Timo Tijhof 72f3c78381 Use returnFalse instead of jQuery.noop
Follows-up 86622b6.

While these functions looked like placeholders in a configuration
object to allow calling them unconditionally, they actually had
meaning. They were event overrides to prevent WikiEditor from
running its own event handlers.

They were implicitly returning false by having no return statement
(implying a 'return undefined', which casts to false).

The separate functions were already quite obfuscated as returning
false, using $.noop made it even harder to understand what's
going on.

Use an explicit return value instead.

Change-Id: I0852fbc9225d069f50085787d2d0105fd7b1743c
2014-10-16 20:37:18 +02:00

660 lines
20 KiB

/* Ace syntax-highlighting code editor extension for wikiEditor */
/*global require, ace, confirm */
( function ( $, mw ) {
$.wikiEditor.modules.codeEditor = {
* Core Requirements
'req': [ 'codeEditor' ],
* Compatability map
browsers: {
msie: [['>=', 8]]
* Configuration
cfg: {
* API accessible functions
api: {
* Event handlers
evt: {
* Internally used functions
fn: {
$.wikiEditor.extensions.codeEditor = function ( context ) {
var saveAndExtend,
returnFalse = function () { return false; };
* Event Handlers
* WikiEditor inspects the 'evt' object for event names and uses them if present as additional
* event handlers that fire before the default handling.
* To prevent WikiEditor from running its own handling, handlers should return false.
* This is also where we can attach some extra information to the events.
context.evt = $.extend( context.evt, {
'keydown': returnFalse,
'change': returnFalse,
'delayedChange': returnFalse,
'cut': returnFalse,
'paste': returnFalse,
'ready': returnFalse,
'codeEditorSubmit': function () {
var i,
hasError = false,
annotations = context.codeEditor.getSession().getAnnotations();
for ( i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++ ) {
if ( annotations[i].type === 'error' ) {
hasError = true;
if ( hasError ) {
return confirm( mw.msg( 'codeeditor-save-with-errors' ) );
'codeEditorSync': function () {
context.$textarea.val( context.$textarea.textSelection( 'getContents' ) );
} );
context.codeEditorActive = mw.user.options.get( 'usecodeeditor' ) !== '0';
* Internally used functions
context.fn = $.extend( context.fn, {
'codeEditorToolbarIcon': function () {
// When loaded as a gadget, one may need to override the wiki's own assets path.
var iconPath = mw.config.get( 'wgCodeEditorAssetsPath', mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath' ) ) + '/CodeEditor/images/';
return iconPath + ( context.codeEditorActive ? 'code-selected.png' : 'code.png' );
'setupCodeEditorToolbar': function () {
// Drop out some formatting that isn't relevant on these pages...
context.api.removeFromToolbar( context, {
'section': 'main',
'group': 'format',
'tool': 'bold'
} );
context.api.removeFromToolbar( context, {
'section': 'main',
'group': 'format',
'tool': 'italic'
} );
var callback = function ( context ) {
context.codeEditorActive = !context.codeEditorActive;
context.fn.setCodeEditorPreference( context.codeEditorActive );
if ( context.codeEditorActive ) {
// set it back up!
} else {
context.api.addToToolbar( context, {
'section': 'main',
'group': 'format',
'tools': {
'codeEditor': {
'labelMsg': 'codeeditor-toolbar-toggle',
'type': 'button',
'icon': context.fn.codeEditorToolbarIcon(),
'action': {
'type': 'callback',
'execute': callback
} );
'toggleCodeEditorToolbar': function () {
var target, $img;
target = 'img.tool[rel=codeEditor]';
$img = context.modules.toolbar.$toolbar.find( target );
$img.attr( 'src', context.fn.codeEditorToolbarIcon() );
'setCodeEditorPreference': function ( prefValue ) {
var api = new mw.Api();
api.postWithToken( 'options', {
action: 'options',
optionname: 'usecodeeditor',
optionvalue: prefValue ? 1 : 0
} ).fail( function ( code, result ) {
mw.log.warn( 'Failed to set code editor preference: ' + code + '\n' + result.error );
} );
* Sets up the iframe in place of the textarea to allow more advanced operations
'setupCodeEditor': function () {
var box, lang, basePath, container, editdiv, session, resize, AceLangMode;
box = context.$textarea;
lang = mw.config.get( 'wgCodeEditorCurrentLanguage' );
basePath = mw.config.get( 'wgExtensionAssetsPath', '' );
if ( basePath.substring( 0, 2 ) === '//' ) {
// ACE uses web workers, which have importScripts, which don't like relative links.
// This is a problem only when the assets are on another server, so this rewrite should suffice
