thiemowmde f3b732bf93 Simplify ErrorReporter mocks in tests
In some tests we want to see the message parameters. But not here.
Simply echoing the message key (thats parameter number one) is

Change-Id: Id9824cbbe944c84c9fd1932b0863ac1b3f232b75
2024-08-07 18:22:59 +00:00

470 lines
13 KiB

namespace Cite\Tests\Integration;
use Cite\Cite;
use Cite\ErrorReporter;
use Cite\FootnoteMarkFormatter;
use Cite\ReferenceListFormatter;
use Cite\ReferenceStack;
use Cite\Tests\TestUtils;
use Language;
use LogicException;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Parser;
use ParserOptions;
use StripState;
use Wikimedia\TestingAccessWrapper;
* @coversDefaultClass \Cite\Cite
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
class CiteTest extends \MediaWikiIntegrationTestCase {
* @covers ::parseArguments
* @dataProvider provideParseArguments
public function testParseArguments(
array $attributes,
array $expectedValue,
string $expectedError = null
) {
/** @var Cite $cite */
$cite = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->newCite() );
$status = $cite->parseArguments(
[ 'dir', 'extends', 'follow', 'group', 'name' ]
$this->assertSame( $expectedValue, array_values( $status->getValue() ) );
if ( $expectedError ) {
$this->assertStatusError( $expectedError, $status );
} else {
$this->assertStatusGood( $status );
public static function provideParseArguments() {
// Note: Values are guaranteed to be trimmed by the parser, see
// Sanitizer::decodeTagAttributes()
return [
'attributes' => [],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, null, null, null ],
// One attribute only
'attributes' => [ 'dir' => 'invalid' ],
'expectedValue' => [ 'invalid', null, null, null, null ] ],
'attributes' => [ 'dir' => 'RTL' ],
'expectedValue' => [ 'rtl', null, null, null, null ] ],
'attributes' => [ 'follow' => 'f' ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, 'f', null, null ] ],
'attributes' => [ 'group' => 'g' ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, null, 'g', null ] ],
'attributes' => [ 'invalid' => 'i' ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, null, null, null ],
'expectedError' => 'cite_error_ref_too_many_keys'
'attributes' => [ 'invalid' => null ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, null, null, null ],
'expectedError' => 'cite_error_ref_too_many_keys'
'attributes' => [ 'name' => 'n' ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, null, null, 'n' ]
'attributes' => [ 'name' => null ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, null, null, null ]
'attributes' => [ 'extends' => 'e' ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, 'e', null, null, null ]
// Pairs
'attributes' => [ 'follow' => 'f', 'name' => 'n' ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, 'f', null, 'n' ]
'attributes' => [ 'follow' => null, 'name' => null ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, null, null, null ]
'attributes' => [ 'follow' => 'f', 'extends' => 'e' ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, 'e', 'f', null, null ]
'attributes' => [ 'group' => 'g', 'name' => 'n' ],
'expectedValue' => [ null, null, null, 'g', 'n' ]
// Combinations of 3 or more attributes
'attributes' => [ 'group' => 'g', 'name' => 'n', 'extends' => 'e', 'dir' => 'rtl' ],
'expectedValue' => [ 'rtl', 'e', null, 'g', 'n' ]
* @covers ::references
* @dataProvider provideGuardedReferences
public function testGuardedReferences(
?string $text,
array $argv,
int $expectedRollbackCount,
string $expectedInReferencesGroup,
bool $expectedResponsive,
string $expectedOutput
) {
$this->overrideConfigValue( 'CiteResponsiveReferences', false );
$parser = $this->createNoOpMock( Parser::class, [ 'recursiveTagParse' ] );
$cite = $this->newCite();
/** @var Cite $spy */
$spy = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $cite );
$spy->errorReporter = $this->createPartialMock( ErrorReporter::class, [ 'halfParsed' ] );
$spy->errorReporter->method( 'halfParsed' )->willReturnArgument( 1 );
$spy->referenceListFormatter = $this->createMock( ReferenceListFormatter::class );
$spy->referenceListFormatter->method( 'formatReferences' )
->with( $parser, [], $expectedResponsive, false )
->willReturn( 'references!' );
$spy->isSectionPreview = false;
$spy->referenceStack = $this->createMock( ReferenceStack::class );
$spy->referenceStack->method( 'popGroup' )
->with( $expectedInReferencesGroup )->willReturn( [] );
$spy->referenceStack->expects( $expectedRollbackCount ? $this->once() : $this->never() )
->method( 'rollbackRefs' )
->with( $expectedRollbackCount )
->willReturn( [ [ 't', [] ] ] );
$output = $cite->references( $parser, $text, $argv );
$this->assertSame( $expectedOutput, $output );
public static function provideGuardedReferences() {
return [
'Bare references tag' => [
'text' => null,
'argv' => [],
'expectedRollbackCount' => 0,
'expectedInReferencesGroup' => '',
'expectedResponsive' => false,
'expectedOutput' => 'references!'
