mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 10:15:18 +00:00
This brings Ace to upstream commit 4a55188fdb0eee9e2d3854f175e67408a1e47655 Bug: T127643 Change-Id: I7699e842d7b561b8a35cf7a4ea048f4126eaf856
1130 lines
46 KiB
1130 lines
46 KiB
ace.define("ace/mode/css_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/lib/lang","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../lib/oop");
var lang = require("../lib/lang");
var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules;
var supportType = exports.supportType = "align-content|align-items|align-self|all|animation|animation-delay|animation-direction|animation-duration|animation-fill-mode|animation-iteration-count|animation-name|animation-play-state|animation-timing-function|backface-visibility|background|background-attachment|background-blend-mode|background-clip|background-color|background-image|background-origin|background-position|background-repeat|background-size|border|border-bottom|border-bottom-color|border-bottom-left-radius|border-bottom-right-radius|border-bottom-style|border-bottom-width|border-collapse|border-color|border-image|border-image-outset|border-image-repeat|border-image-slice|border-image-source|border-image-width|border-left|border-left-color|border-left-style|border-left-width|border-radius|border-right|border-right-color|border-right-style|border-right-width|border-spacing|border-style|border-top|border-top-color|border-top-left-radius|border-top-right-radius|border-top-style|border-top-width|border-width|bottom|box-shadow|box-sizing|caption-side|clear|clip|color|column-count|column-fill|column-gap|column-rule|column-rule-color|column-rule-style|column-rule-width|column-span|column-width|columns|content|counter-increment|counter-reset|cursor|direction|display|empty-cells|filter|flex|flex-basis|flex-direction|flex-flow|flex-grow|flex-shrink|flex-wrap|float|font|font-family|font-size|font-size-adjust|font-stretch|font-style|font-variant|font-weight|hanging-punctuation|height|justify-content|left|letter-spacing|line-height|list-style|list-style-image|list-style-position|list-style-type|margin|margin-bottom|margin-left|margin-right|margin-top|max-height|max-width|min-height|min-width|nav-down|nav-index|nav-left|nav-right|nav-up|opacity|order|outline|outline-color|outline-offset|outline-style|outline-width|overflow|overflow-x|overflow-y|padding|padding-bottom|padding-left|padding-right|padding-top|page-break-after|page-break-before|page-break-inside|perspective|perspective-origin|position|quotes|resize|right|tab-size|table-layout|text-align|text-align-last|text-decoration|text-decoration-color|text-decoration-line|text-decoration-style|text-indent|text-justify|text-overflow|text-shadow|text-transform|top|transform|transform-origin|transform-style|transition|transition-delay|transition-duration|transition-property|transition-timing-function|unicode-bidi|vertical-align|visibility|white-space|width|word-break|word-spacing|word-wrap|z-index";
var supportFunction = exports.supportFunction = "rgb|rgba|url|attr|counter|counters";
var supportConstant = exports.supportConstant = "absolute|after-edge|after|all-scroll|all|alphabetic|always|antialiased|armenian|auto|avoid-column|avoid-page|avoid|balance|baseline|before-edge|before|below|bidi-override|block-line-height|block|bold|bolder|border-box|both|bottom|box|break-all|break-word|capitalize|caps-height|caption|center|central|char|circle|cjk-ideographic|clone|close-quote|col-resize|collapse|column|consider-shifts|contain|content-box|cover|crosshair|cubic-bezier|dashed|decimal-leading-zero|decimal|default|disabled|disc|disregard-shifts|distribute-all-lines|distribute-letter|distribute-space|distribute|dotted|double|e-resize|ease-in|ease-in-out|ease-out|ease|ellipsis|end|exclude-ruby|fill|fixed|georgian|glyphs|grid-height|groove|hand|hanging|hebrew|help|hidden|hiragana-iroha|hiragana|horizontal|icon|ideograph-alpha|ideograph-numeric|ideograph-parenthesis|ideograph-space|ideographic|inactive|include-ruby|inherit|initial|inline-block|inline-box|inline-line-height|inline-table|inline|inset|inside|inter-ideograph|inter-word|invert|italic|justify|katakana-iroha|katakana|keep-all|last|left|lighter|line-edge|line-through|line|linear|list-item|local|loose|lower-alpha|lower-greek|lower-latin|lower-roman|lowercase|lr-tb|ltr|mathematical|max-height|max-size|medium|menu|message-box|middle|move|n-resize|ne-resize|newspaper|no-change|no-close-quote|no-drop|no-open-quote|no-repeat|none|normal|not-allowed|nowrap|nw-resize|oblique|open-quote|outset|outside|overline|padding-box|page|pointer|pre-line|pre-wrap|pre|preserve-3d|progress|relative|repeat-x|repeat-y|repeat|replaced|reset-size|ridge|right|round|row-resize|rtl|s-resize|scroll|se-resize|separate|slice|small-caps|small-caption|solid|space|square|start|static|status-bar|step-end|step-start|steps|stretch|strict|sub|super|sw-resize|table-caption|table-cell|table-column-group|table-column|table-footer-group|table-header-group|table-row-group|table-row|table|tb-rl|text-after-edge|text-before-edge|text-bottom|text-size|text-top|text|thick|thin|transparent|underline|upper-alpha|upper-latin|upper-roman|uppercase|use-script|vertical-ideographic|vertical-text|visible|w-resize|wait|whitespace|z-index|zero";