// Protocol relative
basePath = window.location.protocol + basePath;
ace.config.set( 'basePath', basePath + '/CodeEditor/modules/ace' );
if ( lang ) {
// Ace doesn't like replacing a textarea directly.
// We'll stub this out to sit on top of it...
// line-height is needed to compensate for oddity in WikiEditor extension, which zeroes the line-height on a parent container
container = context.$codeEditorContainer = $( '<div style="position: relative"><div class="editor" style="line-height: 1.5em; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; position: absolute;"></div></div>' ).insertAfter( box );
editdiv = container.find( '.editor' );
box.css( 'display', 'none' );
container.width( box.width() )
.height( box.height() );
// Non-lazy loaded dependencies: Enable code completion
ace.require( 'ace/ext/language_tools' );
// Load the editor now
context.codeEditor = ace.edit( editdiv[0] );
context.codeEditor.getSession().setValue( box.val() );
// Disable some annoying commands
context.codeEditor.commands.removeCommand( 'replace' ); // ctrl+R
context.codeEditor.commands.removeCommand( 'transposeletters' ); // ctrl+T
context.codeEditor.commands.removeCommand( 'gotoline' ); // ctrl+L
context.codeEditor.setReadOnly( box.prop( 'readonly' ) );
// The options to enable
context.codeEditor.setOptions( {
enableBasicAutocompletion: true,
enableSnippets: true
} );
// fakeout for bug 29328
context.$iframe = [
contentWindow: {
focus: function () {
box.closest( 'form' ).submit( context.evt.codeEditorSubmit );
session = context.codeEditor.getSession();
// Use proper tabs
session.setUseSoftTabs( false );
// Bug 47235: Update text field for LivePreview
if ( mw.hook ) {
mw.hook( 'codeEditor.configure' ).fire( session );
// Old, deprecated style for backwards compat
// Do this even if mw.hook exists, because the caller wasn't
// updated right away to actually use the new style.
$( mw ).bind( 'LivePreviewPrepare', context.evt.codeEditorSubmit );
ace.config.loadModule( 'ace/mode/' + lang, function () {
AceLangMode = require( 'ace/mode/' + lang ).Mode;
session.setMode( new AceLangMode() );
} );
// Force the box to resize horizontally to match in future :D
resize = function () {
container.width( box.width() );
$( window ).resize( resize );
// Use jquery.ui.resizable so user can make the box taller too
container.resizable( {
handles: 's',
minHeight: box.height(),
resize: function () {
} );
// Let modules know we're ready to start working with the content
context.fn.trigger( 'ready' );
* Turn off the code editor view and return to the plain textarea.
* May be needed by some folks with funky browsers, or just to compare.
'disableCodeEditor': function () {
// Kills it!
context.$textarea.closest( 'form' ).unbind( 'submit', context.evt.codeEditorSubmit );
$( mw ).unbind( 'LivePreviewPrepare', context.evt.codeEditorSubmit ); // deprecated
// Save contents
context.$textarea.val( context.fn.getContents() );
// @todo fetch cursor, scroll position
// Drop the fancy editor widget...
context.$codeEditorContainer = undefined;
context.$iframe = undefined;
context.codeEditor = undefined;
// Restore textarea
// @todo restore cursor, scroll position
* Start monitoring the fragment of the current window for hash change
* events. If the hash is already set, handle it as a new event.
'codeEditorMonitorFragment': function () {
function onHashChange() {
var regexp, result, line;
regexp = /#mw-ce-l(\d+)/;
result = regexp.exec( window.location.hash );
if ( result === null ) {
// Line numbers in CodeEditor are zero-based
line = parseInt( result[1], 10 );
context.codeEditor.navigateTo( line - 1, 0 );
// Scroll up a bit to give some context
context.codeEditor.scrollToRow( line - 4 );
$( window ).on( 'hashchange', onHashChange );
* This creates a Statusbar, that allows you to see a count of the
* errors, warnings and the warning of the current line, as well as
* the position of the cursor.
'setupStatusBar': function () {
var shouldUpdateAnnotations,
editor = context.codeEditor,
lang = require( 'ace/lib/lang' ),
$errors = $( '<span class="codeEditor-status-worker-cell ace_gutter-cell ace_error">0</span>' ),
$warnings = $( '<span class="codeEditor-status-worker-cell ace_gutter-cell ace_warning">0</span>' ),
$infos = $( '<span class="codeEditor-status-worker-cell ace_gutter-cell ace_info">0</span>' ),
$message = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'codeEditor-status-message' ),
$lineAndMode = $( '<div>' ).addClass( 'codeEditor-status-line' ),
$workerStatus = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'codeEditor-status-worker' )
.append( $errors )
.append( $warnings )
.append( $infos );
context.$statusBar = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'codeEditor-status' )
.append( $workerStatus )
.append( $message )
.append( $lineAndMode );
/* Help function to concatenate strings with different separators */
function addToStatus( status, str, separator ) {
if ( str ) {
status.push( str, separator || '|' );
* Update all the information in the status bar
function updateStatusBar() {
var i, c, r,
errors = 0,
warnings = 0,
infos = 0,
shortestDistance = Infinity,
currentLine = editor.selection.lead.row,
annotations = context.codeEditor.getSession().getAnnotations();
// Reset the next annotation
nextAnnotation = null;
for ( i = 0; i < annotations.length; i++ ) {
annotation = annotations[i];
distance = Math.abs( currentLine - annotation.row );
if ( distance < shortestDistance ) {
shortestDistance = distance;
closestAnnotation = annotation;
if ( nextAnnotation === null && annotation.row > currentLine ) {
nextAnnotation = annotation;
switch ( annotations[i].type ) {
case 'error':
case 'warning':
case 'info':
// Wrap around to the beginning for nextAnnotation
if ( nextAnnotation === null && annotations.length > 0 ) {
nextAnnotation = annotations[0];
// Update the annotation counts
if ( shouldUpdateAnnotations ) {
$errors.text( errors );
$warnings.text( warnings );
$infos.text( infos );
// Show the message of the current line, if we have not already done so
if ( closestAnnotation &&
currentLine === closestAnnotation.row &&
closestAnnotation !== $ 'annotation' ) ) {
$ 'annotation', closestAnnotation );
$message.text( $.ucFirst( closestAnnotation.type ) + ': ' + closestAnnotation.text );
} else if ( $ 'annotation' ) !== null &&
( !closestAnnotation || currentLine !== closestAnnotation.row ) ) {
// If we are on a different line without an annotation, then blank the message
$ 'annotation', null );
$message.text( '' );
// The cursor position has changed
if ( shouldUpdateSelection || shouldUpdateLineInfo ) {
// Adapted from's ace/ext/statusbar module
status = [];
if ( editor.$vimModeHandler ) {
addToStatus( status, editor.$vimModeHandler.getStatusText() );
} else if ( editor.commands.recording ) {
addToStatus( status, 'REC' );
c = editor.selection.lead;
addToStatus( status, ( c.row + 1 ) + ':' + c.column, '' );
if ( !editor.selection.isEmpty() ) {
r = editor.getSelectionRange();
addToStatus( status, '(' + ( r.end.row - r.start.row ) + ':' + ( r.end.column - r.start.column ) + ')' );
$lineAndMode.text( status.join( '' ) );
shouldUpdateLineInfo = shouldUpdateSelection = shouldUpdateAnnotations = false;
// Function to delay/debounce updates for the StatusBar
delayedUpdate = lang.delayedCall( function () {
updateStatusBar( editor );
}.bind( this ) );
* Click handler that allows you to skip to the next annotation
$workerStatus.on( 'click', function ( e ) {
if ( nextAnnotation ) {
context.codeEditor.navigateTo( nextAnnotation.row, nextAnnotation.column );
// Scroll up a bit to give some context
context.codeEditor.scrollToRow( nextAnnotation.row - 3 );
} );
editor.getSession().on( 'changeAnnotation', function () {
shouldUpdateAnnotations = true;
delayedUpdate.schedule( 100 );
} );
editor.on( 'changeStatus', function () {
shouldUpdateLineInfo = true;
delayedUpdate.schedule( 100 );
} );
editor.on( 'changeSelection', function () {
shouldUpdateSelection = true;
delayedUpdate.schedule( 100 );
} );
// Force update
shouldUpdateLineInfo = shouldUpdateSelection = shouldUpdateAnnotations = true;
updateStatusBar( editor );
context.$statusBar.insertAfter( $( '.wikiEditor-ui-view-wikitext .wikiEditor-ui-bottom' ) );
'removeStatusBar': function () {
context.codeEditor.getSession().removeListener( 'changeAnnotation' );
context.codeEditor.removeListener( 'changeSelection' );
context.codeEditor.removeListener( 'changeStatus' );
context.nextAnnotation = null;
context.$statusBar = null;
$( '.codeEditor-status' ).remove();
} );
* Override the base functions in a way that lets
* us fall back to the originals when we turn off.
saveAndExtend = function ( base, extended ) {
var map;
// $.map doesn't handle objects in jQuery < 1.6; need this for compat with MW 1.17
map = function ( obj, callback ) {
var key;
for ( key in extended ) {
if ( obj.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) {
