mirror of
synced 2024-12-18 01:30:32 +00:00
Some of the annotations were used in a way that confused jsdoc. This cleans up redundant annotations and uses more canonical tags. These changes cause all classes to now appear in the generated pages. Includes linking to external docs. Bug: T358641 Change-Id: Iaee1dadcc19a70c27839d0d27dfa6a07a70fb46b
435 lines
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435 lines
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'use strict';
* VisualEditor UserInterface MediaWiki MWReferenceDialog class.
* @copyright 2011-2018 VisualEditor Team's Cite sub-team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license MIT
* Dialog for editing MediaWiki references.
* @constructor
* @extends ve.ui.NodeDialog
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog = function VeUiMWReferenceDialog( config ) {
// Parent constructor
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.call( this, config );
// Properties
this.referenceModel = null;
this.useExisting = false;
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog, ve.ui.NodeDialog );
/* Static Properties */
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.name = 'reference';
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.title =
OO.ui.deferMsg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-title' );
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.actions = [
action: 'done',
label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-apply' ),
flags: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ],
modes: 'edit'
action: 'insert',
label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-insert' ),
flags: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ],
modes: 'insert'
label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-cancel' ),
flags: [ 'safe', 'close' ],
modes: [ 'readonly', 'insert', 'edit', 'insert-select' ]
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.modelClasses = [ ve.dm.MWReferenceNode ];
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.includeCommands = null;
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.excludeCommands = [
// No formatting
// No tables
// No structure
// References
* Get the import rules for the surface widget in the dialog.
* @see ve.dm.ElementLinearData#sanitize
* @return {Object} Import rules
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.getImportRules = function () {
const rules = ve.copy( ve.init.target.constructor.static.importRules );
return ve.extendObject(
all: {
blacklist: ve.extendObject(
// Nested references are impossible
mwReference: true,
mwReferencesList: true,
// Lists and tables are actually possible in wikitext with a leading
// line break but we prevent creating these with the UI
list: true,
listItem: true,
definitionList: true,
definitionListItem: true,
table: true,
tableCaption: true,
tableSection: true,
tableRow: true,
tableCell: true,
mwTable: true,
mwTransclusionTableCell: true
ve.getProp( rules, 'all', 'blacklist' )
// Headings are not possible in wikitext without HTML
conversions: ve.extendObject(
mwHeading: 'paragraph'
ve.getProp( rules, 'all', 'conversions' )
/* Methods */
* Determine whether the reference document we're editing has any content.
* @return {boolean} Document has content
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.documentHasContent = function () {
// TODO: Check for other types of empty, e.g. only whitespace?
return this.referenceModel && this.referenceModel.getDocument().data.hasContent();
* Determine whether any changes have been made (and haven't been undone).
* @return {boolean} Changes have been made
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.isModified = function () {
return this.documentHasContent() &&
( this.referenceTarget.hasBeenModified() ||
this.referenceGroupInput.getValue() !== this.originalGroup );
* Handle reference target widget change events
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.onTargetChange = function () {
const hasContent = this.documentHasContent();
this.actions.setAbilities( {
done: this.isModified(),
insert: hasContent
} );
if ( !this.trackedInputChange ) {
ve.track( 'activity.' + this.constructor.static.name, { action: 'input' } );
this.trackedInputChange = true;
* Handle reference group input change events.
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.onReferenceGroupInputChange = function () {
this.actions.setAbilities( {
done: this.isModified()
} );
if ( !this.trackedInputChange ) {
ve.track( 'activity.' + this.constructor.static.name, { action: 'input' } );
this.trackedInputChange = true;
* Handle search results choose events.
* @param {ve.ui.MWReferenceResultWidget} item Chosen item
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.onSearchResultsChoose = function ( item ) {
const ref = item.getData();
if ( this.selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWReferenceNode ) {
this.selectedNode = null;
this.useReference( ref );
this.executeAction( 'insert' );
ve.track( 'activity.' + this.constructor.static.name, { action: 'reuse-choose' } );
* @override
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getReadyProcess = function ( data ) {
return ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.getReadyProcess.call( this, data )
.next( function () {
if ( this.useExisting ) {
} else {
}, this );
* @override
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getBodyHeight = function () {
// Clamp value to between 300 and 400px height, preferring the actual height if available
return Math.min(
Math.ceil( this.panels.getCurrentItem().$element[ 0 ].scrollHeight )
* Work on a specific reference.
