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'use strict';
* VisualEditor DataModel MWReferencesListNode class.
* @copyright 2011-2018 VisualEditor Team's Cite sub-team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license MIT
* DataModel MediaWiki references list node.
* @class
* @extends ve.dm.BranchNode
* @mixin ve.dm.FocusableNode
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [element] Reference to element in linear model
* @param {ve.dm.Node[]} [children]
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode = function VeDmMWReferencesListNode() {
// Parent constructor
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.super.apply( this, arguments );
// Mixin constructors
ve.dm.FocusableNode.call( this );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode, ve.dm.BranchNode );
OO.mixinClass( ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode, ve.dm.FocusableNode );
/* Methods */
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.prototype.isEditable = function () {
return !this.getAttribute( 'templateGenerated' );
/* Static members */
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.name = 'mwReferencesList';
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.handlesOwnChildren = true;
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.ignoreChildren = true;
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.matchTagNames = null;
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.matchRdfaTypes = [ 'mw:Extension/references', 'mw:Transclusion' ];
// Allow TemplateStyles in the matching element
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.allowedRdfaTypes = [ 'mw:Extension/templatestyles' ];
// e.g. with a {{reflist}} with TemplateStyles
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.enableAboutGrouping = true;
// This node has the same specificity as ve.dm.MWTranslcusionNode and only matches
// ahead of it because it is registered later (via a dependency in ResourceLoader)
// TODO: Make this less fragile.
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.matchFunction = function ( domElement ) {
function hasTypeof( el, type ) {
return ( el.getAttribute( 'typeof' ) || '' ).indexOf( type ) !== -1;
function isRefList( el ) {
return el && el.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE && hasTypeof( el, 'mw:Extension/references' );
// If the template generated only a reference list, treat it as a ref list (T52769)
return isRefList( domElement ) ||
// A div-wrapped reference list
( domElement.children.length === 1 && isRefList( domElement.children[ 0 ] ) ) ||
// TemplateStyles, about-grouped to a div-wrapped reference list
hasTypeof( domElement, 'mw:Extension/templatestyles' ) &&
domElement.hasAttribute( 'about' ) &&
domElement.nextElementSibling &&
domElement.nextElementSibling.getAttribute( 'about' ) === domElement.getAttribute( 'about' ) &&
// A div-wrapped reference list
domElement.nextElementSibling.children.length === 1 && isRefList( domElement.nextElementSibling.children[ 0 ] )
// TODO: We should probably check there aren't subsequent elements. This and the above
// checks would be easier if the matchFunction was passed all the elements in the about group.
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.preserveHtmlAttributes = false;
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.toDataElement = function ( domElements, converter ) {
const type = domElements[ 0 ].getAttribute( 'typeof' ) || '';
let refListNode;
// We may have matched a mw:Transclusion wrapping a reference list, so pull out the refListNode
if ( type.indexOf( 'mw:Extension/references' ) !== -1 ) {
refListNode = domElements[ 0 ];
} else {
refListNode = domElements[ 0 ].querySelector( '[typeof*="mw:Extension/references"]' ) ||
// In the TemplateStyles case, the ref list is in the second element
domElements[ 1 ].querySelector( '[typeof*="mw:Extension/references"]' );
const mwDataJSON = refListNode.getAttribute( 'data-mw' );
const mwData = mwDataJSON ? JSON.parse( mwDataJSON ) : {};
const refGroup = ve.getProp( mwData, 'attrs', 'group' ) || '';
const responsiveAttr = ve.getProp( mwData, 'attrs', 'responsive' );
const listGroup = 'mwReference/' + refGroup;
const templateGenerated = type.indexOf( 'mw:Transclusion' ) !== -1;
const isResponsiveDefault = mw.config.get( 'wgCiteResponsiveReferences' );
let referencesListData = {
type: this.name,
attributes: {
mw: mwData,
originalMw: mwDataJSON,
refGroup: refGroup,
listGroup: listGroup,
isResponsive: responsiveAttr !== undefined ? responsiveAttr !== '0' : isResponsiveDefault,
templateGenerated: templateGenerated
if ( mwData.body && mwData.body.html && !templateGenerated ) {
// Process the nodes in .body.html as if they were this node's children
// Don't process template-generated reflists, that mangles the content (T209493)
const contentsDiv = domElements[ 0 ].ownerDocument.createElement( 'div' );
contentsDiv.innerHTML = mwData.body.html;
const contentsData = converter.getDataFromDomClean( contentsDiv );
referencesListData = [ referencesListData ]
.concat( contentsData )
.concat( [ { type: '/' + this.name } ] );
return referencesListData;
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.toDomElements = function ( data, doc, converter ) {
const isForParser = converter.isForParser();
const dataElement = data[ 0 ];
const attrs = dataElement.attributes;
// If we are sending a template generated ref back to Parsoid, output it as a template.