'References with group' => [
'text' => null,
'argv' => [ 'group' => 'g' ],
'expectedRollbackCount' => 0,
'expectedInReferencesGroup' => 'g',
'expectedResponsive' => false,
'expectedOutput' => 'references!'
'Empty references tag' => [
'text' => '',
'argv' => [],
'expectedRollbackCount' => 0,
'expectedInReferencesGroup' => '',
'expectedResponsive' => false,
'expectedOutput' => 'references!'
'Set responsive' => [
'text' => '',
'argv' => [ 'responsive' => '1' ],
'expectedRollbackCount' => 0,
'expectedInReferencesGroup' => '',
'expectedResponsive' => true,
'expectedOutput' => 'references!'
'Unknown attribute' => [
'text' => '',
'argv' => [ 'blargh' => '0' ],
'expectedRollbackCount' => 0,
'expectedInReferencesGroup' => '',
'expectedResponsive' => false,
'expectedOutput' => 'cite_error_references_invalid_parameters',
'Contains refs (which are broken)' => [
'text' => Parser::MARKER_PREFIX . '-ref- and ' . Parser::MARKER_PREFIX . '-notref-',
'argv' => [],
'expectedRollbackCount' => 1,
'expectedInReferencesGroup' => '',
'expectedResponsive' => false,
'expectedOutput' => "references!\ncite_error_references_no_key"
* @covers ::guardedRef
* @dataProvider provideGuardedRef
public function testGuardedRef(
string $text,
array $argv,
?string $inReferencesGroup,
array $initialRefs,
string $expectOutput,
?string $expectedError,
array $expectedRefs,
bool $isSectionPreview = false
) {
$mockParser = $this->createNoOpMock( Parser::class, [ 'getStripState' ] );
$mockParser->method( 'getStripState' )
->willReturn( $this->createMock( StripState::class ) );
$errorReporter = $this->createPartialMock( ErrorReporter::class, [ 'halfParsed' ] );
$errorReporter->method( 'halfParsed' )->willReturnArgument( 1 );
$referenceStack = new ReferenceStack();
/** @var ReferenceStack $stackSpy */
$stackSpy = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $referenceStack );
$stackSpy->refs = TestUtils::refGroupsFromArray( $initialRefs );
$mockFootnoteMarkFormatter = $this->createMock( FootnoteMarkFormatter::class );
$mockFootnoteMarkFormatter->method( 'linkRef' )->willReturn( '<foot />' );
$cite = $this->newCite( $isSectionPreview );
/** @var Cite $spy */
$spy = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $cite );
$spy->errorReporter = $errorReporter;
$spy->footnoteMarkFormatter = $mockFootnoteMarkFormatter;
$spy->inReferencesGroup = $inReferencesGroup;
$spy->referenceStack = $referenceStack;
$result = $spy->guardedRef( $mockParser, $text, $argv );
$this->assertSame( $expectOutput, $result );
if ( $expectedError ) {
$this->assertStatusError( $expectedError, $spy->mReferencesErrors );
} else {
$this->assertStatusGood( $spy->mReferencesErrors );
$expectedRefs = TestUtils::refGroupsFromArray( $expectedRefs );
$this->assertEquals( $expectedRefs, $stackSpy->refs );
public static function provideGuardedRef() {
return [
'Whitespace text' => [
'text' => ' ',
'argv' => [ 'name' => 'a' ],
'inReferencesGroup' => null,
'initialRefs' => [],
'expectedOutput' => '<foot />',
'expectedError' => null,
'expectedRefs' => [
'' => [
'a' => [
'count' => 1,
'dir' => null,
'key' => 1,
'group' => '',
'name' => 'a',
'text' => null,
'number' => 1,
'Empty in default references' => [
'text' => '',
'argv' => [],
'inReferencesGroup' => '',
'initialRefs' => [ '' => [] ],
'expectedOutput' => '',
'expectedError' => 'cite_error_references_no_key',
'expectedRefs' => [ '' => [] ]
'Fallback to references group' => [
'text' => 'text',
'argv' => [ 'name' => 'a' ],
'inReferencesGroup' => 'foo',
'initialRefs' => [
'foo' => [ 'a' => [] ],
'expectedOutput' => '',
'expectedError' => null,
'expectedRefs' => [
'foo' => [