* @param {ve.dm.MWReferenceModel} [ref] Reference model, omit to work on a new reference
* @return {ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog}
* @chainable
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.useReference = function ( ref ) {
// Properties
if ( ref instanceof ve.dm.MWReferenceModel ) {
// Use an existing reference
this.referenceModel = ref;
} else {
// Create a new reference
this.referenceModel = new ve.dm.MWReferenceModel( this.getFragment().getDocument() );
this.referenceTarget.setDocument( this.referenceModel.getDocument() );
// Initialization
this.originalGroup = this.referenceModel.getGroup();
// Set the group input while it's disabled, so this doesn't pop up the group-picker menu
this.referenceGroupInput.setDisabled( true );
this.referenceGroupInput.setValue( this.originalGroup );
this.referenceGroupInput.setDisabled( false );
const group = this.getFragment().getDocument().getInternalList()
.getNodeGroup( this.referenceModel.getListGroup() );
const nodes = ve.getProp( group, 'keyedNodes', this.referenceModel.getListKey() );
const usages = nodes ? nodes.filter( function ( node ) {
return !node.findParent( ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode );
} ).length : 0;
this.reuseWarning.toggle( usages > 1 )
.setLabel( mw.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-editing-reused-long', usages ) );
return this;
* @override
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.initialize = function () {
// Parent method
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.initialize.call( this );
// Properties
this.panels = new OO.ui.StackLayout();
this.editPanel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
scrollable: true, padded: true
} );
this.searchPanel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout();
this.reuseWarning = new OO.ui.MessageWidget( {
inline: true,
icon: 'alert',
classes: [ 've-ui-mwReferenceDialog-reuseWarning' ]
} );
const citeCommands = Object.keys( ve.init.target.getSurface().commandRegistry.registry )
.filter( ( command ) => command.indexOf( 'cite-' ) !== -1 );
this.referenceTarget = ve.init.target.createTargetWidget(
includeCommands: this.constructor.static.includeCommands,
excludeCommands: this.constructor.static.excludeCommands.concat( citeCommands ),
importRules: this.constructor.static.getImportRules(),
inDialog: this.constructor.static.name,
placeholder: ve.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-placeholder' )
this.contentFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout();
this.optionsFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( {
label: ve.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-section' ),
icon: 'settings'
} );
this.contentFieldset.$element.append( this.referenceTarget.$element );
this.referenceGroupInput = new ve.ui.MWReferenceGroupInputWidget( {
$overlay: this.$overlay,
emptyGroupName: ve.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-group-placeholder' )
} );
this.referenceGroupInput.connect( this, { change: 'onReferenceGroupInputChange' } );
this.referenceGroupField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.referenceGroupInput, {
align: 'top',
label: ve.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-group-label' )
} );
this.search = new ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget();
// Events
this.search.getResults().connect( this, { choose: 'onSearchResultsChoose' } );
this.referenceTarget.connect( this, { change: 'onTargetChange' } );
// Initialization
this.panels.addItems( [ this.editPanel, this.searchPanel ] );
this.reuseWarning.$element, this.contentFieldset.$element, this.optionsFieldset.$element );
this.optionsFieldset.addItems( [ this.referenceGroupField ] );
this.searchPanel.$element.append( this.search.$element );
this.$body.append( this.panels.$element );
* Switches dialog to use existing reference mode.
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.useExistingReference = function () {
this.actions.setMode( 'insert-select' );
this.panels.setItem( this.searchPanel );
* @override
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getActionProcess = function ( action ) {
if ( action === 'insert' || action === 'done' ) {
return new OO.ui.Process( function () {
const surfaceModel = this.getFragment().getSurface();
this.referenceModel.setGroup( this.referenceGroupInput.getValue() );
// Insert reference (will auto-create an internal item if needed)
if ( !( this.selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWReferenceNode ) ) {
if ( !this.referenceModel.findInternalItem( surfaceModel ) ) {
this.referenceModel.insertInternalItem( surfaceModel );
// Collapse returns a new fragment, so update this.fragment
this.fragment = this.getFragment().collapseToEnd();
this.referenceModel.insertReferenceNode( this.getFragment() );
// Update internal item
this.referenceModel.updateInternalItem( surfaceModel );
this.close( { action: action } );
}, this );
return ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.getActionProcess.call( this, action );
* @override
* @param {Object} [data] Setup data
* @param {boolean} [data.useExistingReference] Open the dialog in "use existing reference" mode
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getSetupProcess = function ( data ) {
data = data || {};
return ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.getSetupProcess.call( this, data )
.next( function () {
this.panels.setItem( this.editPanel );
if ( this.selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWReferenceNode ) {
ve.dm.MWReferenceModel.static.newFromReferenceNode( this.selectedNode )
} else {
this.useReference( null );
this.actions.setAbilities( { done: false, insert: false } );
this.search.setInternalList( this.getFragment().getDocument().getInternalList() );
const isReadOnly = this.isReadOnly();
this.referenceTarget.setReadOnly( isReadOnly );
this.referenceGroupInput.setReadOnly( isReadOnly );
if ( data.useExisting ) {
this.useExisting = !!data.useExisting;
this.actions.setAbilities( {
done: false
} );
this.getFragment().getDocument().getInternalList() );
this.trackedInputChange = false;
}, this );
* @override
ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function ( data ) {
return ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.getTeardownProcess.call( this, data )
.first( function () {
this.referenceTarget.getSurface().getModel().disconnect( this );
this.search.getQuery().setValue( '' );
this.referenceModel = null;
}, this );
/* Registration */
ve.ui.windowFactory.register( ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog );