/*! * VisualEditor UserInterface MediaWiki MWReferenceDialog class. * * @copyright 2011-2017 Cite VisualEditor Team and others; see AUTHORS.txt * @license The MIT License (MIT); see LICENSE.txt */ /** * Dialog for editing MediaWiki references. * * @class * @extends ve.ui.NodeDialog * * @constructor * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog = function VeUiMWReferenceDialog( config ) { // Parent constructor ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.call( this, config ); // Properties this.referenceModel = null; this.useExisting = false; }; /* Inheritance */ OO.inheritClass( ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog, ve.ui.NodeDialog ); /* Static Properties */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.name = 'reference'; ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.title = OO.ui.deferMsg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-title' ); ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.actions = [ { action: 'apply', label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-apply' ), flags: [ 'progressive', 'primary' ], modes: 'edit' }, { action: 'insert', label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-insert' ), flags: [ 'primary', 'constructive' ], modes: 'insert' }, { label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-cancel' ), flags: [ 'safe', 'back' ], modes: [ 'insert', 'edit', 'insert-select' ] }, { action: 'select', label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-useexisting-label' ), modes: [ 'insert', 'edit' ] }, { action: 'back', label: OO.ui.deferMsg( 'visualeditor-dialog-action-goback' ), flags: 'safe', modes: 'select' } ]; ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.modelClasses = [ ve.dm.MWReferenceNode ]; ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.includeCommands = null; ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.excludeCommands = [ // No formatting 'paragraph', 'heading1', 'heading2', 'heading3', 'heading4', 'heading5', 'heading6', 'preformatted', 'blockquote', // No tables 'insertTable', 'deleteTable', 'mergeCells', 'tableCaption', 'tableCellHeader', 'tableCellData', // No structure 'bullet', 'bulletWrapOnce', 'number', 'numberWrapOnce', 'indent', 'outdent', // References 'reference', 'reference/existing', 'citefromid', 'referencesList' ]; /** * Get the import rules for the surface widget in the dialog. * * @see ve.dm.ElementLinearData#sanitize * @return {Object} Import rules */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.static.getImportRules = function () { return ve.extendObject( ve.copy( ve.init.target.constructor.static.importRules ), { all: { blacklist: OO.simpleArrayUnion( ve.getProp( ve.init.target.constructor.static.importRules, 'all', 'blacklist' ) || [], [ // Nested references are impossible 'mwReference', 'mwReferencesList', // Lists and tables are actually possible in wikitext with a leading // line break but we prevent creating these with the UI 'list', 'listItem', 'definitionList', 'definitionListItem', 'table', 'tableCaption', 'tableSection', 'tableRow', 'tableCell' ] ), // Headings are not possible in wikitext without HTML conversions: { mwHeading: 'paragraph' } } } ); }; /* Methods */ /** * Determine whether the reference document we're editing has any content. * * @return {boolean} Document has content */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.documentHasContent = function () { // TODO: Check for other types of empty, e.g. only whitespace? return this.referenceModel.getDocument().data.hasContent(); }; /* * Determine whether any changes have been made (and haven't been undone). * * @return {boolean} Dialog can be applied */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.canApply = function () { return this.documentHasContent() && ( this.referenceTarget.hasBeenModified() || this.referenceGroupInput.getValue() !== this.originalGroup ); }; /** * Handle reference target widget change events */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.onTargetChange = function () { var hasContent = this.documentHasContent(); this.actions.setAbilities( { apply: this.canApply(), insert: hasContent, select: !hasContent && !this.search.isIndexEmpty() } ); }; /** * Handle reference group input change events. */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.onReferenceGroupInputChange = function () { this.actions.setAbilities( { apply: this.canApply() } ); }; /** * Handle search results choose events. * * @param {ve.ui.MWReferenceResultWidget} item Chosen item */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.onSearchResultsChoose = function ( item ) { var ref = item.getData(); if ( this.selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWReferenceNode ) { this.getFragment().removeContent(); this.selectedNode = null; } this.useReference( ref ); this.executeAction( 'insert' ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getReadyProcess = function ( data ) { return ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.getReadyProcess.call( this, data ) .next( function () { if ( this.useExisting ) { this.search.getQuery().focus().select(); } else { this.referenceTarget.focus(); } }, this ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getBodyHeight = function () { // Clamp value to between 300 and 400px height, preferring the actual height if available return Math.min( 400, Math.max( 300, Math.ceil( this.panels.getCurrentItem().$element[ 0 ].scrollHeight ) ) ); }; // eslint-disable-next-line valid-jsdoc /** * Work on a specific reference. * * @param {ve.dm.MWReferenceModel} [ref] Reference model, omit to work on a new reference * @chainable */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.useReference = function ( ref ) { var group; // Properties if ( ref instanceof ve.dm.MWReferenceModel ) { // Use an existing reference this.referenceModel = ref; } else { // Create a new reference this.referenceModel = new ve.dm.MWReferenceModel( this.getFragment().getDocument() ); } this.referenceTarget.setDocument( this.referenceModel.getDocument() ); // Initialization this.originalGroup = this.referenceModel.getGroup(); // Set the group input while it's disabled, so this doesn't pop up the group-picker menu this.referenceGroupInput.setDisabled( true ); this.referenceGroupInput.setValue( this.originalGroup ); this.referenceGroupInput.setDisabled( false ); this.referenceTarget.initialize(); group = this.getFragment().getDocument().getInternalList() .getNodeGroup( this.referenceModel.getListGroup() ); if ( ve.getProp( group, 'keyedNodes', this.referenceModel.getListKey(), 'length' ) > 1 ) { this.