var supportConstantColor = exports.supportConstantColor = "aqua|black|blue|fuchsia|gray|green|lime|maroon|navy|olive|orange|purple|red|silver|teal|white|yellow";
var supportConstantFonts = exports.supportConstantFonts = "arial|century|comic|courier|cursive|fantasy|garamond|georgia|helvetica|impact|lucida|symbol|system|tahoma|times|trebuchet|utopia|verdana|webdings|sans-serif|serif|monospace";
var numRe = exports.numRe = "\\-?(?:(?:[0-9]+)|(?:[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+))";
var pseudoElements = exports.pseudoElements = "(\\:+)\\b(after|before|first-letter|first-line|moz-selection|selection)\\b";
var pseudoClasses = exports.pseudoClasses = "(:)\\b(active|checked|disabled|empty|enabled|first-child|first-of-type|focus|hover|indeterminate|invalid|last-child|last-of-type|link|not|nth-child|nth-last-child|nth-last-of-type|nth-of-type|only-child|only-of-type|required|root|target|valid|visited)\\b";
var CssHighlightRules = function() {
var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({
"support.function": supportFunction,
"support.constant": supportConstant,
"support.type": supportType,
"support.constant.color": supportConstantColor,
"support.constant.fonts": supportConstantFonts
}, "text", true);
this.$rules = {
"start" : [{
token : "comment", // multi line comment
regex : "\\/\\*",
push : "comment"
}, {
token: "paren.lparen",
regex: "\\{",
push: "ruleset"
}, {
token: "string",
regex: "@.*?{",
push: "media"
}, {
token: "keyword",
regex: "#[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
token: "variable",
regex: "\\.[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
token: "string",
regex: ":[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
token: "constant",
regex: "[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
caseInsensitive: true
"media" : [{
token : "comment", // multi line comment
regex : "\\/\\*",
push : "comment"
}, {
token: "paren.lparen",
regex: "\\{",
push: "ruleset"
}, {
token: "string",
regex: "\\}",
next: "pop"
}, {
token: "keyword",
regex: "#[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
token: "variable",
regex: "\\.[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
token: "string",
regex: ":[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
token: "constant",
regex: "[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
caseInsensitive: true
"comment" : [{
token : "comment",
regex : "\\*\\/",
next : "pop"
}, {
defaultToken : "comment"
"ruleset" : [
token : "paren.rparen",
regex : "\\}",
next: "pop"
}, {
token : "comment", // multi line comment
regex : "\\/\\*",
push : "comment"
}, {
token : "string", // single line
regex : '["](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?["]'
}, {
token : "string", // single line
regex : "['](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^'\\\\]))*?[']"
}, {
token : ["constant.numeric", "keyword"],
regex : "(" + numRe + ")(ch|cm|deg|em|ex|fr|gd|grad|Hz|in|kHz|mm|ms|pc|pt|px|rad|rem|s|turn|vh|vm|vw|%)"
}, {
token : "constant.numeric",
regex : numRe
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // hex6 color
regex : "#[a-f0-9]{6}"
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // hex3 color
regex : "#[a-f0-9]{3}"
}, {
token : ["punctuation", "entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-element.css"],
regex : pseudoElements
}, {
token : ["punctuation", "entity.other.attribute-name.pseudo-class.css"],
regex : pseudoClasses
}, {
token : ["support.function", "string", "support.function"],
regex : "(url\\()(.*)(\\))"
}, {
token : keywordMapper,
regex : "\\-?[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]*"
}, {
caseInsensitive: true
oop.inherits(CssHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules);
exports.CssHighlightRules = CssHighlightRules;
ace.define("ace/mode/less_highlight_rules",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text_highlight_rules","ace/mode/css_highlight_rules"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../lib/oop");
var TextHighlightRules = require("./text_highlight_rules").TextHighlightRules;
