2014-07-08 20:15:22 +00:00
define ( "ace/mode/erlang_highlight_rules" , [ "require" , "exports" , "module" , "ace/lib/oop" , "ace/mode/text_highlight_rules" ] , function ( require , exports , module ) {
"use strict" ;
2013-12-30 15:00:16 +00:00
var oop = require ( "../lib/oop" ) ;
var TextHighlightRules = require ( "./text_highlight_rules" ) . TextHighlightRules ;
var ErlangHighlightRules = function ( ) {
this . $rules = { start :
[ { include : '#module-directive' } ,
{ include : '#import-export-directive' } ,
{ include : '#behaviour-directive' } ,
{ include : '#record-directive' } ,
{ include : '#define-directive' } ,
{ include : '#macro-directive' } ,
{ include : '#directive' } ,
{ include : '#function' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ] ,
'#atom' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.symbol.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '\'' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.symbol.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\'' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.escape.erlang' ,
'constant.other.symbol.escape.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.escape.erlang' ,
'constant.other.symbol.escape.erlang' ,
'constant.other.symbol.escape.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\\\)(?:([bdefnrstv\\\\\'"])|(\\^)([@-_])|([0-7]{1,3}))' } ,
{ token : 'invalid.illegal.atom.erlang' , regex : '\\\\\\^?.?' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'constant.other.symbol.quoted.single.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token : 'constant.other.symbol.unquoted.erlang' ,
regex : '[a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*' } ] ,
'#behaviour-directive' :
[ { token :
[ 'meta.directive.behaviour.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.behaviour.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.behaviour.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.behaviour.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.behaviour.erlang' ,
'entity.name.type.class.behaviour.definition.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.behaviour.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.behaviour.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(behaviour)(\\s*)(\\()(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*)(\\s*)(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' } ] ,
'#binary' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.binary.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '<<' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.binary.end.erlang' ,
regex : '>>' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token :
[ 'punctuation.separator.binary.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.value-size.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(,)|(:)' } ,
{ include : '#internal-type-specifiers' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.structure.binary.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#character' :
[ { token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.character.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.escape.erlang' ,
'constant.character.escape.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.escape.erlang' ,
'constant.character.escape.erlang' ,
'constant.character.escape.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\$)(\\\\)(?:([bdefnrstv\\\\\'"])|(\\^)([@-_])|([0-7]{1,3}))' } ,
{ token : 'invalid.illegal.character.erlang' ,
regex : '\\$\\\\\\^?.?' } ,
{ token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.character.erlang' ,
'constant.character.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\$)(\\S)' } ,
{ token : 'invalid.illegal.character.erlang' , regex : '\\$.?' } ] ,
'#comment' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.comment.erlang' ,
regex : '%.*$' ,
push _ :
[ { token : 'comment.line.percentage.erlang' ,
regex : '$' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'comment.line.percentage.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#define-directive' :
[ { token :
[ 'meta.directive.define.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.define.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.define.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.define.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.define.erlang' ,
'entity.name.function.macro.definition.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.define.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.parameters.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(define)(\\s*)(\\()(\\s*)([a-zA-Z\\d@_]+)(\\s*)(,)' ,
push :
[ { token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.define.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.directive.define.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token : 'meta.directive.define.erlang' ,
regex : '(?=^\\s*-\\s*define\\s*\\(\\s*[a-zA-Z\\d@_]+\\s*\\()' ,
push :
[ { token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.define.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token :
[ 'text' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'keyword.control.directive.define.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'entity.name.function.macro.definition.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(define)(\\s*)(\\()(\\s*)([a-zA-Z\\d@_]+)(\\s*)(\\()' ,
push :
[ { token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.separator.parameters.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\))(\\s*)(,)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.separator.parameters.erlang' , regex : ',' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ] } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.separator.define.erlang' ,
regex : '\\|\\||\\||:|;|,|\\.|->' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.directive.define.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#directive' :
[ { token :
[ 'meta.directive.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*)(\\s*)(\\(?)' ,
push :
[ { token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\)?)(\\s*)(\\.)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.directive.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token :
[ 'meta.directive.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*)(\\s*)(\\.)' } ] ,
'#everything-else' :
[ { include : '#comment' } ,
{ include : '#record-usage' } ,
{ include : '#macro-usage' } ,
