/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * This file implements and extension tag handling * natively in Parsoid. * ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ "use strict"; require('./core-upgrade.js'); var Util = require( './mediawiki.Util.js' ).Util, DU = require( './mediawiki.DOMUtils.js').DOMUtils, coreutil = require('util'), defines = require('./mediawiki.parser.defines.js'); // define some constructor shortcuts var KV = defines.KV, EOFTk = defines.EOFTk, SelfclosingTagTk = defines.SelfclosingTagTk; // FIXME: Move out to some common helper file? // Helper function to process extension source function processExtSource(manager, extToken, opts) { var extSrc = extToken.getAttribute('source'), tagWidths = extToken.dataAttribs.tagWidths, content = extSrc.substring(tagWidths[0], extSrc.length - tagWidths[1]); // FIXME: Should this be specific to the extension // Or is it okay to do this unconditionally for all? // Right now, this code is run only for ref and references, // so not a real problem, but if this is used on other extensions, // requires addressing. // // FIXME: SSS: This stripping maybe be unecessary after all. // // Strip all leading white-space var wsMatch = content.match(/^(\s*)([^]*)$/), leadingWS = wsMatch[1]; // Update content to normalized form content = wsMatch[2]; if (!content || content.length === 0) { opts.emptyContentCB(opts.res); } else { // Pass an async signal since the ext-content is not processed completely. opts.parentCB({tokens: opts.res, async: true}); // Wrap templates always opts.pipelineOpts = Util.extendProps({}, opts.pipelineOpts, { wrapTemplates: true }); var tsr = extToken.dataAttribs.tsr; opts.srcOffsets = [ tsr[0]+tagWidths[0]+leadingWS.length, tsr[1]-tagWidths[1] ]; // Process ref content Util.processContentInPipeline(manager.env, manager.frame, content, opts); } } /** * Simple token transform version of the Ref extension tag * * @class * @constructor */ function Ref(cite) { this.cite = cite; this.reset(); } /** * Reset state before each top-level parse -- this lets us share a pipeline * to parse unrelated pages. */ Ref.prototype.reset = function() { }; function hasRef(node) { var c = node.firstChild; while (c) { if (DU.isElt(c)) { var typeOf = c.getAttribute('typeof'); if ((/(?:^|\s)mw:Extension\/ref\/Marker(?=$|\s)/).test(typeOf)) { return true; } if (hasRef(c)) { return true; } } c = c.nextSibling; } return false; } /** * Handle ref tokens */ Ref.prototype.handleRef = function ( manager, pipelineOpts, refTok, cb ) { // Nested tags at the top level are considered errors // But, inside templates, they are supported if (!pipelineOpts.inTemplate && pipelineOpts.extTag === "ref") { cb({ tokens: [refTok.getAttribute("source")] }); return; } var refOpts = Object.assign({ name: null, group: null }, Util.KVtoHash(refTok.getAttribute("options"), true)), about = manager.env.newAboutId(), finalCB = function(toks, contentBody) { // Marker meta with ref content var da = Util.clone(refTok.dataAttribs); // Clear stx='html' so that sanitizer doesn't barf da.stx = undefined; da.group = refOpts.group || ''; da.name = refOpts.name || ''; da.content = contentBody ? DU.serializeChildren(contentBody) : ''; da.hasRefInRef = contentBody ? hasRef(contentBody) : false; toks.push(new SelfclosingTagTk( 'meta', [ new KV('typeof', 'mw:Extension/ref/Marker'), new KV('about', about) ], da)); // All done! cb({tokens: toks, async: false}); }; processExtSource(manager, refTok, { // Full pipeline for processing ref-content pipelineType: 'text/x-mediawiki/full', pipelineOpts: { inTemplate: pipelineOpts.inTemplate, noPre: true, extTag: "ref" }, res: [], parentCB: cb, emptyContentCB: finalCB, documentCB: function(refContentDoc) { finalCB([], refContentDoc.body); } }); }; /** * Helper class used by implementation */ function RefGroup(group) { this.name = group || ''; this.refs = []; this.indexByName = new Map(); } RefGroup.prototype.add = function( references, refName, about, skipLinkback ) { var ref; if ( refName && this.indexByName.has( refName ) ) { ref = this.indexByName.get( refName ); } else { var n = references.index, refKey = (1+n) + ''; // bump index references.index += 1; if (refName) { refKey = refName + '-' + refKey; } ref = { about: about, content: null, group: this.name, groupIndex: this.refs.length + 1, index: n, key: refKey, linkbacks: [], name: refName, target: 'cite_note-' + refKey }; this.refs.push( ref ); if (refName) { this.indexByName.set( refName, ref ); } } if (!skipLinkback) { ref.linkbacks.push('cite_ref-' + ref.key + '-' + ref.linkbacks.length); } return ref; }; RefGroup.prototype.renderLine = function(refsList, ref) { var ownerDoc = refsList.ownerDocument, arrow = ownerDoc.createTextNode('↑'), li, a; // Generate the li and set ref content first, so the HTML gets parsed. // We then append the rest of the ref nodes before the first node li = ownerDoc.createElement('li'); DU.addAttributes(li, { 'about': "#" + ref.target, 'id': ref.target }); li.innerHTML = ref.content; var contentNode = li.firstChild; // 'mw:referencedBy' span wrapper var span = ownerDoc.createElement('span'); span.setAttribute('rel', 'mw:referencedBy'); li.insertBefore(span, contentNode); // Generate leading linkbacks if (ref.linkbacks.length === 1) { a = ownerDoc.createElement('a'); DU.addAttributes(a, { 'href': '#' + ref.linkbacks[0] }); a.appendChild(arrow); span.appendChild(a); } else { span.appendChild(arrow); ref.linkbacks.forEach(function(linkback, i) { a = ownerDoc.createElement('a'); DU.addAttributes(a, { 'href': '#' + ref.linkbacks[i] }); a.appendChild(ownerDoc.createTextNode(ref.groupIndex + '.' + i)); // Separate linkbacks with a space span.appendChild(ownerDoc.createTextNode(' ')); span.appendChild(a); }); } // Space before content node li.insertBefore(ownerDoc.createTextNode(' '), contentNode); // Add it to the ref list refsList.appendChild(li); }; function getRefGroup(refGroups, groupName, allocIfMissing) { groupName = groupName || ''; if ( !refGroups.has( groupName ) && allocIfMissing ) { refGroups.set( groupName, new RefGroup( groupName ) ); } return refGroups.get( groupName ); } function References(cite) { this.cite = cite; this.reset( null, true ); } References.prototype.reset = function( group, resetIndex ) { if (group !== null && group !== undefined) { // '' is a valid group (the default group) this.refGroups.delete(group); } else { this.refGroups = new Map(); } // restart reference counter if ( resetIndex ) { this.index = 0; } }; /** * Sanitize the references tag and convert it into a meta-token */ References.prototype.handleReferences = function ( manager, pipelineOpts, refsTok, cb ) { var env = manager.env; // group is the only recognized option? var refsOpts = Object.assign({ group: null }, Util.KVtoHash(refsTok.getAttribute("options"), true)); // Assign an about id and intialize the nested refs html var referencesId = env.newAboutId(); // Emit a marker mw:DOMFragment for the references // token so that the dom post processor can generate // and emit references at this point in the DOM. var emitReferencesFragment = function(toks, refsBody) { var type = refsTok.getAttribute('typeof'); var olHTML = "
    " + (refsBody || "") + "
"; var olProcessor = function(ol) { var dp = DU.getDataParsoid( ol ); dp.src = refsTok.getAttribute('source'); if ( refsOpts.group ) { dp.group = refsOpts.group; } DU.setDataParsoid( ol, dp ); }; cb({ async: false, tokens: DU.buildDOMFragmentTokens( manager.env, refsTok, olHTML, olProcessor, // The
    HTML above is wrapper HTML added on and doesn't // have any DSR on it. We want DSR added to it. { aboutId: referencesId, setDSR: true, isForeignContent: true } ) }); }; processExtSource(manager, refsTok, { // Partial pipeline for processing ref-content // Expand till stage 2 so that all embedded // ref tags get processed pipelineType: 'text/x-mediawiki/full', pipelineOpts: { // In order to associated ref-tags nested here with this references // object, we have to pass along the references id. extTag: "references", extTagId: referencesId, wrapTemplates: pipelineOpts.wrapTemplates, inTemplate: pipelineOpts.inTemplate }, res: [], parentCB: cb, emptyContentCB: emitReferencesFragment, endCB: emitReferencesFragment, documentCB: function(refsDoc) { emitReferencesFragment([], DU.serializeChildren(refsDoc.body)); } }); }; References.prototype.extractRefFromNode = function(node, refInRefProcessor, referencesAboutId, referencesGroup, refsInReferencesHTML) { var nestedInReferences = referencesAboutId !