var CssHighlightRules = require('./css_highlight_rules');
var LessHighlightRules = function() {
var keywordList = "@import|@media|@font-face|@keyframes|@-webkit-keyframes|@supports|" +
"@charset|@plugin|@namespace|@document|@page|@viewport|@-ms-viewport|" +
var keywords = keywordList.split('|');
var properties = CssHighlightRules.supportType.split('|');
var keywordMapper = this.createKeywordMapper({
"support.constant": CssHighlightRules.supportConstant,
"keyword": keywordList,
"support.constant.color": CssHighlightRules.supportConstantColor,
"support.constant.fonts": CssHighlightRules.supportConstantFonts
}, "identifier", true);
var numRe = "\\-?(?:(?:[0-9]+)|(?:[0-9]*\\.[0-9]+))";
this.$rules = {
"start" : [
token : "comment",
regex : "\\/\\/.*$"
token : "comment", // multi line comment
regex : "\\/\\*",
next : "comment"
}, {
token : "string", // single line
regex : '["](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^"\\\\]))*?["]'
}, {
token : "string", // single line
regex : "['](?:(?:\\\\.)|(?:[^'\\\\]))*?[']"
}, {
token : ["constant.numeric", "keyword"],
regex : "(" + numRe + ")(ch|cm|deg|em|ex|fr|gd|grad|Hz|in|kHz|mm|ms|pc|pt|px|rad|rem|s|turn|vh|vm|vw|%)"
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // hex6 color
regex : "#[a-f0-9]{6}"
}, {
token : "constant.numeric", // hex3 color
regex : "#[a-f0-9]{3}"
}, {
token : "constant.numeric",
regex : numRe
}, {
token : ["support.function", "paren.lparen", "string", "paren.rparen"],
regex : "(url)(\\()(.*)(\\))"
}, {
token : ["support.function", "paren.lparen"],
regex : "(:extend|[a-z0-9_\\-]+)(\\()"
}, {
token : function(value) {
if (keywords.indexOf(value.toLowerCase()) > -1)
return "keyword";
return "variable";
regex : "[@\\$][a-z0-9_\\-@\\$]*\\b"
}, {
token : "variable",
regex : "[@\\$]\\{[a-z0-9_\\-@\\$]*\\}"
}, {
token : function(first, second) {
if(properties.indexOf(first.toLowerCase()) > -1) {
return ["support.type.property", "text"];
else {
return ["support.type.unknownProperty", "text"];
regex : "([a-z0-9-_]+)(\\s*:)"
}, {
token : "keyword",
regex : "&" // special case - always treat as keyword
}, {
token : keywordMapper,
regex : "\\-?[@a-z_][@a-z0-9_\\-]*"
}, {
token: "variable.language",
regex: "#[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
token: "variable.language",
regex: "\\.[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
token: "variable.language",
regex: ":[a-z_][a-z0-9-_]*"
}, {
token: "constant",
regex: "[a-z0-9-_]+"
}, {
token : "keyword.operator",
regex : "<|>|<=|>=|=|!=|-|%|\\+|\\*"
}, {
token : "paren.lparen",
regex : "[[({]"
}, {
token : "paren.rparen",
regex : "[\\])}]"
}, {
token : "text",
regex : "\\s+"
}, {
caseInsensitive: true
"comment" : [
token : "comment", // closing comment
regex : ".*?\\*\\/",
next : "start"
}, {
token : "comment", // comment spanning whole line
regex : ".+"
oop.inherits(LessHighlightRules, TextHighlightRules);
exports.LessHighlightRules = LessHighlightRules;
ace.define("ace/mode/matching_brace_outdent",["require","exports","module","ace/range"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var Range = require("../range").Range;
var MatchingBraceOutdent = function() {};
(function() {
this.checkOutdent = function(line, input) {
if (! /^\s+$/.test(line))
return false;
return /^\s*\}/.test(input);
this.autoOutdent = function(doc, row) {
var line = doc.getLine(row);
var match = line.match(/^(\s*\})/);
if (!match) return 0;
var column = match[1].length;
var openBracePos = doc.findMatchingBracket({row: row, column: column});
if (!openBracePos || openBracePos.row == row) return 0;
var indent = this.$getIndent(doc.getLine(openBracePos.row));
doc.replace(new Range(row, 0, row, column-1), indent);
this.$getIndent = function(line) {
return line.match(/^\s*/)[0];
exports.MatchingBraceOutdent = MatchingBraceOutdent;
ace.define("ace/mode/behaviour/cstyle",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/behaviour","ace/token_iterator","ace/lib/lang"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../../lib/oop");
var Behaviour = require("../behaviour").Behaviour;
var TokenIterator = require("../../token_iterator").TokenIterator;
var lang = require("../../lib/lang");
["text", "paren.rparen", "punctuation.operator"];
["text", "paren.rparen", "punctuation.operator", "comment"];
var context;
var contextCache = {};
var initContext = function(editor) {
var id = -1;
if (editor.multiSelect) {
id = editor.selection.index;
if (contextCache.rangeCount != editor.multiSelect.rangeCount)
contextCache = {rangeCount: editor.multiSelect.rangeCount};
if (contextCache[id])
return context = contextCache[id];
context = contextCache[id] = {
autoInsertedBrackets: 0,