// This works because the dataElement already has mw, originalMw and originalDomIndex properties.
if ( attrs.templateGenerated && isForParser ) {
return ve.dm.MWTransclusionNode.static.toDomElements.call( this, dataElement, doc, converter );
let els;
if ( !isForParser ) {
// Output needs to be read so re-render
const modelNode = ve.dm.nodeFactory.createFromElement( dataElement );
// Build from original doc's internal list to get all refs (T186407)
modelNode.setDocument( converter.originalDocInternalList.getDocument() );
const viewNode = ve.ce.nodeFactory.createFromModel( modelNode );
viewNode.modified = true;
els = [ doc.createElement( 'div' ) ];
els[ 0 ].appendChild( viewNode.$reflist[ 0 ] );
// Destroy the view node so it doesn't try to update the DOM node later (e.g. updateDebounced)
} else if ( dataElement.originalDomElementsHash !== undefined ) {
// If there's more than 1 element, preserve entire array, not just first element
els = ve.copyDomElements( converter.getStore().value( dataElement.originalDomElementsHash ), doc );
} else {
els = [ doc.createElement( 'div' ) ];
const mwData = attrs.mw ? ve.copy( attrs.mw ) : {};
mwData.name = 'references';
if ( attrs.refGroup ) {
ve.setProp( mwData, 'attrs', 'group', attrs.refGroup );
} else if ( mwData.attrs ) {
delete mwData.attrs.refGroup;
const originalMw = attrs.originalMw;
const originalMwData = originalMw && JSON.parse( originalMw );
const originalResponsiveAttr = ve.getProp( originalMwData, 'attrs', 'responsive' );
const isResponsiveDefault = mw.config.get( 'wgCiteResponsiveReferences' );
if ( !(
// The original "responsive" attribute hasn't had its meaning changed
originalResponsiveAttr !== undefined && ( originalResponsiveAttr !== '0' ) === attrs.isResponsive
) ) {
if ( attrs.isResponsive !== isResponsiveDefault ) {
ve.setProp( mwData, 'attrs', 'responsive', attrs.isResponsive ? '' : '0' );
} else if ( mwData.attrs ) {
delete mwData.attrs.responsive;
if ( mwData.autoGenerated ) {
// This was an autogenerated reflist. We need to check whether changes
// have been made which make that no longer true. The reflist dialog
// handles unsetting this if changes to the properties have been made.
// Here we want to work out if it has been moved away from the end of
// the document.
// TODO: it would be better to do this without needing to fish through
// the converter's linear data. Use the DM tree instead?
let nextIndex = converter.documentData.indexOf( data[ data.length - 1 ] ) + 1;
let nextElement;
while ( ( nextElement = converter.documentData[ nextIndex ] ) ) {
if ( nextElement.type[ 0 ] !== '/' ) {
if ( nextElement && nextElement.type !== 'internalList' ) {
delete mwData.autoGenerated;
const el = els[ 0 ];
el.setAttribute( 'typeof', 'mw:Extension/references' );
const contentsData = data.slice( 1, -1 );
if ( contentsData.length > 2 ) {
const wrapper = doc.createElement( 'div' );
converter.getDomSubtreeFromData( data.slice( 1, -1 ), wrapper );
const contentsHtml = wrapper.innerHTML; // Returns '' if wrapper is empty
const originalHtml = ve.getProp( mwData, 'body', 'html' ) || '';
const originalHtmlWrapper = doc.createElement( 'div' );
originalHtmlWrapper.innerHTML = originalHtml;
// Only set body.html if contentsHtml and originalHtml are actually different
if ( !originalHtmlWrapper.isEqualNode( wrapper ) ) {
ve.setProp( mwData, 'body', 'html', contentsHtml );
// If mwData and originalMw are the same, use originalMw to prevent reserialization.
// Reserialization has the potential to reorder keys and so change the DOM unnecessarily
if ( originalMw && ve.compare( mwData, originalMwData ) ) {
el.setAttribute( 'data-mw', originalMw );
} else {
el.setAttribute( 'data-mw', JSON.stringify( mwData ) );
return els;
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.describeChange = function ( key, change ) {
if ( key === 'refGroup' ) {
if ( !change.from ) {
return ve.htmlMsg( 'cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-group-to', this.wrapText( 'ins', change.to ) );
} else if ( !change.to ) {
return ve.htmlMsg( 'cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-group-from', this.wrapText( 'del', change.from ) );
} else {
return ve.htmlMsg( 'cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-group-both', this.wrapText( 'del', change.from ), this.wrapText( 'ins', change.to ) );
if ( key === 'isResponsive' ) {
if ( change.from ) {
return ve.msg( 'cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-responsive-unset' );
return ve.msg( 'cite-ve-changedesc-reflist-responsive-set' );
if ( key === 'originalMw' ) {
return null;
return null;
ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode.static.getHashObject = function ( dataElement ) {
return {
type: dataElement.type,
attributes: {
refGroup: dataElement.attributes.refGroup,
listGroup: dataElement.attributes.listGroup,
isResponsive: dataElement.attributes.isResponsive,
templateGenerated: dataElement.attributes.templateGenerated
/* Registration */
ve.dm.modelRegistry.register( ve.dm.MWReferencesListNode );