mirror of
synced 2025-01-10 12:34:56 +00:00
In some cases the click on the save button did not trigger the save dialog. After playing around with this, it seems that the only thing helping here is a little pause. Even if we wait for the button to change the state to `enabled` the click sometimes does not trigger the dialog. Bug: T366383 Change-Id: I2754fd5a0e9b439e9e0378f3597f67e743a6d0c1
159 lines
4.7 KiB
159 lines
4.7 KiB
import querystring from 'querystring';
export function clickUntilVisible( clickElement, expectedSelector, timeout = 5000 ) {
const timeoutTime = Date.now() + timeout;
function clickUntilVisibleWithinTime() {
cy.get( expectedSelector ).then( ( $element ) => {
if ( Date.now() > timeoutTime || $element.is( ':visible' ) ) {
} );
export function getTestString( prefix = '' ) {
return prefix + Math.random().toString();
export function visitTitle( title, query = {} ) {
cy.visit( `/index.php?title=${ encodeURIComponent( title ) }&${ querystring.stringify( query ) }` );
export function waitForMWLoader() {
// Rely on the retry behavior of Cypress assertions to use this as a "wait"
// until the specified conditions are met.
.should( 'have.property', 'mw' )
.and( 'have.property', 'loader' )
.and( 'have.property', 'using' );
export function waitForModuleReady( moduleName ) {
.should( 'have.property', 'mw' )
.and( 'have.property', 'loader' )
.and( 'have.property', 'getState' );
( win ) => expect( win.mw.loader.getState( moduleName ) ).to.eq( 'ready' )
export function editPage( title, wikiText ) {
visitTitle( '' );
cy.window().then( async ( win ) => {
await win.mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.api' );
const response = await new win.mw.Api().postWithEditToken( {
action: 'edit',
title: title,
text: wikiText,
formatversion: '2'
} );
expect( response.edit.result ).to.equal( 'Success' );
} );
export function loginAsAdmin() {
visitTitle( 'Special:UserLogin' );
cy.get( '#wpName1' ).type( cy.config( 'mediawikiAdminUsername' ) );
cy.get( '#wpPassword1' ).type( cy.config( 'mediawikiAdminPassword' ) );
cy.get( '#wpLoginAttempt' ).click();
export function getReference( num ) {
return cy.get( `#mw-content-text .reference:nth-of-type(${ num })` );
export function getCiteSubBacklink( num ) {
return cy.get( `.mw-cite-backlink sup:nth-of-type(${ num }) a` );
export function getCiteMultiBacklink( num ) {
return cy.get( `.references li:nth-of-type(${ num }) .mw-cite-up-arrow-backlink` );
export function getCiteSingleBacklink( num ) {
return cy.get( `.references li:nth-of-type(${ num }) .mw-cite-backlink a` );
export function getFragmentFromLink( linkElement ) {
return linkElement.invoke( 'attr', 'href' ).then( ( href ) => href.split( '#' )[ 1 ] );
export function backlinksIdShouldMatchFootnoteId( supIndex, backlinkIndex, rowNumber ) {
return getRefsFromArticleSection()
.eq( supIndex )
.invoke( 'attr', 'id' )
.then( ( id ) => {
getRefFromReferencesSection( rowNumber )
.find( '.mw-cite-backlink a' )
.eq( backlinkIndex )
.invoke( 'attr', 'href' )
.should( 'eq', `#${ id }` );
} );
// Article Section
export function getRefsFromArticleSection() {
return cy.get( '#mw-content-text p sup' );
export function articleSectionRefMarkersContainCorrectRefName( refMarkerContent ) {
return getRefsFromArticleSection()
.find( `a:contains('[${ refMarkerContent }]')` ) // Filter by refMarkerContent
.each( ( $el ) => {
cy.wrap( $el )
.should( 'have.text', `[${ refMarkerContent }]` )
.and( 'have.attr', 'href', `#cite_note-a-${ refMarkerContent }` );
} );
// References Section
export function getRefsFromReferencesSection() {
return cy.get( '#mw-content-text .references li' );
export function getRefFromReferencesSection( rowNumber ) {
return getRefsFromReferencesSection().eq( rowNumber - 1 );
export function referenceSectionRefIdContainsRefName( rowNumber, refName ) {
const id = refName !== null ? `cite_note-${ refName }-${ rowNumber }` : `cite_note-${ rowNumber }`;
return getRefFromReferencesSection( rowNumber ).should( 'have.attr', 'id', id );
export function verifyBacklinkHrefContent( refName, rowNumber, index ) {
const expectedHref = `#cite_ref-${ refName }_${ rowNumber }-${ index }`;
return getRefFromReferencesSection( rowNumber )
.find( '.mw-cite-backlink a' )
.eq( index )
.should( 'have.attr', 'href', expectedHref );
export function abandonReference( id ) {
cy.get( `:not(.reference-text) > #${ id } a` )
.trigger( 'mouseout' );
// Wait for the 300ms default ABANDON_END_DELAY.
// eslint-disable-next-line cypress/no-unnecessary-waiting
cy.wait( 500 );
export function dwellReference( id ) {
cy.get( `:not(.reference-text) > #${ id } a` )
.trigger( 'mouseover' );
export function assertPreviewIsScrollable( isScrollable ) {
cy.get( '.mwe-popups-extract .mwe-popups-scroll' )
.should( ( $el ) => isScrollable === ( $el.prop( 'scrollHeight' ) > $el.prop( 'offsetHeight' ) ) );