== undefined, dp = DU.getDataParsoid( node ), // SSS FIXME: Need to clarify semantics here. // If both the containing elt as well as the nested elt has // a group attribute, what takes precedence? group = dp.group || referencesGroup || '', refName = dp.name, about = node.getAttribute("about"), refGroup = getRefGroup(this.refGroups, group, true), ref = refGroup.add(this, refName, about, nestedInReferences), nodeType = (node.getAttribute("typeof") || '').replace(/mw:Extension\/ref\/Marker/, ''); // Add ref-index linkback var doc = node.ownerDocument, span = doc.createElement('span'), content = dp.content, dataMW = node.getAttribute('data-mw'); if (dp.hasRefInRef) { var html = DU.parseHTML(content).body; refInRefProcessor(this, html); content = DU.serializeChildren(html); } if (!dataMW) { dataMW = JSON.stringify({ 'name': 'ref', // Dont set body if this is a reused reference // like with empty content. 'body': content ? { 'html': content } : undefined, 'attrs': { // 1. Use 'dp.group' (which is the group attribute that the ref node had) // rather than use 'group' (which could be the group from an enclosing // tag). // 2. Dont emit empty keys 'group': dp.group || undefined, 'name': refName || undefined } }); } DU.addAttributes(span, { 'about': about, 'class': 'reference', 'data-mw': dataMW, 'id': nestedInReferences ? undefined : ref.linkbacks[ref.linkbacks.length - 1], 'rel': 'dc:references', 'typeof': nodeType }); DU.addTypeOf(span, "mw:Extension/ref"); DU.setNodeData( span, { parsoid: { src: dp.src, dsr: dp.dsr } } ); // refIndex-a var refIndex = doc.createElement('a'); refIndex.setAttribute('href', '#' + ref.target); refIndex.appendChild(doc.createTextNode( '[' + ((group === '') ? '' : group + ' ') + ref.groupIndex + ']' )); span.appendChild(refIndex); if (!nestedInReferences) { node.parentNode.insertBefore(span, node); } else { refsInReferencesHTML.push(DU.serializeNode(span), "\n"); } // This effectively ignores content from later references with the same name. // The implicit assumption is that that all those identically named refs. are // of the form if (!ref.content) { ref.content = content; } }; References.prototype.insertReferencesIntoDOM = function(refsNode, refsInReferencesHTML) { var about = refsNode.getAttribute('about'), dp = DU.getDataParsoid( refsNode ), group = dp.group || '', src = dp.src || '', // fall back so we don't crash // Extract ext-source for .. usage body = Util.extractExtBody("references", src).trim(), refGroup = getRefGroup(this.refGroups, group); var dataMW = refsNode.getAttribute('data-mw'); if (!dataMW) { var datamwBody; // We'll have to output data-mw.body.extsrc in // scenarios where original wikitext was of the form: // " lot of refs here " // Ex: See [[en:Barack Obama]] if (body.length > 0) { datamwBody = { 'extsrc': body, 'html': refsInReferencesHTML.join('') }; } dataMW = JSON.stringify({ 'name': 'references', 'body': datamwBody, 'attrs': { // Dont emit empty keys 'group': group || undefined } }); } refsNode.setAttribute('data-mw', dataMW); // Remove all children from the references node // // Ex: When {{Reflist}} is reused from the cache, it comes with // a bunch of references as well. We have to remove all those cached // references before generating fresh references. while (refsNode.firstChild) { refsNode.removeChild(refsNode.firstChild); } if (refGroup) { refGroup.refs.forEach(refGroup.renderLine.bind(refGroup, refsNode)); } // reset this.reset(group); }; /** * Native Parsoid implementation of the Cite extension * that ties together and */ var Cite = function() { this.ref = new Ref(this); this.references = new References(this); }; Cite.prototype.resetState = function(opts) { if (opts && opts.toplevel) { this.ref.reset(); this.references.reset( null, true ); } }; if (typeof module === "object") { module.exports.Cite = Cite; }