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synced 2024-12-19 02:00:40 +00:00

This is a bit of an abuse of the originalDomElementsHash property. In future we could add a 'uniqueId' attribute, but this would need to be ignored in a few places in core. Bug: T299378 Change-Id: I7d1eb362aeb74ba93f5225330226a95535746b92
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* VisualEditor DataModel MWReferenceNode class.
* @copyright 2011-2018 VisualEditor Team's Cite sub-team and others; see AUTHORS.txt
* @license MIT
* DataModel MediaWiki reference node.
* @class
* @extends ve.dm.LeafNode
* @mixin ve.dm.FocusableNode
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [element] Reference to element in linear model
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode = function VeDmMWReferenceNode() {
// Parent constructor
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.super.apply( this, arguments );
// Mixin constructors
ve.dm.FocusableNode.call( this );
// Event handlers
this.connect( this, {
root: 'onRoot',
unroot: 'onUnroot',
attributeChange: 'onAttributeChange'
} );
/* Inheritance */
OO.inheritClass( ve.dm.MWReferenceNode, ve.dm.LeafNode );
OO.mixinClass( ve.dm.MWReferenceNode, ve.dm.FocusableNode );
/* Static members */
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.name = 'mwReference';
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.matchTagNames = null;
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.matchRdfaTypes = [ 'mw:Extension/ref' ];
// Handle nodes with mw:Error as this probably just means the ref list doesn't exist (T299672)
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.allowedRdfaTypes = [ 'dc:references', 'mw:Error' ];
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.isContent = true;
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.disallowedAnnotationTypes = [ 'link' ];
* Regular expression for parsing the listKey attribute
* Use [\s\S]* instead of .* to catch esoteric whitespace (T263698)
* @static
* @property {RegExp}
* @inheritable
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.listKeyRegex = /^(auto|literal)\/([\s\S]*)$/;
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.toDataElement = function ( domElements, converter ) {
function getReflistItemHtml( id ) {
var elem = converter.getHtmlDocument().getElementById( id );
return elem && elem.innerHTML || '';
var mwDataJSON = domElements[ 0 ].getAttribute( 'data-mw' );
var mwData = mwDataJSON ? JSON.parse( mwDataJSON ) : {};
var reflistItemId = mwData.body && mwData.body.id;
var body = ( mwData.body && mwData.body.html ) ||
( reflistItemId && getReflistItemHtml( reflistItemId ) ) ||
var refGroup = mwData.attrs && mwData.attrs.group || '';
var listGroup = this.name + '/' + refGroup;
var autoKeyed = !mwData.attrs || mwData.attrs.name === undefined;
var listKey = autoKeyed ?
'auto/' + converter.internalList.getNextUniqueNumber() :
'literal/' + mwData.attrs.name;
var queueResult = converter.internalList.queueItemHtml( listGroup, listKey, body );
var listIndex = queueResult.index;
var contentsUsed = ( body !== '' && queueResult.isNew );
var dataElement = {
type: this.name,
attributes: {
mw: mwData,
originalMw: mwDataJSON,
listIndex: listIndex,
listGroup: listGroup,
listKey: listKey,
refGroup: refGroup,
contentsUsed: contentsUsed
if ( reflistItemId ) {
dataElement.attributes.refListItemId = reflistItemId;
return dataElement;
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.toDomElements = function ( dataElement, doc, converter ) {
var isForClipboard = converter.isForClipboard(),
el = doc.createElement( 'sup' );
el.setAttribute( 'typeof', 'mw:Extension/ref' );
var mwData = dataElement.attributes.mw ? ve.copy( dataElement.attributes.mw ) : {};
mwData.name = 'ref';
if ( isForClipboard || converter.isForParser() ) {
var setContents = dataElement.attributes.contentsUsed;
// This call rebuilds the document tree if it isn't built already (e.g. on a
// document slice), so only use when necessary (i.e. not in preview mode)
var itemNode = converter.internalList.getItemNode( dataElement.attributes.listIndex );
var itemNodeRange = itemNode.getRange();
var keyedNodes = converter.internalList
.getNodeGroup( dataElement.attributes.listGroup )
.keyedNodes[ dataElement.attributes.listKey ];
var i, iLen;
var contentsAlreadySet = false;
if ( setContents ) {
// Check if a previous node has already set the content. If so, we don't overwrite this
// node's contents.
if ( keyedNodes ) {
for ( i = 0, iLen = keyedNodes.length; i < iLen; i++ ) {
if (
this.getInstanceHashObject( keyedNodes[ i ].element ),
this.getInstanceHashObject( dataElement )
) {
if ( keyedNodes[ i ].element.attributes.contentsUsed ) {
contentsAlreadySet = true;
} else {
// Check if any other nodes with this key provided content. If not
// then we attach the contents to the first reference with this key
// Check that this is the first reference with its key
if (
keyedNodes &&
this.getInstanceHashObject( dataElement ),
this.getInstanceHashObject( keyedNodes[ 0 ].element )
) {
setContents = true;
// Check no other reference originally defined the contents
// As this is keyedNodes[0] we can start at 1
for ( i = 1, iLen = keyedNodes.length; i < iLen; i++ ) {
if ( keyedNodes[ i ].element.attributes.contentsUsed ) {
setContents = false;
// Add reference contents to data-mw.