autoInsertedRow: -1,
autoInsertedLineEnd: "",
maybeInsertedBrackets: 0,
maybeInsertedRow: -1,
maybeInsertedLineStart: "",
maybeInsertedLineEnd: ""
var getWrapped = function(selection, selected, opening, closing) {
var rowDiff = selection.end.row - selection.start.row;
return {
text: opening + selected + closing,
selection: [
selection.start.column + 1,
selection.end.column + (rowDiff ? 0 : 1)
var CstyleBehaviour = function() {
this.add("braces", "insertion", function(state, action, editor, session, text) {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row);
if (text == '{') {
var selection = editor.getSelectionRange();
var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(selection);
if (selected !== "" && selected !== "{" && editor.getWrapBehavioursEnabled()) {
return getWrapped(selection, selected, '{', '}');
} else if (CstyleBehaviour.isSaneInsertion(editor, session)) {
if (/[\]\}\)]/.test(line[cursor.column]) || editor.inMultiSelectMode) {
CstyleBehaviour.recordAutoInsert(editor, session, "}");
return {
text: '{}',
selection: [1, 1]
} else {
CstyleBehaviour.recordMaybeInsert(editor, session, "{");
return {
text: '{',
selection: [1, 1]
} else if (text == '}') {
var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1);
if (rightChar == '}') {
var matching = session.$findOpeningBracket('}', {column: cursor.column + 1, row: cursor.row});
if (matching !== null && CstyleBehaviour.isAutoInsertedClosing(cursor, line, text)) {
return {
text: '',
selection: [1, 1]
} else if (text == "\n" || text == "\r\n") {
var closing = "";
if (CstyleBehaviour.isMaybeInsertedClosing(cursor, line)) {
closing = lang.stringRepeat("}", context.maybeInsertedBrackets);
var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1);
if (rightChar === '}') {
var openBracePos = session.findMatchingBracket({row: cursor.row, column: cursor.column+1}, '}');
if (!openBracePos)
return null;
var next_indent = this.$getIndent(session.getLine(openBracePos.row));
} else if (closing) {
var next_indent = this.$getIndent(line);
} else {
var indent = next_indent + session.getTabString();
return {
text: '\n' + indent + '\n' + next_indent + closing,
selection: [1, indent.length, 1, indent.length]
} else {
this.add("braces", "deletion", function(state, action, editor, session, range) {
var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(range);
if (!range.isMultiLine() && selected == '{') {
var line = session.doc.getLine(range.start.row);
var rightChar = line.substring(range.end.column, range.end.column + 1);
if (rightChar == '}') {
return range;
} else {
this.add("parens", "insertion", function(state, action, editor, session, text) {
if (text == '(') {
var selection = editor.getSelectionRange();
var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(selection);
if (selected !== "" && editor.getWrapBehavioursEnabled()) {
return getWrapped(selection, selected, '(', ')');
} else if (CstyleBehaviour.isSaneInsertion(editor, session)) {
CstyleBehaviour.recordAutoInsert(editor, session, ")");
return {
text: '()',
selection: [1, 1]
} else if (text == ')') {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row);
var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1);
if (rightChar == ')') {
var matching = session.$findOpeningBracket(')', {column: cursor.column + 1, row: cursor.row});
if (matching !== null && CstyleBehaviour.isAutoInsertedClosing(cursor, line, text)) {
return {
text: '',
selection: [1, 1]
this.add("parens", "deletion", function(state, action, editor, session, range) {
var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(range);
if (!range.isMultiLine() && selected == '(') {
var line = session.doc.getLine(range.start.row);
var rightChar = line.substring(range.start.column + 1, range.start.column + 2);
if (rightChar == ')') {
return range;
this.add("brackets", "insertion", function(state, action, editor, session, text) {
if (text == '[') {
var selection = editor.getSelectionRange();
var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(selection);
if (selected !== "" && editor.getWrapBehavioursEnabled()) {
return getWrapped(selection, selected, '[', ']');
} else if (CstyleBehaviour.isSaneInsertion(editor, session)) {
CstyleBehaviour.recordAutoInsert(editor, session, "]");
return {
text: '[]',
selection: [1, 1]
} else if (text == ']') {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row);
var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1);
if (rightChar == ']') {
var matching = session.$findOpeningBracket(']', {column: cursor.column + 1, row: cursor.row});
if (matching !== null && CstyleBehaviour.isAutoInsertedClosing(cursor, line, text)) {
return {
text: '',
selection: [1, 1]
this.add("brackets", "deletion", function(state, action, editor, session, range) {
var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(range);
if (!range.isMultiLine() && selected == '[') {
var line = session.doc.getLine(range.start.row);
var rightChar = line.substring(range.start.column + 1, range.start.column + 2);
if (rightChar == ']') {
return range;
this.add("string_dquotes", "insertion", function(state, action, editor, session, text) {
if (text == '"' || text == "'") {
var quote = text;
var selection = editor.getSelectionRange();
var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(selection);
if (selected !== "" && selected !== "'" && selected != '"' && editor.getWrapBehavioursEnabled()) {
return getWrapped(selection, selected, quote, quote);
} else if (!selected) {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row);
var leftChar = line.substring(cursor.column-1, cursor.column);
var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1);
var token = session.getTokenAt(cursor.row, cursor.column);
var rightToken = session.getTokenAt(cursor.row, cursor.column + 1);
if (leftChar == "\\" && token && /escape/.test(token.type))
return null;
var stringBefore = token && /string|escape/.test(token.type);
var stringAfter = !rightToken || /string|escape/.test(rightToken.type);
var pair;
if (rightChar == quote) {
pair = stringBefore !== stringAfter;
} else {
if (stringBefore && !stringAfter)
return null; // wrap string with different quote
if (stringBefore && stringAfter)
return null; // do not pair quotes inside strings
var wordRe = session.$mode.tokenRe;
wordRe.lastIndex = 0;
var isWordBefore = wordRe.test(leftChar);
wordRe.lastIndex = 0;
var isWordAfter = wordRe.test(leftChar);
if (isWordBefore || isWordAfter)
return null; // before or after alphanumeric
if (rightChar && !/[\s;,.})\]\\]/.test(rightChar))
return null; // there is rightChar and it isn't closing
pair = true;
return {
text: pair ? quote + quote : "",
selection: [1,1]
this.add("string_dquotes", "deletion", function(state, action, editor, session, range) {
var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(range);
if (!range.isMultiLine() && (selected == '"' || selected == "'")) {
var line = session.doc.getLine(range.start.row);
var rightChar = line.substring(range.start.column + 1, range.start.column + 2);
if (rightChar == selected) {
return range;
CstyleBehaviour.isSaneInsertion = function(editor, session) {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var iterator = new TokenIterator(session, cursor.row, cursor.column);
if (!this.$matchTokenType(iterator.getCurrentToken() || "text", SAFE_INSERT_IN_TOKENS)) {
var iterator2 = new TokenIterator(session, cursor.row, cursor.column + 1);
if (!this.$matchTokenType(iterator2.getCurrentToken() || "text", SAFE_INSERT_IN_TOKENS))
return false;
return iterator.getCurrentTokenRow() !== cursor.row ||
this.$matchTokenType(iterator.getCurrentToken() || "text", SAFE_INSERT_BEFORE_TOKENS);
CstyleBehaviour.$matchTokenType = function(token, types) {
return types.indexOf(token.type || token) > -1;
CstyleBehaviour.recordAutoInsert = function(editor, session, bracket) {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row);
if (!this.isAutoInsertedClosing(cursor, line, context.autoInsertedLineEnd[0]))
context.autoInsertedBrackets = 0;
context.autoInsertedRow = cursor.row;
context.autoInsertedLineEnd = bracket + line.substr(cursor.column);
CstyleBehaviour.recordMaybeInsert = function(editor, session, bracket) {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row);
if (!this.isMaybeInsertedClosing(cursor, line))
context.maybeInsertedBrackets = 0;
context.maybeInsertedRow = cursor.row;
context.maybeInsertedLineStart = line.substr(0, cursor.column) + bracket;
context.maybeInsertedLineEnd = line.substr(cursor.column);
CstyleBehaviour.isAutoInsertedClosing = function(cursor, line, bracket) {
return context.autoInsertedBrackets > 0 &&
cursor.row === context.autoInsertedRow &&
bracket === context.autoInsertedLineEnd[0] &&
line.substr(cursor.column) === context.autoInsertedLineEnd;
CstyleBehaviour.isMaybeInsertedClosing = function(cursor, line) {
return context.maybeInsertedBrackets > 0 &&
cursor.row === context.maybeInsertedRow &&
line.substr(cursor.column) === context.maybeInsertedLineEnd &&
line.substr(0, cursor.column) == context.maybeInsertedLineStart;
CstyleBehaviour.popAutoInsertedClosing = function() {
context.autoInsertedLineEnd = context.autoInsertedLineEnd.substr(1);
CstyleBehaviour.clearMaybeInsertedClosing = function() {
if (context) {
context.maybeInsertedBrackets = 0;
context.maybeInsertedRow = -1;
oop.inherits(CstyleBehaviour, Behaviour);