{ include : '#expression' } ,
{ include : '#keyword' } ,
{ include : '#textual-operator' } ,
{ include : '#function-call' } ,
{ include : '#tuple' } ,
{ include : '#list' } ,
{ include : '#binary' } ,
{ include : '#parenthesized-expression' } ,
{ include : '#character' } ,
{ include : '#number' } ,
{ include : '#atom' } ,
{ include : '#string' } ,
{ include : '#symbolic-operator' } ,
{ include : '#variable' } ] ,
'#expression' :
[ { token : 'keyword.control.if.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bif\\b' ,
push :
[ { token : 'keyword.control.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bend\\b' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-expression-punctuation' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.expression.if.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token : 'keyword.control.case.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bcase\\b' ,
push :
[ { token : 'keyword.control.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bend\\b' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-expression-punctuation' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.expression.case.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token : 'keyword.control.receive.erlang' ,
regex : '\\breceive\\b' ,
push :
[ { token : 'keyword.control.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bend\\b' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-expression-punctuation' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.expression.receive.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token :
[ 'keyword.control.fun.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'entity.name.type.class.module.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.separator.module-function.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'entity.name.function.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.separator.function-arity.erlang' ] ,
regex : '\\b(fun)(\\s*)(?:([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*)(\\s*)(:)(\\s*))?([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*)(\\s*)(/)' } ,
{ token : 'keyword.control.fun.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bfun\\b' ,
push :
[ { token : 'keyword.control.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bend\\b' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token : 'text' ,
regex : '(?=\\()' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.separator.clauses.erlang' ,
regex : ';|(?=\\bend\\b)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-function-parts' } ] } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.expression.fun.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token : 'keyword.control.try.erlang' ,
regex : '\\btry\\b' ,
push :
[ { token : 'keyword.control.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bend\\b' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-expression-punctuation' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.expression.try.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token : 'keyword.control.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bbegin\\b' ,
push :
[ { token : 'keyword.control.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bend\\b' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-expression-punctuation' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.expression.begin.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token : 'keyword.control.query.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bquery\\b' ,
push :
[ { token : 'keyword.control.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\bend\\b' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.expression.query.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#function' :
[ { token :
[ 'meta.function.erlang' ,
'entity.name.function.definition.erlang' ,
'meta.function.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')(\\s*)(?=\\()' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.terminator.function.erlang' ,
regex : '\\.' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token : [ 'text' , 'entity.name.function.erlang' , 'text' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')(\\s*)(?=\\()' } ,
{ token : 'text' ,
regex : '(?=\\()' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.separator.clauses.erlang' ,
regex : ';|(?=\\.)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#parenthesized-expression' } ,
{ include : '#internal-function-parts' } ] } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.function.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#function-call' :
[ { token : 'meta.function-call.erlang' ,
regex : '(?=(?:[a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')\\s*(?:\\(|:\\s*(?:[a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')\\s*\\())' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token :
[ 'entity.name.type.class.module.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.separator.module-function.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'entity.name.function.guard.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(?:(erlang)(\\s*)(:)(\\s*))?(is_atom|is_binary|is_constant|is_float|is_function|is_integer|is_list|is_number|is_pid|is_port|is_reference|is_tuple|is_record|abs|element|hd|length|node|round|self|size|tl|trunc)(\\s*)(\\()' ,
push :
[ { token : 'text' , regex : '(?=\\))' , next : 'pop' } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.separator.parameters.erlang' , regex : ',' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ] } ,
{ token :
[ 'entity.name.type.class.module.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.separator.module-function.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'entity.name.function.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(?:([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')(\\s*)(:)(\\s*))?([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')(\\s*)(\\()' ,
push :
[ { token : 'text' , regex : '(?=\\))' , next : 'pop' } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.separator.parameters.erlang' , regex : ',' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ] } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.function-call.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#import-export-directive' :
[ { token :
