WMDE-Fisch 5fcc9dab86 [Cypress] Fix VE save
In some cases the click on the save button did not trigger the
save dialog. After playing around with this, it seems that the
only thing helping here is a little pause.

Even if we wait for the button to change the state to `enabled`
the click sometimes does not trigger the dialog.

Bug: T366383
Change-Id: I2754fd5a0e9b439e9e0378f3597f67e743a6d0c1
2024-06-27 19:01:44 +02:00

159 lines
4.7 KiB

import querystring from 'querystring';
export function clickUntilVisible( clickElement, expectedSelector, timeout = 5000 ) {
const timeoutTime = + timeout;
function clickUntilVisibleWithinTime() {
cy.get( expectedSelector ).then( ( $element ) => {
if ( > timeoutTime || $ ':visible' ) ) {
} );
export function getTestString( prefix = '' ) {
return prefix + Math.random().toString();
export function visitTitle( title, query = {} ) {
cy.visit( `/index.php?title=${ encodeURIComponent( title ) }&${ querystring.stringify( query ) }` );
export function waitForMWLoader() {
// Rely on the retry behavior of Cypress assertions to use this as a "wait"
// until the specified conditions are met.
.should( '', 'mw' )
.and( '', 'loader' )
.and( '', 'using' );
export function waitForModuleReady( moduleName ) {
.should( '', 'mw' )
.and( '', 'loader' )
.and( '', 'getState' );
( win ) => expect( moduleName ) ).to.eq( 'ready' )
export function editPage( title, wikiText ) {
visitTitle( '' );
cy.window().then( async ( win ) => {
await 'mediawiki.api' );
const response = await new {
action: 'edit',
title: title,
text: wikiText,
formatversion: '2'
} );
expect( response.edit.result ).to.equal( 'Success' );
} );
export function loginAsAdmin() {
visitTitle( 'Special:UserLogin' );
cy.get( '#wpName1' ).type( cy.config( 'mediawikiAdminUsername' ) );
cy.get( '#wpPassword1' ).type( cy.config( 'mediawikiAdminPassword' ) );
cy.get( '#wpLoginAttempt' ).click();
export function getReference( num ) {
return cy.get( `#mw-content-text .reference:nth-of-type(${ num })` );
export function getCiteSubBacklink( num ) {
return cy.get( `.mw-cite-backlink sup:nth-of-type(${ num }) a` );
export function getCiteMultiBacklink( num ) {
return cy.get( `.references li:nth-of-type(${ num }) .mw-cite-up-arrow-backlink` );
export function getCiteSingleBacklink( num ) {
return cy.get( `.references li:nth-of-type(${ num }) .mw-cite-backlink a` );
export function getFragmentFromLink( linkElement ) {
return linkElement.invoke( 'attr', 'href' ).then( ( href ) => href.split( '#' )[ 1 ] );
export function backlinksIdShouldMatchFootnoteId( supIndex, backlinkIndex, rowNumber ) {
return getRefsFromArticleSection()
.eq( supIndex )
.invoke( 'attr', 'id' )
.then( ( id ) => {
getRefFromReferencesSection( rowNumber )
.find( '.mw-cite-backlink a' )
.eq( backlinkIndex )
.invoke( 'attr', 'href' )
.should( 'eq', `#${ id }` );
} );
// Article Section
export function getRefsFromArticleSection() {
return cy.get( '#mw-content-text p sup' );
export function articleSectionRefMarkersContainCorrectRefName( refMarkerContent ) {
return getRefsFromArticleSection()
.find( `a:contains('[${ refMarkerContent }]')` ) // Filter by refMarkerContent
.each( ( $el ) => {
cy.wrap( $el )
.should( 'have.text', `[${ refMarkerContent }]` )
.and( 'have.attr', 'href', `#cite_note-a-${ refMarkerContent }` );
} );
// References Section
export function getRefsFromReferencesSection() {
return cy.get( '#mw-content-text .references li' );
export function getRefFromReferencesSection( rowNumber ) {
return getRefsFromReferencesSection().eq( rowNumber - 1 );
export function referenceSectionRefIdContainsRefName( rowNumber, refName ) {
const id = refName !== null ? `cite_note-${ refName }-${ rowNumber }` : `cite_note-${ rowNumber }`;
return getRefFromReferencesSection( rowNumber ).should( 'have.attr', 'id', id );
export function verifyBacklinkHrefContent( refName, rowNumber, index ) {
const expectedHref = `#cite_ref-${ refName }_${ rowNumber }-${ index }`;
return getRefFromReferencesSection( rowNumber )
.find( '.mw-cite-backlink a' )
.eq( index )
.should( 'have.attr', 'href', expectedHref );
export function abandonReference( id ) {
cy.get( `:not(.reference-text) > #${ id } a` )
.trigger( 'mouseout' );
// Wait for the 300ms default ABANDON_END_DELAY.
// eslint-disable-next-line cypress/no-unnecessary-waiting
cy.wait( 500 );
export function dwellReference( id ) {
cy.get( `:not(.reference-text) > #${ id } a` )
.trigger( 'mouseover' );
export function assertPreviewIsScrollable( isScrollable ) {
cy.get( '.mwe-popups-extract .mwe-popups-scroll' )
.should( ( $el ) => isScrollable === ( $el.prop( 'scrollHeight' ) > $el.prop( 'offsetHeight' ) ) );