callback( obj[key], key );
map( extended, function ( func, name ) {
if ( name in base ) {
var orig = base[name];
base[name] = function () {
if ( context.codeEditorActive ) {
return func.apply( this, arguments );
if ( orig ) {
return orig.apply( this, arguments );
throw new Error( 'CodeEditor: no original function to call for ' + name );
} else {
base[name] = func;
} );
saveAndExtend( context.fn, {
'saveCursorAndScrollTop': function () {
// Stub out textarea behavior
'restoreCursorAndScrollTop': function () {
// Stub out textarea behavior
'saveSelection': function () {
mw.log( 'codeEditor stub function saveSelection called' );
'restoreSelection': function () {
mw.log( 'codeEditor stub function restoreSelection called' );
/* Needed for search/replace */
'getContents': function () {
return context.codeEditor.getSession().getValue();
* Compatibility with the $.textSelection jQuery plug-in. When the iframe is in use, these functions provide
* equivilant functionality to the otherwise textarea-based functionality.
'getElementAtCursor': function () {
mw.log( 'codeEditor stub function getElementAtCursor called' );
* Gets the currently selected text in the content
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
'getSelection': function () {
return context.codeEditor.getCopyText();
* Inserts text at the begining and end of a text selection, optionally inserting text at the caret when
* selection is empty.
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
'encapsulateSelection': function ( options ) {
var sel, range, selText, isSample, text;
// Does not yet handle 'ownline', 'splitlines' option
sel = context.codeEditor.getSelection();
range = sel.getRange();
selText = context.fn.getSelection();
isSample = false;
if ( !selText ) {
selText = options.peri;
isSample = true;
} else if ( options.replace ) {
selText = options.peri;
text = options.pre;
text += selText;
text +=;
context.codeEditor.insert( text );
if ( isSample && options.selectPeri && !options.splitlines ) {
// May esplode if anything has newlines, be warned. :)
range.setStart( range.start.row, range.start.column + options.pre.length );
range.setEnd( range.start.row, range.start.column + selText.length );
sel.setSelectionRange( range );
return context.$textarea;
* Gets the position (in resolution of bytes not nessecarily characters) in a textarea
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
'getCaretPosition': function () {
mw.log( 'codeEditor stub function getCaretPosition called' );
* Sets the selection of the content
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
* @param start Character offset of selection start
* @param end Character offset of selection end
* @param startContainer Element in iframe to start selection in. If not set, start is a character offset
* @param endContainer Element in iframe to end selection in. If not set, end is a character offset
'setSelection': function ( options ) {
var doc, lines, offsetToPos, start, end, sel, range;
// Ace stores positions for ranges as row/column pairs.
// To convert from character offsets, we'll need to iterate through the document
doc = context.codeEditor.getSession().getDocument();
lines = doc.getAllLines();
offsetToPos = function ( offset ) {
var row, col, pos;
row = 0;
col = 0;
pos = 0;
while ( row < lines.length && pos + lines[row].length < offset ) {
pos += lines[row].length;
pos++; // for the newline
col = offset - pos;
return {row: row, column: col};
start = offsetToPos( options.start );
end = offsetToPos( options.end );
sel = context.codeEditor.getSelection();
range = sel.getRange();
range.setStart( start.row, start.column );
range.setEnd( end.row, end.column );
sel.setSelectionRange( range );
return context.$textarea;
* Scroll a textarea to the current cursor position. You can set the cursor position with setSelection()
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
'scrollToCaretPosition': function () {
mw.log( 'codeEditor stub function scrollToCaretPosition called' );
return context.$textarea;
* Scroll an element to the top of the iframe
* DO NOT CALL THIS DIRECTLY, use $.textSelection( 'functionname', options ) instead
* @param $element jQuery object containing an element in the iframe
* @param force If true, scroll the element even if it's already visible
'scrollToTop': function () {
mw.log( 'codeEditor stub function scrollToTop called' );
} );
/* Setup the editor */
if ( context.codeEditorActive ) {
}( jQuery, mediaWiki ) );