import * as helpers from './../../utils/functions.helper.js'; const refText1 = 'This is citation #1 for reference #1 and #2'; const refText2 = 'This is citation #2 for reference #3'; const wikiText = `This is reference #1: ${ refText1 }
` + 'This is reference #2
' + `This is reference #3 ${ refText2 }
` + ''; describe( 'Re-using refs in Visual Editor', () => { beforeEach( () => { const title = helpers.getTestString( 'CiteTest-reuseRefs' ); cy.clearCookies(); cy.visit( '/index.php' ); helpers.editPage( title, wikiText ); cy.window().then( async ( win ) => { win.localStorage.setItem( 've-beta-welcome-dialog', 1 ); } ); helpers.visitTitle( title ); helpers.waitForMWLoader(); cy.window().then( async ( win ) => { await 'mediawiki.base' ).then( async function () { await 'wikipage.content' ).add( function () {} ); } ); } ); helpers.visitTitle( title, { veaction: 'edit' } ); helpers.waitForVEToLoad(); } ); it( 'should display re-used reference in article with correct footnote number and notification in context dialog', () => { // Currently there are 3 refs in the article helpers.getRefsFromArticleSection().should( 'have.length', 3 ); // Place cursor next to ref #2 in order to add re-use ref next to it cy.contains( '.mw-reflink-text', '[2]' ).type( '{rightarrow}' ); helpers.openVECiteReuseDialog(); // Re-use second ref helpers.getCiteReuseDialogRefResult( 2 ).click(); // The context dialog on one of the references shows it's being used twice cy.get( '.mw-reflink-text' ).contains( '[2]' ).click(); cy.get( '.oo-ui-popupWidget-popup .ve-ui-mwReferenceContextItem-muted' ).should( 'have.text', 'This reference is used twice on this page.' ); helpers.getVEUIToolbarSaveButton().click(); helpers.getSaveChangesDialogConfirmButton().click(); helpers.getMWSuccessNotification().should( 'be.visible' ); // ARTICLE SECTION // Ref has been added to article, there are now 4 refs in the article helpers.getRefsFromArticleSection().should( 'have.length', 4 ); // Ref #2 now appears twice in the article with corresponding IDs matching the backlinks in the references section helpers.backlinksIdShouldMatchFootnoteId( 2, 0, 2 ); helpers.backlinksIdShouldMatchFootnoteId( 3, 1, 2 ); // Both references have the same footnote number cy.get( '#mw-content-text p sup a' ).eq( 2 ).should( 'have.text', '[2]' ); cy.get( '#mw-content-text p sup a' ).eq( 3 ).should( 'have.text', '[2]' ); // REFERENCES SECTION // References section contains a list item for each reference helpers.getRefsFromReferencesSection().should( 'have.length', 2 ); // Ref content should match helpers.getRefFromReferencesSection( 2 ).find( '.reference-text' ).should( 'have.text', refText2 ); } ); it( 'should display correct ref content and name attribute for re-used ref with existing name attribute', () => { // Place cursor next to ref #1 in order to add re-used ref next to it cy.contains( '.mw-reflink-text', '[1]' ).first().type( '{rightarrow}' ); helpers.openVECiteReuseDialog(); // reuse first ref which has the name 'a' helpers.getCiteReuseDialogRefText( 1 ).should( 'have.text', refText1 ); helpers.getCiteReuseDialogRefResultName( 1 ).should( 'have.text', 'a' ); helpers.getCiteReuseDialogRefResult( 1 ).click(); helpers.getVEUIToolbarSaveButton().click(); helpers.getSaveChangesDialogConfirmButton().click(); helpers.getMWSuccessNotification().should( 'be.visible' ); // ARTICLE SECTION // Ref name 'a' has been added correctly helpers.articleSectionRefMarkersContainCorrectRefName( '1' ); // REFERENCES SECTION // Ref content from re-used ref is displayed correctly in backlink reference helpers.getRefFromReferencesSection( 1 ).should( 'contain', refText1 ); // Ref name a has been added to backlink helpers.verifyBacklinkHrefContent( 'a', 1, 1 ); // ref #1 has reference name a assigned to its id helpers.referenceSectionRefIdContainsRefName( 1, 'a' ); // ref #2 has no name, if there is no ref name its skipped helpers.referenceSectionRefIdContainsRefName( 2, null ); } ); } );