[ 'meta.directive.import.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.import.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.import.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.import.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.import.erlang' ,
'entity.name.type.class.module.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.import.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.parameters.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(import)(\\s*)(\\()(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')(\\s*)(,)' ,
push :
[ { token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.import.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-function-list' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.directive.import.erlang' } ] } ,
{ token :
[ 'meta.directive.export.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.export.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.export.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.export.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(export)(\\s*)(\\()' ,
push :
[ { token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.export.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-function-list' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.directive.export.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#internal-expression-punctuation' :
[ { token :
[ 'punctuation.separator.clause-head-body.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.clauses.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.expressions.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(->)|(;)|(,)' } ] ,
'#internal-function-list' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.list.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '\\[' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.list.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\]' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token :
[ 'entity.name.function.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.separator.function-arity.erlang' ] ,
regex : '([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')(\\s*)(/)' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.separator.list.erlang' ,
regex : ',|(?=\\])' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ] } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.structure.list.function.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#internal-function-parts' :
[ { token : 'text' ,
regex : '(?=\\()' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.separator.clause-head-body.erlang' ,
regex : '->' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '\\(' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.separator.parameters.erlang' , regex : ',' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ] } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.separator.guards.erlang' , regex : ',|;' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ] } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.separator.expressions.erlang' ,
regex : ',' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ] ,
'#internal-record-body' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.class.record.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '\\{' ,
push :
[ { token : 'meta.structure.record.erlang' ,
regex : '(?=\\})' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token :
[ 'variable.other.field.erlang' ,
'variable.language.omitted.field.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'keyword.operator.assignment.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(?:([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')|(_))(\\s*)(=|::)' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.separator.class.record.erlang' ,
regex : ',|(?=\\})' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ] } ,
{ token :
[ 'variable.other.field.erlang' ,
'text' ,
'punctuation.separator.class.record.erlang' ] ,
regex : '([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')(\\s*)((?:,)?)' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.structure.record.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#internal-type-specifiers' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.separator.value-type.erlang' ,
regex : '/' ,
push :
[ { token : 'text' , regex : '(?=,|:|>>)' , next : 'pop' } ,
{ token :
[ 'storage.type.erlang' ,
'storage.modifier.signedness.erlang' ,
'storage.modifier.endianness.erlang' ,
'storage.modifier.unit.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.type-specifiers.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(integer|float|binary|bytes|bitstring|bits)|(signed|unsigned)|(big|little|native)|(unit)|(-)' } ] } ] ,
'#keyword' :
[ { token : 'keyword.control.erlang' ,
regex : '\\b(?:after|begin|case|catch|cond|end|fun|if|let|of|query|try|receive|when)\\b' } ] ,
'#list' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.list.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '\\[' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.list.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\]' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.separator.list.erlang' ,
regex : '\\||\\|\\||,' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.structure.list.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#macro-directive' :
[ { token :
[ 'meta.directive.ifdef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifdef.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.ifdef.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifdef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifdef.erlang' ,
'entity.name.function.macro.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifdef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifdef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(ifdef)(\\s*)(\\()(\\s*)([a-zA-z\\d@_]+)(\\s*)(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'meta.directive.ifndef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifndef.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.ifndef.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifndef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifndef.erlang' ,
'entity.name.function.macro.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifndef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.ifndef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(ifndef)(\\s*)(\\()(\\s*)([a-zA-z\\d@_]+)(\\s*)(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'meta.directive.undef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.undef.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.undef.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.undef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.undef.erlang' ,