exports.CstyleBehaviour = CstyleBehaviour;
ace.define("ace/mode/behaviour/css",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/behaviour","ace/mode/behaviour/cstyle","ace/token_iterator"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../../lib/oop");
var Behaviour = require("../behaviour").Behaviour;
var CstyleBehaviour = require("./cstyle").CstyleBehaviour;
var TokenIterator = require("../../token_iterator").TokenIterator;
var CssBehaviour = function () {
this.add("colon", "insertion", function (state, action, editor, session, text) {
if (text === ':') {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var iterator = new TokenIterator(session, cursor.row, cursor.column);
var token = iterator.getCurrentToken();
if (token && token.value.match(/\s+/)) {
token = iterator.stepBackward();
if (token && token.type === 'support.type') {
var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row);
var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1);
if (rightChar === ':') {
return {
text: '',
selection: [1, 1]
if (!line.substring(cursor.column).match(/^\s*;/)) {
return {
text: ':;',
selection: [1, 1]
this.add("colon", "deletion", function (state, action, editor, session, range) {
var selected = session.doc.getTextRange(range);
if (!range.isMultiLine() && selected === ':') {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var iterator = new TokenIterator(session, cursor.row, cursor.column);
var token = iterator.getCurrentToken();
if (token && token.value.match(/\s+/)) {
token = iterator.stepBackward();
if (token && token.type === 'support.type') {
var line = session.doc.getLine(range.start.row);
var rightChar = line.substring(range.end.column, range.end.column + 1);
if (rightChar === ';') {
range.end.column ++;
return range;
this.add("semicolon", "insertion", function (state, action, editor, session, text) {
if (text === ';') {
var cursor = editor.getCursorPosition();
var line = session.doc.getLine(cursor.row);
var rightChar = line.substring(cursor.column, cursor.column + 1);
if (rightChar === ';') {
return {
text: '',
selection: [1, 1]
oop.inherits(CssBehaviour, CstyleBehaviour);
exports.CssBehaviour = CssBehaviour;
ace.define("ace/mode/css_completions",["require","exports","module"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var propertyMap = {
"background": {"#$0": 1},
"background-color": {"#$0": 1, "transparent": 1, "fixed": 1},
"background-image": {"url('/$0')": 1},
"background-repeat": {"repeat": 1, "repeat-x": 1, "repeat-y": 1, "no-repeat": 1, "inherit": 1},
"background-position": {"bottom":2, "center":2, "left":2, "right":2, "top":2, "inherit":2},
"background-attachment": {"scroll": 1, "fixed": 1},
"background-size": {"cover": 1, "contain": 1},
"background-clip": {"border-box": 1, "padding-box": 1, "content-box": 1},
"background-origin": {"border-box": 1, "padding-box": 1, "content-box": 1},
"border": {"solid $0": 1, "dashed $0": 1, "dotted $0": 1, "#$0": 1},
"border-color": {"#$0": 1},
"border-style": {"solid":2, "dashed":2, "dotted":2, "double":2, "groove":2, "hidden":2, "inherit":2, "inset":2, "none":2, "outset":2, "ridged":2},
"border-collapse": {"collapse": 1, "separate": 1},
"bottom": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"clear": {"left": 1, "right": 1, "both": 1, "none": 1},
"color": {"#$0": 1, "rgb(#$00,0,0)": 1},
"cursor": {"default": 1, "pointer": 1, "move": 1, "text": 1, "wait": 1, "help": 1, "progress": 1, "n-resize": 1, "ne-resize": 1, "e-resize": 1, "se-resize": 1, "s-resize": 1, "sw-resize": 1, "w-resize": 1, "nw-resize": 1},
"display": {"none": 1, "block": 1, "inline": 1, "inline-block": 1, "table-cell": 1},
"empty-cells": {"show": 1, "hide": 1},
"float": {"left": 1, "right": 1, "none": 1},
"font-family": {"Arial":2,"Comic Sans MS":2,"Consolas":2,"Courier New":2,"Courier":2,"Georgia":2,"Monospace":2,"Sans-Serif":2, "Segoe UI":2,"Tahoma":2,"Times New Roman":2,"Trebuchet MS":2,"Verdana": 1},
"font-size": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"font-weight": {"bold": 1, "normal": 1},
"font-style": {"italic": 1, "normal": 1},
"font-variant": {"normal": 1, "small-caps": 1},
"height": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"left": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"letter-spacing": {"normal": 1},
"line-height": {"normal": 1},
"list-style-type": {"none": 1, "disc": 1, "circle": 1, "square": 1, "decimal": 1, "decimal-leading-zero": 1, "lower-roman": 1, "upper-roman": 1, "lower-greek": 1, "lower-latin": 1, "upper-latin": 1, "georgian": 1, "lower-alpha": 1, "upper-alpha": 1},
