{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Piano1forte2" ] }, "cite_error_ref_invalid_dir": "Invalid dir='$1', must be ltr or rtl", "cite_error_references_duplicate_key": "Invalid <ref> tag; name '$1' defined multiple times with different content", "cite_error_no_link_label_group": "Ran out of custom link labels for group '$1'. Define more in the [[MediaWiki:$2]] message.", "cite_error_group_refs_without_references": "<ref> tags exist for a group named '$1', but no corresponding <references group='$1'/> tag was found", "cite_error_references_group_mismatch": "<ref> tag in <references> has conflicting group attribute '$1'.", "cite_error_references_missing_group": "<ref> tag with name '$2' defined in <references> has group attribute '$1' which does not appear in prior text.", "cite_error_empty_references_define": "<ref> tag with name '$1' defined in <references> group '$2' has no content." }