if ( setContents && !contentsAlreadySet ) {
var itemNodeWrapper = doc.createElement( 'div' );
var originalHtmlWrapper = doc.createElement( 'div' );
itemNode.getDocument().getFullData( itemNodeRange, 'roundTrip' ),
var itemNodeHtml = itemNodeWrapper.innerHTML; // Returns '' if itemNodeWrapper is empty
var originalHtml = ve.getProp( mwData, 'body', 'html' ) ||
( ve.getProp( mwData, 'body', 'id' ) !== undefined && itemNode.getAttribute( 'originalHtml' ) ) ||
originalHtmlWrapper.innerHTML = originalHtml;
// Only set body.html if itemNodeHtml and originalHtml are actually different,
// or we are writing the clipboard for use in another VE instance
if ( isForClipboard || !originalHtmlWrapper.isEqualNode( itemNodeWrapper ) ) {
ve.setProp( mwData, 'body', 'html', itemNodeHtml );
// If we have no internal item data for this reference, don't let it get pasted into
// another VE document. T110479
if ( isForClipboard && itemNodeRange.isCollapsed() ) {
el.setAttribute( 'data-ve-ignore', 'true' );
// Generate name
var name;
var listKeyParts = dataElement.attributes.listKey.match( this.listKeyRegex );
if ( listKeyParts[ 1 ] === 'auto' ) {
// Only render a name if this key was reused
if ( keyedNodes.length > 1 ) {
// Allocate a unique list key, then strip the 'literal/'' prefix
name = converter.internalList.getUniqueListKey(
// Generate a name starting with ':' to distinguish it from normal names
).slice( 'literal/'.length );
} else {
// Use literal name
name = listKeyParts[ 2 ];
// Set name
if ( name !== undefined ) {
ve.setProp( mwData, 'attrs', 'name', name );
// Set or clear group
if ( dataElement.attributes.refGroup !== '' ) {
ve.setProp( mwData, 'attrs', 'group', dataElement.attributes.refGroup );
} else if ( mwData.attrs ) {
delete mwData.attrs.refGroup;
// If mwAttr and originalMw are the same, use originalMw to prevent reserialization,
// unless we are writing the clipboard for use in another VE instance
// Reserialization has the potential to reorder keys and so change the DOM unnecessarily
var originalMw = dataElement.attributes.originalMw;
if ( converter.isForParser() && originalMw && ve.compare( mwData, JSON.parse( originalMw ) ) ) {
el.setAttribute( 'data-mw', originalMw );
// Return the original DOM elements if possible
if ( dataElement.originalDomElementsHash !== undefined ) {
return ve.copyDomElements( converter.getStore().value( dataElement.originalDomElementsHash ), doc );
} else {
el.setAttribute( 'data-mw', JSON.stringify( mwData ) );
// HTML for the external clipboard, it will be ignored by the converter
var group = this.getGroup( dataElement );
var $link = $( '<a>', doc ).css(
'counterReset', 'mw-Ref ' + this.getIndex( dataElement, converter.internalList )
if ( group ) {
$link.attr( 'data-mw-group', this.getGroup( dataElement ) );
$( el ).addClass( 'mw-ref reference' ).append(
$( '<span>', doc ).addClass( 'mw-reflink-text' ).text( this.getIndexLabel( dataElement, converter.internalList ) )
return [ el ];
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.remapInternalListIndexes = function ( dataElement, mapping, internalList ) {
var listKeyParts;
// Remap listIndex
dataElement.attributes.listIndex = mapping[ dataElement.attributes.listIndex ];
// Remap listKey if it was automatically generated
listKeyParts = dataElement.attributes.listKey.match( this.listKeyRegex );
if ( listKeyParts[ 1 ] === 'auto' ) {
dataElement.attributes.listKey = 'auto/' + internalList.getNextUniqueNumber();
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.remapInternalListKeys = function ( dataElement, internalList ) {
var suffix = '';
// Try name, name2, name3, ... until unique
while ( internalList.keys.indexOf( dataElement.attributes.listKey + suffix ) !== -1 ) {
suffix = suffix ? suffix + 1 : 2;
if ( suffix ) {
dataElement.attributes.listKey = dataElement.attributes.listKey + suffix;
* Gets the index for the reference
* @static
* @param {Object} dataElement Element data
* @param {ve.dm.InternalList} internalList Internal list
* @return {number} Index
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.getIndex = function ( dataElement, internalList ) {
var listIndex, listGroup, position,
overrideIndex = ve.getProp( dataElement, 'internal', 'overrideIndex' );
if ( overrideIndex ) {
return overrideIndex;
listIndex = dataElement.attributes.listIndex;
listGroup = dataElement.attributes.listGroup;
position = internalList.getIndexPosition( listGroup, listIndex );
return position + 1;
* Gets the group for the reference
* @static
* @param {Object} dataElement Element data
* @return {string} Group
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.getGroup = function ( dataElement ) {
return dataElement.attributes.refGroup;
* Gets the index label for the reference
* @static
* @param {Object} dataElement Element data
* @param {ve.dm.InternalList} internalList Internal list
* @return {string} Reference label
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.getIndexLabel = function ( dataElement, internalList ) {
var refGroup = dataElement.attributes.refGroup,
index = dataElement.attributes.placeholder ? '…' :