'entity.name.function.macro.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.undef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.undef.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(undef)(\\s*)(\\()(\\s*)([a-zA-z\\d@_]+)(\\s*)(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' } ] ,
'#macro-usage' :
[ { token :
[ 'keyword.operator.macro.erlang' ,
'meta.macro-usage.erlang' ,
'entity.name.function.macro.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\?\\??)(\\s*)([a-zA-Z\\d@_]+)' } ] ,
'#module-directive' :
[ { token :
[ 'meta.directive.module.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.module.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.module.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.module.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.module.erlang' ,
'entity.name.type.class.module.definition.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.module.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.module.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(module)(\\s*)(\\()(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*)(\\s*)(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' } ] ,
'#number' :
[ { token : 'text' ,
regex : '(?=\\d)' ,
push :
[ { token : 'text' , regex : '(?!\\d)' , next : 'pop' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.float.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.integer-float.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.float.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.float-exponent.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\d+)(\\.)(\\d+)((?:[eE][\\+\\-]?\\d+)?)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.binary.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.binary.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(2)(#)([0-1]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-3.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-3.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(3)(#)([0-2]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-4.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-4.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(4)(#)([0-3]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-5.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-5.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(5)(#)([0-4]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-6.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-6.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(6)(#)([0-5]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-7.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-7.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(7)(#)([0-6]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.octal.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.octal.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(8)(#)([0-7]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-9.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-9.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(9)(#)([0-8]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.decimal.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.decimal.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(10)(#)(\\d+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-11.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-11.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(11)(#)([\\daA]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-12.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-12.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(12)(#)([\\da-bA-B]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-13.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-13.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(13)(#)([\\da-cA-C]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-14.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-14.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(14)(#)([\\da-dA-D]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-15.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-15.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(15)(#)([\\da-eA-E]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.hexadecimal.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(16)(#)([\\da-fA-F]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-17.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-17.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(17)(#)([\\da-gA-G]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-18.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-18.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(18)(#)([\\da-hA-H]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-19.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-19.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(19)(#)([\\da-iA-I]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-20.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-20.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(20)(#)([\\da-jA-J]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-21.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-21.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(21)(#)([\\da-kA-K]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-22.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-22.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(22)(#)([\\da-lA-L]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-23.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-23.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(23)(#)([\\da-mA-M]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-24.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-24.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(24)(#)([\\da-nA-N]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-25.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-25.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(25)(#)([\\da-oA-O]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-26.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-26.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(26)(#)([\\da-pA-P]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-27.