + tagname, state ); } if ( tagname in permittedHtmlTags ) { // Html tag if ( isCloseTag === true && tagname !== state.InHtmlTag.pop() ) { // @todo message return 'error'; } if ( isCloseTag === true && tagname in voidHtmlTags ) { // @todo message return 'error'; } stream.backUp( tagname.length ); state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); // || ( tagname in voidHtmlTags ) because opening void tags should also be treated as the closing tag. state.tokenize = eatTagName( tagname.length, isCloseTag || ( tagname in voidHtmlTags ), true ); return makeLocalStyle( 'mw-htmltag-bracket', state ); } stream.backUp( tagname.length ); } break; case '~': if ( stream.match( /^~{2,4}/ ) ) { return 'mw-signature'; } break; case '_': // Maybe double undescored Magic Word as __TOC__ tmp = 1; while ( stream.eat( '_' ) ) { // Optimize processing of many underscore symbols tmp++; } if ( tmp > 2 ) { // Many underscore symbols if ( !stream.eol() ) { stream.backUp( 2 ); // Leave last two underscore symbols for processing again in next iteration } return makeStyle( style, state ); // Optimization: skip regex function at the end for EOL and backuped symbols } else if ( tmp === 2 ) { // Check on double underscore Magic Word name = stream.match( /^([^\s\u00a0>}[\]<{'|&:~]+?)__/ ); // The same as the end of function except '_' inside and with '__' at the end of string if ( name && name[ 0 ] ) { if ( '__' + name[ 0 ].toLowerCase() in mwConfig.doubleUnderscore[ 0 ] || '__' + name[ 0 ] in mwConfig.doubleUnderscore[ 1 ] ) { return 'mw-doubleUnderscore'; } if ( !stream.eol() ) { stream.backUp( 2 ); // Two underscore symbols at the end can be begining of other double undescored Magic Word } return makeStyle( style, state ); // Optimization: skip regex function at the end for EOL and backuped symbols } } break; default: if ( /[\s\u00a0]/.test( ch ) ) { stream.eatSpace(); if ( stream.match( urlProtocols, false ) && !stream.match( '//' ) ) { // highlight free external links, bug T108448 state.stack.push( state.tokenize ); state.tokenize = eatFreeExternalLinkProtocol; return makeStyle( style, state ); } } break; } stream.match( /^[^\s\u00a0_>}[\]<{'|&:~=]+/ ); return makeStyle( style, state ); }; } /** * Remembers position and status for rollbacking. * It needed for change bold to italic with apostrophe before it if required * * see https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T108455 * * @param {Object} stream CodeMirror.StringStream */ function prepareItalicForCorrection( stream ) { // see Parser::doQuotes() in MediaWiki core, it works similar // firstsingleletterword has maximum priority // firstmultiletterword has medium priority // firstspace has low priority const end = stream.pos, str = stream.string.slice( 0, end - 3 ), x1 = str.slice( -1, -1 + 1 ), x2 = str.slice( -2, -2 + 1 ); // firstsingleletterword olways is undefined here if ( x1 === ' ' ) { if ( firstmultiletterword || firstspace ) { return; } firstspace = end; } else if ( x2 === ' ' ) { firstsingleletterword = end; } else if ( firstmultiletterword ) { return; } else { firstmultiletterword = end; } // remember bold and italic state for restore mBold = isBold; mItalic = isItalic; } return { startState: function () { return { tokenize: eatWikiText( '', '' ), stack: [], InHtmlTag: [], extName: false, extMode: false, extState: false, nTemplate: 0, nLink: 0, nExt: 0 }; }, copyState: function ( state ) { return { tokenize: state.tokenize, stack: state.stack.concat( [] ), InHtmlTag: state.InHtmlTag.concat( [] ), extName: state.extName, extMode: state.extMode, extState: state.extMode !== false && CodeMirror.copyState( state.extMode, state.extState ), nTemplate: state.nTemplate, nLink: state.nLink, nExt: state.nExt }; }, token: function ( stream, state ) { let style, p, t, f, readyTokens = [], tmpTokens = []; if ( mTokens.length > 0 ) { // just send saved tokens till they exists t = mTokens.shift(); stream.pos = t.pos; state = t.state; return t.style; } if ( stream.sol() ) { // reset bold and italic status in every new line isBold = false; isItalic = false; firstsingleletterword = undefined; firstmultiletterword = undefined; firstspace = undefined; } do { style = state.tokenize( stream, state ); // get token style f = firstsingleletterword || firstmultiletterword || firstspace; if ( f ) { // rollback point exists if ( f !== p ) { // new rollbak point p = f; if ( tmpTokens.length > 0 ) { // it's not first rollbak point readyTokens = readyTokens.concat( tmpTokens ); // save tokens tmpTokens = []; } } tmpTokens.push( { // save token pos: stream.pos, style: style, state: CodeMirror.copyState( state.extMode ? state.extMode : 'mediawiki', state ) } ); } else { // rollback point not exists mStyle = style; // remember style before possible rollback point return style; // just return token style } } while ( !stream.eol() ); if ( isBold && isItalic ) { // needs to rollback isItalic = mItalic; // restore status isBold = mBold; firstsingleletterword = undefined; firstmultiletterword = undefined; firstspace = undefined; if ( readyTokens.length > 0 ) { // it contains tickets before the point of rollback readyTokens[ readyTokens.length - 1 ].pos++; // add one apostrophe, next token will be italic (two apostrophes) mTokens = readyTokens; // for sending tokens till the point of rollback } else { // there are no tikets before the point of rollback stream.pos = tmpTokens[ 0 ].pos - 2; // eat( '\'') return mStyle; // send saved Style } } else { // not needs to rollback mTokens = readyTokens.concat( tmpTokens ); // send all saved tokens } // return first saved token t = mTokens.shift(); stream.pos = t.pos; state = t.state; return t.style; }, blankLine: function ( state ) { let ret; if ( state.extName ) { if ( state.extMode ) { ret = ''; if ( state.extMode.blankLine ) { ret = ' ' + state.extMode.blankLine( state.extState ); } return 'line-cm-mw-tag-' + state.extName + ret; } return 'line-cm-mw-exttag'; } } }; } ); CodeMirror.defineMIME( 'text/mediawiki', 'mediawiki' ); function eatNowiki( style, lineStyle ) { return function ( stream, state, ownLine ) { let s; if ( ownLine && stream.sol() ) { state.ownLine = true; } else if ( ownLine === false && state.ownLine ) { state.ownLine = false; } s = ( state.ownLine ? lineStyle : style ); if ( stream.match( /^[^&]+/ ) ) { return s; } stream.next(); // eat & return eatMnemonic( stream, s, s ); }; } CodeMirror.defineMode( 'mw-tag-pre', ( /* config, parserConfig */ ) => ( { startState: function () { return {}; }, token: eatNowiki( 'mw-tag-pre', 'line-cm-mw-tag-pre' ) } ) ); CodeMirror.defineMode( 'mw-tag-nowiki', ( /* config, parserConfig */ ) => ( { startState: function () { return {}; }, token: eatNowiki( 'mw-tag-nowiki', 'line-cm-mw-tag-nowiki' ) } ) ); }( CodeMirror ) );