$reuseWarning.removeClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' ); this.$reuseWarningText.text( mw.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-editing-reused', group.keyedNodes[ this.referenceModel.getListKey() ].length ) ); } else { this.$reuseWarning.addClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' ); } return this; }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.initialize = function () { var citeCommands = Object.keys( ve.init.target.getSurface().commandRegistry.registry ).filter( function ( command ) { return command.indexOf( 'cite-' ) !== -1; } ); // Parent method ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.initialize.call( this ); // Properties this.panels = new OO.ui.StackLayout(); this.editPanel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( { scrollable: true, padded: true } ); this.searchPanel = new OO.ui.PanelLayout(); this.reuseWarningIcon = new OO.ui.IconWidget( { icon: 'alert' } ); this.$reuseWarningText = $( '' ); this.$reuseWarning = $( '' ).append( this.reuseWarningIcon.$element, this.$reuseWarningText ); this.referenceTarget = ve.init.target.createTargetWidget( { tools: ve.copy( ve.init.target.constructor.static.toolbarGroups ), includeCommands: this.constructor.static.includeCommands, excludeCommands: this.constructor.static.excludeCommands.concat( citeCommands ), importRules: this.constructor.static.getImportRules(), inDialog: this.constructor.static.name, placeholder: ve.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-placeholder' ) } ); this.contentFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout(); this.optionsFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( { label: ve.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-section' ), icon: 'settings' } ); this.contentFieldset.$element.append( this.referenceTarget.$element ); this.referenceGroupInput = new ve.ui.MWReferenceGroupInputWidget( { $overlay: this.$overlay, emptyGroupName: ve.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-group-placeholder' ) } ); this.referenceGroupInput.connect( this, { change: 'onReferenceGroupInputChange' } ); this.referenceGroupField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.referenceGroupInput, { align: 'top', label: ve.msg( 'cite-ve-dialog-reference-options-group-label' ) } ); this.search = new ve.ui.MWReferenceSearchWidget(); // Events this.search.getResults().connect( this, { choose: 'onSearchResultsChoose' } ); this.referenceTarget.connect( this, { change: 'onTargetChange' } ); // Initialization this.panels.addItems( [ this.editPanel, this.searchPanel ] ); this.editPanel.$element.append( this.$reuseWarning, this.contentFieldset.$element, this.optionsFieldset.$element ); this.optionsFieldset.addItems( [ this.referenceGroupField ] ); this.searchPanel.$element.append( this.search.$element ); this.$body.append( this.panels.$element ); }; /** * Switches dialog to use existing reference mode. * * @param {string} [action='select'] Symbolic name of action, either 'select' or 'insert-select' */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.useExistingReference = function ( action ) { action = action || 'select'; if ( action === 'insert-select' || action === 'select' ) { this.actions.setMode( action ); } this.search.buildIndex(); this.panels.setItem( this.searchPanel ); this.search.getQuery().focus().select(); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getActionProcess = function ( action ) { if ( action === 'insert' || action === 'apply' ) { return new OO.ui.Process( function () { var surfaceModel = this.getFragment().getSurface(); this.referenceModel.setGroup( this.referenceGroupInput.getValue() ); // Insert reference (will auto-create an internal item if needed) if ( !( this.selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWReferenceNode ) ) { if ( !this.referenceModel.findInternalItem( surfaceModel ) ) { this.referenceModel.insertInternalItem( surfaceModel ); } // Collapse returns a new fragment, so update this.fragment this.fragment = this.getFragment().collapseToEnd(); this.referenceModel.insertReferenceNode( this.getFragment() ); } // Update internal item this.referenceModel.updateInternalItem( surfaceModel ); this.close( { action: action } ); }, this ); } else if ( action === 'back' ) { this.actions.setMode( this.selectedNode ? 'edit' : 'insert' ); this.panels.setItem( this.editPanel ); this.editPanel.$element.find( '.ve-ce-documentNode' )[ 0 ].focus(); } else if ( action === 'select' || action === 'insert-select' ) { this.useExistingReference( action ); } return ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.getActionProcess.call( this, action ); }; /** * @inheritdoc * @param {Object} [data] Setup data * @param {boolean} [data.useExistingReference] Open the dialog in "use existing reference" mode */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getSetupProcess = function ( data ) { data = data || {}; return ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.getSetupProcess.call( this, data ) .next( function () { this.panels.setItem( this.editPanel ); if ( this.selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWReferenceNode ) { this.useReference( ve.dm.MWReferenceModel.static.newFromReferenceNode( this.selectedNode ) ); } else { this.useReference( null ); this.actions.setAbilities( { apply: false, insert: false } ); } this.actions.setMode( this.selectedNode ? 'edit' : 'insert' ); this.search.setInternalList( this.getFragment().getDocument().getInternalList() ); if ( data.useExisting ) { this.useExistingReference( 'insert-select' ); } this.useExisting = !!data.useExisting; // If we're using an existing reference, start off disabled // If not, set disabled based on whether or not there are any existing ones. this.actions.setAbilities( { select: !( this.selectedNode instanceof ve.dm.MWReferenceNode ) && !this.search.isIndexEmpty(), apply: false } ); this.referenceGroupInput.populateMenu( this.getFragment().getDocument().getInternalList() ); }, this ); }; /** * @inheritdoc */ ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.prototype.getTeardownProcess = function ( data ) { return ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog.super.prototype.getTeardownProcess.call( this, data ) .first( function () { this.referenceTarget.getSurface().getModel().disconnect( this ); this.search.getQuery().setValue( '' ); this.referenceTarget.clear(); this.referenceModel = null; }, this ); }; /* Registration */ ve.ui.windowFactory.register( ve.ui.MWReferenceDialog );