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-27.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(27)(#)([\\da-qA-Q]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-28.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-28.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(28)(#)([\\da-rA-R]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-29.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-29.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(29)(#)([\\da-sA-S]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-30.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-30.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(30)(#)([\\da-tA-T]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-31.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-31.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(31)(#)([\\da-uA-U]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-32.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-32.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(32)(#)([\\da-vA-V]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-33.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-33.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(33)(#)([\\da-wA-W]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-34.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-34.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(34)(#)([\\da-xA-X]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-35.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-35.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(35)(#)([\\da-yA-Y]+)' } ,
{ token :
[ 'constant.numeric.integer.base-36.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.base-integer.erlang' ,
'constant.numeric.integer.base-36.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(36)(#)([\\da-zA-Z]+)' } ,
{ token : 'invalid.illegal.integer.erlang' ,
regex : '\\d+#[\\da-zA-Z]+' } ,
{ token : 'constant.numeric.integer.decimal.erlang' ,
regex : '\\d+' } ] } ] ,
'#parenthesized-expression' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.section.expression.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '\\(' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.section.expression.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.expression.parenthesized' } ] } ] ,
'#record-directive' :
[ { token :
[ 'meta.directive.record.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.record.erlang' ,
'keyword.control.directive.import.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.record.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.record.erlang' ,
'entity.name.type.class.record.definition.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.record.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.parameters.erlang' ] ,
regex : '^(\\s*)(-)(\\s*)(record)(\\s*)(\\()(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')(\\s*)(,)' ,
push :
[ { token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.class.record.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.record.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.parameters.end.erlang' ,
'meta.directive.record.erlang' ,
'punctuation.section.directive.end.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\})(\\s*)(\\))(\\s*)(\\.)' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-record-body' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.directive.record.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#record-usage' :
[ { token :
[ 'keyword.operator.record.erlang' ,
'meta.record-usage.erlang' ,
'entity.name.type.class.record.erlang' ,
'meta.record-usage.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.record-field.erlang' ,
'meta.record-usage.erlang' ,
'variable.other.field.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(#)(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')(\\s*)(\\.)(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')' } ,
{ token :
[ 'keyword.operator.record.erlang' ,
'meta.record-usage.erlang' ,
'entity.name.type.class.record.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(#)(\\s*)([a-z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*|\'[^\']*\')' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.class.record.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\}' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ include : '#internal-record-body' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.record-usage.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#string' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.string.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '"' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.string.end.erlang' ,
regex : '"' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.escape.erlang' ,
'constant.character.escape.erlang' ,
'punctuation.definition.escape.erlang' ,
'constant.character.escape.erlang' ,
'constant.character.escape.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(\\\\)(?:([bdefnrstv\\\\\'"])|(\\^)([@-_])|([0-7]{1,3}))' } ,
{ token : 'invalid.illegal.string.erlang' , regex : '\\\\\\^?.?' } ,
{ token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.placeholder.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.placeholder-parts.erlang' ,
'constant.other.placeholder.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.placeholder-parts.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.placeholder-parts.erlang' ,
'constant.other.placeholder.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.placeholder-parts.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.placeholder-parts.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.placeholder-parts.erlang' ,
'constant.other.placeholder.erlang' ,
'constant.other.placeholder.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(~)(?:((?:\\-)?)(\\d+)|(\\*))?(?:(\\.)(?:(\\d+)|(\\*)))?(?:(\\.)(?:(\\*)|(.)))?([~cfegswpWPBX#bx\\+ni])' } ,
{ token :
[ 'punctuation.definition.placeholder.erlang' ,
'punctuation.separator.placeholder-parts.erlang' ,
'constant.other.placeholder.erlang' ,
'constant.other.placeholder.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(~)((?:\\*)?)((?:\\d+)?)([~du\\-#fsacl])' } ,
{ token : 'invalid.illegal.string.erlang' , regex : '~.?' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'string.quoted.double.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#symbolic-operator' :
