{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Derk-Jan Hartman", "Purodha", "Shirayuki", "Tacsipacsi", "Umherirrender" ] }, "codeeditor-desc": "{{desc|name=Code Editor|url=https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CodeEditor}}", "codeeditor-next-annotation": "Used as a label for button to navigate to the next line in the editor that has an annotation", "codeeditor-toolbar-toggle": "Used as label for toolbar button.", "codeeditor-save-with-errors": "Used as message in a dialog before saving a document with errors.", "codeeditor-invisibleChars-toggle": "Used as label for toolbar button to show/hide non visible characters", "codeeditor-lineWrapping-toggle": "Used as label for toolbar button to enable/disable wrapping of long lines on the screen (this doesn’t modify the saved text).", "codeeditor-searchReplace-toggle": "Used as label for toolbar button to show/hide the search and replace dialog", "codeeditor-gotoline": "Used as a label for toolbar button to navigate to a line number in the editor", "codeeditor-gotoline-placeholder": "Placeholder for goto line prompt's input", "codeeditor-gotoline-prompt": "Label for goto line prompt", "codeeditor-indent": "Used as a label for toolbar button to indent text in the editor", "codeeditor-outdent": "Used as a label for toolbar button to outdent text in the editor", "codeeditor-error-title": "Used as a title when there is a missing dependency", "codeeditor-error-message": "Explains the dependency on WikiEditor" }