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.getIndex( dataElement, internalList );
return '[' + ( refGroup ? refGroup + ' ' : '' ) + index + ']';
* @inheritdoc
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.cloneElement = function () {
var clone = ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.super.static.cloneElement.apply( this, arguments );
delete clone.attributes.contentsUsed;
delete clone.attributes.mw;
delete clone.attributes.originalMw;
// HACK: Generate a fake hash so this element is never instance comparable to other elements
// Without originalMw this hash will not get used in toDomElements
clone.originalDomElementsHash = Math.random();
return clone;
* @inheritdoc
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.getHashObject = function ( dataElement ) {
// Consider all references in the same group to be comparable:
// References can't be usefully compared statically, as they are mostly
// defined by the contents of their internal item, which exists
// elsewhere in the document.
// For diffing, comparing reference indexes is not useful as
// they are auto-generated, and the reference list diff is
// already handled separately, so will show moves etc.
// If you need to compare references with the same name, use
// #getInstanceHashObject
return {
type: dataElement.type,
attributes: {
listGroup: dataElement.attributes.listGroup
* Get a hash unique to this instance of the reference
* As #getHashObject has been simplified to make re-used references
* all equal (to support visual diffing), provide access to a more
* typical hash that can be used to compare instances of reference
* which have the same "name".
* @param {Object} dataElement
* @return {Object}
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.getInstanceHashObject = function () {
return ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.super.static.getHashObject.apply( this, arguments );
* @inheritdoc
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.static.describeChange = function ( key, change ) {
if ( key === 'refGroup' ) {
if ( !change.from ) {
return ve.htmlMsg( 'cite-ve-changedesc-ref-group-to', this.wrapText( 'ins', change.to ) );
} else if ( !change.to ) {
return ve.htmlMsg( 'cite-ve-changedesc-ref-group-from', this.wrapText( 'del', change.from ) );
} else {
return ve.htmlMsg( 'cite-ve-changedesc-ref-group-both', this.wrapText( 'del', change.from ), this.wrapText( 'ins', change.to ) );
/* Methods */
* Don't allow reference nodes to be edited if we can't find their contents.
* @inheritdoc
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.isEditable = function () {
var internalItem = this.getInternalItem();
return internalItem && internalItem.getLength() > 0;
* Gets the internal item node associated with this node
* @return {ve.dm.InternalItemNode} Item node
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.getInternalItem = function () {
return this.getDocument().getInternalList().getItemNode( this.getAttribute( 'listIndex' ) );
* Gets the index for the reference
* @return {number} Index
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.getIndex = function () {
return this.constructor.static.getIndex( this.element, this.getDocument().getInternalList() );
* Gets the group for the reference
* @return {string} Group
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.getGroup = function () {
return this.constructor.static.getGroup( this.element );
* Gets the index label for the reference
* @return {string} Reference label
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.getIndexLabel = function () {
return this.constructor.static.getIndexLabel( this.element, this.getDocument().getInternalList() );
* Handle the node being attached to the root
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.onRoot = function () {
* Handle the node being detached from the root
* @param {ve.dm.DocumentNode} oldRoot Old document root
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.onUnroot = function ( oldRoot ) {
if ( this.getDocument().getDocumentNode() === oldRoot ) {
* Register the node with the internal list
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.addToInternalList = function () {
if ( this.getRoot() === this.getDocument().getDocumentNode() ) {
this.registeredListGroup = this.element.attributes.listGroup;
this.registeredListKey = this.element.attributes.listKey;
this.registeredListIndex = this.element.attributes.listIndex;
* Unregister the node from the internal list
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.removeFromInternalList = function () {
if ( !this.registeredListGroup ) {
// Don't try to remove if we haven't been added in the first place.
ve.dm.MWReferenceNode.prototype.onAttributeChange = function ( key, from, to ) {
if (
( key !== 'listGroup' && key !== 'listKey' ) ||
( key === 'listGroup' && this.registeredListGroup === to ) ||
( key === 'listKey' && this.registeredListKey === to )
) {
// Need the old list keys and indexes, so we register them in addToInternalList
// They've already been updated in this.element.attributes before this code runs
/* Registration */
ve.dm.modelRegistry.register( ve.dm.MWReferenceNode );