'a' => [
'text' => 'text',
'count' => 0,
'Successful ref' => [
'text' => 'text',
'argv' => [ 'name' => 'a' ],
'inReferencesGroup' => null,
'initialRefs' => [],
'expectedOutput' => '<foot />',
'expectedError' => null,
'expectedRefs' => [
'' => [
'a' => [
'count' => 1,
'dir' => null,
'key' => 1,
'group' => '',
'name' => 'a',
'text' => 'text',
'number' => 1,
'Invalid ref' => [
'text' => 'text',
'argv' => [
'name' => 'a',
'badkey' => 'b',
'inReferencesGroup' => null,
'initialRefs' => [],
'expectedOutput' => 'cite_error_ref_too_many_keys',
'expectedError' => null,
'expectedRefs' => []
'Successful references ref' => [
'text' => 'text',
'argv' => [ 'name' => 'a' ],
'inReferencesGroup' => '',
'initialRefs' => [
'' => [
'a' => []
'expectedOutput' => '',
'expectedError' => null,
'expectedRefs' => [
'' => [
'a' => [
'text' => 'text',
'count' => 0,
'T245376: Preview a list-defined ref that was never used' => [
'text' => 'T245376',
'argv' => [ 'name' => 'a' ],
'inReferencesGroup' => '',
'initialRefs' => [],
'expectOutput' => '',
'expectedError' => null,
'expectedRefs' => [
'' => [
'a' => [
'text' => 'T245376',
'count' => 0,
'isSectionPreview' => true,
'Mismatched text in references' => [
'text' => 'text-2',
'argv' => [ 'name' => 'a' ],
'inReferencesGroup' => '',
'initialRefs' => [
'' => [
'a' => [
'text' => 'text-1',
'count' => 1,
'expectedOutput' => '',
'expectedError' => null,
'expectedRefs' => [
'' => [
'a' => [
'text' => 'text-1',
'count' => 1,
'warnings' => [ [ 'cite_error_references_duplicate_key', 'a' ] ],
* @covers ::guardedRef
public function testGuardedRef_extendsUsageTracking() {
$this->overrideConfigValue( 'CiteBookReferencing', false );
$mockParser = $this->createNoOpMock( Parser::class, [ 'addTrackingCategory' ] );
// This will be our most important assertion.
$mockParser->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'addTrackingCategory' )
$cite = $this->newCite();
/** @var Cite $spy */
$spy = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $cite );
$spy->errorReporter = $this->createMock( ErrorReporter::class );
$spy->guardedRef( $mockParser, 'text', [ Cite::BOOK_REF_ATTRIBUTE => 'a' ] );
* @coversNothing
public function testReferencesSectionPreview() {
$language = $this->createNoOpMock( Language::class );
$parserOptions = $this->createMock( ParserOptions::class );
$parserOptions->method( 'getIsSectionPreview' )->willReturn( true );
$parser = $this->createNoOpMock( Parser::class, [ 'getOptions', 'getContentLanguage' ] );
$parser->method( 'getOptions' )->willReturn( $parserOptions );
$parser->method( 'getContentLanguage' )->willReturn( $language );
/** @var Cite $cite */
$cite = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( new Cite( $parser ) );
// Assume the currently parsed <ref> is wrapped in <references>
$cite->inReferencesGroup = '';
$html = $cite->guardedRef( $parser, 'a', [ 'name' => 'a' ] );
$this->assertSame( '', $html );
* @covers ::__clone
* @covers ::__construct
public function testClone() {
$cite = $this->newCite();
$this->expectException( LogicException::class );
clone $cite;
private function newCite( bool $isSectionPreview = false ): Cite {
$language = $this->createNoOpMock( Language::class, [ '__debugInfo' ] );
$mockOptions = $this->createMock( ParserOptions::class );
$mockOptions->method( 'getIsSectionPreview' )->willReturn( $isSectionPreview );
$mockParser = $this->createNoOpMock( Parser::class, [ 'getOptions', 'getContentLanguage' ] );
$mockParser->method( 'getOptions' )->willReturn( $mockOptions );
$mockParser->method( 'getContentLanguage' )->willReturn( $language );
return new Cite( $mockParser );