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synced 2024-12-19 10:10:36 +00:00
178 lines
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178 lines
5.8 KiB
function createStubTitle( fragment = null ) {
return {
getFragment() {
return fragment;
( mw.loader.getModuleNames().indexOf( 'ext.popups.main' ) !== -1 ?
QUnit.module :
QUnit.module.skip )( 'ext.cite.referencePreviews#createReferenceGateway', {
beforeEach() {
// FIXME: Is this needed?
// global.CSS = {
// escape: ( str ) => $.escapeSelector( str )
// };
mw.msg = ( key ) => `<${ key }>`;
mw.message = ( key ) => ( { exists: () => !key.endsWith( 'generic' ), text: () => `<${ key }>` } );
this.$sourceElement = $( '<a>' ).appendTo(
$( '<sup>' ).attr( 'id', 'cite_ref-1' ).appendTo( document.body )
this.$references = $( '<ul>' ).append(
$( '<li>' ).attr( 'id', 'cite_note-1' ).append(
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'mw-reference-text' ).text( 'Footnote 1' )
$( '<li>' ).attr( 'id', 'cite_note-2' ).append(
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'reference-text' ).append(
$( '<cite>' ).addClass( 'journal web unknown' ).text( 'Footnote 2' )
$( '<li>' ).attr( 'id', 'cite_note-3' ).append(
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'reference-text' ).append(
$( '<cite>' ).addClass( 'news' ).text( 'Footnote 3' ),
$( '<cite>' ).addClass( 'news citation' ),
$( '<cite>' ).addClass( 'citation' )
$( '<li>' ).attr( 'id', 'cite_note-4' ).append(
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'reference-text' ).append(
$( '<cite>' ).addClass( 'news' ).text( 'Footnote 4' ),
$( '<cite>' ).addClass( 'web' )
$( '<li>' ).attr( 'id', 'cite_note-5' ).append(
$( '<span>' ).addClass( 'mw-reference-text' ).html( ' ' )
).appendTo( document.body );
afterEach() {
mw.msg = null;
mw.message = null;
} );
QUnit.test( 'Reference preview gateway returns the correct data', function ( assert ) {
const gateway = require( 'ext.cite.referencePreviews' ).private.createReferenceGateway(),
title = createStubTitle( 'cite note-1' );
return gateway.fetchPreviewForTitle( title, this.$sourceElement[ 0 ] ).then( ( result ) => {
url: '#cite_note-1',
extract: 'Footnote 1',
type: 'reference',
referenceType: null,
sourceElementId: 'cite_ref-1'
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Reference preview gateway accepts alternative text node class name', function ( assert ) {
const gateway = require( 'ext.cite.referencePreviews' ).private.createReferenceGateway(),
title = createStubTitle( 'cite note-2' );
return gateway.fetchPreviewForTitle( title, this.$sourceElement[ 0 ] ).then( ( result ) => {
url: '#cite_note-2',
extract: '<cite class="journal web unknown">Footnote 2</cite>',
type: 'reference',
referenceType: 'web',
sourceElementId: 'cite_ref-1'
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Reference preview gateway accepts duplicated types', function ( assert ) {
const gateway = require( 'ext.cite.referencePreviews' ).private.createReferenceGateway(),
title = createStubTitle( 'cite note-3' );
return gateway.fetchPreviewForTitle( title, this.$sourceElement[ 0 ] ).then( ( result ) => {
url: '#cite_note-3',
extract: '<cite class="news">Footnote 3</cite><cite class="news citation"></cite><cite class="citation"></cite>',
type: 'reference',
referenceType: 'news',
sourceElementId: 'cite_ref-1'
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Reference preview gateway ignores conflicting types', function ( assert ) {
const gateway = require( 'ext.cite.referencePreviews' ).private.createReferenceGateway(),
title = createStubTitle( 'cite note-4' );
return gateway.fetchPreviewForTitle( title, this.$sourceElement[ 0 ] ).then( ( result ) => {
url: '#cite_note-4',
extract: '<cite class="news">Footnote 4</cite><cite class="web"></cite>',
type: 'reference',
referenceType: 'news',
sourceElementId: 'cite_ref-1'
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Reference preview gateway returns source element id', function ( assert ) {
const gateway = require( 'ext.cite.referencePreviews' ).private.createReferenceGateway(),
title = createStubTitle( 'cite note-1' );
return gateway.fetchPreviewForTitle( title, this.$sourceElement[ 0 ] ).then( ( result ) => {
url: '#cite_note-1',
extract: 'Footnote 1',
type: 'reference',
referenceType: null,
sourceElementId: 'cite_ref-1'
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Reference preview gateway rejects non-existing references', function ( assert ) {
const gateway = require( 'ext.cite.referencePreviews' ).private.createReferenceGateway(),
title = createStubTitle( 'undefined' );
return gateway.fetchPreviewForTitle( title, this.$sourceElement[ 0 ] ).then( () => {
assert.true( false, 'It should not resolve' );
} ).catch( ( result ) => {
assert.propEqual( result, { textStatus: 'abort', textContext: 'Footnote not found or empty', xhr: { readyState: 0 } } );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Reference preview gateway rejects all-whitespace references', function ( assert ) {
const gateway = require( 'ext.cite.referencePreviews' ).private.createReferenceGateway(),
title = createStubTitle( 'cite note-5' );
return gateway.fetchPreviewForTitle( title, this.$sourceElement[ 0 ] ).then( () => {
assert.true( false, 'It should not resolve' );
} ).catch( ( result ) => {
assert.propEqual( result, { textStatus: 'abort', textContext: 'Footnote not found or empty', xhr: { readyState: 0 } } );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'Reference preview gateway is abortable', function ( assert ) {
const gateway = require( 'ext.cite.referencePreviews' ).private.createReferenceGateway(),
title = createStubTitle( 'cite note-1' ),
promise = gateway.fetchPreviewForTitle( title, this.$sourceElement[ 0 ] );
assert.strictEqual( typeof promise.abort, 'function' );
} );