"margin": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"margin-right": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"margin-left": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"margin-top": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"margin-bottom": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"max-height": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"max-width": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"min-height": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"min-width": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"overflow": {"hidden": 1, "visible": 1, "auto": 1, "scroll": 1},
"overflow-x": {"hidden": 1, "visible": 1, "auto": 1, "scroll": 1},
"overflow-y": {"hidden": 1, "visible": 1, "auto": 1, "scroll": 1},
"padding": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"padding-top": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"padding-right": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"padding-bottom": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"padding-left": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"page-break-after": {"auto": 1, "always": 1, "avoid": 1, "left": 1, "right": 1},
"page-break-before": {"auto": 1, "always": 1, "avoid": 1, "left": 1, "right": 1},
"position": {"absolute": 1, "relative": 1, "fixed": 1, "static": 1},
"right": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"table-layout": {"fixed": 1, "auto": 1},
"text-decoration": {"none": 1, "underline": 1, "line-through": 1, "blink": 1},
"text-align": {"left": 1, "right": 1, "center": 1, "justify": 1},
"text-transform": {"capitalize": 1, "uppercase": 1, "lowercase": 1, "none": 1},
"top": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"vertical-align": {"top": 1, "bottom": 1},
"visibility": {"hidden": 1, "visible": 1},
"white-space": {"nowrap": 1, "normal": 1, "pre": 1, "pre-line": 1, "pre-wrap": 1},
"width": {"px": 1, "em": 1, "%": 1},
"word-spacing": {"normal": 1},
"filter": {"alpha(opacity=$0100)": 1},
"text-shadow": {"$02px 2px 2px #777": 1},
"text-overflow": {"ellipsis-word": 1, "clip": 1, "ellipsis": 1},
"-moz-border-radius": 1,
"-moz-border-radius-topright": 1,
"-moz-border-radius-bottomright": 1,
"-moz-border-radius-topleft": 1,
"-moz-border-radius-bottomleft": 1,
"-webkit-border-radius": 1,
"-webkit-border-top-right-radius": 1,
"-webkit-border-top-left-radius": 1,
"-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius": 1,
"-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius": 1,
"-moz-box-shadow": 1,
"-webkit-box-shadow": 1,
"transform": {"rotate($00deg)": 1, "skew($00deg)": 1},
"-moz-transform": {"rotate($00deg)": 1, "skew($00deg)": 1},
"-webkit-transform": {"rotate($00deg)": 1, "skew($00deg)": 1 }
var CssCompletions = function() {
(function() {
this.completionsDefined = false;
this.defineCompletions = function() {
if (document) {
var style = document.createElement('c').style;
for (var i in style) {
if (typeof style[i] !== 'string')
var name = i.replace(/[A-Z]/g, function(x) {
return '-' + x.toLowerCase();
if (!propertyMap.hasOwnProperty(name))
propertyMap[name] = 1;
this.completionsDefined = true;
this.getCompletions = function(state, session, pos, prefix) {
if (!this.completionsDefined) {
var token = session.getTokenAt(pos.row, pos.column);
if (!token)
return [];
if (state==='ruleset'){
var line = session.getLine(pos.row).substr(0, pos.column);
if (/:[^;]+$/.test(line)) {
return this.getPropertyValueCompletions(state, session, pos, prefix);
} else {
return this.getPropertyCompletions(state, session, pos, prefix);
return [];
this.getPropertyCompletions = function(state, session, pos, prefix) {
var properties = Object.keys(propertyMap);
return properties.map(function(property){
return {
caption: property,
snippet: property + ': $0',
meta: "property",
score: Number.MAX_VALUE
this.getPropertyValueCompletions = function(state, session, pos, prefix) {
var line = session.getLine(pos.row).substr(0, pos.column);
var property = (/([\w\-]+):[^:]*$/.exec(line) || {})[1];
if (!property)
return [];
var values = [];
if (property in propertyMap && typeof propertyMap[property] === "object") {
values = Object.keys(propertyMap[property]);
return values.map(function(value){
return {
caption: value,
snippet: value,
meta: "property value",
score: Number.MAX_VALUE
exports.CssCompletions = CssCompletions;
ace.define("ace/mode/folding/cstyle",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/range","ace/mode/folding/fold_mode"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../../lib/oop");
var Range = require("../../range").Range;
var BaseFoldMode = require("./fold_mode").FoldMode;
var FoldMode = exports.FoldMode = function(commentRegex) {
if (commentRegex) {
this.foldingStartMarker = new RegExp(
