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synced 2024-12-19 01:00:36 +00:00
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'use strict';
const nodeResolve = require( '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve' );
const copy = require( 'rollup-plugin-copy' );
const babel = require( '@rollup/plugin-babel' );
const terser = require( '@rollup/plugin-terser' );
* Mapping of import paths to ResourceLoader module names.
* See usage in 'plugins' below for explanation.
* @type {Object}
const importAliases = {
'./vendor.js': 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.lib',
'./codemirror.js': 'ext.CodeMirror.v6',
'./codemirror.mode.mediawiki.js': 'ext.CodeMirror.v6.mode.mediawiki'
module.exports = [
// One entry for each ResourceLoader module that we want to ship.
input: [
output: {
entryFileNames: '[name].js',
dir: 'resources/dist',
// Magically makes our ECMAScript Modules work with the
// CommonJS-style preferred by ResourceLoader. Ta-da!
format: 'cjs',
// Remove hash from chunked file name. We only want vendor code to be
// chunked, and we need the file name to be stable for use by ResourceLoader.
chunkFileNames: () => '[name].js',
// Bundle all vendor code into a single file called 'vendor.js'.
// This includes the Babel helpers because they are used by all our modules.
manualChunks: ( id ) => {
if ( id.includes( 'node_modules' ) || id.includes( 'rollupPluginBabelHelpers' ) ) {
return 'vendor';
plugins: [
// HACK: Rollup doesn't know about ResourceLoader and attempts to `require`
// modules using a relative path, when they need to match the RL module name.
// Here we do string replacements to fix that. This is nasty and brittle, but
// otherwise we couldn't offer standalone CodeMirror functionality via RL,
// which is necessary for usage in on-wiki scripts and gadgets (T214989).
copy( {
targets: [ {
src: 'resources/dist/*',
dest: 'resources/dist/',
transform: ( contents ) => {
Object.keys( importAliases ).forEach( ( alias ) => {
contents = contents.toString().replace(
`require("${ alias }")`,
`require("${ importAliases[ alias ] }")`
} );
return contents;
} ],
hook: 'writeBundle'
} ),
babel( { babelHelpers: 'bundled' } ),
onwarn: ( warning, warn ) => {
// Suppress "not exported" warnings. We import those for IDE support not for the build.
if ( warning.code === 'MISSING_EXPORT' ) {
warn( warning );