'use strict'; QUnit.module( 've.ui.MWUseExistingReferenceCommand (Cite)', ve.test.utils.newMwEnvironment() ); QUnit.test( 'Constructor', ( assert ) => { const command = new ve.ui.MWUseExistingReferenceCommand(); assert.strictEqual( command.name, 'reference/existing' ); assert.strictEqual( command.action, 'window' ); assert.strictEqual( command.method, 'open' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'isExecutable', ( assert ) => { const command = new ve.ui.MWUseExistingReferenceCommand(); // XXX: This is a regression test with a fragile setup. Please feel free to delete this test // when you feel like it doesn't make sense to update it. const groups = {}; const fragment = { getDocument: () => ( { getInternalList: () => ( { getNodeGroups: () => groups } ) } ), getSelection: () => ( { getName: () => 'linear' } ) }; assert.false( command.isExecutable( fragment ) ); groups[ 'mwReference/' ] = { indexOrder: [ 0 ] }; assert.true( command.isExecutable( fragment ) ); } );