this.foldingStartMarker.source.replace(/\|[^|]*?$/, "|" + commentRegex.start)
this.foldingStopMarker = new RegExp(
this.foldingStopMarker.source.replace(/\|[^|]*?$/, "|" + commentRegex.end)
oop.inherits(FoldMode, BaseFoldMode);
(function() {
this.foldingStartMarker = /(\{|\[)[^\}\]]*$|^\s*(\/\*)/;
this.foldingStopMarker = /^[^\[\{]*(\}|\])|^[\s\*]*(\*\/)/;
this.singleLineBlockCommentRe= /^\s*(\/\*).*\*\/\s*$/;
this.tripleStarBlockCommentRe = /^\s*(\/\*\*\*).*\*\/\s*$/;
this.startRegionRe = /^\s*(\/\*|\/\/)#?region\b/;
this._getFoldWidgetBase = this.getFoldWidget;
this.getFoldWidget = function(session, foldStyle, row) {
var line = session.getLine(row);
if (this.singleLineBlockCommentRe.test(line)) {
if (!this.startRegionRe.test(line) && !this.tripleStarBlockCommentRe.test(line))
return "";
var fw = this._getFoldWidgetBase(session, foldStyle, row);
if (!fw && this.startRegionRe.test(line))
return "start"; // lineCommentRegionStart
return fw;
this.getFoldWidgetRange = function(session, foldStyle, row, forceMultiline) {
var line = session.getLine(row);
if (this.startRegionRe.test(line))
return this.getCommentRegionBlock(session, line, row);
var match = line.match(this.foldingStartMarker);
if (match) {
var i = match.index;
if (match[1])
return this.openingBracketBlock(session, match[1], row, i);
var range = session.getCommentFoldRange(row, i + match[0].length, 1);
if (range && !range.isMultiLine()) {
if (forceMultiline) {
range = this.getSectionRange(session, row);
} else if (foldStyle != "all")
range = null;
return range;
if (foldStyle === "markbegin")
var match = line.match(this.foldingStopMarker);
if (match) {
var i = match.index + match[0].length;
if (match[1])
return this.closingBracketBlock(session, match[1], row, i);
return session.getCommentFoldRange(row, i, -1);
this.getSectionRange = function(session, row) {
var line = session.getLine(row);
var startIndent = line.search(/\S/);
var startRow = row;
var startColumn = line.length;
row = row + 1;
var endRow = row;
var maxRow = session.getLength();
while (++row < maxRow) {
line = session.getLine(row);
var indent = line.search(/\S/);
if (indent === -1)
if (startIndent > indent)
var subRange = this.getFoldWidgetRange(session, "all", row);
if (subRange) {
if (subRange.start.row <= startRow) {
} else if (subRange.isMultiLine()) {
row = subRange.end.row;
} else if (startIndent == indent) {
endRow = row;
return new Range(startRow, startColumn, endRow, session.getLine(endRow).length);
this.getCommentRegionBlock = function(session, line, row) {
var startColumn = line.search(/\s*$/);
var maxRow = session.getLength();
var startRow = row;
var re = /^\s*(?:\/\*|\/\/|--)#?(end)?region\b/;
var depth = 1;
while (++row < maxRow) {
line = session.getLine(row);
var m = re.exec(line);
if (!m) continue;
if (m[1]) depth--;
else depth++;
if (!depth) break;
var endRow = row;
if (endRow > startRow) {
return new Range(startRow, startColumn, endRow, line.length);
ace.define("ace/mode/less",["require","exports","module","ace/lib/oop","ace/mode/text","ace/mode/less_highlight_rules","ace/mode/matching_brace_outdent","ace/mode/behaviour/css","ace/mode/css_completions","ace/mode/folding/cstyle"], function(require, exports, module) {
"use strict";
var oop = require("../lib/oop");
var TextMode = require("./text").Mode;
var LessHighlightRules = require("./less_highlight_rules").LessHighlightRules;
var MatchingBraceOutdent = require("./matching_brace_outdent").MatchingBraceOutdent;
var CssBehaviour = require("./behaviour/css").CssBehaviour;
var CssCompletions = require("./css_completions").CssCompletions;
var CStyleFoldMode = require("./folding/cstyle").FoldMode;
var Mode = function() {
this.HighlightRules = LessHighlightRules;
this.$outdent = new MatchingBraceOutdent();
this.$behaviour = new CssBehaviour();
this.$completer = new CssCompletions();
this.foldingRules = new CStyleFoldMode();
oop.inherits(Mode, TextMode);
(function() {
this.lineCommentStart = "//";
this.blockComment = {start: "/*", end: "*/"};
this.getNextLineIndent = function(state, line, tab) {
var indent = this.$getIndent(line);
var tokens = this.getTokenizer().getLineTokens(line, state).tokens;
if (tokens.length && tokens[tokens.length-1].type == "comment") {
return indent;
var match = line.match(/^.*\{\s*$/);
if (match) {
indent += tab;
return indent;
this.checkOutdent = function(state, line, input) {
return this.$outdent.checkOutdent(line, input);
this.autoOutdent = function(state, doc, row) {
this.$outdent.autoOutdent(doc, row);
this.getCompletions = function(state, session, pos, prefix) {
return this.$completer.getCompletions("ruleset", session, pos, prefix);
this.$id = "ace/mode/less";
exports.Mode = Mode;