[ { token : 'keyword.operator.symbolic.erlang' ,
regex : '\\+\\+|\\+|--|-|\\*|/=|/|=/=|=:=|==|=<|=|<-|<|>=|>|!|::' } ] ,
'#textual-operator' :
[ { token : 'keyword.operator.textual.erlang' ,
regex : '\\b(?:andalso|band|and|bxor|xor|bor|orelse|or|bnot|not|bsl|bsr|div|rem)\\b' } ] ,
'#tuple' :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.tuple.begin.erlang' ,
regex : '\\{' ,
push :
[ { token : 'punctuation.definition.tuple.end.erlang' ,
regex : '\\}' ,
next : 'pop' } ,
{ token : 'punctuation.separator.tuple.erlang' , regex : ',' } ,
{ include : '#everything-else' } ,
{ defaultToken : 'meta.structure.tuple.erlang' } ] } ] ,
'#variable' :
[ { token : [ 'variable.other.erlang' , 'variable.language.omitted.erlang' ] ,
regex : '(_[a-zA-Z\\d@_]+|[A-Z][a-zA-Z\\d@_]*)|(_)' } ] }
this . normalizeRules ( ) ;
} ;
ErlangHighlightRules . metaData = { comment : 'The recognition of function definitions and compiler directives (such as module, record and macro definitions) requires that each of the aforementioned constructs must be the first string inside a line (except for whitespace). Also, the function/module/record/macro names must be given unquoted. -- desp' ,
fileTypes : [ 'erl' , 'hrl' ] ,
keyEquivalent : '^~E' ,
name : 'Erlang' ,
scopeName : 'source.erlang' }
oop . inherits ( ErlangHighlightRules , TextHighlightRules ) ;
exports . ErlangHighlightRules = ErlangHighlightRules ;
} ) ;
2014-07-08 20:15:22 +00:00
define ( "ace/mode/folding/cstyle" , [ "require" , "exports" , "module" , "ace/lib/oop" , "ace/range" , "ace/mode/folding/fold_mode" ] , function ( require , exports , module ) {
"use strict" ;
2013-12-30 15:00:16 +00:00
var oop = require ( "../../lib/oop" ) ;
var Range = require ( "../../range" ) . Range ;
var BaseFoldMode = require ( "./fold_mode" ) . FoldMode ;
var FoldMode = exports . FoldMode = function ( commentRegex ) {
if ( commentRegex ) {
this . foldingStartMarker = new RegExp (
this . foldingStartMarker . source . replace ( /\|[^|]*?$/ , "|" + commentRegex . start )
) ;
this . foldingStopMarker = new RegExp (
this . foldingStopMarker . source . replace ( /\|[^|]*?$/ , "|" + commentRegex . end )
) ;
} ;
oop . inherits ( FoldMode , BaseFoldMode ) ;
( function ( ) {
2014-07-08 20:15:22 +00:00
2013-12-30 15:00:16 +00:00
this . foldingStartMarker = /(\{|\[)[^\}\]]*$|^\s*(\/\*)/ ;
this . foldingStopMarker = /^[^\[\{]*(\}|\])|^[\s\*]*(\*\/)/ ;
2014-07-08 20:15:22 +00:00
this . singleLineBlockCommentRe = /^\s*(\/\*).*\*\/\s*$/ ;
this . tripleStarBlockCommentRe = /^\s*(\/\*\*\*).*\*\/\s*$/ ;
this . startRegionRe = /^\s*(\/\*|\/\/)#region\b/ ;
this . _getFoldWidgetBase = this . getFoldWidget ;
this . getFoldWidget = function ( session , foldStyle , row ) {
var line = session . getLine ( row ) ;
if ( this . singleLineBlockCommentRe . test ( line ) ) {
if ( ! this . startRegionRe . test ( line ) && ! this . tripleStarBlockCommentRe . test ( line ) )
return "" ;
var fw = this . _getFoldWidgetBase ( session , foldStyle , row ) ;
if ( ! fw && this . startRegionRe . test ( line ) )
return "start" ; // lineCommentRegionStart
return fw ;
} ;
2013-12-30 15:00:16 +00:00
this . getFoldWidgetRange = function ( session , foldStyle , row , forceMultiline ) {
var line = session . getLine ( row ) ;
2014-07-08 20:15:22 +00:00
if ( this . startRegionRe . test ( line ) )
return this . getCommentRegionBlock ( session , line , row ) ;
2013-12-30 15:00:16 +00:00
var match = line . match ( this . foldingStartMarker ) ;
if ( match ) {
var i = match . index ;
if ( match [ 1 ] )
return this . openingBracketBlock ( session , match [ 1 ] , row , i ) ;
var range = session . getCommentFoldRange ( row , i + match [ 0 ] . length , 1 ) ;
if ( range && ! range . isMultiLine ( ) ) {
if ( forceMultiline ) {
range = this . getSectionRange ( session , row ) ;
} else if ( foldStyle != "all" )
range = null ;
return range ;
if ( foldStyle === "markbegin" )
return ;
var match = line . match ( this . foldingStopMarker ) ;
if ( match ) {
var i = match . index + match [ 0 ] . length ;
if ( match [ 1 ] )
return this . closingBracketBlock ( session , match [ 1 ] , row , i ) ;
return session . getCommentFoldRange ( row , i , - 1 ) ;
} ;
this . getSectionRange = function ( session , row ) {
var line = session . getLine ( row ) ;
var startIndent = line . search ( /\S/ ) ;
var startRow = row ;
var startColumn = line . length ;
row = row + 1 ;
var endRow = row ;
var maxRow = session . getLength ( ) ;
while ( ++ row < maxRow ) {
line = session . getLine ( row ) ;
var indent = line . search ( /\S/ ) ;
if ( indent === - 1 )
continue ;
if ( startIndent > indent )
break ;
var subRange = this . getFoldWidgetRange ( session , "all" , row ) ;
if ( subRange ) {
if ( subRange . start . row <= startRow ) {
break ;
} else if ( subRange . isMultiLine ( ) ) {
row = subRange . end . row ;
} else if ( startIndent == indent ) {
break ;
endRow = row ;
return new Range ( startRow , startColumn , endRow , session . getLine ( endRow ) . length ) ;
} ;
2014-07-08 20:15:22 +00:00
this . getCommentRegionBlock = function ( session , line , row ) {
var startColumn = line . search ( /\s*$/ ) ;
var maxRow = session . getLength ( ) ;
var startRow = row ;
var re = /^\s*(?:\/\*|\/\/)#(end)?region\b/ ;
var depth = 1 ;
while ( ++ row < maxRow ) {
line = session . getLine ( row ) ;
var m = re . exec ( line ) ;
if ( ! m ) continue ;
if ( m [ 1 ] ) depth -- ;
else depth ++ ;
if ( ! depth ) break ;
var endRow = row ;
if ( endRow > startRow ) {
return new Range ( startRow , startColumn , endRow , line . length ) ;
} ;
2013-12-30 15:00:16 +00:00
} ) . call ( FoldMode . prototype ) ;
} ) ;
2014-07-08 20:15:22 +00:00
define ( "ace/mode/erlang" , [ "require" , "exports" , "module" , "ace/lib/oop" , "ace/mode/text" , "ace/mode/erlang_highlight_rules" , "ace/mode/folding/cstyle" ] , function ( require , exports , module ) {
"use strict" ;
var oop = require ( "../lib/oop" ) ;
var TextMode = require ( "./text" ) . Mode ;
var ErlangHighlightRules = require ( "./erlang_highlight_rules" ) . ErlangHighlightRules ;
var FoldMode = require ( "./folding/cstyle" ) . FoldMode ;
var Mode = function ( ) {
this . HighlightRules = ErlangHighlightRules ;
this . foldingRules = new FoldMode ( ) ;
} ;
oop . inherits ( Mode , TextMode ) ;
( function ( ) {
this . lineCommentStart = "%" ;
this . blockComment = { start : "/*" , end : "*/" } ;
this . $id = "ace/mode/erlang" ;
} ) . call ( Mode . prototype ) ;
exports . Mode = Mode ;
} ) ;